Commit fa306daf authored by's avatar

Bug 349423: Release Notes for Bugzilla 3.0

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=LpSolit, a=mkanat
parent c1cec451
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ package Bugzilla::Template;
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Error;
......@@ -57,7 +58,6 @@ use base qw(Template);
# (which is how Perl implements constants) and ignoring the rest (which, if
# exports only constants, as it should, will be nothing else).
sub _load_constants {
use Bugzilla::Constants ();
my %constants;
foreach my $constant (@Bugzilla::Constants::EXPORT,
......@@ -820,6 +820,16 @@ sub create {
Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($id, $mailrecipients);
# These don't work as normal constants.
DB_MODULE => \&Bugzilla::Constants::DB_MODULE,
my @optional = @{OPTIONAL_MODULES()};
@optional = sort {$a->{feature} cmp $b->{feature}}
return \@optional;
}) || die("Template creation failed: " . $class->error());
Release Notes for Bugzilla version 3.0 and higher are available in HTML
format, either on the website, or in your current installation,
linked from the index page. links for release notes
*** The Bugzilla 2.22 Release Notes ***
/* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Everything Solved.
* Portions created by Everything Solved are Copyright (C) 2006
* Everything Solved. All Rights Reserved.
* The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
* Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <>
#bugzilla-body {
padding: 0 1em;
.req_new {
color: red;
.req_table {
border-collapse: collapse;
.req_table td, .req_table th {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: .25em;
......@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ foreach my $file (@testitems) {
# "Bugzilla"
if (grep /(?<!X\-)Bugzilla(?!_)/, $text) {
# Exclude JS comments, hyperlinks, USE and variable assignment.
unless (grep /(\/\/.*|org.*>|USE |= )Bugzilla/, $text) {
if (grep /(?<!X\-)Bugzilla(?!_|::|-&gt|\.pm)/, $text) {
# Exclude JS comments, hyperlinks, USE, and variable assignment.
unless (grep /(\/\/.*|(org|api).*>|USE |= )Bugzilla/, $text) {
push(@errors, [$lineno, $text]);
......@@ -95,9 +95,15 @@ function addSidebar() {
<div id="page-index">
<div class="intro"></div>
<p>This is where we put in lots of nifty words explaining all about [% terms.Bugzilla %].</p>
<p>But it all boils down to a choice of:</p>
<p>Welcome to [% terms.Bugzilla %]. To see what's new in this version
of [% terms.Bugzilla %], see the
<a href="page.cgi?id=release-notes.html">release notes</a>!
You may also want to read the
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]using.html">
[%- terms.Bugzilla %] User's Guide</a> to find out more about
[%+ terms.Bugzilla %] and how to use it.</p>
<p>Most common actions:</p>
<li id="query"><a href="query.cgi">Search existing [% terms.bug %] reports</a></li>
<li id="enter-bug"><a href="enter_bug.cgi">Enter a new [% terms.bug %] report</a></li>
[%# %]
[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Everything Solved.
