@@ -1373,12 +1373,14 @@ Group3, since he isn't in Group4.
@@ -1373,12 +1373,14 @@ Group3, since he isn't in Group4.
make certain files world readable and/or writable. <emphasis>THIS IS
make certain files world readable and/or writable. <emphasis>THIS IS
INSECURE!</emphasis>. This means that anyone who can get access to
INSECURE!</emphasis>. This means that anyone who can get access to
your system can do whatever they want to your Bugzilla installation.
your system can do whatever they want to your Bugzilla installation.
This also means that if your webserver runs all cgi scripts as the
This also means that if your webserver runs all cgi scripts as the
same user/group, anyone on the system who can run cgi scripts will
same user/group, anyone on the system who can run cgi scripts will
be able to take control of your Bugzilla installation.
be able to take control of your Bugzilla installation.
On Apache, you can use .htaccess files to protect access
On Apache, you can use .htaccess files to protect access
to these directories, as outlined in <ulinkurl="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57161">Bug 57161</ulink> for the localconfig file, and <ulinkurl="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65572"> Bug 65572</ulink> for adequate protection in your data/ and shadow/ directories.
to these directories, as outlined in <ulinkurl="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57161">Bug 57161</ulink> for the localconfig file, and <ulinkurl="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65572"> Bug 65572</ulink> for adequate protection in your data/ and shadow/ directories.
<entry><foreignphrase>Prompt</foreignphrase> of users command under bash shell</entry>
<entry><foreignphrase>Prompt</foreignphrase> of root users command under bash shell</entry>
Root user's prompt under bash shell</entry>
<entry><foreignphrase>Prompt</foreignphrase> of user command under tcsh shell</entry>
<entry>Environment Variables</entry>
Normal user's prompt under tcsh shell</entry>
<entry>Environment variables</entry>
<entry>Emphasized word</entry>
<entry>Term found in the glossary</entry>
<entry>Code Example</entry>
<entry><programlisting><sgmltagclass="starttag">para</sgmltag>Beginning and end of paragraph<sgmltagclass="endtag">para</sgmltag></programlisting></entry>
Click the <quote>Open a new Bugzilla account</quote> link, enter your
email address and, optionally, your name in the spaces provided,
<para>Quicksearch is a single-text-box query tool which uses
then click <quote>Create Account</quote>.
metacharacters to indicate what is to be searched. For example, typing
into Quicksearch would search for "foo" or "bar" in the
summary and status whiteboard of a bug; adding
"<filename>:BazProduct</filename>" would
Within moments, you should receive an email to the address
search only in that product.
you provided above, which contains your login name
(generally the same as the email address), and a password
you can use to access your account. This password is
randomly generated, and can be changed to something more memorable.
Click the <quote>Log In</quote> link in the yellow area at
the bottom of the page in your browser, enter your
email address and password into the spaces provided, and click
You are now logged in. Bugzilla uses cookies for authentication, so
(unless your IP address changes) you should not have to log in again.
<para>You'll find the Quicksearch box on Bugzilla's
front page, along with a
link which details how to use it.</para>
<title>Anatomy of a Bug</title>
<para>If you are changing the fields on a bug, only comment if
The core of Bugzilla is the screen which displays a particular bug.
either you have something pertinent to say, or Bugzilla requires it.
It's a good place to explain some Bugzilla concepts.
Otherwise, you may spam people unnecessarily with bug mail.
<ulinkurl="http://landfill.tequilarista.org/bugzilla-tip/show_bug.cgi?id=1">Bug 1 on Landfill</ulink> is a good example. Note that the names of most fields
To take an example: a user can set up their account to filter out messages
are hyperlinks; clicking them will take you to context-sensitive
where someone just adds themselves to the CC field of a bug
help on that particular field.
(which happens a lot.) If you come along, add yourself to the CC field,
and add a comment saying "Adding self to CC", then that person
gets a pointless piece of mail they would otherwise have avoided.
