Commit fcccff08 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 574556: Refactor so that we're not doing $$some_var everywhere.

Instead, we pass around a hashref and update the hashref. This patch also includes some cleanup for bugs surrounding percentage_complete, attachments.isobsolete, attachments.ispatch, and owner_idle_time. r=mkanat, a=mkanat
parent 0e8eb403
......@@ -1632,8 +1632,7 @@ sub _check_keywords {
my %keywords;
foreach my $keyword (@$keyword_array) {
next unless $keyword;
my $obj = new Bugzilla::Keyword({ name => $keyword });
ThrowUserError("unknown_keyword", { keyword => $keyword }) if !$obj;
my $obj = Bugzilla::Keyword->check($keyword);
$keywords{$obj->id} = $obj;
return [values %keywords];
......@@ -185,6 +185,16 @@ sub products {
#### Methods ####
sub check_members_are_visible {
my $self = shift;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
return if !Bugzilla->params->{'usevisibilitygroups'};
my $is_visible = grep { $_->id == $_ } @{ $user->visible_groups_inherited };
if (!$is_visible) {
ThrowUserError('group_not_visible', { group => $self });
sub set_description { $_[0]->set('description', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_active { $_[0]->set('isactive', $_[1]); }
sub set_name { $_[0]->set('name', $_[1]); }
......@@ -407,25 +417,6 @@ sub create {
return $group;
sub ValidateGroupName {
my ($name, @users) = (@_);
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $query = "SELECT id FROM groups " .
"WHERE name = ?";
if (Bugzilla->params->{'usevisibilitygroups'}) {
my @visible = (-1);
foreach my $user (@users) {
$user && push @visible, @{$user->visible_groups_direct};
my $visible = join(', ', @visible);
$query .= " AND id IN($visible)";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my ($ret) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
return $ret;
### Validators ###
......@@ -486,7 +477,6 @@ Bugzilla::Group - Bugzilla group class.
my $icon_url = $group->icon_url;
my $is_active_bug_group = $group->is_active_bug_group;
my $group_id = Bugzilla::Group::ValidateGroupName('admin', @users);
my @groups = Bugzilla::Group->get_all;
......@@ -506,24 +496,15 @@ normally does, this function also makes the new group be inherited
by the C<admin> group. That is, the C<admin> group will automatically
be a member of this group.
=item C<ValidateGroupName($name, @users)>
Description: ValidateGroupName checks to see if ANY of the users
in the provided list of user objects can see the
named group.
Params: $name - String with the group name.
@users - An array with Bugzilla::User objects.
Returns: It returns the group id if successful
and undef otherwise.
=head1 METHODS
=item C<check_members_are_visible>
Throws an error if this group is not visible (according to
visibility groups) to the currently-logged-in user.
=item C<check_remove>
......@@ -60,20 +60,20 @@ use Storable qw(dclone);
# If you specify a search type in the boolean charts, this describes
# which operator maps to which internal function here.
use constant OPERATORS => {
equals => \&_equals,
notequals => \&_notequals,
equals => \&_simple_operator,
notequals => \&_simple_operator,
casesubstring => \&_casesubstring,
substring => \&_substring,
substr => \&_substring,
notsubstring => \&_notsubstring,
regexp => \&_regexp,
notregexp => \&_notregexp,
lessthan => \&_lessthan,
lessthaneq => \&_lessthaneq,
lessthan => \&_simple_operator,
lessthaneq => \&_simple_operator,
matches => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
notmatches => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
greaterthan => \&_greaterthan,
greaterthaneq => \&_greaterthaneq,
greaterthan => \&_simple_operator,
greaterthaneq => \&_simple_operator,
anyexact => \&_anyexact,
anywordssubstr => \&_anywordsubstr,
allwordssubstr => \&_allwordssubstr,
......@@ -85,7 +85,35 @@ use constant OPERATORS => {
changedafter => \&_changedbefore_changedafter,
changedfrom => \&_changedfrom_changedto,
changedto => \&_changedfrom_changedto,
changedby => \&_changedby,
changedby => \&_changedby,
# Some operators are really just standard SQL operators, and are
# all implemented by the _simple_operator function, which uses this
# constant.
use constant SIMPLE_OPERATORS => {
equals => '=',
notequals => '!=',
greaterthan => '>',
greaterthaneq => '>=',
lessthan => '<',
lessthaneq => "<=",
# Most operators just reverse by removing or adding "not" from/to them.
# However, some operators reverse in a different way, so those are listed
# here.
use constant OPERATOR_REVERSE => {
nowords => 'anywords',
nowordssubstr => 'anywordssubstr',
anywords => 'nowords',
anywordssubstr => 'nowordssubstr',
lessthan => 'greaterthaneq',
lessthaneq => 'greaterthan',
greaterthan => 'lessthaneq',
greaterthaneq => 'lessthan',
# The following don't currently have reversals:
# casesubstring, anyexact, allwords, allwordssubstr
......@@ -95,7 +123,7 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
_default => \&_attachments_submitter,
assigned_to => {
_non_changed => \&_assigned_to_reporter_nonchanged,
_non_changed => \&_contact_nonchanged,
cc => {
_non_changed => \&_cc_nonchanged,
......@@ -104,7 +132,7 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
_default => \&_commenter,
reporter => {
_non_changed => \&_assigned_to_reporter_nonchanged,
_non_changed => \&_contact_nonchanged,
'requestees.login_name' => {
_default => \&_requestees_login_name,
......@@ -184,6 +212,7 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
greaterthaneq => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
lessthan => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
lessthaneq => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
_default => \&_invalid_combination,
product => {
......@@ -207,7 +236,7 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
# Timetracking Fields
percentage_complete => {
_default => \&_percentage_complete,
_non_changed => \&_percentage_complete,
work_time => {
changedby => \&_work_time_changedby,
......@@ -929,7 +958,6 @@ sub init {
my $field = $params->param("field$chart-$row-$col") || "noop";
my $original_field = $field; # Saved for search_description
my $operator = $params->param("type$chart-$row-$col") || "noop";
my $value = $params->param("value$chart-$row-$col");
$value = "" if !defined $value;
......@@ -950,39 +978,40 @@ sub init {
my $quoted = $dbh->quote($value);
my $term;
my $full_field = $field =~ /\./ ? $field : "bugs.$field";
chartid => \$chartid,
sequence => \$sequence,
f => \$field,
ff => \$full_field,
t => \$operator,
v => \$value,
q => \$quoted,
term => \$term,
my %search_args = (
chart_id => $chartid,
sequence => $sequence,
field => $field,
full_field => $full_field,
operator => $operator,
value => $value,
quoted => $quoted,
multi_fields => \@multi_select_fields,
supptables => \@supptables,
wherepart => \@wherepart,
joins => \@supptables,
where => \@wherepart,
having => \@having,
groupby => \@groupby,
chartfields => \%chartfields,
group_by => \@groupby,
fields => \@fields,
if ($term) {
chart_fields => \%chartfields,
# This should add a "term" selement to %search_args.
if ($search_args{term}) {
# All the things here that don't get pulled out of
# %search_args are their original values before
# do_search_function modified them.
field => $original_field, type => $operator,
value => $value, term => $term,
field => $field, type => $operator,
value => $value, term => $search_args{term},
push(@orlist, $term);
push(@orlist, $search_args{term});
