Commit d0002e96 authored by's avatar

Bug 415541: Implement $bug->set_flags() and $attachment->set_flags() - Patch by…

Bug 415541: Implement $bug->set_flags() and $attachment->set_flags() - Patch by Fré©ric Buclin <> a=LpSolit
parent 8b2db148
......@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant VALIDATORS => {
......@@ -445,9 +444,9 @@ flags that have been set on the attachment
sub flags {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{flags} if exists $self->{flags};
$self->{flags} = Bugzilla::Flag->match({ 'attach_id' => $self->id });
# Don't cache it as it must be in sync with ->flag_types.
$self->{flags} = [map { @{$_->{flags}} } @{$self->flag_types}];
return $self->{flags};
......@@ -471,7 +470,7 @@ sub flag_types {
component_id => $self->bug->component_id,
attach_id => $self->id };
$self->{flag_types} = Bugzilla::Flag::_flag_types($vars);
$self->{flag_types} = Bugzilla::Flag->_flag_types($vars);
return $self->{flag_types};
......@@ -482,10 +481,34 @@ sub flag_types {
sub set_content_type { $_[0]->set('mimetype', $_[1]); }
sub set_description { $_[0]->set('description', $_[1]); }
sub set_filename { $_[0]->set('filename', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_obsolete { $_[0]->set('isobsolete', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_patch { $_[0]->set('ispatch', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_private { $_[0]->set('isprivate', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_obsolete {
my ($self, $obsolete) = @_;
my $old = $self->isobsolete;
$self->set('isobsolete', $obsolete);
my $new = $self->isobsolete;
# If the attachment is being marked as obsolete, cancel pending requests.
if ($new && $old != $new) {
my @requests = grep { $_->status eq '?' } @{$self->flags};
return unless scalar @requests;
my %flag_ids = map { $_->id => 1 } @requests;
foreach my $flagtype (@{$self->flag_types}) {
@{$flagtype->{flags}} = grep { !$flag_ids{$_->id} } @{$flagtype->{flags}};
sub set_flags {
my ($self, $flags, $new_flags) = @_;
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flag($self, $_) foreach (@$flags, @$new_flags);
sub _check_bug {
my ($invocant, $bug) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
......@@ -799,7 +822,7 @@ Params: takes a hashref with the following keys:
parameter has no effect.
C<mimetype> - string - a valid MIME type.
C<creation_ts> - string (optional) - timestamp of the insert
as returned by SELECT NOW().
as returned by SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0).
C<ispatch> - boolean (optional, default false) - true if the
attachment is a patch.
C<isprivate> - boolean (optional, default false) - true if
......@@ -887,7 +910,7 @@ sub run_create_validators {
$params->{ispatch} = $params->{ispatch} ? 1 : 0;
$params->{filename} = $class->_check_filename($params->{filename}, $params->{isurl});
$params->{mimetype} = $class->_check_content_type($params->{mimetype});
$params->{creation_ts} ||= Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
$params->{creation_ts} ||= Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
$params->{modification_time} = $params->{creation_ts};
$params->{submitter_id} = Bugzilla->user->id || ThrowCodeError('invalid_user');
......@@ -898,14 +921,14 @@ sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $bug = $self->bug;
my $timestamp = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
$self->{modification_time} = $timestamp;
my $timestamp = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
my ($changes, $old_self) = $self->SUPER::update(@_);
# Ignore this change.
delete $changes->{modification_time};
my ($removed, $added) = Bugzilla::Flag->update_flags($self, $old_self, $timestamp);
if ($removed || $added) {
$changes->{''} = [$removed, $added];
# Record changes in the activity table.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO bugs_activity (bug_id, attach_id, who, bug_when,
......@@ -914,14 +937,17 @@ sub update {
foreach my $field (keys %$changes) {
my $change = $changes->{$field};
my $fieldid = get_field_id("attachments.$field");
$sth->execute($bug->id, $self->id, $user->id, $timestamp,
$field = "attachments.$field" unless $field eq "";
my $fieldid = get_field_id($field);
$sth->execute($self->bug_id, $self->id, $user->id, $timestamp,
$fieldid, $change->[0], $change->[1]);
if (scalar(keys %$changes)) {
$dbh->do('UPDATE attachments SET modification_time = ? WHERE attach_id = ?',
undef, ($timestamp, $self->id));
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $timestamp, $bug->id);
undef, ($timestamp, $self->bug_id));
return $changes;
......@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ sub run_create_validators {
# Callers cannot set Reporter, currently.
$params->{reporter} = $class->_check_reporter();
$params->{creation_ts} ||= Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
$params->{creation_ts} ||= Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
$params->{delta_ts} = $params->{creation_ts};
if ($params->{estimated_time}) {
......@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ sub update {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# XXX This is just a temporary hack until all updating happens
# inside this function.
my $delta_ts = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
my $delta_ts = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
my ($changes, $old_bug) = $self->SUPER::update(@_);
......@@ -774,7 +774,13 @@ sub update {
$changes->{'bug_group'} = [join(', ', @removed_names),
join(', ', @added_names)];
# Flags
my ($removed, $added) = Bugzilla::Flag->update_flags($self, $old_bug, $delta_ts);
if ($removed || $added) {
$changes->{''} = [$removed, $added];
# Comments
foreach my $comment (@{$self->{added_comments} || []}) {
my $columns = join(',', keys %$comment);
......@@ -1931,6 +1937,11 @@ sub set_dup_id {
sub set_estimated_time { $_[0]->set('estimated_time', $_[1]); }
sub _set_everconfirmed { $_[0]->set('everconfirmed', $_[1]); }
sub set_flags {
my ($self, $flags, $new_flags) = @_;
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flag($self, $_) foreach (@$flags, @$new_flags);
sub set_op_sys { $_[0]->set('op_sys', $_[1]); }
sub set_platform { $_[0]->set('rep_platform', $_[1]); }
sub set_priority { $_[0]->set('priority', $_[1]); }
......@@ -2632,10 +2643,18 @@ sub flag_types {
component_id => $self->{component_id},
bug_id => $self->bug_id };
$self->{'flag_types'} = Bugzilla::Flag::_flag_types($vars);
$self->{'flag_types'} = Bugzilla::Flag->_flag_types($vars);
return $self->{'flag_types'};
sub flags {
my $self = shift;
# Don't cache it as it must be in sync with ->flag_types.
$self->{flags} = [map { @{$_->{flags}} } @{$self->flag_types}];
return $self->{flags};
sub isopened {
my $self = shift;
return is_open_state($self->{bug_status}) ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ whose names start with _ or a re specifically noted as being private.
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Bugzilla::FlagType;
use Bugzilla::Hook;
use Bugzilla::User;
......@@ -69,21 +71,44 @@ use base qw(Bugzilla::Object Exporter);
#### Initialization ####
use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant DB_TABLE => 'flags';
use constant LIST_ORDER => 'id';
use constant SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR => 1;
use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant REQUIRED_CREATE_FIELDS => qw(
use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant VALIDATORS => {
use constant UPDATE_VALIDATORS => {
setter => \&_check_setter,
status => \&_check_status,
#### Accessors ######
......@@ -116,11 +141,14 @@ Returns the status '+', '-', '?' of the flag.
sub id { return $_[0]->{'id'}; }
sub name { return $_[0]->type->name; }
sub bug_id { return $_[0]->{'bug_id'}; }
sub attach_id { return $_[0]->{'attach_id'}; }
sub status { return $_[0]->{'status'}; }
sub id { return $_[0]->{'id'}; }
sub name { return $_[0]->type->name; }
sub type_id { return $_[0]->{'type_id'}; }
sub bug_id { return $_[0]->{'bug_id'}; }
sub attach_id { return $_[0]->{'attach_id'}; }
sub status { return $_[0]->{'status'}; }
sub setter_id { return $_[0]->{'setter_id'}; }
sub requestee_id { return $_[0]->{'requestee_id'}; }
#### Methods ####
......@@ -184,6 +212,14 @@ sub attachment {
return $self->{'attachment'};
sub bug {
my $self = shift;
require Bugzilla::Bug;
$self->{'bug'} ||= new Bugzilla::Bug($self->bug_id);
return $self->{'bug'};
## Searching/Retrieving Flags ##
......@@ -268,251 +304,171 @@ sub count {
# Creating and Modifying
=item C<validate($bug_id, $attach_id, $skip_requestee_on_error)>
Validates fields containing flag modifications.
