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Bug 277617: Move database-manipulation subroutines in checksetup to Bugzilla::DB…

Bug 277617: Move database-manipulation subroutines in checksetup to Bugzilla::DB and (eventual) subclasses Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=glob, a=justdave
parent 70486766
......@@ -233,6 +233,158 @@ sub bz_get_field_defs {
# XXX - Need to make this cross-db compatible
# XXX - This shouldn't print stuff to stdout
sub bz_add_field ($$$) {
my ($self, $table, $field, $definition) = @_;
my $ref = $self->bz_get_field_def($table, $field);
return if $ref; # already added?
print "Adding new field $field to table $table ...\n";
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table
ADD COLUMN $field $definition");
# XXX - Need to make this cross-db compatible
# XXX - This shouldn't print stuff to stdout
sub bz_change_field_type ($$$) {
my ($self, $table, $field, $newtype) = @_;
my $ref = $self->bz_get_field_def($table, $field);
my $oldtype = $ref->[1];
if (! $ref->[2]) {
$oldtype .= qq{ not null};
if ($ref->[4]) {
$oldtype .= qq{ default "$ref->[4]"};
if ($oldtype ne $newtype) {
print "Updating field type $field in table $table ...\n";
print "old: $oldtype\n";
print "new: $newtype\n";
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table
CHANGE $field
$field $newtype");
# XXX - Need to make this cross-db compatible
# XXX - This shouldn't print stuff to stdout
sub bz_drop_field ($$) {
my ($self, $table, $field) = @_;
my $ref = $self->bz_get_field_def($table, $field);
return unless $ref; # already dropped?
print "Deleting unused field $field from table $table ...\n";
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table
DROP COLUMN $field");
# XXX - Needs to be made cross-db compatible
sub bz_drop_table_indexes ($) {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my %seen;
# get the list of indexes
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table");
# drop each index
while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
# note that some indexes are described by multiple rows in the
# index table, so we may have already dropped the index described
# in the current row.
next if exists $seen{$$ref[2]};
if ($$ref[2] eq 'PRIMARY') {
# The syntax for dropping a PRIMARY KEY is different
# from the normal DROP INDEX syntax.
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP PRIMARY KEY");
else {
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP INDEX $$ref[2]");
$seen{$$ref[2]} = 1;
# XXX - Needs to be made cross-db compatible
sub bz_rename_field ($$$) {
my ($self, $table, $field, $newname) = @_;
my $ref = $self->bz_get_field_def($table, $field);
return unless $ref; # already renamed?
if ($$ref[1] ne $newname) {
print "Updating field $field in table $table ...\n";
my $type = $$ref[1];
$type .= " NOT NULL" if !$$ref[2];
$type .= " auto_increment" if $$ref[5] =~ /auto_increment/;
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table
CHANGE $field
$newname $type");
# XXX - Needs to be made cross-db compatible.
sub bz_get_field_def ($$) {
my ($self, $table, $field) = @_;
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table");
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
next if $$ref[0] ne $field;
return $ref;
# XXX - Needs to be made cross-db compatible
sub bz_get_index_count ($) {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table");
if ( $sth->rows == -1 ) {
die ("Unexpected response while counting indexes in $table:" .
" \$sth->rows == -1");
return ($sth->rows);