else {
# This field and this type don't work together.
{ field => $params->param("field$chart-$row-$col"),
type => $params->param("type$chart-$row-$col"),
{ field => $field, operator => $operator });
if (@orlist) {
......@@ -1116,16 +1145,17 @@ sub init {
# it into SQL, using the constants at the top of this file.
sub do_search_function {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($field, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(f t v)};
my ($field, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(field operator value)};
my $actual_field = FIELD_MAP->{$$field} || $$field;
my $actual_field = FIELD_MAP->{$field} || $field;
$args->{field} = $actual_field;
if (my $parse_func = SPECIAL_PARSING->{$actual_field}) {
# Some parsing functions set $term, though most do not.
# For the ones that set $term, we don't need to do any further
# parsing.
return if ${ $args->{term} };
return if $args->{term};
my $override = OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE->{$actual_field};
......@@ -1142,14 +1172,14 @@ sub do_search_function {
if ($override) {
my $search_func = $self->_pick_override_function($override, $$operator);
$self->$search_func(%$args) if $search_func;
my $search_func = $self->_pick_override_function($override, $operator);
$self->$search_func($args) if $search_func;
# Some search functions set $term, and some don't. For the ones that
# don't (or for fields that don't have overrides) we now call the
# direct operator function from OPERATORS.
if (!${ $args->{term} }) {
if (!defined $args->{term}) {
......@@ -1158,9 +1188,19 @@ sub do_search_function {
# functions directly.
sub _do_operator_function {
my ($self, $func_args) = @_;
my $operator = $func_args->{t};
my $operator_func = OPERATORS->{$$operator};
my $operator = $func_args->{operator};
my $operator_func = OPERATORS->{$operator};
sub _reverse_operator {
my ($self, $operator) = @_;
my $reverse = OPERATOR_REVERSE->{$operator};
return $reverse if $reverse;
if ($operator =~ s/^not//) {
return $operator;
return "not$operator";
sub _pick_override_function {
......@@ -1415,180 +1455,185 @@ sub translate_old_column {
# Search Functions
sub _invalid_combination {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($field, $operator) = @$args{qw(field operator)};
{ field => $field, operator => $operator });
sub _contact_pronoun {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(v q)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($value, $quoted) = @$args{qw(value quoted)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
if ($$value =~ /^\%group/) {
if ($value =~ /^\%group/) {
elsif ($$value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$$value = pronoun($1, $user);
$$quoted = $$value;
elsif ($value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$args->{value} = pronoun($1, $user);
$args->{quoted} = $args->{value};
sub _contact_exact_group {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f, $t, $v, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f t v term)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($value, $operator, $field, $chart_id, $joins) =
@$args{qw(value operator field chart_id joins)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$v =~ /\%group\.([^%]+)%/;
my $group = $1;
my $groupid = Bugzilla::Group::ValidateGroupName( $group, ($user));
$groupid || ThrowUserError('invalid_group_name',{name => $group});
my @childgroups = @{Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($groupid)};
my $table = "user_group_map_$$chartid";
push (@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN user_group_map AS $table " .
"ON $table.user_id = bugs.$$f " .
"AND $table.group_id IN(" .
join(',', @childgroups) . ") " .
"AND $table.isbless = 0 " .
"AND $table.grant_type IN(" .
if ($$t =~ /^not/) {
$$term = "$table.group_id IS NULL";
} else {
$$term = "$table.group_id IS NOT NULL";
$value =~ /\%group\.([^%]+)%/;
my $group = Bugzilla::Group->check($1);
my $group_ids = Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($group->id);
my $table = "user_group_map_$chart_id";
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN user_group_map AS $table"
. " ON $table.user_id = bugs.$field"
. " AND " . $dbh->sql_in("$table.group_id", $group_ids)
. " AND $table.isbless = 0";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
if ($operator =~ /^not/) {
$args->{term} = "$table.group_id IS NULL";
else {
$args->{term} = "$table.group_id IS NOT NULL";
sub _assigned_to_reporter_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(f ff t term)};
sub _contact_nonchanged {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $field = $args->{field};
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
$$term = "bugs.$$f IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $$term)";
$args->{full_field} = "profiles.login_name";
my $term = $args->{term};
$args->{term} = "bugs.$field IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $term)";
sub _qa_contact_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($supptables, $f, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(supptables f ff)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $joins = $args->{joins};
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS map_qa_contact " .
"ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid");
$$ff = "COALESCE(map_$$f.login_name,'')";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS map_qa_contact " .
"ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid");
$args->{full_field} = "COALESCE(map_qa_contact.login_name,'')";
sub _cc_pronoun {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($full_field, $value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(ff v q)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $value) = @$args{qw(full_field value)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
if ($$value =~ /\%group/) {
return $self->_cc_exact_group(%func_args);
if ($value =~ /\%group/) {
return $self->_cc_exact_group($args);
elsif ($value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$args->{value} = pronoun($1, $user);
$args->{quoted} = $args->{value};
$args->{full_field} = "profiles.userid";
elsif ($$value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$$value = pronoun($1, $user);
$$quoted = $$value;
$$full_field = "profiles.userid";
sub _cc_exact_group {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $supptables, $t, $v, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables t v term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $sequence, $joins, $operator, $value) =
@$args{qw(chart_id sequence joins operator value)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$v =~ m/%group\.([^%]+)%/;
my $group = $1;
my $groupid = Bugzilla::Group::ValidateGroupName( $group, ($user));
$groupid || ThrowUserError('invalid_group_name',{name => $group});
my @childgroups = @{Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($groupid)};
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
$chartseq = "CC$$sequence";
my $table = "user_group_map_$chartseq";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN cc AS cc_$chartseq " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = cc_$chartseq.bug_id");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN user_group_map AS $table " .
"ON $table.user_id = cc_$chartseq.who " .
"AND $table.group_id IN(" .
join(',', @childgroups) . ") " .
"AND $table.isbless = 0 " .