If the attachment is new, it has no ID yet and $attach_id is set
to -1 to force its check anyway.
sub validate {
my ($bug_id, $attach_id, $skip_requestee_on_error) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Get a list of flags to validate. Uses the "map" function
# to extract flag IDs from form field names by matching fields
# whose name looks like "flag_type-nnn" (new flags) or "flag-nnn"
# (existing flags), where "nnn" is the ID, and returning just
# the ID portion of matching field names.
my @flagtype_ids = map(/^flag_type-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param());
my @flag_ids = map(/^flag-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param());
return unless (scalar(@flagtype_ids) || scalar(@flag_ids));
# No flag reference should exist when changing several bugs at once.
ThrowCodeError("flags_not_available", { type => 'b' }) unless $bug_id;
sub set_flag {
my ($class, $obj, $params) = @_;
# We don't check that these new flags are valid for this bug/attachment,
# because the bug may be moved into another product meanwhile.
# This check will be done later when creating new flags, see FormToNewFlags().
my ($bug, $attachment);
if (blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('Bugzilla::Attachment')) {
$attachment = $obj;
$bug = $attachment->bug;
elsif (blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('Bugzilla::Bug')) {
$bug = $obj;
else {
ThrowCodeError('flag_unexpected_object', { 'caller' => ref $obj });
if (scalar(@flag_ids)) {
# No reference to existing flags should exist when creating a new
# attachment.
if ($attach_id && ($attach_id < 0)) {
ThrowCodeError('flags_not_available', { type => 'a' });
# Update (or delete) an existing flag.
if ($params->{id}) {
my $flag = $class->check({ id => $params->{id} });
# Security check: make sure the flag belongs to the bug/attachment.
# We don't check that the user editing the flag can see
# the bug/attachment. That's the job of the caller.
($attachment && $flag->attach_id && $attachment->id == $flag->attach_id)
|| (!$attachment && !$flag->attach_id && $bug->id == $flag->bug_id)
|| ThrowCodeError('invalid_flag_association',
{ bug_id => $bug->id,
attach_id => $attachment ? $attachment->id : undef });
# Extract the current flag object from the object.
my ($obj_flagtype) = grep { $_->id == $flag->type_id } @{$obj->flag_types};
# If no flagtype can be found for this flag, this means the bug is being
# moved into a product/component where the flag is no longer valid.
# So either we can attach the flag to another flagtype having the same
# name, or we remove the flag.
if (!$obj_flagtype) {
my $success = $flag->retarget($obj);
return unless $success;
($obj_flagtype) = grep { $_->id == $flag->type_id } @{$obj->flag_types};
push(@{$obj_flagtype->{flags}}, $flag);
my ($obj_flag) = grep { $_->id == $flag->id } @{$obj_flagtype->{flags}};
# If the flag has the correct type but cannot be found above, this means
# the flag is going to be removed (e.g. because this is a pending request
# and the attachment is being marked as obsolete).
return unless $obj_flag;
# Make sure all existing flags belong to the bug/attachment
# they pretend to be.
my $field = ($attach_id) ? "attach_id" : "bug_id";
my $field_id = $attach_id || $bug_id;
my $not = ($attach_id) ? "" : "NOT";
my $invalid_data =
"SELECT 1 FROM flags
. $dbh->sql_in('id', \@flag_ids)
. " AND ($field != ? OR attach_id IS $not NULL) "
. $dbh->sql_limit(1), undef, $field_id);
if ($invalid_data) {
{ bug_id => $bug_id,
attach_id => $attach_id });
$class->_validate($obj_flag, $obj_flagtype, $params, $bug, $attachment);
# Validate new flags.
foreach my $id (@flagtype_ids) {
my $status = $cgi->param("flag_type-$id");
my @requestees = $cgi->param("requestee_type-$id");
my $private_attachment = $cgi->param('isprivate') ? 1 : 0;
# Create a new flag.
elsif ($params->{type_id}) {
# Don't bother validating types the user didn't touch.
next if $status eq 'X';
# Make sure the flag type exists. If it doesn't, FormToNewFlags()
# will ignore it, so it's safe to ignore it here.
my $flag_type = new Bugzilla::FlagType($id);
next unless $flag_type;
return if $params->{status} eq 'X';
my $flagtype = Bugzilla::FlagType->check({ id => $params->{type_id} });
# Security check: make sure the flag type belongs to the bug/attachment.
($attachment && $flagtype->target_type eq 'attachment'
&& scalar(grep { $_->id == $flagtype->id } @{$attachment->flag_types}))
|| (!$attachment && $flagtype->target_type eq 'bug'
&& scalar(grep { $_->id == $flagtype->id } @{$bug->flag_types}))
|| ThrowCodeError('invalid_flag_association',
{ bug_id => $bug->id,
attach_id => $attachment ? $attachment->id : undef });
# Make sure the flag type is active.
unless ($flag_type->is_active) {
ThrowCodeError('flag_type_inactive', {'type' => $flag_type->name});
_validate(undef, $flag_type, $status, undef, \@requestees, $private_attachment,
$bug_id, $attach_id, $skip_requestee_on_error);
|| ThrowCodeError('flag_type_inactive', { type => $flagtype->name });
# Validate existing flags.
foreach my $id (@flag_ids) {
my $status = $cgi->param("flag-$id");
my @requestees = $cgi->param("requestee-$id");
my $private_attachment = $cgi->param('isprivate') ? 1 : 0;
# Extract the current flagtype object from the object.
my ($obj_flagtype) = grep { $_->id == $flagtype->id } @{$obj->flag_types};
# Make sure the flag exists. If it doesn't, process() will ignore it,
# so it's safe to ignore it here.
my $flag = new Bugzilla::Flag($id);
next unless $flag;
# We cannot create a new flag if there is already one and this
# flag type is not multiplicable.
if (!$flagtype->is_multiplicable) {
if (scalar @{$obj_flagtype->{flags}}) {
ThrowUserError('flag_type_not_multiplicable', { type => $flagtype });
_validate($flag, $flag->type, $status, undef, \@requestees, $private_attachment,
undef, undef, $skip_requestee_on_error);
$class->_validate(undef, $obj_flagtype, $params, $bug, $attachment);
else {
ThrowCodeError('param_required', { function => $class . '->set_flag',
param => 'id/type_id' });
sub _validate {
my ($flag, $flag_type, $status, $setter, $requestees, $private_attachment,
$bug_id, $attach_id, $skip_requestee_on_error) = @_;
# By default, the flag setter (or requester) is the current user.
$setter ||= Bugzilla->user;
my $id = $flag ? $flag->id : $flag_type->id; # Used in the error messages below.
$bug_id ||= $flag->bug_id;
$attach_id ||= $flag->attach_id if $flag; # Maybe it's a bug flag.
# Make sure the user chose a valid status.
grep($status eq $_, qw(X + - ?))
|| ThrowCodeError('flag_status_invalid',
{ id => $id, status => $status });
# Make sure the user didn't request the flag unless it's requestable.
# If the flag existed and was requested before it became unrequestable,
# leave it as is.
if ($status eq '?'
&& (!$flag || $flag->status ne '?')
&& !$flag_type->is_requestable)
my ($class, $flag, $flag_type, $params, $bug, $attachment) = @_;
# If it's a new flag, let's create it now.
my $obj_flag = $flag || bless({ type_id => $flag_type->id,
status => '',
bug_id => $bug->id,
attach_id => $attachment ?
$attachment->id : undef},
my $old_status = $obj_flag->status;
my $old_requestee_id = $obj_flag->requestee_id;
$obj_flag->_set_requestee($params->{requestee}, $attachment, $params->{skip_roe});
# The setter field MUST NOT be updated if neither the status
# nor the requestee fields changed.
if (($obj_flag->status ne $old_status)
# The requestee ID can be undefined.
|| (($obj_flag->requestee_id || 0) != ($old_requestee_id || 0)))
{ id => $id, status => $status });
# Make sure the user didn't specify a requestee unless the flag
# is specifically requestable. For existing flags, if the requestee
# was set before the flag became specifically unrequestable, don't
# let the user change the requestee, but let the user remove it by
# entering an empty string for the requestee.
if ($status eq '?' && !$flag_type->is_requesteeble) {
my $old_requestee = ($flag && $flag->requestee) ?