# Portions created by Everything Solved are Copyright (C) 2006
# Everything Solved. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <>
[% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]
[% INCLUDE global/header.html.tmpl
title = "$terms.Bugzilla 3.0 Release Notes"
style_urls = ['skins/standard/release-notes.css']
<p><big>These release notes are currently a <strong>DRAFT</strong>.</big></p>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<ul class="bz_toc">
<li><a href="#v30_introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_req">Minimum Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat">New Features and Improvements</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_issues">Outstanding Issues</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_upgrading">How to Upgrade From An Older Version</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_changes">Code Changes Which May Affect
<li><a href="#v30_previous">Release Notes for Previous Versions</a></li>
<h2><a name="v30_introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
<p>Welcome to [% terms.Bugzilla %] 3.0! It's been over eight years since
we released [% terms.Bugzilla %] 2.0, and everything has changed since
then. Even just since our previous release, [% terms.Bugzilla %] 2.22,
we've added a <em>lot</em> of new features. So enjoy the release, we're
happy to bring it to you.</p>
<p>If you're upgrading, make sure to read <a href="#v30_upgrading">How to
Upgrade From An Older Version</a>. If you are upgrading from a release
before 2.22, make sure to read the release notes for all the
<a href="#v30_previous">previous versions</a> in between your version
and [% terms.Bugzilla %] 3.0.</p>
<h2><a name="v30_req"></a>Minimum Requirements</h2>
<p>Any requirements that are new since 2.22 will look like
<span class="req_new">this</span>.</p>
<li><a href="#v30_req_perl">Perl</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_req_mysql">For MySQL Users</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_req_pg">For PostgreSQL Users</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_req_modules">Required Perl Modules</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_req_optional_mod">Optional Perl
<h3><a name="v30_req_perl"></a>Perl</h3>
<li>Perl <span class="req_new">v<strong>5.8.0</strong></span> (non-Windows
<li>Perl v<strong>5.8.1</strong> (Windows platforms)</li>
[% PROCESS db_req db='mysql' %]
[% PROCESS db_req db='pg' %]
<h3><a name="v30_req_modules"></a>Required Perl Modules</h3>
[% INCLUDE req_table reqs = REQUIRED_MODULES
new = ['Email-MIME-Modifier', 'Email-Send']
updated = ['DBI'] %]
<h3><a name="v30_req_optional_mod"></a>Optional Perl Modules</h3>
<p>The following perl modules, if installed, enable various
features of [% terms.Bugzilla %]:</p>
[% INCLUDE req_table reqs = OPTIONAL_MODULES
new = ['libwww-perl', 'SOAP-Lite', 'mod_perl',
'Apache-DBI', 'Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper',
updated = ['CGI']
include_feature = 1 %]
<h2><a name="v30_feat"></a>New Features and Improvements</h2>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_cf">Custom Fields</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_mp">mod_perl Support</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_sq">Shared Saved Searches</a></li>
<a href="#v30_feat_afn">Attachments and Flags on New [% terms.Bugs %]</a>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_cr">Custom Resolutions</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_ppp">Per-Product Permissions</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_ui">User Interface Improvements</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_xml">XML-RPC Interface</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_skin">Skins</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_sbu">Unchangeable Fields Appear
<li><a href="#v30_feat_et">All Emails in Templates</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_df">No More Double-Filed [% terms.Bugs %]</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_cc">Default CC List for Components</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_emi">File/Modify [% terms.Bugs %] By Email</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_gw">Users Who Get All [% terms.Bug %]
<li><a href="#v30_feat_utf8">Improved UTF-8 Support</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_upda">Automatic Update Notification</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_welc">Welcome Page for New Installs</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_feat_other">Other Enhancements and Changes</a></li>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_cf"></a>Custom Fields</h3>
<p>[% terms.Bugzilla %] now includes very basic support for custom fields.</p>
<p>Users in the <kbd>admin</kbd> group can add plain-text or drop-down
custom fields. You can edit the values available for drop-down fields
using the &quot;Field Values&quot; control panel.</p>