"AND $table.grant_type IN(" .
if ($$t =~ /^not/) {
$$term = "$table.group_id IS NULL";
} else {
$$term = "$table.group_id IS NOT NULL";
$value =~ m/%group\.([^%]+)%/;
my $group = Bugzilla::Group->check($1);
my $all_groups = Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($group->id);
# This is for the email1, email2, email3 fields from query.cgi.
if ($chart_id eq "") {
$chart_id = "CC$$sequence";
my $group_table = "user_group_map_$chart_id";
my $cc_table = "cc_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN cc AS $cc_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $cc_table.bug_id");
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN user_group_map AS $group_table"
. " ON $group_table.user_id = $cc_table.who"
. " AND " . $dbh->sql_in("$group_table.group_id", $all_groups)
. " AND $group_table.isbless = 0 ";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
if ($operator =~ /^not/) {
$args->{term} = "$group_table.group_id IS NULL";
else {
$args->{term} = "$group_table.group_id IS NOT NULL";
sub _cc_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $f, $ff, $t, $supptables, $term, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence f ff t supptables term v)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $sequence, $field, $full_field, $operator, $joins, $value) =
@$args{qw(chart_id sequence field full_field operator joins value)};
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
$chartseq = "CC$$sequence";
# This is for the email1, email2, email3 fields from query.cgi.
if ($chart_id eq "") {
$chart_id = "CC$$sequence";
if ($$ff eq '') {
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
# $full_field might have been changed by one of the cc_pronoun
# functions, in which case we leave it alone.
if ($full_field eq '') {
$args->{full_field} = "profiles.login_name";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN cc AS cc_$chartseq " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = cc_$chartseq.bug_id " .
"AND cc_$chartseq.who IN" .
"(SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $$term)"
$$term = "cc_$chartseq.who IS NOT NULL";
my $term = $args->{term};
my $table = "cc_$chart_id";
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN cc AS $table"
. " ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id"
. " AND $table.who IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $term)";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
$args->{term} = "$table.who IS NOT NULL";
# XXX This duplicates having Commenter as a search field.
sub _long_desc_changedby {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $term, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables term v)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
my $id = login_to_id($$v, THROW_ERROR);
$$term = "$table.who = $id";
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
$args->{term} = "$table.who = $user_id";
sub _long_desc_changedbefore_after {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $t, $v, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid t v supptables term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $operator, $value, $joins) =
@$args{qw(chart_id operator value joins)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $operator = ($$t =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND $table.bug_when $operator " .
$dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($$v)) );
$$term = "($table.bug_when IS NOT NULL)";
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table "
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
sub _content_matches {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $term, $groupby, $fields, $t, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables term groupby fields t v)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $group_by, $fields, $operator, $value) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins group_by fields operator value)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# "content" is an alias for columns containing text for which we
......@@ -1599,25 +1644,26 @@ sub _content_matches {
# index searches.
# Add the fulltext table to the query so we can search on it.
my $table = "bugs_fulltext_$$chartid";
my $table = "bugs_fulltext_$chart_id";
my $comments_col = "comments";
$comments_col = "comments_noprivate" unless $self->{'user'}->is_insider;
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN bugs_fulltext AS $table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN bugs_fulltext AS $table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id");
# Create search terms to add to the SELECT and WHERE clauses.
my ($term1, $rterm1) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.$comments_col",
$$v, 1);
my ($term2, $rterm2) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.short_desc",
$$v, 2);
my ($term1, $rterm1) =
$dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.$comments_col", $value, 1);
my ($term2, $rterm2) =
$dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.short_desc", $value, 2);
$rterm1 = $term1 if !$rterm1;
$rterm2 = $term2 if !$rterm2;
# The term to use in the WHERE clause.
$$term = "$term1 > 0 OR $term2 > 0";
if ($$t =~ /not/i) {
$$term = "NOT($$term)";
my $term = "$term1 > 0 OR $term2 > 0";
if ($operator =~ /not/i) {
$term = "NOT($term)";
$args->{term} = $term;
# In order to sort by relevance (in case the user requests it),
# we SELECT the relevance value so we can add it to the ORDER BY
......@@ -1629,282 +1675,262 @@ sub _content_matches {
my $current = COLUMNS->{'relevance'}->{name};
$current = $current ? "$current + " : '';
# For NOT searches, we just add 0 to the relevance.
my $select_term = $$t =~ /not/ ? 0 : "($current$rterm1 + $rterm2)";
my $select_term = $operator =~ /not/ ? 0 : "($current$rterm1 + $rterm2)";
COLUMNS->{'relevance'}->{name} = $select_term;
sub _timestamp_translate {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(v q)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $value = $args->{value};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
return if $$value !~ /^[\+\-]?\d+[hdwmy]$/i;
return if $value !~ /^[\+\-]?\d+[hdwmy]$/i;
$$value = SqlifyDate($$value);
$$quoted = $dbh->quote($$value);
$args->{value} = SqlifyDate($value);
$args->{quoted} = $dbh->quote($args->{value});
# XXX This should probably be merged with cc_pronoun.
sub _commenter_pronoun {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($full_field, $value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(ff v q)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $value = $args->{value};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
if ($$value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$$value = pronoun($1, $user);
$$quoted = $$value;
$$full_field = "profiles.userid";
if ($value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$args->{value} = pronoun($1, $user);
$args->{quoted} = $args->{value};
$args->{full_field} = "profiles.userid";
sub _commenter {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $supptables, $f, $ff, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables f ff t term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $sequence, $joins, $field, $full_field, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id sequence joins field full_field operator)};
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
$chartseq = "LD$$sequence";
if ($chart_id eq "") {
$chart_id = "LD$sequence";
my $table = "longdescs_$chartseq";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate < 1";
if ($$ff eq 'bugs.commenter') {
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate = 0";
# commenter_pronoun could have changed $full_field to something else,
# so we only set this if commenter_pronoun hasn't set it.
if ($full_field eq 'bugs.commenter') {
$args->{full_field} = "profiles.login_name";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra " .
"AND $table.who IN" .
"(SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $$term)"
$$term = "$table.who IS NOT NULL";
my $term = $args->{term};
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra"
. " AND $table.who IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $term)";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
$args->{term} = "$table.who IS NOT NULL";
sub _long_desc {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate < 1";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
$$ff = "$table.thetext";
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
$args->{full_field} = "$table.thetext";
sub _longdescs_isprivate {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate < 1";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
$$ff = "$table.isprivate";
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
$args->{quoted} = $args->{value} ? 1 : 0;
$args->{full_field} = "$table.isprivate";
sub _work_time_changedby {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $v, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables v term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
my $id = login_to_id($$v, THROW_ERROR);
$$term = "(($table.who = $id";
$$term .= ") AND ($table.work_time <> 0))";
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
$args->{term} = "$table.who = $user_id AND $table.work_time != 0";
sub _work_time_changedbefore_after {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $t, $v, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid t v supptables term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $operator, $value, $joins) =
@$args{qw(chart_id operator value joins)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $operator = ($$t =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND $table.work_time <> 0 " .
"AND $table.bug_when $operator " .
$dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($$v)) );
$$term = "($table.bug_when IS NOT NULL)";
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.work_time != 0"
. " AND $table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
sub _work_time {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
$$ff = "$table.work_time";
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
$args->{full_field} = "$table.work_time";
sub _percentage_complete {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($t, $chartid, $supptables, $fields, $q, $v, $having, $groupby, $term) =
@func_args{qw(t chartid supptables fields q v having groupby term)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $oper;
if ($$t eq "equals") {
$oper = "=";
} elsif ($$t eq "greaterthan") {
$oper = ">";
} elsif ($$t eq "greaterthaneq") {
$oper = ">=";
} elsif ($$t eq "lessthan") {
$oper = "<";
} elsif ($$t eq "lessthaneq") {
$oper = "<=";
} elsif ($$t eq "notequal") {
$oper = "<>";
} elsif ($$t eq "regexp") {
# This is just a dummy to help catch bugs- $oper won't be used
# since "regexp" is treated as a special case below. But
# leaving $oper uninitialized seems risky...
$oper = "sql_regexp";
} elsif ($$t eq "notregexp") {
# This is just a dummy to help catch bugs- $oper won't be used
# since "notregexp" is treated as a special case below. But
# leaving $oper uninitialized seems risky...
$oper = "sql_not_regexp";
} else {
$oper = "noop";
if ($oper ne "noop") {
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
if (!grep($_ eq 'remaining_time', @$fields)) {
push(@$fields, "remaining_time");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
my $expression = "(100 * ((SUM($table.work_time) *
COUNT(DISTINCT $table.bug_when) /
COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) /
((SUM($table.work_time) *
COUNT(DISTINCT $table.bug_when) /
COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) +
$$q = $dbh->quote($$v);
if ($$t eq "regexp") {
push(@$having, $dbh->sql_regexp($expression, $$q));
} elsif ($$t eq "notregexp") {
push(@$having, $dbh->sql_not_regexp($expression, $$q));
} else {
push(@$having, "$expression $oper " . $$q);
push(@$groupby, "bugs.remaining_time");
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $operator, $value, $having, $fields) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins operator value having fields)};
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
# We can't just use "percentage_complete" as the field, because
# (a) PostgreSQL doesn't accept it in the HAVING clause
# and (b) it wouldn't work in multiple chart rows, because it uses
# a fixed name for the table, "ldtime".
my $expression = COLUMNS->{percentage_complete}->{name};
$expression =~ s/\bldtime\b/$table/g;
$args->{full_field} = "($expression)";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
# We need remaining_time in @fields, otherwise we can't use
# it in the expression for creating percentage_complete.
if (!grep { $_ eq 'remaining_time' } @$fields) {
push(@$fields, 'remaining_time');
$$term = "0=0";
push(@$having, $args->{term});
# We put something into $args->{term} so that do_search_function
# stops processing.
$args->{term} = "0=0";
sub _bug_group_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($supptables, $chartid, $ff, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(supptables chartid ff t term)};
"LEFT JOIN bug_group_map AS bug_group_map_$$chartid " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map_$$chartid.bug_id");
$$ff = "groups_$$";
"LEFT JOIN groups AS groups_$$chartid " .
"ON groups_$$ = bug_group_map_$$chartid.group_id " .
"AND $$term");
$$term = "$$ff IS NOT NULL";
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field)};
my $map_table = "bug_group_map_$chart_id";
"LEFT JOIN bug_group_map AS $map_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $map_table.bug_id");
my $groups_table = "groups_$chart_id";
my $full_field = "$";
$args->{full_field} = $full_field;
my $term = $args->{term};
"LEFT JOIN groups AS $groups_table " .
"ON $ = $map_table.group_id AND $term");
$args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL";
sub _attach_data_thedata {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $atable = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $dtable = "attachdata_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $atable.isprivate = 0";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $atable " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $atable.bug_id $extra");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attach_data AS $dtable " .
"ON $ = $atable.attach_id");
$$ff = "$dtable.thedata";
my $attach_table = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $data_table = "attachdata_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider
? "" : "AND $attach_table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attach_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attach_table.bug_id $extra");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attach_data AS $data_table " .
"ON $ = $attach_table.attach_id");
$args->{full_field} = "$data_table.thedata";
sub _attachments_submitter {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $attach_table = "attachment_submitter_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider
? "" : "AND $attach_table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attach_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attach_table.bug_id $extra");
my $atable = "map_attachment_submitter_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $atable.isprivate = 0";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $atable " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $atable.bug_id $extra");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS attachers_$$chartid " .
"ON $atable.submitter_id = attachers_$$chartid.userid");
$$ff = "attachers_$$chartid.login_name";
my $map_table = "map_attachment_submitter_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS $map_table " .
"ON $attach_table.submitter_id = $map_table.userid");
$args->{full_field} = "$map_table.login_name";
sub _attachments {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f, $ff, $t, $v, $q) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f ff t v q)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $table = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id $extra");
$$f =~ m/^attachments\.(.*)$/;
my $field = $1;
if ($$t eq "changedby") {
$$v = login_to_id($$v, THROW_ERROR);
$$q = $dbh->quote($$v);
$field = "submitter_id";
$$t = "equals";
} elsif ($$t eq "changedbefore") {
$$v = SqlifyDate($$v);
$$q = $dbh->quote($$v);
$field = "creation_ts";
$$t = "lessthan";
} elsif ($$t eq "changedafter") {
$$v = SqlifyDate($$v);
$$q = $dbh->quote($$v);
$field = "creation_ts";
$$t = "greaterthan";
if ($field eq "ispatch" && $$v ne "0" && $$v ne "1") {
if ($field eq "isobsolete" && $$v ne "0" && $$v ne "1") {
$$ff = "$table.$field";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id $extra");
$field =~ /^attachments\.(.+)$/;
my $attach_field = $1;
# XXX This is not actually the correct method of searching for
# changes in attachment values--this just tells you who posted an
# attachment.
if ($operator eq "changedby") {
$args->{value} = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
$args->{quoted} = $args->{value};
$attach_field = "submitter_id";
$args->{operator} = "equals";
elsif ($operator eq 'changedbefore' or $operator eq 'changedafter') {
$args->{value} = SqlifyDate($value);
$args->{quoted} = $dbh->quote($args->{value});
$attach_field = "creation_ts";
$args->{operator} = $operator eq 'changedbefore' ? "lessthan"
: "greaterthan";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.$attach_field";
sub _join_flag_tables {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($joins, $chart_id) = @$args{qw(joins chart_id)};
my $attachments = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider
? "" : "AND $attachments.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attachments " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attachments.bug_id $extra");
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
# We join both the bugs and the attachments table in separately,
# and then the join code will later combine the terms.
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $flags.bug_id ");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON $flags.attach_id = $attachments.attach_id " .
"OR $flags.attach_id IS NULL");
sub _flagtypes_name {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($t, $chartid, $supptables, $ff, $having, $term) =
@func_args{qw(t chartid supptables ff having term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $operator, $joins, $field, $having) =
@$args{qw(chart_id operator joins field having)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Matches bugs by flag name/status.
......@@ -1914,31 +1940,25 @@ sub _flagtypes_name {
# Don't do anything if this condition is about changes to flags,
# as the generic change condition processors can handle those.
return if ($$t =~ m/^changed/);
return if $operator =~ /^changed/;
# Add the flags and flagtypes tables to the query. We do
# a left join here so bugs without any flags still match
# negative conditions (f.e. "flag isn't review+").
my $attachments = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $attachments.isprivate = 0";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attachments " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attachments.bug_id $extra");
my $flags = "flags_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $flags.bug_id ");
my $flagtypes = "flagtypes_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN flagtypes AS $flagtypes " .