$flag->requestee->login : '';
my $new_requestee = join('', @$requestees);
if ($new_requestee && $new_requestee ne $old_requestee) {
{ type => $flag_type });
# If the flag is deleted, remove it from the list.
if ($obj_flag->status eq 'X') {
@{$flag_type->{flags}} = grep { $_->id != $obj_flag->id } @{$flag_type->{flags}};
# Make sure the user didn't enter multiple requestees for a flag
# that can't be requested from more than one person at a time.
if ($status eq '?'
&& !$flag_type->is_multiplicable
&& scalar(@$requestees) > 1)
ThrowUserError('flag_not_multiplicable', { type => $flag_type });
# Add the newly created flag to the list.
elsif (!$obj_flag->id) {
push(@{$flag_type->{flags}}, $obj_flag);
# Make sure the requestees are authorized to access the bug
# (and attachment, if this installation is using the "insider group"
# feature and the attachment is marked private).
if ($status eq '?' && $flag_type->is_requesteeble) {
my $old_requestee = ($flag && $flag->requestee) ?
$flag->requestee->login : '';
my @legal_requestees;
foreach my $login (@$requestees) {
if ($login eq $old_requestee) {
# This requestee was already set. Leave him alone.
push(@legal_requestees, $login);
# We know the requestee exists because we ran
# Bugzilla::User::match_field before getting here.
my $requestee = new Bugzilla::User({ name => $login });
# Throw an error if the user can't see the bug.
# Note that if permissions on this bug are changed,
# can_see_bug() will refer to old settings.
if (!$requestee->can_see_bug($bug_id)) {
next if $skip_requestee_on_error;
{ flag_type => $flag_type,
requestee => $requestee,
bug_id => $bug_id,
attach_id => $attach_id });
=item C<create($flag, $timestamp)>
# Throw an error if the target is a private attachment and
# the requestee isn't in the group of insiders who can see it.
if ($attach_id
&& $private_attachment
&& Bugzilla->params->{'insidergroup'}
&& !$requestee->in_group(Bugzilla->params->{'insidergroup'}))
next if $skip_requestee_on_error;
{ flag_type => $flag_type,
requestee => $requestee,
bug_id => $bug_id,
attach_id => $attach_id });
Creates a flag record in the database.
# Throw an error if the user won't be allowed to set the flag.
if (!$requestee->can_set_flag($flag_type)) {
next if $skip_requestee_on_error;
{'requestee' => $requestee,
'flagtype' => $flag_type});
# This requestee can be set.
push(@legal_requestees, $login);
# Update the requestee list for this flag.
if (scalar(@legal_requestees) < scalar(@$requestees)) {
my $field_name = 'requestee_type-' . $flag_type->id;
Bugzilla->cgi->param(-name => $field_name, -value => \@legal_requestees);
sub create {
my ($class, $flag, $timestamp) = @_;
$timestamp ||= Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
# Make sure the user is authorized to modify flags, see bug 180879
# - The flag exists and is unchanged.
return if ($flag && ($status eq $flag->status));
my $params = {};
my @columns = grep { $_ ne 'id' } $class->DB_COLUMNS;
$params->{$_} = $flag->{$_} foreach @columns;
# - User in the request_group can clear pending requests and set flags
# and can rerequest set flags.
return if (($status eq 'X' || $status eq '?')
&& $setter->can_request_flag($flag_type));
$params->{creation_date} = $params->{modification_date} = $timestamp;
$flag = $class->SUPER::create($params);
return $flag;
sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $timestamp = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
# - User in the grant_group can set/clear flags, including "+" and "-".
return if $setter->can_set_flag($flag_type);
my $changes = $self->SUPER::update(@_);
# - Any other flag modification is denied
{ name => $flag_type->name,
status => $status,
old_status => $flag ? $flag->status : 'X' });
if (scalar(keys %$changes)) {
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags SET modification_date = ? WHERE id = ?',
undef, ($timestamp, $self->id));
return $changes;
sub snapshot {
my ($class, $bug_id, $attach_id) = @_;
my ($class, $flags) = @_;
my $flags = $class->match({ 'bug_id' => $bug_id,
'attach_id' => $attach_id });
my @summaries;
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
my $summary = $flag->setter->nick . ':' . $flag->type->name . $flag->status;
......@@ -522,479 +478,378 @@ sub snapshot {
return @summaries;
sub update_activity {
my ($class, $old_summaries, $new_summaries) = @_;
=item C<process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $hr_vars)>
Processes changes to flags.
The bug and/or the attachment objects are the ones this flag is about,
the timestamp is the date/time the bug was last touched (so that changes
to the flag can be stamped with the same date/time).
sub process {
my ($class, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $hr_vars) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
# Make sure the bug (and attachment, if given) exists and is accessible
# to the current user. Moreover, if an attachment object is passed,
# make sure it belongs to the given bug.
return if ($bug->error || ($attachment && $bug->bug_id != $attachment->bug_id));
my $bug_id = $bug->bug_id;
my $attach_id = $attachment ? $attachment->id : undef;
# Use the date/time we were given if possible (allowing calling code
# to synchronize the comment's timestamp with those of other records).
$timestamp ||= $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
# Take a snapshot of flags before any changes.
my @old_summaries = $class->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays($old_summaries, $new_summaries);
if (scalar @$removed || scalar @$added) {
# Remove flag requester/setter information
foreach (@$removed, @$added) { s/^[^:]+:// }
# Cancel pending requests if we are obsoleting an attachment.
if ($attachment && $cgi->param('isobsolete')) {
$class->CancelRequests($bug, $attachment);
$removed = join(", ", @$removed);
$added = join(", ", @$added);
return ($removed, $added);
return ();
# Create new flags and update existing flags.
my $new_flags = FormToNewFlags($bug, $attachment, $cgi, $hr_vars);
foreach my $flag (@$new_flags) { create($flag, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp) }
modify($bug, $attachment, $cgi, $timestamp);
sub update_flags {
my ($class, $self, $old_self, $timestamp) = @_;
# In case the bug's product/component has changed, clear flags that are
# no longer valid.
my $flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
FROM flags
ON flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
LEFT JOIN flaginclusions AS i
ON flags.type_id = i.type_id
AND (bugs.product_id = i.product_id OR i.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = i.component_id OR i.component_id IS NULL)
WHERE bugs.bug_id = ?
AND i.type_id IS NULL",
undef, $bug_id);
my @old_summaries = $class->snapshot($old_self->flags);
my %old_flags = map { $_->id => $_ } @{$old_self->flags};
my $flags = Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($flag_ids);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
my $is_retargetted = retarget($flag, $bug);
unless ($is_retargetted) {
clear($flag, $bug, $flag->attachment);
$hr_vars->{'message'} = 'flag_cleared';
foreach my $new_flag (@{$self->flags}) {
if (!$new_flag->id) {
# This is a new flag.
my $flag = $class->create($new_flag, $timestamp);
$new_flag->{id} = $flag->id;
$class->notify($new_flag, undef, $self);
else {
$class->notify($new_flag, $old_flags{$new_flag->id}, $self);
delete $old_flags{$new_flag->id};
$flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
FROM flags, bugs, flagexclusions e
WHERE bugs.bug_id = ?
