Commit e80f777c authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 578313: Move the parsing of basic fields (ones that map to

fielddefs) into methods r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent 0fc66477
......@@ -727,6 +727,29 @@ sub _parse_params {
my ($self) = @_;
my $basic_charts = $self->_parse_basic_fields();
return @$basic_charts;
sub _parse_basic_fields {
my ($self) = @_;
my $params = $self->_params;
my $chart_fields = $self->_chart_fields;
my @charts;
foreach my $field_name (keys %$chart_fields) {
# CGI params shouldn't have periods in them, so we only accept
# period-separated fields with underscores where the periods go.
my $param_name = $field_name;
$param_name =~ s/\./_/g;
next if !defined $params->param($param_name);
my $operator = $params->param("${param_name}_type");
$operator = 'anyexact' if !$operator;
$operator = 'matches' if $operator eq 'content';
my $string_value = join(',', $params->param($param_name));
push(@charts, [$field_name, $operator, $string_value]);
return \@charts;
sub _special_parse_bug_status {
......@@ -752,14 +775,14 @@ sub _special_parse_bug_status {
@bug_status = uniq @bug_status;
# This will also handle removing __open__ and __closed__ for us.
my $all = grep { $_ eq "__all__" } @bug_status;
# This will also handle removing __open__ and __closed__ for us
# (__all__ too, which is why we check for it above, first).
@bug_status = _valid_values(\@bug_status, $legal_statuses);
# If the user has selected every status, change to selecting none.
# This is functionally equivalent, but quite a lot faster.
if (scalar(@bug_status) == scalar(@$legal_statuses)
or grep { $_ eq "__all__" } @bug_status)
if ($all or scalar(@bug_status) == scalar(@$legal_statuses)) {
else {
......@@ -878,41 +901,11 @@ sub init {
my @supptables;
my @wherepart;
my @having;
my @specialchart;
my @andlist;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# All fields that don't have a . in their name should be specifyable
# in the URL directly.
my $legal_fields = Bugzilla->fields({ by_name => 1 });
if (!$user->is_timetracker) {
foreach my $name (TIMETRACKING_FIELDS) {
delete $legal_fields->{$name};
foreach my $name (keys %$legal_fields) {
delete $legal_fields->{$name} if $name =~ /\./;
foreach my $field ($params->param()) {
if ($legal_fields->{$field}) {
my $type = $params->param("${field}_type");
if (!$type) {
if ($field eq 'keywords') {
$type = 'anywords';
else {
$type = 'anyexact';
$type = 'matches' if $field eq 'content';
push(@specialchart, [$field, $type,
join(',', $params->param($field))]);
my @specialchart = $self->_parse_params();
foreach my $id (1, 2, 3) {
if (!defined ($params->param("email$id"))) {
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