Bug 242740: URL to Bug Writing Help document changed

Patch by Niels Reedijk <n.reedijk@planet.nl> r=justdave,a=justdave
parent d136a6e4
...@@ -261,28 +261,6 @@ ...@@ -261,28 +261,6 @@
</orderedlist> </orderedlist>
</section> </section>
<section id="lifecycle">
<title>Life Cycle of a Bug</title>
The life cycle, also known as work flow, of a bug is currently hardcoded
into Bugzilla. <xref linkend="lifecycle-image"/> contains a graphical
repsentation of this life cycle. If you wish to customize this image for
your site, the <ulink url="../images/bzLifecycle.xml">diagram file</ulink>
is available in <ulink url="http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia">Dia's</ulink>
native XML format.
<figure id="lifecycle-image">
<title>Lifecycle of a Bugzilla Bug</title>
<imagedata fileref="../images/bzLifecycle.png" scale="66" />
<section id="query"> <section id="query">
<title>Searching for Bugs</title> <title>Searching for Bugs</title>
...@@ -300,144 +278,8 @@ ...@@ -300,144 +278,8 @@
<para>Once you've run a search, you can save it as a Saved Search, which <para>Once you've run a search, you can save it as a Saved Search, which
appears in the page footer.</para> appears in the page footer.</para>
<section id="boolean"> <para>Highly advanced querying is done using Boolean Charts. See the
<title>Boolean Charts</title> Boolean Charts help link on the Search page for more information.</para>
Highly advanced querying is done using Boolean Charts.
The boolean charts further restrict the set of results
returned by a query. It is possible to search for bugs
based on elaborate combinations of critera.
The simplest boolean searches have only one term. These searches
permit the selected left <emphasis>field</emphasis>
to be compared using a
selectable <emphasis>operator</emphasis> to a
specified <emphasis>value.</emphasis>
Using the "And," "Or," and "Add Another Boolean Chart" buttons,
additonal terms can be included in the query, further
altering the list of bugs returned by the query.
There are three fields in each row of a boolean search.
the items being searched
the comparison operator
the value to which the field is being compared
<section id="pronouns">
<title>Pronoun Substitution</title>
Sometimes, a query needs to compare a field containing
a user's ID (such as ReportedBy) with
a user's ID (such as the user running the query or the user
to whom each bug is assigned). When the operator is either
"equals" or "notequals", the value can be "%reporter%",
"%assignee%", "%qacontact%", or "%user%." The user pronoun
referes to the user who is executing the query or, in the case
of whining reports, the user who will be the recipient
of the report. The reporter, assignee, and qacontact
pronouns refer to the corresponding fields in the bug.
<section id="negation">
At first glance, negation seems redundant. Rather than
searching for
NOT("summary" "contains the string" "foo"),
one could search for
("summary" "does not contain the string" "foo").
However, the search
("CC" "does not contain the string" "@mozilla.org")
would find every bug where anyone on the CC list did not contain
"@mozilla.org" while
NOT("CC" "contains the string" "@mozilla.org")
would find every bug where there was nobody on the CC list who
did contain the string. Similarly, the use of negation also permits
complex expressions to be built using terms OR'd together and then
negated. Negation permits queries such as
NOT(("product" "equals" "update") OR
("component" "equals" "Documentation"))
to find bugs that are neither
in the update product or in the documentation component or
NOT(("commenter" "equals" "%assignee%") OR
("component" "equals" "Documentation"))
to find non-documentation
bugs on which the assignee has never commented.
<section id="multiplecharts">
<title>Multiple Charts</title>
The terms within a single row of a boolean chart are all
constraints on a single piece of data. If you are looking for
a bug that has two different people cc'd on it, then you need
to use two boolean charts. A search for
("cc" "contains the string" "foo@") AND
("cc" "contains the string" "@mozilla.org")
would return only bugs with "foo@mozilla.org" on the cc list.
If you wanted bugs where there is someone on the cc list
containing "foo@" and someone else containing "@mozilla.org",
then you would need two boolean charts.
First chart: ("cc" "contains the string" "foo@")
Second chart: ("cc" "contains the string" "@mozilla.org")
The bugs listed will be only the bugs where ALL the charts are true.