AND flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
AND flags.type_id = e.type_id
AND (bugs.product_id = e.product_id OR e.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = e.component_id OR e.component_id IS NULL)",
undef, $bug_id);
$flags = Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($flag_ids);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
my $is_retargetted = retarget($flag, $bug);
clear($flag, $bug, $flag->attachment) unless $is_retargetted;
# These flags have been deleted.
foreach my $old_flag (values %old_flags) {
$class->notify(undef, $old_flag, $self);
# Take a snapshot of flags after changes.
my @new_summaries = $class->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
# If the bug has been moved into another product or component,
# we must also take care of attachment flags which are no longer valid,
# as well as all bug flags which haven't been forgotten above.
if ($self->isa('Bugzilla::Bug')
&& ($self->{_old_product_name} || $self->{_old_component_name}))
my @removed = $class->force_cleanup($self);
push(@old_summaries, @removed);
update_activity($bug_id, $attach_id, $timestamp, \@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
my @new_summaries = $class->snapshot($self->flags);
my @changes = $class->update_activity(\@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
Bugzilla::Hook::process('flag-end_of_update', { bug => $bug,
Bugzilla::Hook::process('flag-end_of_update', { object => $self,
timestamp => $timestamp,
old_flags => \@old_summaries,
new_flags => \@new_summaries,
return @changes;
sub update_activity {
my ($bug_id, $attach_id, $timestamp, $old_summaries, $new_summaries) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
sub retarget {
my ($self, $obj) = @_;
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays($old_summaries, $new_summaries);
if (scalar @$removed || scalar @$added) {
# Remove flag requester/setter information
foreach (@$removed, @$added) { s/^[^:]+:// }
my @flagtypes = grep { $_->name eq $self->type->name } @{$obj->flag_types};
$removed = join(", ", @$removed);
$added = join(", ", @$added);
my $field_id = get_field_id('');
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO bugs_activity
(bug_id, attach_id, who, bug_when, fieldid, removed, added)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
undef, ($bug_id, $attach_id, Bugzilla->user->id,
$timestamp, $field_id, $removed, $added));
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, ($timestamp, $bug_id));
my $success = 0;
foreach my $flagtype (@flagtypes) {
next if !$flagtype->is_active;
next if (!$flagtype->is_multiplicable && scalar @{$flagtype->{flags}});
$self->{type_id} = $flagtype->id;
delete $self->{type};
$success = 1;
return $success;
=item C<create($flag, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp)>
# In case the bug's product/component has changed, clear flags that are
# no longer valid.
sub force_cleanup {
my ($class, $bug) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
Creates a flag record in the database.
my $flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
FROM flags
ON flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
LEFT JOIN flaginclusions AS i
ON flags.type_id = i.type_id
AND (bugs.product_id = i.product_id OR i.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = i.component_id OR i.component_id IS NULL)
WHERE bugs.bug_id = ? AND i.type_id IS NULL',
undef, $bug->id);
my @removed = $class->force_retarget($flag_ids, $bug);
$flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
FROM flags, bugs, flagexclusions e
WHERE bugs.bug_id = ?
AND flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
AND flags.type_id = e.type_id
AND (bugs.product_id = e.product_id OR e.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = e.component_id OR e.component_id IS NULL)',
undef, $bug->id);
push(@removed , $class->force_retarget($flag_ids, $bug));
return @removed;
sub create {
my ($flag, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp) = @_;
sub force_retarget {
my ($class, $flag_ids, $bug) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $attach_id = $attachment ? $attachment->id : undef;
my $requestee_id;
# Be careful! At this point, $flag is *NOT* yet an object!
$requestee_id = $flag->{'requestee'}->id if $flag->{'requestee'};
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO flags (type_id, bug_id, attach_id, requestee_id,
setter_id, status, creation_date, modification_date)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
undef, ($flag->{'type'}->id, $bug->bug_id,
$attach_id, $requestee_id, $flag->{'setter'}->id,
$flag->{'status'}, $timestamp, $timestamp));
# Now that the new flag has been added to the DB, create a real flag object.
# This is required to call notify() correctly.
my $flag_id = $dbh->bz_last_key('flags', 'id');
$flag = new Bugzilla::Flag($flag_id);
# Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the flag creation.
if ($flag->requestee && $flag->requestee->wants_mail([EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED])) {
$flag->{'addressee'} = $flag->requestee;
my $flags = $class->new_from_list($flag_ids);
my @removed;
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
# $bug is undefined when e.g. editing inclusion and exclusion lists.
my $obj = $flag->attachment || $bug || $flag->bug;
my $is_retargetted = $flag->retarget($obj);
if ($is_retargetted) {
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags SET type_id = ? WHERE id = ?',
undef, ($flag->type_id, $flag->id));
else {
# Track deleted attachment flags.
push(@removed, $class->snapshot([$flag])) if $flag->attach_id;
$class->notify(undef, $flag, $bug || $flag->bug);
notify($flag, $bug, $attachment);
# Return the new flag object.
return $flag;
return @removed;
=item C<modify($bug, $attachment, $cgi, $timestamp)>
Modifies flags in the database when a user changes them.
sub modify {
my ($bug, $attachment, $cgi, $timestamp) = @_;
my $setter = Bugzilla->user;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Extract a list of flags from the form data.
my @ids = map(/^flag-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param());
#### Validators ######
# Loop over flags and update their record in the database if necessary.
# Two kinds of changes can happen to a flag: it can be set to a different
# state, and someone else can be asked to set it. We take care of both
# those changes.
my @flags;
foreach my $id (@ids) {
my $flag = new Bugzilla::Flag($id);
# If the flag no longer exists, ignore it.
next unless $flag;
sub _set_requestee {
my ($self, $requestee, $attachment, $skip_requestee_on_error) = @_;
my $status = $cgi->param("flag-$id");
# Used internally to check if the requestee is retargetting the request.
$self->{_old_requestee_id} = $self->requestee ? $self->requestee->id : 0;
$self->{requestee} =
$self->_check_requestee($requestee, $attachment, $skip_requestee_on_error);
# If the user entered more than one name into the requestee field
# (i.e. they want more than one person to set the flag) we can reuse
# the existing flag for the first person (who may well be the existing
# requestee), but we have to create new flags for each additional.
my @requestees = $cgi->param("requestee-$id");
my $requestee_email;
if ($status eq "?"
&& scalar(@requestees) > 1
&& $flag->type->is_multiplicable)
# The first person, for which we'll reuse the existing flag.
$requestee_email = shift(@requestees);
$self->{requestee_id} =
$self->{requestee} ? $self->{requestee}->id : undef;
# Create new flags like the existing one for each additional person.
foreach my $login (@requestees) {
create({ type => $flag->type,
setter => $setter,
status => "?",
requestee => new Bugzilla::User({ name => $login }) },
$bug, $attachment, $timestamp);
else {
$requestee_email = trim($cgi->param("requestee-$id") || '');
sub _set_setter {
my ($self, $setter) = @_;
# Ignore flags the user didn't change. There are two components here:
# either the status changes (trivial) or the requestee changes.
# Change of either field will cause full update of the flag.
$self->set('setter', $setter);
$self->{setter_id} = $self->setter->id;
my $status_changed = ($status ne $flag->status);
sub _set_status {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
# Requestee is considered changed, if all of the following apply:
# 1. Flag status is '?' (requested)
# 2. Flag can have a requestee
# 3. The requestee specified on the form is different from the
# requestee specified in the db.
# Store the old flag status. It's needed by _check_setter().
$self->{_old_status} = $self->status;
$self->set('status', $status);
my $old_requestee = $flag->requestee ? $flag->requestee->login : '';
sub _check_requestee {
my ($self, $requestee, $attachment, $skip_requestee_on_error) = @_;
my $requestee_changed =
($status eq "?" &&
$flag->type->is_requesteeble &&
$old_requestee ne $requestee_email);
# If the flag status is not "?", then no requestee can be defined.
return undef if ($self->status ne '?');
next unless ($status_changed || $requestee_changed);
# Store this value before updating the flag object.
my $old_requestee = $self->requestee ? $self->requestee->login : '';
# Since the status is validated, we know it's safe, but it's still
# tainted, so we have to detaint it before using it in a query.
if ($self->status eq '?' && $requestee) {
$requestee = Bugzilla::User->check($requestee);
else {
undef $requestee;
if ($status eq '+' || $status eq '-') {
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags
SET setter_id = ?, requestee_id = NULL,
status = ?, modification_date = ?