"ON $flags.type_id = $");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON $flags.attach_id = $attachments.attach_id " .
"OR $flags.attach_id IS NULL");
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
my $flagtypes = "flagtypes_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN flagtypes AS $flagtypes " .
"ON $flags.type_id = $");
# Generate the condition by running the operator-specific
# function. Afterwards the condition resides in the global $term
# function. Afterwards the condition resides in the $args->{term}
# variable.
$$ff = $dbh->sql_string_concat("${flagtypes}.name",
my $full_field = $dbh->sql_string_concat("$",
$args->{full_field} = $full_field;
my $term = $args->{term};
# If this is a negative condition (f.e. flag isn't "review+"),
# we only want bugs where all flags match the condition, not
......@@ -1948,542 +1968,433 @@ sub _flagtypes_name {
# of flags on each bug, then compare them in a HAVING clause.
# If the numbers are the same, all flags match the condition,
# so this bug should be included.
if ($$t =~ m/not/) {
if ($operator =~ /^not/) {
$$term = "0=0";
"SUM(CASE WHEN $full_field IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = " .
$args->{term} = "0=0";
# XXX These two functions can probably be joined (requestees and setters).
sub _requestees_login_name {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $chartid, $supptables) = @func_args{qw(ff chartid supptables)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $attachments = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $attachments.isprivate = 0";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attachments " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attachments.bug_id $extra");
my $flags = "flags_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $flags.bug_id ");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS requestees_$$chartid " .
"ON $flags.requestee_id = requestees_$$chartid.userid");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON $flags.attach_id = $attachments.attach_id " .
"OR $flags.attach_id IS NULL");
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
my $map_table = "map_flag_requestees_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS $map_table " .
"ON $flags.requestee_id = $map_table.userid");
$$ff = "requestees_$$chartid.login_name";
$args->{full_field} = "$map_table.login_name";
sub _setters_login_name {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $chartid, $supptables) = @func_args{qw(ff chartid supptables)};
my $attachments = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $attachments.isprivate = 0";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attachments " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attachments.bug_id $extra");
my $flags = "flags_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $flags.bug_id ");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS setters_$$chartid " .
"ON $flags.setter_id = setters_$$chartid.userid");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON $flags.attach_id = $attachments.attach_id " .
"OR $flags.attach_id IS NULL");
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
my $map_table = "map_flag_setters_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS $map_table " .
"ON $flags.setter_id = $map_table.userid");
$$ff = "setters_$$chartid.login_name";
$args->{full_field} = "$map_table.login_name";
sub _changedin_days_elapsed {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff) = @func_args{qw(ff)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$ff = "(" . $dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('bugs.delta_ts') . ")";
$args->{full_field} = "(" . $dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('bugs.delta_ts') . ")";
sub _component_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff t term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
$$ff = "";
$$term = build_subselect("bugs.component_id",
$args->{full_field} = "";
my $term = $args->{term};
$args->{term} = build_subselect("bugs.component_id",
"", "components", $args->{term});
sub _product_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff t term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# Generate the restriction condition
$$ff = "";
$$term = build_subselect("bugs.product_id",
$args->{full_field} = "";
my $term = $args->{term};
$args->{term} = build_subselect("bugs.product_id",
"", "products", $term);
sub _classification_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $v, $ff, $t, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v ff t supptables term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $joins = $args->{joins};
# Generate the restriction condition
push @$supptables, "INNER JOIN products AS map_products " .
"ON bugs.product_id =";
$$ff = "";
$$term = build_subselect("map_products.classification_id",
push(@$joins, "INNER JOIN products AS map_products " .
"ON bugs.product_id =");
$args->{full_field} = "";
my $term = $args->{term};
$args->{term} = build_subselect("map_products.classification_id",
"", "classifications", $term);
sub _keywords_exact {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $v, $ff, $f, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v ff f t term supptables)};
my @list;
my $table = "keywords_$$chartid";
foreach my $value (split(/[\s,]+/, $$v)) {
if ($value eq '') {
my $keyword = new Bugzilla::Keyword({name => $value});
if ($keyword) {
push(@list, "$table.keywordid = " . $keyword->id);
else {
{ keyword => $$v });
my $haveawordterm;
if (@list) {
$haveawordterm = "(" . join(' OR ', @list) . ")";
if ($$t eq "anywords") {
$$term = $haveawordterm;
} elsif ($$t eq "allwords") {
if ($$term && $haveawordterm) {
$$term = "(($$term) AND $haveawordterm)";
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins value operator)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @keyword_ids;
foreach my $value (split(/[\s,]+/, $value)) {
next if $value eq '';
my $keyword = Bugzilla::Keyword->check($value);
push(@keyword_ids, $keyword->id);
if ($$term) {
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN keywords AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
# XXX We probably should instead throw an error here if there were
# just commas in the field.
if (!@keyword_ids) {
$args->{term} = "0=0";
else {
# This is an optimization for anywords, since we already know
# the keyword id from having checked it above.
if ($operator eq 'anywords') {
my $table = "keywords_$chart_id";
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_in("$table.keywordid", \@keyword_ids);
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN keywords AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
sub _keywords_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $v, $ff, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v ff t term supptables)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins value operator)};
my $k_table = "keywords_$$chartid";
my $kd_table = "keyworddefs_$$chartid";
my $k_table = "keywords_$chart_id";
my $kd_table = "keyworddefs_$chart_id";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN keywords AS $k_table " .
"ON $k_table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN keyworddefs AS $kd_table " .
"ON $ = $k_table.keywordid");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN keywords AS $k_table " .
"ON $k_table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN keyworddefs AS $kd_table " .
"ON $ = $k_table.keywordid");
$$ff = "$";
$args->{full_field} = "$";
# XXX This should be combined with blocked_nonchanged.
sub _dependson_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $ff, $f, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid ff f t term supptables)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator)};
my $table = "dependson_" . $$chartid;
$$ff = "$table.$$f";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.blocked = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND ($$term)");
$$term = "$$ff IS NOT NULL";
my $table = "dependson_$chart_id";
my $full_field = "$table.$field";
$args->{full_field} = $full_field;
my $term = $args->{term};
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.blocked = bugs.bug_id AND ($term)");
$args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL";
sub _blocked_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $ff, $f, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid ff f t term supptables)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator)};
my $table = "blocked_" . $$chartid;
$$ff = "$table.$$f";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.dependson = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND ($$term)");
$$term = "$$ff IS NOT NULL";
my $table = "blocked_$chart_id";
my $full_field = "$table.$field";
$args->{full_field} = $full_field;
my $term = $args->{term};
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.dependson = bugs.bug_id AND ($term)");
$args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL";
sub _alias_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff t term)};
$$ff = "COALESCE(bugs.alias, '')";
my ($self, $args) = @_;
$args->{full_field} = "COALESCE(bugs.alias, '')";
sub _owner_idle_time_greater_less {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $v, $supptables, $t, $wherepart, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v supptables t wherepart term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins value operator)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table = "idle_" . $$chartid;
$$v =~ /^(\d+)\s*([hHdDwWmMyY])?$/;
my $quantity = $1 || 0;
my $unit = lc $2;
my $unitinterval = 'DAY';
if ($unit eq 'h') {
$unitinterval = 'HOUR';
} elsif ($unit eq 'w') {
$unitinterval = ' * 7 DAY';
} elsif ($unit eq 'm') {
$unitinterval = 'MONTH';
} elsif ($unit eq 'y') {
$unitinterval = 'YEAR';
my $cutoff = "NOW() - " .