</section> </section>
<section id="list"> <section id="list">
...@@ -463,21 +305,6 @@ ...@@ -463,21 +305,6 @@
a spreadsheet.</member> a spreadsheet.</member>
<member> <member>
get the buglist as an RSS 1.0 feed. Copy this link into your
favorite feed reader. If you are using Firefox, you can also
save the list as a live bookmark by clicking the live bookmark
icon in the status bar. To limit the number of bugs in the feed,
add a limit=n parameter to the URL.</member>
Get the buglist as an iCalendar file. Each bug is represented as a
to-do item in the imported calendar.</member>
<emphasis>Change Columns:</emphasis> <emphasis>Change Columns:</emphasis>
change the bug attributes which appear in the list.</member> change the bug attributes which appear in the list.</member>
...@@ -487,12 +314,12 @@ ...@@ -487,12 +314,12 @@
If your account is sufficiently empowered, you can make the same If your account is sufficiently empowered, you can make the same
change to all the bugs in the list - for example, changing their change to all the bugs in the list - for example, changing their
assignee.</member> owner.</member>
<member> <member>
<emphasis>Send mail to bug assignees:</emphasis> <emphasis>Send mail to bug owners:</emphasis>
Sends mail to the assignees of all bugs on the list.</member> Sends mail to the owners of all bugs on the list.</member>
<member> <member>
<emphasis>Edit Search:</emphasis> <emphasis>Edit Search:</emphasis>
...@@ -509,17 +336,6 @@ ...@@ -509,17 +336,6 @@
</member> </member>
</simplelist> </simplelist>
</para> </para>
If you would like to access the bug list from another program
it is often useful to have the list returned in something other
than HTML. By adding the ctype=type parameter into the bug list URL
you can specify several alternate formats. The supported formats
are: Comma Separated Values (ctype=csv), iCalendar (ctype=ics),
RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 (ctype=rss), ECMAScript, also known
as JavaScript (ctype=js), and finally Resource Description Framework
RDF/XML (ctype=rdf).
</section> </section>
<section id="bugreports"> <section id="bugreports">
...@@ -803,144 +619,30 @@ ...@@ -803,144 +619,30 @@
<section id="emailsettings"> <section id="emailsettings">
<title>Email Settings</title> <title>Email Settings</title>
<para> <para>On this tab you can reduce or increase the amount of email sent
This tab controls the amount of email Bugzilla sends you. you from Bugzilla, opting in our out depending on your relationship to
</para> the bug and the change that was made to it.
The first item on this page is marked <quote>Users to watch</quote>.
When you enter one or more comma-delineated user accounts (usually email
addresses) into the text entry box, you will receive a copy of all the
bugmail those users are sent (security settings permitting).
This powerful functionality enables seamless transitions as developers
change projects or users go on holiday.
The ability to watch other users may not be available in all
Bugzilla installations. If you don't see this feature, and feel
that you need it, speak to your administrator.
In general, users have almost complete control over how much (or
how little) email Bugzilla sends them. If you want to receive the
maximum amount of email possible, click the <quote>Enable All
Mail</quote> button. If you don't want to receive any email from
Bugzilla at all, click the <quote>Disable All Mail</quote> button.
Your Bugzilla administrator can stop a user from receiving
bugmail by adding the user's name to the
<filename>data/nomail</filename> file. This is a drastic step
best taken only for disabled accounts, as it overrides the
the user's individual mail preferences.
If you'd like to set your bugmail to something besides
'Completely ON' and 'Completely OFF', the
<quote>Field/recipient specific options</quote> table
allows you to do just that. The rows of the table
define events that can happen to a bug -- things like
attachments being added, new comments being made, the
priority changing, etc. The columns in the table define
your relationship with the bug:
</para> </para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Reporter - Where you are the person who initially
reported the bug. Your name/account appears in the
<quote>Reporter:</quote> field.
Assignee - Where you are the person who has been
designated as the one responsible for the bug. Your
name/account appears in the <quote>Assigned To:</quote>
field of the bug.
QA Contact - You are one of the designated
QA Contacts for the bug. Your account appears in the
<quote>QA Contact:</quote> text-box of the bug.
CC - You are on the list CC List for the bug.
Your account appears in the <quote>CC:</quote> text box
of the bug.