<p>Don't add too many custom fields! It can make [% terms.Bugzilla %]
very difficult to use. Try your best to get along with the default
fields, and then if you find that you can't live without custom fields
after a few weeks of using [% terms.Bugzilla %], only then should you
start your custom fields.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_mp"></a>mod_perl Support</h3>
<p>[% terms.Bugzilla %] 3.0 supports mod_perl, which allows for extremely
enhanced page-load performance. mod_perl trades memory usage for performance,
allowing near-instantaneous page loads, but using much more memory.</p>
<p>If you want to enable mod_perl for your [% terms.Bugzilla %], we recommend
a minimum of 1.5GB of RAM, and for a site with heavy traffic, 4GB to 8GB.</p>
<p>mod_perl brings total enterprise-level performance to
[% terms.Bugzilla %], allowing a single installation to efficiently and
effectively support a large number of concurrent users.</p>
<p>If performance isn't that critical on your installation, you don't
have the memory, or you are running some other web server than
Apache, [% terms.Bugzilla %] still runs perfectly as a normal CGI
application, as well.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_sq"></a>Shared Saved Searches</h3>
<p>Users can now choose to &quot;share&quot; their saved searches
with a certain group. That group will then be able to
&quot;subscribe&quot; to those searches, and have them appear
in their footer.</p>
<p>If the sharer can &quot;bless&quot; the group he's sharing to,
(that is, if he can add users to that group), it's considered
that he's a manager of that group, and his queries show up
automatically in that group's footer (although they can
unsubscribe from any particular search, if they want.)</p>
<p>In order to allow a user to share their queries, they also
have to be a member of the group specified in the
<code>querysharegroup</code> parameter.</p>
<p>Users can control their shared and subscribed queries from
the &quot;Preferences&quot; screen.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_afn"></a>Attachments and Flags on New
[% terms.Bugs %]</h3>
<p>You can now add an attachment while you are filing a new
[% terms.bug %].</p>
<p>You can also set flags on the [% terms.bug %] and on attachments, while
filing a new [% terms.bug %].</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_cr"></a>Custom Resolutions</h3>
<p>You can now customize the list of resolutions available
in [% terms.Bugzilla %], including renaming the default resolutions.</p>
<p>The resolutions <code>FIXED</code>, <code>DUPLICATE</code>
and <code>MOVED</code> have a special meaning to [% terms.Bugzilla %],
though, and cannot be renamed or deleted.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_ppp"></a>Per-Product Permissions</h3>
<p>You can now grant users <kbd>editbugs</kbd> and <kbd>canconfirm</kbd>
for only certain products. You can also grant users <kbd>editcomponents</kbd>
on a product, which means they will be able to edit that product
including adding/removing components and other product-specific
<h3><a name="v30_feat_ui"></a>User Interface Improvements</h3>
<p>There has been some work on the user interface for [% terms.Bugzilla %] 3.0,
<li>There is now navigation and a search box a the <em>top</em> of
each page, in addition to the bar at the bottom of the page.</li>
<li>A re-designed &quot;Format for Printing&quot; page for
[% terms.bugs %].</li>
<li>The layout of <kbd>show_bug.cgi</kbd> (the [% terms.bug %] editing
page) has been changed, and the attachment table has been redesigned.</li>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_xml"></a>XML-RPC Interface</h3>
<p>[% terms.Bugzilla %] now has a Web Services interface using the XML-RPC
protocol. It can be accessed by external applications by going
to the <kbd>xmlrpc.cgi</kbd> on your installation.</p>
<p>Documentation can be found in the
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]api/">[% terms.Bugzilla %]
API Docs</a>, in the various <kbd>Bugzilla::WebService</kbd> modules.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_skin"></a>Skins</h3>
<p>[% terms.Bugzilla %] can have multiple &quot;skins&quot; installed,
and users can pick between them. To write a skin, you just have to
write several CSS files. See the <a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]cust-skins.html">Custom
Skins Documentation</a> for more details.</p>
<p>We currently don't have any alternate skins shipping with
[% terms.Bugzilla %]. If you write an alternate skin, please
let us know!</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_sbu"></a>Unchangeable Fields Appear
<p>As long as you are logged in, when viewing [% terms.abug %], if you
cannot change a field, it will not look like you can change it. That
is, the value will just appear as plain text.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_et"></a>All Emails in Templates</h3>
<p>All outbound emails are now controlled by the templating system.