$dbh->sql_interval($quantity, $unitinterval);
my $table = "idle_$chart_id";
my $quoted = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $ld_table = "comment_$table";
my $comments_join =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $ld_table"
. " ON $ld_table.who = bugs.assigned_to"
. " AND $ld_table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $ld_table.bug_when > $quoted";
push(@$joins, $comments_join);
my $act_table = "activity_$table";
my $assigned_fieldid = get_field_id('assigned_to');
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS comment_$table " .
"ON comment_$table.who = bugs.assigned_to " .
"AND comment_$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND comment_$table.bug_when > $cutoff");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS activity_$table " .
"ON (activity_$table.who = bugs.assigned_to " .
"OR activity_$table.fieldid = $assigned_fieldid) " .
"AND activity_$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND activity_$table.bug_when > $cutoff");
if ($$t =~ /greater/) {
push(@$wherepart, "(comment_$table.who IS NULL " .
"AND activity_$table.who IS NULL)");
# XXX Why are we joining using $assignedto_fieldid here? It shouldn't
# matter when or if the assignee changed.
my $activity_join =
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $act_table"
. " ON ( $act_table.who = bugs.assigned_to"
. " OR $act_table.fieldid = $assigned_fieldid )"
. " AND $act_table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $act_table.bug_when > $quoted";
push(@$joins, $activity_join);
if ($operator =~ /greater/) {
$args->{term} =
"$ld_table.who IS NULL AND $act_table.who IS NULL)";
} else {
push(@$wherepart, "(comment_$table.who IS NOT NULL " .
"OR activity_$table.who IS NOT NULL)");
$args->{term} =
"$ld_table.who IS NOT NULL OR $act_table.who IS NOT NULL";
$$term = "0=0";
sub _multiselect_negative {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(f ff t term)};
my %map = (
notequals => 'equals',
notregexp => 'regexp',
notsubstring => 'substring',
nowords => 'anywords',
nowordssubstr => 'anywordssubstr',
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($field, $operator) = @$args{qw(field operator)};
my $table;
if ($$f eq 'keywords') {
if ($field eq 'keywords') {
$table = "keywords LEFT JOIN keyworddefs"
. " ON keywords.keywordid =";
$$ff = "";
$args->{full_field} = "";
else {
$table = "bug_$$f";
$$ff = "$table.value";
else {
$table = "bug_$field";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.value";
$$t = $map{$$t};
$$term = "bugs.bug_id NOT IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $$term)";
$args->{operator} = $self->_reverse_operator($operator);
my $term = $args->{term};
$args->{term} =
"bugs.bug_id NOT IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $term)";
sub _multiselect_multiple {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $t, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(f ff t v term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value)
= @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)};
my @terms;
my $table = "bug_$$f";
$$ff = "$table.value";
my $table = "bug_$field";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.value";
foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $$v)) {
$$v = $word;
push(@terms, "bugs.bug_id IN
(SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $$term)");
my @terms;
foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $value)) {
$args->{value} = $word;
my $term = $args->{term};
push(@terms, "bugs.bug_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $term)");
if ($$t eq 'anyexact') {
$$term = "(" . join(" OR ", @terms) . ")";
if ($operator eq 'anyexact') {
$args->{term} = join(" OR ", @terms);
else {
$$term = "(" . join(" AND ", @terms) . ")";
$args->{term} = join(" AND ", @terms);
sub _multiselect_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $f, $ff, $t, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid f ff t supptables)};
my $table = $$f."_".$$chartid;
$$ff = "$table.value";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN bug_$$f AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ");
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator)};
sub _equals {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
$$term = "$$ff = $$q";
my $table = "${field}_$chart_id";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.value";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN bug_$field AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ");
sub _notequals {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
$$term = "$$ff != $$q";
sub _simple_operator {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $quoted, $operator) =
@$args{qw(full_field quoted operator)};
my $sql_operator = SIMPLE_OPERATORS->{$operator};
$args->{term} = "$full_field $sql_operator $quoted";
sub _casesubstring {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$term = $dbh->sql_position($$q, $$ff) . " > 0";
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_position($quoted, $full_field) . " > 0";
sub _substring {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$term = $dbh->sql_iposition($$q, $$ff) . " > 0";
# XXX This should probably be changed to just use LIKE
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_iposition($quoted, $full_field) . " > 0";
sub _notsubstring {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$term = $dbh->sql_iposition($$q, $$ff) . " = 0";
# XXX This should probably be changed to just use NOT LIKE
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_iposition($quoted, $full_field) . " = 0";
sub _regexp {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$term = $dbh->sql_regexp($$ff, $$q);
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_regexp($full_field, $quoted);
sub _notregexp {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $quoted) = @$args{qw(full_field quoted)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$term = $dbh->sql_not_regexp($$ff, $$q);
sub _lessthan {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
$$term = "$$ff < $$q";
sub _lessthaneq {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
$$term = "$$ff <= $$q";
sub _greaterthan {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
$$term = "$$ff > $$q";
sub _greaterthaneq {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff q term)};
$$term = "$$ff >= $$q";
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_not_regexp($full_field, $quoted);
sub _anyexact {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $v, $q, $term) = @func_args{qw(f ff v q term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($field, $value, $full_field) = @$args{qw(field value full_field)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @list;
foreach my $w (split(/,/, $$v)) {
if ($w eq "---" && $$f =~ /resolution/) {
$w = "";
foreach my $word (split(/,/, $value)) {
if ($word eq "---" && $field eq 'resolution') {
$word = "";
$$q = $dbh->quote($w);
push(@list, $$q);
my $quoted_word = $dbh->quote($word);
push(@list, $quoted_word);
if (@list) {
$$term = $dbh->sql_in($$ff, \@list);
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_in($full_field, \@list);