WHERE id = ?',
undef, ($setter->id, $status, $timestamp, $flag->id));
# If the status of the flag was "?", we have to notify
# the requester (if he wants to).
my $requester;
if ($flag->status eq '?') {
$requester = $flag->setter;
$flag->{'requester'} = $requester;
if ($requestee && $requestee->login ne $old_requestee) {
# Make sure the user didn't specify a requestee unless the flag
# is specifically requestable. For existing flags, if the requestee
# was set before the flag became specifically unrequestable, the
# user can either remove him or leave him alone.
ThrowCodeError('flag_requestee_disabled', { type => $self->type })
if !$self->type->is_requesteeble;
# Make sure the requestee can see the bug.
# Note that can_see_bug() will query the DB, so if the bug
# is being added/removed from some groups and these changes
# haven't been committed to the DB yet, they won't be taken
# into account here. In this case, old restrictions matters.
if (!$requestee->can_see_bug($self->bug_id)) {
if ($skip_requestee_on_error) {
undef $requestee;
# Now update the flag object with its new values.
$flag->{'setter'} = $setter;
$flag->{'requestee'} = undef;
$flag->{'requestee_id'} = undef;
$flag->{'status'} = $status;
# Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the fulfillment,
# including the requester.
if ($requester && $requester->wants_mail([EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG])) {
$flag->{'addressee'} = $requester;
else {
{ flag_type => $self->type,
requestee => $requestee,
bug_id => $self->bug_id,
attach_id => $self->attach_id });
notify($flag, $bug, $attachment);
elsif ($status eq '?') {
# If the one doing the change is the requestee, then this means he doesn't
# want to reply to the request and he simply reassigns the request to
# someone else. In this case, we keep the requester unaltered.
my $new_setter = $setter;
if ($flag->requestee && $flag->requestee->id == $setter->id) {
$new_setter = $flag->setter;
# Get the requestee, if any.
my $requestee_id;
if ($requestee_email) {
$requestee_id = login_to_id($requestee_email);
$flag->{'requestee'} = new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id);
$flag->{'requestee_id'} = $requestee_id;
# Make sure the requestee can see the private attachment.
elsif ($self->attach_id && $attachment->isprivate && !$requestee->is_insider) {
if ($skip_requestee_on_error) {
undef $requestee;
else {
# If the status didn't change but we only removed the
# requestee, we have to clear the requestee field.
$flag->{'requestee'} = undef;
$flag->{'requestee_id'} = undef;
# Update the database with the changes.
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags
SET setter_id = ?, requestee_id = ?,
status = ?, modification_date = ?
WHERE id = ?',
undef, ($new_setter->id, $requestee_id, $status,
$timestamp, $flag->id));
# Now update the flag object with its new values.
$flag->{'setter'} = $new_setter;
$flag->{'status'} = $status;
# Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the request.
if ($flag->requestee && $flag->requestee->wants_mail([EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED])) {
$flag->{'addressee'} = $flag->requestee;
{ flag_type => $self->type,
requestee => $requestee,
bug_id => $self->bug_id,
attach_id => $self->attach_id });
notify($flag, $bug, $attachment);
elsif ($status eq 'X') {
clear($flag, $bug, $attachment);
# Make sure the user is allowed to set the flag.
elsif (!$requestee->can_set_flag($self->type)) {
if ($skip_requestee_on_error) {
undef $requestee;
else {
{'requestee' => $requestee,
'flagtype' => $self->type});
push(@flags, $flag);
return \@flags;
return $requestee;
=item C<retarget($flag, $bug)>
sub _check_setter {
my ($self, $setter) = @_;
Change the type of the flag, if possible. The new flag type must have
the same name as the current flag type, must exist in the product and
component the bug is in, and the current settings of the flag must pass
validation. If no such flag type can be found, the type remains unchanged.
# By default, the currently logged in user is the setter.
$setter ||= Bugzilla->user;
(blessed($setter) && $setter->isa('Bugzilla::User') && $setter->id)
|| ThrowCodeError('invalid_user');
Retargetting flags is a good way to keep flags when moving bugs from one
product where a flag type is available to another product where the flag
type is unavailable, but another flag type having the same name exists.
Most of the time, if they have the same name, this means that they have
the same meaning, but with different settings.
# set_status() has already been called. So this refers
# to the new flag status.
my $status = $self->status;
# Make sure the user is authorized to modify flags, see bug 180879:
# - The flag exists and is unchanged.
# - Users in the request_group can clear pending requests and set flags
# and can rerequest set flags.
# - Users in the grant_group can set/clear flags, including "+" and "-".
unless (($status eq $self->{_old_status})
|| (($status eq 'X' || $status eq '?')
&& $setter->can_request_flag($self->type))
|| $setter->can_set_flag($self->type))
{ name => $self->type->name,
status => $status,
old_status => $self->{_old_status} });
sub retarget {
my ($flag, $bug) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# If the requester is retargetting the request, we don't
# update the setter, so that the setter gets the notification.
if ($status eq '?' && $self->{_old_requestee_id} == $setter->id) {
return $self->setter;
return $setter;
# We are looking for flagtypes having the same name as the flagtype
# to which the current flag belongs, and being in the new product and
# component of the bug.
my $flagtypes = Bugzilla::FlagType::match(
{'name' => $flag->name,
'target_type' => $flag->type->target_type,
'is_active' => 1,
'product_id' => $bug->product_id,
'component_id' => $bug->component_id});
# If we found no flagtype, the flag will be deleted.
return 0 unless scalar(@$flagtypes);
# If we found at least one, change the type of the flag,
# assuming the setter/requester is allowed to set/request flags
# belonging to this flagtype.
my $requestee = $flag->requestee ? [$flag->requestee->login] : [];
my $is_private = ($flag->attachment) ? $flag->attachment->isprivate : 0;
my $is_retargetted = 0;
foreach my $flagtype (@$flagtypes) {
# Get the number of flags of this type already set for this target.
my $has_flags = __PACKAGE__->count(
{ 'type_id' => $flagtype->id,
'bug_id' => $bug->bug_id,
'attach_id' => $flag->attach_id });
sub _check_status {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
# Do not create a new flag of this type if this flag type is
# not multiplicable and already has a flag set.
next if (!$flagtype->is_multiplicable && $has_flags);
# Check user privileges.
my $error_mode_cache = Bugzilla->error_mode;
eval {
_validate(undef, $flagtype, $flag->status, $flag->setter,
$requestee, $is_private, $bug->bug_id, $flag->attach_id);
# If the validation failed, then we cannot use this flagtype.
next if ($@);
# Checks are successful, we can retarget the flag to this flagtype.
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags SET type_id = ? WHERE id = ?',
undef, ($flagtype->id, $flag->id));
$is_retargetted = 1;
# - Make sure the status is valid.
# - Make sure the user didn't request the flag unless it's requestable.
# If the flag existed and was requested before it became unrequestable,
# leave it as is.
if (!grep($status eq $_ , qw(X + - ?))
|| ($status eq '?' && $self->status ne '?' && !$self->type->is_requestable))
ThrowCodeError('flag_status_invalid', { id => $self->id,
status => $status });
return $is_retargetted;
return $status;
# Utility Functions
=item C<clear($flag, $bug, $attachment)>
=item C<extract_flags_from_cgi($bug, $attachment, $hr_vars)>
Remove a flag from the DB.
Checks whether or not there are new flags to create and returns an
array of hashes. This array is then passed to Flag::create().
sub clear {
my ($flag, $bug, $attachment) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
sub extract_flags_from_cgi {
my ($class, $bug, $attachment, $vars, $skip) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM flags WHERE id = ?', undef, $flag->id);
my $match_status = Bugzilla::User::match_field($cgi, {
'^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
}, $skip);
# If we cancel a pending request, we have to notify the requester
# (if he wants to).
my $requester;
if ($flag->status eq '?') {
$requester = $flag->setter;
$flag->{'requester'} = $requester;
$vars->{'match_field'} = 'requestee';
if ($match_status == USER_MATCH_FAILED) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_failed';
# Now update the flag object to its new values. The last
# requester/setter and requestee are kept untouched (for the
# record). Else we could as well delete the flag completely.
$flag->{'exists'} = 0;
$flag->{'status'} = "X";
if ($requester && $requester->wants_mail([EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG])) {
$flag->{'addressee'} = $requester;
elsif ($match_status == USER_MATCH_MULTIPLE) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_multiple';
notify($flag, $bug, $attachment);
# Utility Functions
# Extract a list of flag type IDs from field names.
my @flagtype_ids = map(/^flag_type-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param());
@flagtype_ids = grep($cgi->param("flag_type-$_") ne 'X', @flagtype_ids);
# Extract a list of existing flag IDs.
my @flag_ids = map(/^flag-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param());
=item C<FormToNewFlags($bug, $attachment, $cgi, $hr_vars)>
return () if (!scalar(@flagtype_ids) && !scalar(@flag_ids));
Checks whether or not there are new flags to create and returns an
array of flag objects. This array is then passed to Flag::create().
my (@new_flags, @flags);
foreach my $flag_id (@flag_ids) {
my $flag = $class->new($flag_id);
# If the flag no longer exists, ignore it.
next unless $flag;
my $status = $cgi->param("flag-$flag_id");
# If the user entered more than one name into the requestee field
# (i.e. they want more than one person to set the flag) we can reuse
# the existing flag for the first person (who may well be the existing
# requestee), but we have to create new flags for each additional requestee.
my @requestees = $cgi->param("requestee-$flag_id");
my $requestee_email;
if ($status eq "?"
