Commit ee64eb05 authored by Marc Schumann's avatar Marc Schumann

If you're not allowed to change status or resolution, their values are being displayed unlocalized.

parent d98e5111
......@@ -186,13 +186,21 @@
[% END %]
[% ELSIF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA %]
[% ELSE %]
[% SWITCH field.type %]
<div class="uneditable_textarea">[% value FILTER html %]</div>
[% ELSIF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID %]
[% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID %]
[% IF value %]
[% value FILTER bug_link(value, use_alias => 1) FILTER none %]
[% END %]
[% ELSIF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_URLS %]
[% FOREACH val = value %]
[% display_value(, val) FILTER html %]
[% ', ' UNLESS loop.last() %]
[% END %]
[% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_URLS %]
[% '<ul class="bug_urls">' IF value.size %]
[% FOREACH bug_url = value %]
......@@ -200,8 +208,9 @@
[% END %]
[% '</ul>' IF value.size %]
[% ELSE %]
[% CASE %]
[% value.join(', ') FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% Hook.process('end_field_column') %]
[% '</td>' IF NOT no_tds %]
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