Commit e0195342 authored by's avatar

bug 25010 need a way to edit groups

parent dc17dc6d
......@@ -943,6 +943,9 @@ sub GetCommandMenu {
if (UserInGroup("editcomponents")) {
$html .= ", <a href=editproducts.cgi>components</a>";
if (UserInGroup("creategroups")) {
$html .= ", <a href=editgroups.cgi>groups</a>";
if (UserInGroup("editkeywords")) {
$html .= ", <a href=editkeywords.cgi>keywords</a>";
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......@@ -250,15 +250,17 @@ PutHeader ("Enter Bug","Enter Bug","This page lets you enter a new bug into Bugz
# Modified, -JMR, 2/24,00
# If the usebuggroupsentry parameter is set, we need to check and make sure
# that the user has permission to enter a bug against this product.
if(Param("usebuggroupsentry")) {
if(!UserInGroup($product)) {
# Modified, -DDM, 3/11/00
# added GroupExists check so we don't choke on a groupless product
&& GroupExists($product)
&& !UserInGroup($product)) {
print "<H1>Permission denied.</H1>\n";
print "Sorry; you do not have the permissions necessary to enter\n";
print "a bug against this product.\n";
print "<P>\n";
# Modified, -JMR, 2/18/00
......@@ -271,14 +273,17 @@ if(Param("usebuggroupsentry")) {
# the database, (2) insert the select box in the giant print statements below,
# and (3) update post_bug.cgi to process the additional input field.
# Modified, -DDM, 3/11/00
# Only need the bit here, and not the description. Description is gotten
# when the select boxes for all the groups this user has access to are read
# in later on.
# First we get the bit and description for the group.
my $group_bit=0;
my $group_desc;
if(Param("usebuggroups") && GroupExists($product)) {
SendSQL("select bit, description from groups ".
SendSQL("select bit from groups ".
"where name = ".SqlQuote($product)." ".
"and isbuggroup != 0");
($group_bit, $group_desc) = FetchSQLData();
($group_bit) = FetchSQLData();
print "
......@@ -388,33 +393,6 @@ print "
value_quote(formvalue('comment')) .
# In between the Description field and the Submit buttons, we'll put in the
# select box for the bug group, if necessary.
# Rather than waste time with another Param check and another database access,
# $group_bit will only have a non-zero value if we're using bug groups and have
# one for this product, so I'll check on that instead here. -JMR, 2/18/00
if($group_bit) {
# In addition, we need to handle the possibility that we're coming from
# a bookmark template. We'll simply check if we've got a parameter called
# groupset passed with a value other than the current bit. If so, then we're
# coming from a template, and we don't have group_bit set, so turn it off.
my $check0 = (formvalue("groupset",$group_bit) == $group_bit) ? "" : " SELECTED";
my $check1 = ($check0 eq "") ? " SELECTED" : "";
print "
<td align=right><B>Access:</td>
<td colspan=5>
<select name=\"groupset\">
<option value=0$check0>
People not in the \"$group_desc\" group can see this bug
<option value=$group_bit$check1>
Only people in the \"$group_desc\" group can see this bug
print "
......@@ -424,15 +402,31 @@ print "
if ($::usergroupset ne '0') {
SendSQL("SELECT bit, description FROM groups " .
"WHERE bit & $::usergroupset != 0 " .
" AND isbuggroup != 0 ORDER BY bit");
" AND isbuggroup != 0 ORDER BY description");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($bit, $description) = (FetchSQLData());
# Rather than waste time with another Param check and another database
# access, $group_bit will only have a non-zero value if we're using
# bug groups and have one for this product, so I'll check on that
# instead here. -JMR, 2/18/00
# Moved this check to this location to fix conflict with existing
# select-box patch. Also, if $group_bit is 0, it won't match the
# current group, either, so I'll compare it to the current bit
# instead of checking for non-zero. -DDM, 3/11/00
my $check = 0; # default selection
if($group_bit == $bit) {
# In addition, we need to handle the possibility that we're coming
# from a bookmark template. We'll simply check if we've got a
# parameter called bit-# passed. If so, then we're coming from a
# template, and we'll use the template value.
$check = formvalue("bit-$bit","1");
print BuildPulldown("bit-$bit",
"People not in the \"$description\" group can see this bug"],
"Only people in the \"$description\" group can see this bug"]],
print "<BR>\n";
......@@ -121,12 +121,6 @@ if (Param("useqacontact")) {
# If we're using bug groups, we need to include the groupset in the list of
# fields. -JMR, 2/18/00
if(Param("usebuggroups")) {
push(@bug_fields, "groupset");
if (exists $::FORM{'bug_status'}) {
if (!UserInGroup("canedit") && !UserInGroup("canconfirm")) {
delete $::FORM{'bug_status'};
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