What used to be the <code>passwordmail</code>, <code>whinemail</code>,
<code>newchangedmail</code> and <code>voteremovedmail</code>
parameters are now all templates in the <kbd>template/</kbd> directory.</p>
<p>This means that it's now much easier to customize your outbound
emails, and it's also possible for localizers to have more
localized emails as part of their language packs, if they want.</p>
<p>We also added a <code>mailfrom</code> parameter to let you set
who shows up in the <code>From</code> field on all emails that
[%+ terms.Bugzilla %] sends.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_df"></a>No More Double-Filed [% terms.Bugs %]</h3>
<p>Users of [% terms.Bugzilla %] will sometimes accidentally submit
[% terms.abug %] twice, either by going back in their web browser,
or just by refreshing a page. In the past, this could file the same
[% terms.bug %] twice (or even three times) in a row, irritating
developers and confusing users.</p>
<p>Now, if you try to submit [% terms.abug %] twice from the same screen
(by going back or by refreshing the page), [% terms.Bugzilla %] will warn
you about what you're doing, before it actually submits the duplicate
[%+ terms.bug %].</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_cc"></a>Default CC List for Components</h3>
<p>You can specify a list of users who will <em>always</em> be added to
the CC list of new [% terms.bugs %] in a component.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_emi"></a>File/Modify [% terms.Bugs %] By Email</h3>
<p>You can now file or modify [% terms.bugs %] via email. Previous versions
of [% terms.Bugzilla %] included this feature only as an
unsupported add-on, but it is now an official interface to
[%+ terms.Bugzilla %].</p>
<p>For more details see the <a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]api/email_in.html">documentation
<h3><a name="v30_feat_gw"></a>Users Who Get All [% terms.Bug %]
<p>There is now a parameter called <kbd>globalwatchers</kbd>. This
is a comma-separated list of [% terms.Bugzilla %] users who will
get all [% terms.bug %] notifications generated by [% terms.Bugzilla %].</p>
<p>Group controls still apply, though, so users who can't see a [% terms.bug %]
still won't get notifications about that [% terms.bug %].</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_utf8"></a>Improved UTF-8 Support</h3>
<p>[% terms.Bugzilla %] users running MySQL should now have excellent
UTF-8 support if they turn on the <kbd>utf8</kbd> parameter. (New
installs have this parameter on by default.) [% terms.Bugzilla %]
now correctly supports searching and sorting in non-English languages,
including multi-bytes languages such as Chinese.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_upda"></a>Automatic Update Notification</h3>
<p>If you belong to the <kbd>admin</kbd> group, you will be notified
when you log in if there is a new release of [% terms.Bugzilla %]
available to download.</p>
<p>You can control these notifications by changing the
<kbd>upgrade_notification</kbd> parameter.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_welc"></a>Welcome Page for New Installs</h3>
<p>When you log in for the first time on a brand-new [% terms.Bugzilla %]
installation, you will be presented with a page that describes
where you should go from here, and what parameters you should set.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_qs"></a>QuickSearch Plugin for IE7 and Firefox 2</h3>
<p>Firefox 2 users and Internet Explorer 7 users will be presented
with the option to add [% terms.Bugzilla %] to their search bar.
This uses the
<a href="page.cgi?id=quicksearch.html">QuickSearch syntax</a>.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_feat_other"></a>Other Enhancements and Changes</h3>
<p>These are either minor enhancements, or enhancements that have
very short descriptions. Some of these are very useful, though!</p>
<h4>Enhancements That Affect [% terms.Bugzilla %] Users</h4>
<li>In comments, quoted text (lines that start with <kbd>&gt;</kbd>)
will be a different color from normal text.</li>
<li>There is now a user preference that will add you to the CC list
of any [% terms.bug %] you modify. Note that it's <strong>on</strong>
by default.</li>
<li>[% terms.Bugs %] can now be filed with an initial state of
<kbd>ASSIGNED</kbd>, if you are in the <kbd>editbugs</kbd> group.</li>
<li>By default, comment fields will zoom large when you are typing in them,
and become small when you move out of them. You can disable this
in your user preferences.</li>
<li>You can hide obsolete attachments on [% terms.abug %] by clicking
&quot;Hide Obsolete&quot; at the bottom of the attachment table.</li>
<li>If a [% terms.bug %] has flags set, and you move it to a different
product that has flags with the same name, the flags will be
<li>You now can't request a flag to be set by somebody who can't set it
([% terms.Bugzilla %] will throw an error if you try).</li>
<li>Many new headers have been added to outbound [% terms.Bugzilla %]
[%+ terms.bug %] emails: <code>X-Bugzilla-Status</code>,
<code>X-Bugzilla-Priority</code>, <code>X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To</code>,
<code>X-Bugzilla-Target-Milestone</code>, and
<code>X-Bugzilla-Changed-Fields</code>, <code>X-Bugzilla-Who</code>.