&& scalar(@requestees) > 1
&& $flag->type->is_multiplicable)
# The first person, for which we'll reuse the existing flag.
$requestee_email = shift(@requestees);
sub FormToNewFlags {
my ($bug, $attachment, $cgi, $hr_vars) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $setter = Bugzilla->user;
# Extract a list of flag type IDs from field names.
my @type_ids = map(/^flag_type-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param());
@type_ids = grep($cgi->param("flag_type-$_") ne 'X', @type_ids);
# Create new flags like the existing one for each additional person.
foreach my $login (@requestees) {
push(@new_flags, { type_id => $flag->type_id,
status => "?",
requestee => $login,
skip_roe => $skip });
elsif ($status eq "?" && scalar(@requestees)) {
# If there are several requestees and the flag type is not multiplicable,
# this will fail. But that's the job of the validator to complain. All
# we do here is to extract and convert data from the CGI.
$requestee_email = trim($cgi->param("requestee-$flag_id") || '');
return () unless scalar(@type_ids);
push(@flags, { id => $flag_id,
status => $status,
requestee => $requestee_email,
skip_roe => $skip });
# Get a list of active flag types available for this product/component.
my $flag_types = Bugzilla::FlagType::match(
......@@ -1002,15 +857,14 @@ sub FormToNewFlags {
'component_id' => $bug->{'component_id'},
'is_active' => 1 });
foreach my $type_id (@type_ids) {
foreach my $flagtype_id (@flagtype_ids) {
# Checks if there are unexpected flags for the product/component.
if (!scalar(grep { $_->id == $type_id } @$flag_types)) {
$hr_vars->{'message'} = 'unexpected_flag_types';
if (!scalar(grep { $_->id == $flagtype_id } @$flag_types)) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'unexpected_flag_types';
my @flags;
foreach my $flag_type (@$flag_types) {
my $type_id = $flag_type->id;
......@@ -1019,10 +873,10 @@ sub FormToNewFlags {
next unless ($flag_type->target_type eq 'bug' xor $attachment);
# We are only interested in flags the user tries to create.
next unless scalar(grep { $_ == $type_id } @type_ids);
next unless scalar(grep { $_ == $type_id } @flagtype_ids);
# Get the number of flags of this type already set for this target.
my $has_flags = __PACKAGE__->count(
my $has_flags = $class->count(
{ 'type_id' => $type_id,
'target_type' => $attachment ? 'attachment' : 'bug',
'bug_id' => $bug->bug_id,
......@@ -1036,65 +890,23 @@ sub FormToNewFlags {
my @logins = $cgi->param("requestee_type-$type_id");
if ($status eq "?" && scalar(@logins) > 0) {
if ($status eq "?" && scalar(@logins)) {
foreach my $login (@logins) {
push (@flags, { type => $flag_type ,
setter => $setter ,
status => $status ,
requestee =>
new Bugzilla::User({ name => $login }) });
push (@new_flags, { type_id => $type_id,
status => $status,
requestee => $login,
skip_roe => $skip });
last unless $flag_type->is_multiplicable;
else {
push (@flags, { type => $flag_type ,
setter => $setter ,
status => $status });
push (@new_flags, { type_id => $type_id,
status => $status });
# Return the list of flags.
return \@flags;
# This is a helper to set flags on a new bug or attachment.
# For existing bugs and attachments, errors must be reported.
sub set_flags {
my ($class, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
# The order of these function calls is important, as Flag::validate
# assumes User::match_field has ensured that the
# values in the requestee fields are legitimate user email addresses.
my $match_status = Bugzilla::User::match_field($cgi, {
'^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
$vars->{'match_field'} = 'requestee';
if ($match_status == USER_MATCH_FAILED) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_failed';
elsif ($match_status == USER_MATCH_MULTIPLE) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_multiple';
# 1. Add flags, if any. To avoid dying if something goes wrong
# while processing flags, we will eval() flag validation.
# 2. Flag::validate() should not detect any reference to existing flags
# when creating a new attachment. Setting the third param to -1 will
# force this function to check this point.
my $error_mode_cache = Bugzilla->error_mode;
eval {
validate($bug->bug_id, $attachment ? -1 : undef, SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR);
$class->process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars);
if ($@) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'flag_creation_failed';
$vars->{'flag_creation_error'} = $@;
# Return the list of flags to update and/or to create.
return (\@flags, \@new_flags);
......@@ -1111,10 +923,41 @@ or deleted.
sub notify {
my ($flag, $bug, $attachment) = @_;
my ($class, $flag, $old_flag, $obj) = @_;
# There is nobody to notify.
return unless ($flag->{'addressee'} || $flag->type->cc_list);
my ($bug, $attachment);
if (blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('Bugzilla::Attachment')) {
$attachment = $obj;
$bug = $attachment->bug;
elsif (blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('Bugzilla::Bug')) {
$bug = $obj;
else {
# Not a good time to throw an error.
my $addressee;
# If the flag is set to '?', maybe the requestee wants a notification.
if ($flag && $flag->requestee_id
&& (!$old_flag || ($old_flag->requestee_id || 0) != $flag->requestee_id))
if ($flag->requestee->wants_mail([EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED])) {
$addressee = $flag->requestee;
elsif ($old_flag && $old_flag->status eq '?'
&& (!$flag || $flag->status ne '?'))
if ($old_flag->setter->wants_mail([EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG])) {
$addressee = $old_flag->setter;
my $cc_list = $flag ? $flag->type->cc_list : $old_flag->type->cc_list;
# Is there someone to notify?
return unless ($addressee || $cc_list);
# If the target bug is restricted to one or more groups, then we need
# to make sure we don't send email about it to unauthorized users
......@@ -1124,7 +967,7 @@ sub notify {
my $attachment_is_private = $attachment ? $attachment->isprivate : undef;
my %recipients;
foreach my $cc (split(/[, ]+/, $flag->type->cc_list)) {
foreach my $cc (split(/[, ]+/, $cc_list)) {
my $ccuser = new Bugzilla::User({ name => $cc });
next if (scalar(@bug_in_groups) && (!$ccuser || !$ccuser->can_see_bug($bug->bug_id)));
next if $attachment_is_private && (!$ccuser || !$ccuser->is_insider);
......@@ -1134,16 +977,15 @@ sub notify {
# Only notify if the addressee is allowed to receive the email.
if ($flag->{'addressee'} && $flag->{'addressee'}->email_enabled) {
$recipients{$flag->{'addressee'}->email} = $flag->{'addressee'};
if ($addressee && $addressee->email_enabled) {
$recipients{$addressee->email} = $addressee;
# Process and send notification for each recipient.
# If there are users in the CC list who don't have an account,
# use the default language for email notifications.
my $default_lang;
if (grep { !$_ } values %recipients) {
my $default_user = new Bugzilla::User();
$default_lang = $default_user->settings->{'lang'}->{'value'};
$default_lang = Bugzilla::User->new()->settings->{'lang'}->{'value'};
foreach my $to (keys %recipients) {
......@@ -1152,6 +994,7 @@ sub notify {
my $thread_user_id = $recipients{$to} ? $recipients{$to}->id : 0;
my $vars = { 'flag' => $flag,
'old_flag' => $old_flag,
'to' => $to,
'bug' => $bug,
'attachment' => $attachment,
......@@ -1170,43 +1013,12 @@ sub notify {
# Cancel all request flags from the attachment being obsoleted.
sub CancelRequests {
my ($class, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $request_ids =
FROM flags
LEFT JOIN attachments ON flags.attach_id = attachments.attach_id
WHERE flags.attach_id = ?
AND flags.status = '?'
