/* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
  * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
  * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
  * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
  * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
  * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
  * rights and limitations under the License.
  * The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
  * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
  * Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
  * Contributor(s): Byron Jones <bugzilla@glob.com.au>
  *                 Christian Reis <kiko@async.com.br>
  *                 Vitaly Harisov <vitaly@rathedg.com>
  *                 Svetlana Harisova <light@rathedg.com>
  *                 Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>
  *                 Pascal Held <paheld@gmail.com>
  *                 Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org>

/* These are specified using the class instead of the id so that they
   don't override the YUI CSS. */
.enter_bug_form table {
    border-spacing: 0;
    border-width: 0;
.enter_bug_form td, .enter_bug_form th { padding: .25em; }
.enter_bug_form th { text-align: right; }

/* This makes the "component" column as small as possible (since it
 * contains only fixed-width content) and the Reporter column
 * as large as possible, which makes the form not jump around
 * when the Component Description changes size. This works
 * pretty well on all browsers except IE 8.
#Create #field_container_component { width: 1px; }
#Create #field_container_reporter  { width: 100%; }

#Create .comment {
    vertical-align: top;
    overflow: auto;
    color: green;
#Create #comp_desc_container td { padding: 0; }
#Create #comp_desc { height: 11ex; }
#Create #os_guess_note {
    padding-top: 0;
#Create #os_guess_note div {
    max-width: 35em;

/* Text inputs need to be a little shorter on enter_bug
 * than the 100% that they are on show_bug.
#Create .field_value .text_input { max-width: 50em; }

/* The Possible Duplicates table on enter_bug. */
#possible_duplicates th {
    text-align: center; 
    background: none;
    border-collapse: collapse;
/* Make the Add Me to CC button never wrap. */
#possible_duplicates .yui-dt-col-update_token { white-space: nowrap; }