You can look at an email to get an idea of what they contain.</li>
<li>In addition to the old <code>X-Bugzilla-Reason</code> email header
which tells you why you got an email, if you got an email because
you were watching somebody, there is now an
<code>X-Bugzilla-Watch-Reason</code> header that tells you who you
were watching and what role they had.</li>
<li>If you hover your mouse over a full URL (like
<code></code>) that
links to [% terms.abug %], you will see the title of the
[%+ terms.bug %]. Of course, this only works for [% terms.bugs %] in your
[%+ terms.Bugzilla %] installation.</li>
<li>If your installation has user watching enabled, you will now see
the users that you can remove from your watch-list as a multi-select
box, much like the current CC list. (Previously it was just a text
<li>When a user creates their own account in [% terms.Bugzilla %], the
account is now not actually created until they verify their email
address by clicking on a link that is emailed to them.</li>
<li>You can change [% terms.abug %]'s resolution without reopening it.</li>
<li>When you view the dependency tree on [% terms.abug %], resolved
[%+ terms.bugs %] will be hidden by default. (In previous versions,
resolved [% terms.bugs %] were shown by default.)</li>
<li>When viewing [% terms.bug %] activity, fields that hold [% terms.bug %]
numbers (such as &quot;Blocks&quot;) will have the [% terms.bug %] numbers
displayed as links to those [% terms.bugs %].</li>
<li>When viewing the &quot;Keywords&quot; field in a [% terms.bug %] list,
it will be sorted alphabetically, so you can sanely sort a list on
that field.</li>
<li>In most places, the Version field is now sorted using a version-sort
(so 1.10 is greater than 1.2) instead of an alphabetical sort.</li>
<li>Options for flags will only appear if you can set them. So, for
example, if you can't grant <kbd>+</kbd> on a flag, that option
won't appear for you.</li>
<li>You can limit the product-related output of <kbd>config.cgi</kbd>
by specifying a <kbd>product=</kbd> URL argument, containing the name
of a product. You can specify the argument more than once for multiple
<li>You can now search the boolean charts on whether or not a comment
is private.</li>
<h4>Enhancements For Administrators</h4>
<li>Administrators can now delete attachments, making them disappear
entirely from [% terms.Bugzilla %].</li>
<li><kbd>sanitycheck.cgi</kbd> can now only be accessed by users
in the <kbd>editcomponents</kbd> group.</li>
<li>The &quot;Field Values&quot; control panel can now only be accessed
by users in the <kbd>admin</kbd> group. (Previously it was accessible
to anybody in the <kbd>editcomponents</kbd> group.)</li>
<li>There is a new parameter <kbd>announcehtml</kbd>, that will allow
you to enter some HTML that will be displayed at the top of every
page, as an announcement.</li>
<li>The <kbd>loginnetmask</kbd> parameter now defaults to 0 for new
installations, meaning that as long as somebody has the right
login cookie, they can log in from any IP address. This makes
life a lot easier for dial-up users or other users whose IP
changes a lot. This could be done because the login cookie is now
very random, and thus secure.</li>
<li>Classifications now have sortkeys, so they can be sorted in an
order that isn't alphabetical.</li>
<li>Authentication now supports LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) or TLS (using
the STARTLS command) in addition to plain LDAP.</li>
<li>LDAP users can have their LDAP username be their email address,
instead of having the LDAP <kbd>mail</kbd> attribute be their
email address. You may wish to set the <kbd>emailsuffix</kbd>
parameter if you do this.</li>
<li>Administrators can now see what has changed in a user account,