# XXX Perhaps if it's all commas, we should just throw an error.
else {
$args->{term} = "0=0";
sub _anywordsubstr {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff v term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $value) = @$args{qw(full_field value)};
$$term = join(" OR ", @{GetByWordListSubstr($$ff, $$v)});
my $list = GetByWordListSubstr($full_field, $value);
$args->{term} = join(" OR ", @$list);
sub _allwordssubstr {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff v term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $value) = @$args{qw(full_field value)};
$$term = join(" AND ", @{GetByWordListSubstr($$ff, $$v)});
my $list = GetByWordListSubstr($full_field, $value);
$args->{term} = join(" AND ", @$list);
sub _nowordssubstr {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff v term)};
my @list = @{GetByWordListSubstr($$ff, $$v)};
if (@list) {
$$term = "NOT (" . join(" OR ", @list) . ")";
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $term = $args->{term};
$args->{term} = "NOT($term)";
sub _anywords {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff v term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $value) = @$args{qw(full_field value)};
$$term = join(" OR ", @{GetByWordList($$ff, $$v)});
my $list = GetByWordList($full_field, $value);
$args->{term} = join(" OR ", @$list);
sub _allwords {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff v term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($full_field, $value) = @$args{qw(full_field value)};
$$term = join(" AND ", @{GetByWordList($$ff, $$v)});
my $list = GetByWordList($full_field, $value);
$args->{term} = join(" AND ", @$list);
sub _nowords {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff v term)};
my @list = @{GetByWordList($$ff, $$v)};
if (@list) {
$$term = "NOT (" . join(" OR ", @list) . ")";
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $term = $args->{term};
$args->{term} = "NOT($term)";
sub _changedbefore_changedafter {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $f, $ff, $t, $v, $chartfields, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid f ff t v chartfields supptables term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $operator = ($$t =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $table = "act_$$chartid";
my $fieldid = $$chartfields{$$f};
if (!$fieldid) {
ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", {field => $$f});
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND $table.fieldid = $fieldid " .
"AND $table.bug_when $operator " .
$dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($$v)) );
$$term = "($table.bug_when IS NOT NULL)";
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $table = "act_$chart_id";
my $field_id = get_field_id($field);
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.fieldid = $field_id"
. " AND $table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date");
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
sub _changedfrom_changedto {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $chartfields, $f, $t, $v, $q, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid chartfields f t v q supptables term)};
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $quoted) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator quoted)};
my $operator = ($$t =~ /from/) ? 'removed' : 'added';
my $table = "act_$$chartid";
my $fieldid = $$chartfields{$$f};
if (!$fieldid) {
ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", {field => $$f});
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND $table.fieldid = $fieldid " .
"AND $table.$operator = $$q");
$$term = "($table.bug_when IS NOT NULL)";
my $column = ($operator =~ /from/) ? 'removed' : 'added';
my $table = "act_$chart_id";
my $field_id = get_field_id($field);
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.fieldid = $field_id"
. " AND $table.$column = $quoted");
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
sub _changedby {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $chartfields, $f, $v, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid chartfields f v supptables term)};
my $table = "act_$$chartid";
my $fieldid = $$chartfields{$$f};
if (!$fieldid) {
ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", {field => $$f});
my $id = login_to_id($$v, THROW_ERROR);
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND $table.fieldid = $fieldid " .
"AND $table.who = $id");
$$term = "($table.bug_when IS NOT NULL)";
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)};
my $table = "act_$chart_id";
my $field_id = get_field_id($field);
my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.fieldid = $field_id"
. " AND $table.who = $user_id");
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -184,10 +184,6 @@
'[% field.description FILTER html %]' ([% FILTER html %])
is not a custom field.
[% ELSIF error == "field_type_mismatch" %]
Cannot seem to handle <code>[% field FILTER html %]</code>
and <code>[% type FILTER html %]</code> together.
[% ELSIF error == "field_type_not_specified" %]
[% title = "Field Type Not Specified" %]
You must specify a type when creating a custom field.
......@@ -744,11 +744,15 @@
[% title = "Group not specified" %]
No group was specified.
[% ELSIF error == "group_not_visible" %]
[% title = "Group Not Allowed" %]
You are not allowed to see members of the [% FILTER html %]
[% ELSIF error == "system_group_not_deletable" %]
[% title = "System Groups not deletable" %]
<em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> is a system group.
This group cannot be deleted.
[% ELSIF error == "group_unknown" %]
[% title = "Unknown Group" %]
The group [% name FILTER html %] does not exist. Please specify
......@@ -1288,6 +1292,9 @@
[% IF class == "Bugzilla::User" %]
Either you mis-typed the name or that user has not yet registered
for a [% terms.Bugzilla %] account.
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Keyword" %]
The legal keyword names are <a href="describekeywords.cgi">listed
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "old_password_incorrect" %]
......@@ -1477,6 +1484,12 @@
and the "matches" search can only be used with the "content"
[% ELSIF error == "search_field_operator_invalid" %]
[% terms.Bugzilla %] does not support using the
"[%+ field_descs.$field FILTER html %]" ([% field FILTER html %])
field with the "[% search_descs.$operator %]" ([% operator FILTER html %])
search type.
[% ELSIF error == "series_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Series Already Exists" %]
[% docslinks = {'reporting.html' => 'Reporting'} %]
......@@ -1562,11 +1575,6 @@
I could not figure out what you wanted to do.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "unknown_keyword" %]
[% title = "Unknown Keyword" %]
<code>[% keyword FILTER html %]</code> is not a known keyword.
The legal keyword names are <a href="describekeywords.cgi">listed here</a>.
[% ELSIF error == "unknown_tab" %]
[% title = "Unknown Tab" %]
<code>[% current_tab_name FILTER html %]</code> is not a legal tab name.
......@@ -1759,6 +1767,8 @@
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Group" %]
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Keyword" %]
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Product" %]
[% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Search::Recent" %]
......@@ -179,22 +179,6 @@ use constant FIELD_SUBSTR_SIZE => {
# See the KNOWN_BROKEN constant for a general description of these
# "_BROKEN" constants.
# currently enforces "this must be a 0 or 1" in situations
# where it should not, with two of the attachment booleans.
'attachments.ispatch' => { search => 1 },
'attachments.isobsolete' => { search => 1 },
# Sometimes the search for attachment booleans works, but then contains
# the wrong results, because it does not contain bugs that fully lack
# attachments.
'attachments.isobsolete' => { contains => [5] },
'attachments.ispatch' => { contains => [5] },
'attachments.isprivate' => { contains => [5] },
# Certain fields fail all the "negative" search tests:
# Blocked and Dependson "notequals" only finds bugs that have
......@@ -223,7 +207,9 @@ use constant ATTACHMENT_BOOLEANS_CONTAINS_BROKEN => (
# requestees.login_name doesn't find bugs that fully lack requestees.
use constant NEGATIVE_BROKEN => (
'attachments.isobsolete' => { contains => [5] },
'attachments.ispatch' => { contains => [5] },
'attachments.isprivate' => { contains => [5] },
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [5] },
'attachments.description' => { contains => [5] },
'attachments.filename' => { contains => [5] },
......@@ -237,7 +223,6 @@ use constant NEGATIVE_BROKEN => (
dependson => { contains => [2,4,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [1] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [1] },