<emphasis>Product and Component</emphasis>:
Bugs are divided up by Product and Component, with a Product having one
or more Components in it. For example, bugzilla.mozilla.org's
"Bugzilla" Product is composed of several Components:
Administration of a bugzilla installation, including
<filename>editversions.cgi,</filename> and
Anything that doesn't fit in the other components, or spans
The Search page has controls for selecting different possible values
for all of the fields in a bug, as described above. Once you've defined
a search, you can either run it, or save it as a Remembered Query, which
can optionally appear in the footer of your pages.
Highly advanced querying is done using Boolean Charts, which have their
own <ulinkurl="http://landfill.tequilarista.org/bugzilla-tip/booleanchart.html">context-sensitive help</ulink>.
<title>Bug Lists</title>
Use attachments, rather than comments, for large chunks of ASCII data,
If you run a search, a list of matching bugs will be returned.
such as trace, debugging output files, or log files. That way, it doesn't
The default search is to return all open bugs on the system -
bloat the bug for everyone who wants to read it, and cause people to
don't try running this search on a Bugzilla installation with
receive fat, useless mails.
a lot of bugs!
<para>Trim screenshots. There's no need to show the whole screen if
The format of the list is configurable. For example, it can be
you are pointing out a single-pixel problem.
sorted by clicking the column headings. Other useful features
can be accessed using the links at the bottom of the list:
<member><emphasis>Long Format</emphasis>: this gives you a large page
with a non-editable summary of the fields of each bug.</member>
<member><emphasis>Change Columns</emphasis>: change the bug
attributes which appear in the list.</member>
<member><emphasis>Change several bugs at once</emphasis>: If
your account is sufficiently empowered, you can make the same
change to all the bugs in the list - for example, changing their
<member><emphasis>Send mail to bug owners</emphasis>: Sends mail
to the owners of all bugs on the list.</member>
<member><emphasis>Edit this query</emphasis>: If you didn't
get exactly the results you were looking for, you can
return to the Query page through this link and make small
revisions to the query you just made so you get more
accurate results.</member>
<para>Don't attach simple test cases (e.g. one HTML file, one
CSS file and an image) as a ZIP file. Instead, upload them in
reverse order and edit the referring file so that they point to the
attached files. This way, the test case works immediately
out of the bug.
<title>Filing Bugs</title>
<para>And all this time, I thought we were taking bugs <emphasis>out</emphasis>...</para>
Years of bug writing experience has been distilled for your reading
pleasure into the <ulinkurl="http://landfill.tequilarista.org/bugzilla-tip/bugwritinghelp.html">
Bug Writing Guidelines</ulink>.
While some of the advice is Mozilla-specific, the basic principles of reporting Reproducible, Specific bugs, isolating the Product you are using, the Version of the Product, the Component which failed, the Hardware Platform, and Operating System you were using at the time of the failure go a long way toward ensuring accurate, responsible fixes for the bug that bit you.
The procedure for filing a test bug is as follows:
<para>On this tab, you can change your basic account information,
On this page, you can change your basic Account Settings,
including your password, email address and real name. For security
including your password and full name. For security reasons,
reasons, in order to change anything on this page you must type your
in order to change anything on this page you must type your
<emphasis>current</emphasis> password into the <quote>Old
password into the
Password</quote> field. If you wish to change your
password, type the new password you want into the <quote>New
field at the top of the page.
Password</quote> field and again into the <quote>Re-enter
If you attempt to change your email address, a confirmation
new password</quote> field to ensure you typed your new
email is sent to both the old and new addresses, with a link to use to
password correctly. Select the <quote>Submit</quote> button
confirm the change. This helps to prevent account hijacking.</para>
and you are done.
<title>Email Settings</title>
<title>Email Settings</title>
<para>On this tab you can reduce or increase the amount of email sent
<title>Email Notification</title>
you from Bugzilla, opting in our out depending on your relationship to
the bug and the change that was made to it.