when using the &quot;Users&quot; control panel.</li>
<li><code>REMIND</code> and <code>LATER</code> are no longer part
of the default list of resolutions. Upgrading installations will
not be affected--they will still have these resolutions.</li>
<li><kbd>editbugs</kbd> is now the default for the <kbd>timetrackinggroup</kbd>
parameter, meaning that time-tracking will be on by default in a new
<h2><a name="v30_issues"></a>Outstanding Issues</h2>
<li><a href="">
[%- terms.Bug %] 370739</a>: There is a problem in Firefox 2.0 that
sometimes causes the [% terms.bug %] editing page to render incorrectly
after editing a [% terms.bug %].</li>
<li><a href="">
[%- terms.Bug %] 69621</a>: If you rename or remove a keyword that is
in use on [% terms.bugs %], you will need to rebuild the "keyword cache"
by running <a href="sanitycheck.cgi">sanitycheck.cgi</a> and choosing
the option to rebuild the cache when it asks. Otherwise keywords may
not show up properly in search results.</li>
<li><a href="">
[%- terms.Bug %] 99215</a>: Flags are not protected by "mid-air
collision" detection. Nor are any attachment changes.</li>
<li><a href="">
[%- terms.Bug %] 89822</a>: When changing multiple [% terms.bugs %] at
the same time, there is no "mid-air collision" protection.</li>
<li><a href="">
[%- terms.Bug %] 276230</a>: The support for restricting access to
particular Categories of New Charts is not complete. You should treat
the 'chartgroup' Param as the only access mechanism available.
<p>However, charts migrated from Old Charts will be restricted to
the groups that are marked MANDATORY for the corresponding Product.
There is currently no way to change this restriction, and the
groupings will not be updated if the group configuration
for the Product changes.</p></li>
<h2><a name="v30_upgrading"></a>How to Upgrade From An Older Version</h2>
<h3>Notes For Upgraders</h3>
<li>If you upgrade by CVS, there are several .cvsignore files
that are now in CVS instead of being locally created by
<kbd></kbd>. This means that you will have to
delete those files when CVS tells you there's a conflict, and
then run <kbd>cvs update</kbd> again.</li>
<li>In this version of [% terms.Bugzilla %], the Summary field
is now limited to 255 characters. When you upgrade, any Summary
longer than that will be truncated, and the old summary will be
preserved in a comment.</li>
<li>If you have the <kbd>utf8</kbd> parameter turned on, at some
point you will have to convert your database. <kbd></kbd>
will tell you when this is, and it will give you certain instructions
at that time, that you have to follow before you can complete
the upgrade. Don't do the conversion yourself manually--follow
the instructions of</li>
<li>You should also read the Outstanding Issues sections of
<a href="#v30_previous">older release notes</a> if you are upgrading
from a version lower than 2.22.</li>
<h3>Steps For Upgrading</h3>
<li>Read these entire Release Notes, particularly the &quot;Notes for
Upgraders&quot; section above.</li>
<li>View the <a href="sanitycheck.cgi">Sanity Check</a> page on your
installation before upgrading. Attempt to fix all warnings that
the page produces before you go any further, or you may experience
problems during your upgrade.</li>
<li>Make a backup of the [% terms.Bugzilla %] database before you upgrade,
perhaps by using <kbd>mysqldump</kbd>. <strong>THIS IS VERY
IMPORTANT</strong>. If anything goes wrong during the upgrade, your
installation can be corrupted beyond recovery. Having a backup keeps you
<p>Example: <kbd>mysqldump -u root -p [% terms.bugs %] &gt;
[% terms.bugs %]-db.sql</kbd></p></li>
<li>Replace the files in your installation with the new version of
[% terms.Bugzilla %], or you can try to use CVS to upgrade.