'requestees.login_name' => { contains => [3,4,5] },
'setters.login_name' => { contains => [5] },
work_time => { contains => [1] },
......@@ -271,16 +256,12 @@ use constant GREATERTHAN_BROKEN => (
# allwordssubstr work_time only matches against a single comment,
# instead of matching against all comments on a bug. Same is true
# for the other longdesc fields, cc, keywords, and bug_group.
# percentage_complete just drops in 0=0 for the term.
use constant ALLWORDS_BROKEN => (
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
cc => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
work_time => { contains => [1] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
# nowords and nowordssubstr have these broken tests in common.
......@@ -306,7 +287,7 @@ use constant NOWORDS_BROKEN => (
use constant CHANGED_BROKEN => (
classification => { contains => [1] },
commenter => { contains => [1] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [1] },
'requestees.login_name' => { contains => [1] },
'setters.login_name' => { contains => [1] },
delta_ts => { contains => [1] },
......@@ -346,28 +327,9 @@ use constant CHANGED_VALUE_BROKEN => (
# while the other fails. In this case, we have a special override for
# "operator-value", which uniquely identifies tests.
use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
notequals => { NEGATIVE_BROKEN },
# percentage_complete substring matches every bug, regardless of
# its percentage_complete value.
substring => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
casesubstring => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
notequals => { NEGATIVE_BROKEN },
notsubstring => { NEGATIVE_BROKEN },
# Attachment noolean fields don't work with regexes, right now,
# because they throw an error that regexes are not valid booleans.
# percentage_complete notregexp fails to match bugs that
# fully lack hours worked.
notregexp => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [5] },
notregexp => { NEGATIVE_BROKEN },
# percentage_complete doesn't match bugs with 0 hours worked or remaining.
......@@ -376,19 +338,13 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
# also broken in this way, but all our comments come from the same user.)
# Also, the attachments ones don't find bugs that have no attachments
# at all (which might be OK?).
# attachments.isprivate lessthan doesn't find bugs without attachments.
lessthan => {
'attachments.isprivate' => { contains => [5] },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [1] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [5] },
work_time => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
# The lessthaneq tests are broken for the same reasons, but they work
# slightly differently so they have a different set of broken tests.
lessthaneq => {
'longdescs.isprivate' => { contains => [1] },
work_time => { contains => [2,3,4] },
......@@ -401,24 +357,18 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [2] },
# percentage_complete just throws 0=0 into the search term, returning
# all bugs.
# percentage_complete doesn't do a numeric comparison, so
# it doesn't find decimal values.
anyexact => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [3,4,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2] },
# bug_group anywordssubstr returns all our bugs. Not sure why.
anywordssubstr => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [3,4,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2] },
bug_group => { contains => [3,4,5] },
'allwordssubstr-<1>' => { ALLWORDS_BROKEN },
'allwordssubstr-<1>,<2>' => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
# does not work here, probably because they all try to
# match against a single flag.
# Same for attach_data.thedata.
......@@ -427,10 +377,6 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1] },
'' => { contains => [1] },
'allwords-<1> <2>' => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
nowordssubstr => { NOWORDS_BROKEN },
# attach_data.thedata doesn't match properly with any of the plain
......@@ -446,15 +392,13 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
# attach_data doesn't work (perhaps because it's the entire
# data, or some problem with the regex?).
anywords => {
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1] },
bug_group => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
work_time => { contains => [1] },
'anywords-<1> <2>' => {
bug_group => { contains => [3,4,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [3,4,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2] },
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1,2] },
work_time => { contains => [1,2] },
......@@ -496,7 +440,7 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
commenter => { contains => [2,3,4] },
creation_ts => { contains => [2,3,4] },
delta_ts => { contains => [2,3,4] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [1,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2,3,4] },
'requestees.login_name' => { contains => [2,3,4] },
'setters.login_name' => { contains => [2,3,4] },
......@@ -552,11 +496,13 @@ use constant REGEX_OVERRIDE => {
blocked => { value => '^<1>$' },
dependson => { value => '^<1>$' },
bug_id => { value => '^<1>$' },
'attachments.isprivate' => { value => '^1' },
cclist_accessible => { value => '^1' },
reporter_accessible => { value => '^1' },
everconfirmed => { value => '^1' },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => '^1' },
'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => '^1'},
'attachments.ispatch' => { value => '^1'},
'attachments.isprivate' => { value => '^1' },
cclist_accessible => { value => '^1' },
reporter_accessible => { value => '^1' },
everconfirmed => { value => '^1' },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => '^1' },
creation_ts => { value => '^2037-01-01' },
delta_ts => { value => '^2037-01-01' },
deadline => { value => '^2037-02-01' },
......@@ -734,11 +680,13 @@ use constant TESTS => {
blocked => { value => '<4-id>', contains => [1,2] },
dependson => { value => '<3-id>', contains => [1,3] },
bug_id => { value => '<2-id>' },
'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
cclist_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
reporter_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
everconfirmed => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4] },
'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4] },
'attachments.ispatch' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4] },
cclist_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
reporter_accessible => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
everconfirmed => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
creation_ts => { value => '2037-01-02', contains => [1,5] },
delta_ts => { value => '2037-01-02', contains => [1,5] },
deadline => { value => '2037-02-02' },
......@@ -755,9 +703,9 @@ use constant TESTS => {
lessthaneq => [
{ contains => [1], value => '<1>',
override => {
'attachments.ispatch' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'attachments.isobsolete' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4] },
'attachments.ispatch' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4] },
'attachments.isprivate' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4] },
cclist_accessible => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
reporter_accessible => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
......@@ -768,6 +716,7 @@ use constant TESTS => {
delta_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
remaining_time => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [1,5] },
work_time => { value => 1, contains => [1,5] },
......@@ -936,13 +885,7 @@ use constant TESTS => {
# operator_ok overrides the "brokenness" of certain operators, so that they
# are always OK for that field/operator combination.
use constant INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD => {
'attachments.isobsolete' => { search => 1 },
'attachments.ispatch' => { search => 1 },
owner_idle_time => {
sql_error => qr/bugs\.owner_idle_time.+where clause/,
operator_ok => [qw(changedfrom changedto greaterthan greaterthaneq
lessthan lessthaneq)]
owner_idle_time => { search => 1 },
keywords => {
search => 1,
operator_ok => [qw(allwordssubstr anywordssubstr casesubstring
......@@ -957,9 +900,9 @@ use constant INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD => {
# search => 1 means the Bugzilla::Search creation fails, but
# field_ok contains fields that it does actually succeed for.
changedafter => { search => 1, field_ok => ['percentage_complete'] },
changedbefore => { search => 1, field_ok => ['percentage_complete'] },
changedby => { search => 1, field_ok => ['percentage_complete'] },
changedafter => { search => 1 },
changedbefore => { search => 1 },
changedby => { search => 1 },
# Tests run by Bugzilla::Test::Search::InjectionTest.
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