Commit c0f6b0de authored by Koosha Khajeh Moogahi's avatar Koosha Khajeh Moogahi Committed by Frédéric Buclin

Bug 206455: Add radio buttons in request.cgi to use the do_union param

parent d1f2e120
......@@ -160,16 +160,18 @@ sub queue {
# column will always be the same.
my @excluded_columns = ();
my $do_union = $cgi->param('do_union');
# Filter requests by status: "pending", "granted", "denied", "all"
# (which means any), or "fulfilled" (which means "granted" or "denied").
if ($status) {
if ($status eq "+-") {
push(@criteria, "flags.status IN ('+', '-')");
push(@excluded_columns, 'status') unless $cgi->param('do_union');
push(@excluded_columns, 'status') unless $do_union;
elsif ($status ne "all") {
push(@criteria, "flags.status = '$status'");
push(@excluded_columns, 'status') unless $cgi->param('do_union');
push(@excluded_columns, 'status') unless $do_union;
......@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ sub queue {
my $requester = $dbh->quote($cgi->param('requester'));
trick_taint($requester); # Quoted above
push(@criteria, $dbh->sql_istrcmp('requesters.login_name', $requester));
push(@excluded_columns, 'requester') unless $cgi->param('do_union');
push(@excluded_columns, 'requester') unless $do_union;
if (defined $cgi->param('requestee') && $cgi->param('requestee') ne "") {
if ($cgi->param('requestee') ne "-") {
......@@ -188,19 +190,19 @@ sub queue {
else { push(@criteria, "flags.requestee_id IS NULL") }
push(@excluded_columns, 'requestee') unless $cgi->param('do_union');
push(@excluded_columns, 'requestee') unless $do_union;
# Filter results by exact product or component.
if (defined $cgi->param('product') && $cgi->param('product') ne "") {
my $product = Bugzilla::Product->check(scalar $cgi->param('product'));
push(@criteria, "bugs.product_id = " . $product->id);
push(@excluded_columns, 'product') unless $cgi->param('do_union');
push(@excluded_columns, 'product') unless $do_union;
if (defined $cgi->param('component') && $cgi->param('component') ne "") {
my $component = Bugzilla::Component->check({ product => $product,
name => scalar $cgi->param('component') });
push(@criteria, "bugs.component_id = " . $component->id);
push(@excluded_columns, 'component') unless $cgi->param('do_union');
push(@excluded_columns, 'component') unless $do_union;
......@@ -218,13 +220,12 @@ sub queue {
my $quoted_form_type = $dbh->quote($form_type);
trick_taint($quoted_form_type); # Already SQL quoted
push(@criteria, " = " . $quoted_form_type);
push(@excluded_columns, 'type') unless $cgi->param('do_union');
push(@excluded_columns, 'type') unless $do_union;
# Add the criteria to the query. We do an intersection by default
# but do a union if the "do_union" URL parameter (for which there is no UI
# because it's an advanced feature that people won't usually want) is true.
my $and_or = $cgi->param('do_union') ? " OR " : " AND ";
# Add the criteria to the query. Do a union if OR is selected.
# Otherwise do an intersection.
my $and_or = $do_union ? ' OR ' : ' AND ';
$query .= " AND (" . join($and_or, @criteria) . ") " if scalar(@criteria);
# Group the records by flag ID so we don't get multiple rows of data
......@@ -147,10 +147,22 @@ to some group are shown by default.
} %]
[% PROCESS "global/select-menu.html.tmpl" name="group" options=groups default=cgi.param('group') %]
<label><input type="radio" name="do_union" value="0"
[% 'checked="checked"' IF !cgi.param('do_union') %]>AND *</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="do_union" value="1"
[% 'checked="checked"' IF cgi.param('do_union') %]>OR *</label>
<td colspan="3"></td>
<td><input type="submit" id="filter" value="Filter"></td>
<p>(* The logical conjunction/disjunction between the requester
and the requestee)</p>
[% column_headers = {
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