<p>You can also use a brand-new [% terms.Bugzilla %] directory, as long
as you copy over the old <kbd>data/</kbd> directory and the
<kbd>localconfig</kbd> file to the new installation.</p></li>
<li>Now follow the standard
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]installing-bugzilla.html">
[%- terms.Bugzilla %] installation process</a>.</li>
<li>Run <kbd></kbd> after you install the new version.</li>
<li>View the <a href="sanitycheck.cgi">Sanity Check</a> page again after
you run <kbd></kbd>.</li>
<li>It is recommended that, if possible, you fix any problems you find
immediately. Failure to do this may mean that [% terms.Bugzilla %] will
not work correctly. Be aware that if the sanity check page contains more
errors after an upgrade, it doesn't necessarily mean there are more
errors in your database than there were before, as additional tests
are added to the sanity check over time, and it is possible that those
errors weren't being checked for in the old version.</li>
<h2><a name="v30_code_changes"></a>Code Changes Which May Affect
<li><a href="#v30_code_loc"><strong>Packagers:</strong> Location
Variables Have Moved</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_hooks">Hooks!</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_api">API Documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_globals">Elimination of</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_scope">Cleaned Up Variable Scoping Issues</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_sql">No More SendSQL</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_auth">Auth Re-write</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_obj">Bugzilla::Object</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_req">Bugzilla-&gt;request_cache</a></li>
<li><a href="#v30_code_other">Other Changes</a></li>
<h3><a name="v30_code_loc"></a><strong>Packagers:</strong> Location
Variables Have Moved</h3>
<p>In previous versions of [% terms.Bugzilla %], <kbd>Bugzilla::Config</kbd>
held all the paths for different things, such as the path to localconfig
and the path to the <kbd>data/</kbd> directory.</p>
<p>Now, all of this data is stored in a subroutine,
<p>Also, note that for mod_perl, <kbd>bz_locations</kbd> must return
<em>absolute</em> (not relative) paths. There is already code in that
subroutine to help you with this.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_hooks"></a>Hooks!</h3>
<p>[% terms.Bugzilla %] now supports a code hook mechanism. See the
documentation for
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]api/Bugzilla/Hook.html">Bugzilla::Hook</a>
for more details.</p>
<p>This gives [% terms.Bugzilla %] very advanced plugin support. You can
hook templates, hook code, add new parameters, and use the XML-RPC
interface. So we'd like to see some [% terms.Bugzilla %] plugins
written! Let us know on the <a href=";extra=developers">developers&#64;</a>
mailing list if you write a plugin.</p>
<p>If you need more hooks, please
<a href="">File a
<h3><a name="v30_code_api"></a>API Documentation</h3>
<p>[% terms.Bugzilla %] now ships with all of its perldoc built
as HTML. Go ahead and read the
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]api/">API Documentation</a>
for all of the [% terms.Bugzilla %] modules now! Even scripts like
<kbd></kbd> have HTML documentation.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_globals"></a>Elimination of</h3>
<p>The old file <kbd></kbd> has been eliminated.
Its code is now in various modules. Each function went to the module
that was appropriate for it.</p>
<p>Usually we filed [% terms.abug %] in
<a href=""></a> for
each function we moved. You can search there for the old name of
the function, and that should get you the information about what
it's called now and where it lives.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_scope"></a>Cleaned Up Variable Scoping Issues</h3>
<p>In normal perl, you can have code like this:</p>
<pre>my $var = 0;
sub y { $var++ }</pre>
<p>However, under mod_perl that doesn't work. So variables are no
longer &quot;shared&quot; with subroutines--instead all variables
that a subroutine needs must be declared inside the subroutine itself.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_sql"></a>No More SendSQL</h3>
<p>The old <kbd>SendSQL</kbd> function and all of its companions are
<strong>gone</strong>. Instead, we now use DBI for all database
<p>For more information about how to use
<a href="">DBI</a> with
[% terms.Bugzilla %], see the
<a href="">Developer's
Guide Section About DBI</a></p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_auth"></a>Auth Re-write</h3>
<p>The <kbd>Bugzilla::Auth</kbd> family of modules have been completely
re-written. For details on how the new structure of authentication,
read the
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]api/Bugzilla/Auth.html">Bugzilla::Auth
API docs</a>.</p>
<p>It should be very easy to write new authentication plugins, now.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_obj"></a>Bugzilla::Object</h3>
<p>There is a new base class for most of our objects,
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]api/Bugzilla/Object.html">Bugzilla::Object</a>.