<para> <para>
Voter - You have placed one or more votes for the bug. You can also do further filtering on the client side by
Your account appears only if someone clicks on the using the X-Bugzilla-Reason mail header which Bugzilla
<quote>Show votes for this bug</quote> link on the bug. adds to all bugmail. This tells you what relationship you have to the
</para> bug in question,
</listitem> and can be any of Owner, Reporter, QAcontact, CClist, Voter and
</itemizedlist> WatchingComponent.</para>
<para>By entering user email names, delineated by commas, into the
"Users to watch" text entry box you can receive a copy of all the
bugmail of other users (security settings permitting.) This powerful
functionality enables seamless transitions as developers change
projects or users go on holiday.</para>
<note> <note>
<para> <para>The ability to watch other users may not be available in all
Some columns may not be visible for your installation, depending Bugzilla installations. If you can't see it, ask your
on your site's configuration. administrator.</para>
</note> </note>
To fine-tune your bugmail, decide the events for which you want
to receive bugmail; then decide if you want to receive it all
the time (enable the checkbox for every column), or only when
you have a certain relationship with a bug (enable the checkbox
only for those columns). For example: if you didn't want to
receive mail when someone added themselves to the CC list, you
could uncheck all the boxes in the <quote>CC Field Changes</quote>
line. As another example, if you never wanted to receive email
on bugs you reported unless the bug was resolved, you would
un-check all boxes in the <quote>Reporter</quote> column
except for the one on the <quote>The bug is resolved or
verified</quote> row.
Bugzilla adds the <quote>X-Bugzilla-Reason</quote> header to
all bugmail it sends, describing the recipient's relationship
(AssignedTo, Reporter, QAContact, CC, or Voter) to the bug.
This header can be used to do further client-side filtering.
Two items not in the table (<quote>Email me when someone
asks me to set a flag</quote> and <quote>Email me when someone
sets a flag I asked for</quote>) define how you want to
receive bugmail with regards to flags. Their use is quite
straightforward; enable the checkboxes if you want Bugzilla to
send you mail under either of the above conditions.
By default, Bugzilla sends out email regardless of who made the
change... even if you were the one responsible for generating
the email in the first place. If you don't care to receive bugmail
from your own changes, check the box marked <quote>Only email me
reports of changes made by other people</quote>.
</section> </section>
<section id="permissionsettings"> <section id="permissionsettings">
...@@ -1039,8 +741,10 @@ ...@@ -1039,8 +741,10 @@
<para> <para>
Data sets may be public or private. Everyone sees public data sets in Data sets may be public or private. Everyone sees public data sets in
the list, but only their creator sees private data sets. Only the list, plus any private data sets they are subscribed to. You are
administrators can make data sets public. automatically subscribed to any data sets you create, but others may
subscribe to them too if they know about them. Only administrators can
make data sets public.
No two data sets, even two private ones, can have the same set of No two data sets, even two private ones, can have the same set of
category, subcategory and name. So if you are creating private data category, subcategory and name. So if you are creating private data
sets, one idea is to have the Category be your username. sets, one idea is to have the Category be your username.
...@@ -1076,7 +780,11 @@ ...@@ -1076,7 +780,11 @@
<para> <para>
Once a data set is in the list, one can also perform certain Once a data set is in the list, one can also perform certain
actions on it. For example, one can edit the actions on it.
For example, one can Subscribe to or Unsubscribe from a private
data set. This is useful if someone else has shown you a chart,
and you want to make some of their data sets appear in your list,
so you can use them in your own charts. One can also edit the
data set's parameters (name, frequency etc.) if it's one you data set's parameters (name, frequency etc.) if it's one you
created or if you are an administrator. created or if you are an administrator.
</para> </para>
...@@ -1110,56 +818,6 @@ ...@@ -1110,56 +818,6 @@
</section> </section>
<section id="flags">
A flag is a kind of status that can be set on bugs or attachments
to indicate that the bugs/attachments are in a certain state.
Each installation can define its own set of flags that can be set
on bugs or attachments.
If your installation has defined a flag, you can set or unset that flag,
and if your administrator has enabled requesting of flags, you can submit
a request for another user to set the flag.
To set a flag, select either "+" or "-" from the drop-down menu next to
the name of the flag in the "Flags" list. The meaning of these values are
flag-specific and thus cannot be described in this documentation,
but by way of example, setting a flag named "review" to "+" may indicate
that the bug/attachment has passed review, while setting it to "-"
may indicate that the bug/attachment has failed review.
To unset a flag, click its drop-down menu and select the blank value.
If your administrator has enabled requests for a flag, request a flag
by selecting "?" from the drop-down menu and then entering the username
of the user you want to set the flag in the text field next to the menu.
A set flag appears in bug reports and on "edit attachment" pages with the
abbreviated username of the user who set the flag prepended to the
flag name. For example, if Jack sets a "review" flag to "+", it appears
as Jack: review [ + ]
A requested flag appears with the user who requested the flag prepended
to the flag name and the user who has been requested to set the flag
appended to the flag name within parentheses. For example, if Jack
asks Jill for review, it appears as Jack: review [ ? ] (Jill).
</chapter> </chapter>
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