# XXX - Needs to be made cross-db compatible.
sub bz_get_index_def ($$) {
my ($self, $table, $field) = @_;
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table");
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
next if $$ref[2] ne $field;
return $ref;
# XXX - Needs to be made cross-db compatible
sub bz_table_exists ($) {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my $exists = 0;
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW TABLES");
while (my ($dbtable) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
if ($dbtable eq $table) {
$exists = 1;
return $exists;
sub bz_last_key {
my ($self, $table, $column) = @_;
......@@ -342,8 +494,18 @@ Bugzilla::DB - Database access routines, using L<DBI>
# Get the results
my @result = $sth->fetchrow_array;
# Schema Changes
$dbh->bz_add_field($table, $column, $definition);
$dbh->bz_change_field_type($table, $column, $newtype);
$dbh->bz_drop_field($table, $column);
$dbh->bz_rename_field($table, $column, $newname);
# Schema Information
my @fields = $dbh->bz_get_field_defs();
my @fieldinfo = $dbh->bz_get_field_def($table, $column);
my @indexinfo = $dbh->bz_get_index_def($table, $index);
my $exists = $dbh->bz_table_exists($table);
......@@ -534,6 +696,51 @@ formatted SQL command have prefix C<sql_>. All other methods have prefix C<bz_>.
$column = name of column containing serial data type (scalar)
Returns: Last inserted ID (scalar)
=item C<bz_add_field>
Description: Adds a new column to a table in the database. Prints out
a brief statement that it did so, to stdout.
Params: $table = the table where the column is being added
$column = the name of the new column
$definition = SQL for defining the new column
Returns: none
=item C<bz_change_field_type>
Description: Changes the data type of a column in a table. Prints out
the changes being made to stdout. If the new type is the
same as the old type, the function returns without changing
Params: $table = the table where the column is
$column = the name of the column you want to change
$newtype = the new data type of the column, in SQL format.
Returns: none
=item C<bz_drop_field>
Description: Removes a column from a database table. If the column
doesn't exist, we return without doing anything. If we do
anything, we print a short message to stdout about the change.
Params: $table = The table where the column is
$column = The name of the column you want to drop
Returns: none
=item C<bz_drop_table_indexes>
Description: Drops all indexes on a given table.
Params: $table = the table on which you wish to remove all indexes
Returns: none
=item C<bz_rename_field>
Description: Renames a column in a database table. If the column
doesn't exist, or if the new name is the same as the
old name, we return without changing anything.
Params: $table = the table where the column is that you want to rename
$column = the name of the column you want to rename
$newname = the new name of the column
Returns: none
=item C<bz_get_field_defs>
Description: Returns a list of all the "bug" fields in Bugzilla. The list
......@@ -541,6 +748,53 @@ formatted SQL command have prefix C<sql_>. All other methods have prefix C<bz_>.
Params: none
Returns: List of all the "bug" fields
=item C<bz_get_field_def>
Description: Returns information about a column in a table in the database.
Params: $table = name of table containing the column (scalar)
$column = column you want info about (scalar)
Returns: An reference to an array containing information about the
field, with the following information in each array place:
0 = column name
1 = column type
2 = 'YES' if the column can be NULL, empty string otherwise
3 = The type of key, either 'MUL', 'UNI', 'PRI, or ''.
4 = The default value
5 = An "extra" column, per MySQL docs. Don't use it.
If the column does not exist, the function returns undef.
=item C<bz_get_index_count>
Description: Returns the number of indexes on a certain table.
Params: $table = the table that you want to count indexes on
Returns: The number of indexes on the table.
=item C<bz_get_index_def>
Description: Returns information about an index on a table in the database.
Params: $table = name of table containing the index (scalar)
$index = name of the index (scalar)
Returns: A reference to an array containing information about the
index, with the following information in each array place:
0 = name of the table that the index is on
1 = 0 if unique, 1 if not unique
2 = name of the index
3 = seq_in_index (either 1 or 0)
4 = Name of ONE column that the index is on
5 = 'Collation' of the index. Usually 'A'.
6 = Cardinality. Either a number or undef.
7 = sub_part. Usually undef. Sometimes 1.
8 = "packed". Usually undef.
9 = comments. Usually an empty string. Sometimes 'FULLTEXT'.
If the index does not exist, the function returns undef.
=item C<bz_table_exists>
Description: Returns whether or not the specified table exists in the DB.
Params: $table = the name of the table you're checking the existence
of (scalar)
Returns: A true value if the table exists, a false value otherwise.
=item C<bz_start_transaction>
Description: Starts a transaction if supported by the database being used
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