AND attachments.isobsolete = 0",
undef, $attachment->id);
return if (!scalar(@$request_ids));
# Take a snapshot of flags before any changes.
my @old_summaries = $class->snapshot($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id)
if ($timestamp);
my $flags = Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($request_ids);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) { clear($flag, $bug, $attachment) }
# If $timestamp is undefined, do not update the activity table
return unless ($timestamp);
# Take a snapshot of flags after any changes.
my @new_summaries = $class->snapshot($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id);
update_activity($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id, $timestamp,
\@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
# This is an internal function used by $bug->flag_types
# and $attachment->flag_types to collect data about available
# flag types and existing flags set on them. You should never
# call this function directly.
sub _flag_types {
my $vars = shift;
my ($class, $vars) = @_;
my $target_type = $vars->{target_type};
my $flags;
......@@ -1214,15 +1026,15 @@ sub _flag_types {
# Retrieve all existing flags for this bug/attachment.
if ($target_type eq 'bug') {
my $bug_id = delete $vars->{bug_id};
$flags = Bugzilla::Flag->match({target_type => 'bug', bug_id => $bug_id});
$flags = $class->match({target_type => 'bug', bug_id => $bug_id});
elsif ($target_type eq 'attachment') {
my $attach_id = delete $vars->{attach_id};
$flags = Bugzilla::Flag->match({attach_id => $attach_id});
$flags = $class->match({attach_id => $attach_id});
else {
ThrowCodeError('bad_arg', {argument => 'target_type',
function => 'Bugzilla::Flag::_flag_types'});
function => $class . '->_flag_types'});
# Get all available flag types for the given product and component.
......@@ -1231,10 +1043,11 @@ sub _flag_types {
$_->{flags} = [] foreach @$flag_types;
my %flagtypes = map { $_->id => $_ } @$flag_types;
# Group existing flags per type.
# Call the internal 'type_id' variable instead of the method
# to not create a flagtype object.
push(@{$flagtypes{$_->{type_id}}->{flags}}, $_) foreach @$flags;
# Group existing flags per type, and skip those becoming invalid
# (which can happen when a bug is being moved into a new product
# or component).
@$flags = grep { exists $flagtypes{$_->type_id} } @$flags;
push(@{$flagtypes{$_->type_id}->{flags}}, $_) foreach @$flags;
return [sort {$a->sortkey <=> $b->sortkey || $a->name cmp $b->name} values %flagtypes];
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ Params:
=head2 flag-end_of_update
This happens at the end of L<Bugzilla::Flag/process>, after all other changes
This happens at the end of L<Bugzilla::Flag/update_flags>, after all other changes
are made to the database and after emails are sent. It gives you a before/after
snapshot of flags so you can react to specific flag changes.
This generally occurs inside a database transaction.
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ Params:
=item C<bug> - The changed bug object.
=item C<object> - The changed bug or attachment object.
=item C<timestamp> - The timestamp used for all updates in this transaction.
......@@ -469,26 +469,16 @@ sub insert {
store_in_file => scalar $cgi->param('bigfile'),
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flags($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars);
my $fieldid = get_field_id('attachments.isobsolete');
foreach my $obsolete_attachment (@obsolete_attachments) {
# If the obsolete attachment has request flags, cancel them.
# This call must be done before updating the 'attachments' table.
Bugzilla::Flag->CancelRequests($bug, $obsolete_attachment, $timestamp);
$dbh->do('UPDATE attachments SET isobsolete = 1, modification_time = ?
WHERE attach_id = ?',
undef, ($timestamp, $obsolete_attachment->id));
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO bugs_activity (bug_id, attach_id, who, bug_when,
fieldid, removed, added)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
undef, ($bug->bug_id, $obsolete_attachment->id, $user->id,
$timestamp, $fieldid, 0, 1));
my ($flags, $new_flags) = Bugzilla::Flag->extract_flags_from_cgi(
$bug, $attachment, $vars, SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR);
$attachment->set_flags($flags, $new_flags);
# Insert a comment about the new attachment into the database.
my $comment = "Created an attachment (id=" . $attachment->id . ")\n" .
$attachment->description . "\n";
......@@ -627,27 +617,18 @@ sub update {
$bug->add_comment($comment, { isprivate => $attachment->isprivate });
# The order of these function calls is important, as Flag::validate
# assumes User::match_field has ensured that the values in the
# requestee fields are legitimate user email addresses.
Bugzilla::User::match_field($cgi, {
'^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'multi' }
Bugzilla::Flag::validate($bug->id, $attachment->id);
my ($flags, $new_flags) = Bugzilla::Flag->extract_flags_from_cgi($bug, $attachment, $vars);
$attachment->set_flags($flags, $new_flags);
# Figure out when the changes were made.
my ($timestamp) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
# Update flags. We have to do this before committing changes
# to attachments so that we can delete pending requests if the user
# is obsoleting this attachment without deleting any requests
# the user submits at the same time.
Bugzilla::Flag->process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars);
my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
my $changes = $attachment->update($timestamp);
# If there are changes, we updated delta_ts in the DB. We have to
# reflect this change in the bug object.
$bug->{delta_ts} = $timestamp if scalar(keys %$changes);
# Commit the comment, if any.
# Commit the transaction now that we are finished updating the database.
......@@ -413,11 +413,7 @@ sub update {
WHERE flags.type_id = ?
AND i.type_id IS NULL',
undef, $id);
my $flags = Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($flag_ids);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($flag->bug_id);
Bugzilla::Flag::clear($flag, $bug, $flag->attachment);
$flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT
FROM flags
......@@ -431,11 +427,7 @@ sub update {
AND (bugs.component_id = e.component_id
OR e.component_id IS NULL)',
undef, $id);
$flags = Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($flag_ids);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($flag->bug_id);
Bugzilla::Flag::clear($flag, $bug, $flag->attachment);
# Now silently remove requestees from flags which are no longer
# specifically requestable.
......@@ -481,35 +481,36 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
my $sth_set_bug_timestamp =
$dbh->prepare('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?');
# Reference removals which need LogActivityEntry.
my $statement_flagupdate = 'UPDATE flags set requestee_id = NULL
WHERE bug_id = ?
AND attach_id %s
AND requestee_id = ?';
my $sth_flagupdate_attachment =
$dbh->prepare(sprintf($statement_flagupdate, '= ?'));
my $sth_flagupdate_bug =
$dbh->prepare(sprintf($statement_flagupdate, 'IS NULL'));
my $buglist = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT bug_id, attach_id
FROM flags
WHERE requestee_id = ?',
undef, $otherUserID);
foreach (@$buglist) {
my ($bug_id, $attach_id) = @$_;
my @old_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
if ($attach_id) {
$sth_flagupdate_attachment->execute($bug_id, $attach_id, $otherUserID);
my $sth_updateFlag = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO bugs_activity
(bug_id, attach_id, who, bug_when, fieldid, removed, added)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
# Flags
my $flag_ids =
$dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT id FROM flags WHERE requestee_id = ?',
undef, $otherUserID);
my $flags = Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($flag_ids);
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags SET requestee_id = NULL, modification_date = ?
WHERE requestee_id = ?', undef, ($timestamp, $otherUserID));
# We want to remove the requestee but leave the requester alone,
# so we have to log these changes manually.
my %bugs;
push(@{$bugs{$_->bug_id}->{$_->attach_id || 0}}, $_) foreach @$flags;
my $fieldid = get_field_id('');
foreach my $bug_id (keys %bugs) {
foreach my $attach_id (keys %{$bugs{$bug_id}}) {
my @old_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag->snapshot($bugs{$bug_id}->{$attach_id});
$_->_set_requestee() foreach @{$bugs{$bug_id}->{$attach_id}};
my @new_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag->snapshot($bugs{$bug_id}->{$attach_id});
my ($removed, $added) =
Bugzilla::Flag->update_activity(\@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
$sth_updateFlag->execute($bug_id, $attach_id || undef, $userid,
$timestamp, $fieldid, $removed, $added);
else {
$sth_flagupdate_bug->execute($bug_id, $otherUserID);
my @new_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
# Let update_activity do all the dirty work, including setting
# the bug timestamp.
Bugzilla::Flag::update_activity($bug_id, $attach_id, $timestamp,
\@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
$sth_set_bug_timestamp->execute($timestamp, $bug_id);
$updatedbugs{$bug_id} = 1;
......@@ -536,9 +537,8 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
($otherUserID, $otherUserID));
