Commit e4b96445 authored by's avatar

Bug 286724: change to do a simpler check for image creation,…

Bug 286724: change to do a simpler check for image creation, thereby avoiding false negatives. Patch by gerv; r=glob, a=justdave.
parent 38f51edb
......@@ -123,21 +123,21 @@ Check your webserver configuration.\n";
print "TEST-OK Webserver is preventing fetch of $url.\n";
# Test chart generation
eval 'use GD';
if ($@ eq '') {
undef $/;
# Ensure major versions of GD and libgd match
# Windows's GD module include libgd.dll, guarenteed to match
# Windows's GD module include libgd.dll, guaranteed to match
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
my $gdlib = `gdlib-config --version 2>&1`;
my $gdlib = `gdlib-config --version 2>&1` || "";
$gdlib =~ s/\n$//;
if (!$gdlib) {
print "TEST-WARNING Failed to run gdlib-config, assuming gdlib " .
"version 1.x\n";
$gdlib = '1.x';
print "TEST-WARNING Failed to run gdlib-config; can't compare " .
"GD versions.\n";
else {
my $gd = $GD::VERSION;
my $verstring = "GD version $gd, libgd version $gdlib";
......@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ if ($@ eq '') {
if ($gdlib == $gd) {
print "TEST-OK $verstring; Major versions match.\n";
} else {
print "TEST-FAIL $verstring; Major versions do not match\n";
print "TEST-FAILED $verstring; Major versions do not match.\n";
# Test GD
eval {
my $image = new GD::Image(100, 100);
my $black = $image->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0);
......@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ if ($@ eq '') {
if ($image->can('png')) {
create_file("$datadir/testgd-local.png", $image->png);
check_image("$datadir/testgd-local.png", 't/testgd.png', 'GD', 'PNG');
check_image("$datadir/testgd-local.png", 'GD');
} else {
die "GD doesn't support PNG generation\n";
print "TEST-FAILED GD doesn't support PNG generation.\n";
if ($@ ne '') {
......@@ -177,10 +177,9 @@ if ($@ eq '') {
# Test Chart
eval 'use Chart::Lines';
if ($@) {
print "TEST-FAILED Chart::Lines is not installed\n";
print "TEST-FAILED Chart::Lines is not installed.\n";
} else {
eval {
my $chart = Chart::Lines->new(400, 400);
......@@ -188,10 +187,8 @@ if ($@ eq '') {
$chart->add_pt('foo', 30, 25);
$chart->add_pt('bar', 16, 32);
my $type = $chart->can('gif') ? 'gif' : 'png';
check_image("$datadir/testchart-local.$type", "t/testchart.$type",
"Chart", uc($type));
check_image("$datadir/testchart-local.png", "Chart");
if ($@ ne '') {
print "TEST-FAILED Chart returned: $@\n";
......@@ -227,7 +224,6 @@ sub fetch {
select((select(SOCK), $| = 1)[0]);
# get content
print SOCK "GET $file HTTP/1.0\015\012host: $host:$port\015\012\015\012";
my $header = '';
while (defined(my $line = <SOCK>)) {
......@@ -247,14 +243,13 @@ sub fetch {
sub check_image {
my ($local_file, $test_file, $library, $image_type) = @_;
if (read_file($local_file) eq read_file($test_file)) {
print "TEST-OK $library library generated a good $image_type image\n";
my ($local_file, $library) = @_;
my $filedata = read_file($local_file);
if ($filedata =~ /^\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A/) {
print "TEST-OK $library library generated a good PNG image.\n";
unlink $local_file;
} else {
print "TEST-WARNING $library library generated a $image_type that " .
"didn't match the expected image.\nIt has been saved as " .
"$local_file and should be compared with $test_file\n";
print "TEST-WARNING $library library did not generate a good PNG.\n";
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