It makes it really easy to create new objects based on things that are
in the database.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_req"></a>Bugzilla-&gt;request-cache</h3>
<p><kbd></kbd> used to cache things like the database
connection in package-global variables (like <kbd>$_dbh</kbd>).
That doesn't work in mod_perl, so instead now there's a hash
that can be accessed through <code>Bugzilla-&gt;request_cache</code>
to store things for the rest of the current page request.</p>
<p>You shouldn't access <code>Bugzilla-&gt;request_cache</code> directly,
but you should use it inside of <kbd></kbd> if you modify
that. The only time you should be accessing it directly is if you need
to reset one of the caches. Hash keys are always named after the function
that they cache, so to reset the template object, you'd do:
<code>delete Bugzilla-&gt;request_cache-&gt;{template};</code>.</p>
<h3><a name="v30_code_other"></a>Other Changes</h3>
<li><code></code> has been completely re-written, and most
of its code moved into modules in the <kbd>Bugzilla::Install</kbd>
namespace. See the
<a href="[% Param('docs_urlbase') FILTER html %]api/checksetup.html">checksetup
documentation</a> and <a href=";hide_resolved=0">[% terms.Bugzilla %]
[%+ terms.bug %] 277502</a> for details.</li>
<li>Instead of <kbd>UserInGroup()</kbd>, all of [% terms.Bugzilla %] now
uses <kbd>Bugzilla-&gt;user-&gt;in_group</kbd></li>
<li>mod_perl doesn't like dependency loops in modules, so we now have
a test for that detects dependency loops in modules when you run
<li><kbd></kbd> used to modify the environment variables,
like <kbd>PATH</kbd>. That now happens in <kbd></kbd>.</li>
<li>Templates can now link to the documentation more easily.
See the <kbd>global/code-error.html.tmpl</kbd> and
<kbd>global/user-error.html.tmpl</kbd> templates for examples.
(Search for &quot;docslinks.&quot;)</li>
<li>Parameters are accessed through <kbd>Bugzilla-&gt;params</kbd>
instead of using the <kbd>Param()</kbd> function, now.</li>
<li>The variables from the <kbd>localconfig</kbd> file are accessed
through the <code>Bugzilla-&gt;localconfig</code> hash instead of through
<li><kbd>Bugzilla::BugMail::MessageToMTA()</kbd> has moved into its
own module, along with other mail-handling code, called
<li>The <kbd>CheckCanChangeField()</kbd> subroutine in
<kbd>process_bug.cgi</kbd> has been moved to <kbd>Bugzilla::Bug</kbd>,
and is now a method of a [% terms.bug %] object.</li>
<li>The code that used to be in the <kbd>global/banner.html.tmpl</kbd>
template is now in <kbd>global/header.html.tmpl</kbd>. The banner
still exists, but the file is empty.</li>
<h2><a name="v30_previous"></a>Release Notes For Previous Versions</h2>
<p>Release notes for versions of [% terms.Bugzilla %] for versions
prior to 3.0 are only available in text format:
<a href="docs/rel_notes.txt">Release Notes for [% terms.Bugzilla %] 2.22
and Earlier</a>.</p>
[% INCLUDE global/footer.html.tmpl %]
[% BLOCK db_req %]
[% SET m = DB_MODULE.$db %]
<h3><a name="v30_req_[% db FILTER html %]"></a>For [% FILTER html %]
<li>[% FILTER html %] v[% m.db_version FILTER html %]</li>
<li><strong>perl module:</strong>
[%+ m.dbd.module FILTER html %] v[% m.dbd.version FILTER html %]</li>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK req_table %]
<table class="req_table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th>Module</th> <th>Version</th>
[% IF include_feature %]
<th>Enables Feature</th>
[% END %]
[% FOREACH req = reqs %]
<td [% 'class="req_new"' IF new.contains(req.package) %]>
[%- req.module FILTER html %]</td>
<td [% 'class="req_new"' IF updated.contains(req.package)
OR new.contains(req.package) %]>
[%- IF req.version == 0 %]
[% ELSE %]
[%- req.version FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[% IF include_feature %]
<td>[% req.feature FILTER html %]</td>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
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