Here you can reduce or increase the amount of email sent you
from Bugzilla. Although this is referred to as
<quote>Advanced Email Filtering Options</quote>, they are,
in fact, the standard email filter set. All of them are
You can also do further filtering on the client side by
self-explanatory, but you can use the filters in interesting
using the X-Bugzilla-Reason mail header which Bugzilla
ways. For instance, some people (notably Quality Assurance
adds to all bugmail. This tells you what relationship you have to the
personnel) often only care to receive updates regarding a
bug in question,
bug when the bug changes state, so they can track bugs on
and can be any of Owner, Reporter, QAcontact, CClist, Voter and
their flow charts and know when it is time to pull the bug
onto a quality assurance platform for inspection. Other
people set up email gateways to
<para>By entering user email names, delineated by commas, into the
<xreflinkend="bonsai"/> or <xreflinkend="tinderbox"/>, and
"Users to watch" text entry box you can receive a copy of all the
restrict which types of Bugzilla information are fed to
bugmail of other users (security settings permitting.) This powerful
these systems..
functionality enables seamless transitions as developers change
projects or users go on holiday.</para>
<title>New Email Technology</title>
This option may not be available in all Bugzilla
installations, depending upon the preferences of the
systems administrator responsible for the setup of your
Bugzilla. However, if you really want this functionality,
ask her to "enable newemailtech in Params" and "make it
the default for all new users", referring her to the
Administration section of this Guide.
Disregard the warnings about "experimental and bleeding
edge"; the code to handle email in a cleaner manner than
that historically used for Bugzilla is quite robust and
well-tested now.
I recommend you enable the option, "Click here to sign up
(and risk any bugs)". Your email-box will thank you for it.
The fundamental shift in "newemailtech" is away from
standard UNIX "diff" output, which is quite ugly, to a
prettier, better laid-out email.
<title>"Watching" Users</title>
This option may not be available in all Bugzilla
installations, depending upon the preferences of the
systems administrator responsible for the setup of your
Bugzilla. However, if you really want this functionality,
ask her to "enable watchers in Params".
By entering user email names into the "Users to watch" text
entry box, delineated by commas, you can watch bugs of other
users. This powerful functionality enables seamless
transitions as developers change projects, managers wish to
get in touch with the issues faced by their direct reports,
or users go on vacation. If any of these three situations
apply to you, you will undoubtedly find this feature quite
<title>Page Footer</title>
<para>The ability to watch other users may not be available in all
Bugzilla installations. If you can't see it, ask your
By default, this page is quite barren. However, go explore
the Query Page some more; you will find that you can store
numerous queries on the server, so if you regularly run a
particular query it is just a drop-down menu away. On this
page of Preferences, if you have many stored queries you can
elect to have them always one-click away!
If you have many stored queries on the server, here you will
find individual drop-downs for each stored query. Each
drop-down gives you the option of that query appearing on the
footer of every page in Bugzilla! This gives you powerful
one-click access to any complex searches you may set up, and
is an excellent way to impress your boss...
<para>By default, the "My Bugs" link appears at the bottom of
each page. However, this query gives you both the bugs you
have reported, as well as those you are assigned. One of
the most common uses for this page is to remove the "My
Bugs" link, replacing it with two other queries, commonly
called "My Bug Reports" and "My Bugs" (but only referencing
bugs assigned to you). This allows you to distinguish those
bugs you have reported from those you are assigned. I
commonly set up complex Boolean queries in the Query page
and link them to my footer in this page. When they are
significantly complex, a one-click reference can save hours
of work.</para>
<para>This is a purely informative page which outlines your current
This is a purely informative page which outlines your current
permissions on this installation of Bugzilla - what product groups you
permissions on this installation of Bugzilla. If you have
are in, and whether you can edit bugs or perform various administration
permissions to grant certain permissions to other users, the
"other users" link appears on this page as well as the footer.
For more information regarding user administration, please
consult the Administration section of this Guide.
<para><emphasis>To be written</emphasis></para>
<title>Using Bugzilla-Conclusion</title>
Thank you for reading through this portion of the Bugzilla
Guide. I anticipate it may not yet meet the needs of all
readers. If you have additional comments or corrections to
make, please submit your contributions to the <ulink
url="mailto://mozilla-webtools@mozilla.org">mozilla-webtools</ulink> mailing list/newsgroup. The mailing list is mirrored to the netscape.public.mozilla.webtools newsgroup, and the newsgroup is mirrored to mozilla-webtools@mozilla.org