# Deletions in referred tables which need LogActivityEntry.
$buglist = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT bug_id FROM cc
WHERE who = ?',
undef, $otherUserID);
my $buglist = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT bug_id FROM cc WHERE who = ?',
undef, $otherUserID);
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM cc WHERE who = ?', undef, $otherUserID);
foreach my $bug_id (@$buglist) {
LogActivityEntry($bug_id, 'cc', $otherUser->login, '', $userid,
......@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ use Bugzilla::Util qw(diff_arrays);
# This code doesn't actually *do* anything, it's just here to show you
# how to use this hook.
my $args = Bugzilla->hook_args;
my ($bug, $timestamp, $old_flags, $new_flags) =
@$args{qw(bug timestamp old_flags new_flags)};
my ($object, $timestamp, $old_flags, $new_flags) =
@$args{qw(object timestamp old_flags new_flags)};
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays($old_flags, $new_flags);
my ($granted, $denied) = (0, 0);
foreach my $new_flag (@$added) {
$granted++ if $new_flag =~ /\+$/;
$denied++ if $new_flag =~ /-$/;
my $bug_id = $bug->id;
my $bug_id = (ref $object eq 'Bugzilla::Bug') ? $object->id : $object->bug_id;
my $result = "$granted flags were granted and $denied flags were denied"
. " on bug $bug_id at $timestamp.";
# Uncomment this line to see $result in your webserver's error log whenever
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ if (defined $cgi->param('maketemplate')) {
umask 0;
# get current time
my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{SELECT NOW()});
my $timestamp = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
# Group Validation
my @selected_groups;
......@@ -219,7 +219,10 @@ if (defined($cgi->upload('data')) || $cgi->param('attachurl')) {
if ($attachment) {
# Set attachment flags.
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flags($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars);
my ($flags, $new_flags) = Bugzilla::Flag->extract_flags_from_cgi(
$bug, $attachment, $vars, SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR);
$attachment->set_flags($flags, $new_flags);
# Update the comment to include the new attachment ID.
# This string is hardcoded here because Template::quoteUrls()
......@@ -246,7 +249,10 @@ if (defined($cgi->upload('data')) || $cgi->param('attachurl')) {
# Set bug flags.
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flags($bug, undef, $timestamp, $vars);
my ($flags, $new_flags) = Bugzilla::Flag->extract_flags_from_cgi($bug, undef, $vars,
$bug->set_flags($flags, $new_flags);
# Email everyone the details of the new bug
$vars->{'mailrecipients'} = {'changer' => $user->login};
......@@ -143,22 +143,13 @@ if (defined $cgi->param('dontchange')) {
# do a match on the fields if applicable
# The order of these function calls is important, as Flag::validate
# assumes User::match_field has ensured that the values
# in the requestee fields are legitimate user email addresses.
&Bugzilla::User::match_field($cgi, {
Bugzilla::User::match_field($cgi, {
'qa_contact' => { 'type' => 'single' },
'newcc' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
'masscc' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
'assigned_to' => { 'type' => 'single' },
'^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
# Validate flags in all cases. validate() should not detect any
# reference to flags if $cgi->param('id') is undefined.
print $cgi->header() unless Bugzilla->usage_mode == USAGE_MODE_EMAIL;
# Check for a mid-air collision. Currently this only works when updating
......@@ -280,6 +271,12 @@ foreach my $bug (@bug_objects) {
$product_change ||= $changed;
# Flags should be set AFTER the bug has been moved into another product/component.
if ($cgi->param('id')) {
my ($flags, $new_flags) = Bugzilla::Flag->extract_flags_from_cgi($first_bug, undef, $vars);
$first_bug->set_flags($flags, $new_flags);
if ($cgi->param('id') && (defined $cgi->param('dependson')
|| defined $cgi->param('blocked')) )
......@@ -586,9 +583,6 @@ foreach my $bug (@bug_objects) {
# Set and update flags.
Bugzilla::Flag->process($bug, undef, $timestamp, $vars);
......@@ -222,15 +222,10 @@
but you tried to flag it as obsolete while creating a new attachment to
[% terms.bug %] [%+ my_bug_id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "flags_not_available" %]
[% title = "Flag Editing not Allowed" %]
[% IF type == "b" %]
Flags cannot be set or changed when
changing several [% terms.bugs %] at once.
[% ELSE %]
References to existing flags when creating
a new attachment are invalid.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "flag_unexpected_object" %]
[% title = "Object Not Recognized" %]
Flags cannot be set for objects of type [% caller FILTER html %].
They can only be set for [% terms.bugs %] and attachments.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_requestee_disabled" %]
[% title = "Flag not Requestable from Specific Person" %]
......@@ -568,12 +568,6 @@
<br>Alternately, if your attachment is an image, you could convert
it to a compressible format like JPG or PNG and try again.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_not_multiplicable" %]
[% docslinks = {'flags-overview.html' => 'An overview on Flags',
'flags.html' => 'Using Flags'} %]
You can't ask more than one person at a time for
<em>[% FILTER html %]</em>.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_requestee_needs_privs" %]
[% title = "Flag Requestee Needs Privileges" %]
[% requestee.identity FILTER html %] does not have permission to set the
......@@ -632,6 +626,12 @@
The name <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> must be 1-50 characters long
and must not contain any spaces or commas.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_not_multiplicable" %]
[% docslinks = {'flags-overview.html' => 'An overview on Flags',
'flags.html' => 'Using Flags'} %]
You cannot have several <em>[% FILTER html %]</em> flags
for this [% IF attachment %] attachment [% ELSE %] [%+ terms.bug %] [% END %].
[% ELSIF error == "flag_update_denied" %]
[% title = "Flag Modification Denied" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'flags-overview.html#flags-admin' => 'Administering Flags',
......@@ -1158,9 +1158,11 @@
[% ELSIF error == "no_bugs_in_list" %]
[% title = "Delete Tag?" %]
This will remove all [% terms.bugs %] from the
[% tag FILTER html %] tag. This will delete the tag completely. Click
<em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> tag. This will delete the tag completely. Click
<a href="buglist.cgi?cmdtype=dorem&amp;remaction=forget&amp;namedcmd=
[%- tag FILTER url_quote %]">here</a> if you really want to delete it.
[%- name FILTER url_quote %]&amp;token=
[%- issue_hash_token([query_id, name]) FILTER url_quote %]">here</a>
if you really want to delete it.
[% ELSIF error == "no_bugs_to_remove" %]
[% title = "No Tag Selected" %]
......@@ -1742,6 +1744,10 @@
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Status" %]
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Flag" %]
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::FlagType" %]
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Field" %]
[% ELSIF ( matches = class.match('^Bugzilla::Field::Choice::(.+)') ) %]
......@@ -24,28 +24,31 @@
[% bugidsummary = bug.bug_id _ ': ' _ bug.short_desc %]
[% attidsummary = _ ': ' _ attachment.description %]
[% flagtype_name = flag ? : %]
[% statuses = { '+' => "granted" , '-' => 'denied' , 'X' => "canceled" ,
'?' => "asked" } %]
[% to_identity = "" %]
[% on_behalf_of = 0 %]
[% IF flag.status == '?' %]
[% action = flag.status || 'X' %]
[% IF flag && flag.status == '?' %]
[% subject_status = "requested" %]
[% IF == %]
[% IF flag.setter_id == %]
[% to_identity = flag.requestee.identity _ " for" %]
[% ELSE %]
[% on_behalf_of = 1 %]
[% IF flag.requestee %][% to_identity = " to " _ flag.requestee.identity %][% END %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% IF flag.requester %]
[% to_identity = flag.requester.identity _ "'s request for" %]
[% IF old_flag && old_flag.status == '?' %]
[% to_identity = old_flag.setter.identity _ "'s request for" %]
[% END %]
[% subject_status = statuses.${flag.status} %]
[% subject_status = statuses.$action %]
[% END %]
From: [% Param('mailfrom') %]
To: [% to %]
Subject: [% %] [%+ subject_status %]: [[% terms.Bug %] [%+ bug.bug_id %]] [% bug.short_desc %]
Subject: [% flagtype_name %] [%+ subject_status %]: [[% terms.Bug %] [%+ bug.bug_id %]] [% bug.short_desc %]
[%- IF attachment %] :
[Attachment [% %]] [% attachment.description %][% END %]
X-Bugzilla-Type: request
......@@ -55,10 +58,10 @@ X-Bugzilla-Type: request
[%- FILTER bullet = wrap(80) -%]
[% IF on_behalf_of %]
[% user.identity %] has reassigned [% flag.setter.identity %]'s request for [% %]
[% user.identity %] has reassigned [% flag.setter.identity %]'s request for [% flagtype_name %]
[% to_identity %]:
[% ELSE %]
[% user.identity %] has [% statuses.${flag.status} %] [%+ to_identity %] [%+ %]:
[% user.identity %] has [% statuses.$action %] [%+ to_identity %] [%+ flagtype_name %]:
[% END %]
[% terms.Bug %] [%+ bugidsummary %]
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