The Bugzilla Guide

Matthew P. Barnson
   Zach Lipton

   zach AT zachlipton DOT com
   Revision History
   Revision v2.11  20 December 2000 Revised by: MPB
   Converted the README, FAQ, and DATABASE information into SGML docbook
   Revision 2.11.1 06 March 2001    Revised by: MPB
   Took way too long to revise this for 2.12 release. Updated FAQ to use
   qandaset tags instead of literallayout, cleaned up administration
   section, added User Guide section, miscellaneous FAQ updates and
   third-party integration information. From this point on all new tags
   are lowercase in preparation for the 2.13 release of the Guide in XML
   format instead of SGML.
   Revision 2.12.0 24 April 2001    Revised by: MPB
   Things fixed this release: Elaborated on queryhelp interface, added
   FAQ regarding moving bugs from one keyword to another, clarified
   possible problems with the Landfill tutorial, fixed a boatload of
   typos and unclear sentence structures. Incorporated the README into
   the UNIX installation section, and changed the README to indicate the
   deprecated status. Things I know need work: Used "simplelist" a lot,
   where I should have used "procedure" to tag things. Need to lowercase
   all tags to be XML compliant.
   Revision 2.14.0 07 August 2001   Revised by: MPB
   Attempted to integrate relevant portions of the UNIX and Windows
   installation instructions, moved some data from FAQ to Install,
   removed references to README from text, added Mac OS X install
   instructions, fixed a bunch of tpyos (Mark Harig), linked text that
   referenced other parts of the Guide, and nuked the old MySQL
   permissions section.

   This is the documentation for Bugzilla, the Mozilla bug-tracking

   Bugzilla is an enterprise-class set of software utilities that, when
   used together, power issue-tracking for hundreds of organizations
   around the world, tracking millions of bugs. While it is easy to use
   and quite flexible, it is very difficult for a novice to install and
   maintain. Although we have provided step-by-step directions, Bugzilla
   is not always easy to get working. Please be sure the person
   responsible for installing and maintaining this software is a
   qualified professional on operating system upon which you install


   Table of Contents
   1. About This Guide

        1.1. Purpose and Scope of this Guide
        1.2. Copyright Information
        1.3. Disclaimer
        1.4. New Versions
        1.5. Credits
        1.6. Contributors
        1.7. Feedback
        1.8. Translations
        1.9. Document Conventions

   2. Using Bugzilla

        2.1. What is Bugzilla?
        2.2. Why Should We Use Bugzilla?
        2.3. How do I use Bugzilla?

              2.3.1. Create a Bugzilla Account
              2.3.2. The Bugzilla Query Page
              2.3.3. Creating and Managing Bug Reports

           Writing a Great Bug Report
           Managing your Bug Reports

        2.4. Where can I find my user preferences?

              2.4.1. Account Settings
              2.4.2. Email Settings

           Email Notification
           New Email Technology
           "Watching" Users

              2.4.3. Page Footer
              2.4.4. Permissions

        2.5. Using Bugzilla-Conclusion

   3. Installation

        3.1. ERRATA
        3.2. Step-by-step Install

              3.2.1. Introduction
              3.2.2. Installing the Prerequisites
              3.2.3. Installing MySQL Database
              3.2.4. Perl (5.004 or greater)
              3.2.5. DBI Perl Module
              3.2.6. Data::Dumper Perl Module
              3.2.7. MySQL related Perl Module Collection
              3.2.8. TimeDate Perl Module Collection
              3.2.9. GD Perl Module (1.8.3)
              3.2.10. Chart::Base Perl Module (0.99c)
              3.2.11. DB_File Perl Module
              3.2.12. HTTP Server
              3.2.13. Installing the Bugzilla Files
              3.2.14. Setting Up the MySQL Database
              3.2.15. Tweaking localconfig
              3.2.16. Setting Up Maintainers Manually (Optional)
              3.2.17. The Whining Cron (Optional)
              3.2.18. Bug Graphs (Optional)
              3.2.19. Securing MySQL

        3.3. Mac OS X Installation Notes
        3.4. BSD Installation Notes
        3.5. Installation General Notes

              3.5.1. Modifying Your Running System
              3.5.2. Upgrading From Previous Versions
              3.5.3. .htaccess files and security
              3.5.4. mod_throttle and Security
              3.5.5. Preventing untrusted Bugzilla content from executing
                      malicious Javascript code

              3.5.6. UNIX Installation Instructions History

        3.6. Win32 Installation Notes

              3.6.1. Win32 Installation: Step-by-step
              3.6.2. Additional Windows Tips
              3.6.3. Bugzilla LDAP Integration

   4. Administering Bugzilla

        4.1. Post-Installation Checklist
        4.2. User Administration

              4.2.1. Creating the Default User
              4.2.2. Managing Other Users

           Logging In
           Creating new users
           Disabling Users
           Modifying Users

        4.3. Product, Component, Milestone, and Version Administration

              4.3.1. Products
              4.3.2. Components
              4.3.3. Versions
              4.3.4. Milestones
              4.3.5. Voting
              4.3.6. Groups and Group Security

        4.4. Bugzilla Security

   5. Integrating Bugzilla with Third-Party Tools

        5.1. Bonsai
        5.2. CVS
        5.3. Perforce SCM
        5.4. Tinderbox/Tinderbox2

   6. The Future of Bugzilla
   7. Bugzilla Variants and Competitors

        7.1. Red Hat Bugzilla
        7.2. Loki Bugzilla (Fenris)
        7.3. Issuezilla
        7.4. Scarab
        7.5. Perforce SCM
        7.6. SourceForge

   A. The Bugzilla FAQ
   B. Software Download Links
   C. The Bugzilla Database

        C.1. Database Schema Chart
        C.2. MySQL Bugzilla Database Introduction

              C.2.1. Bugzilla Database Basics

                    C.2.1.1. Bugzilla Database Tables

        C.3. MySQL Permissions & Grant Tables

   D. Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla

        D.1. Apache mod_rewrite magic
        D.2. The setperl.csh Utility
        D.3. Command-line Bugzilla Queries
        D.4. The Quicksearch Utility
        D.5. Hacking Bugzilla

              D.5.1. Things that have caused problems and should be

              D.5.2. Coding Style for Bugzilla

   E. GNU Free Documentation License

        0. PREAMBLE
        8. TRANSLATION
        9. TERMINATION
        How to use this License for your documents


   List of Examples
   2-1. Some Famous Software Versions
   2-2. Mozilla's Bugzilla Components
   3-1. Setting up bonsaitools symlink
   3-2. Running as the web user
   3-3. Installing ActivePerl ppd Modules on Microsoft Windows
   3-4. Removing encrypt() for Windows NT Bugzilla version 2.12 or

   4-1. Creating some Components
   4-2. Common Use of Versions
   4-3. A Different Use of Versions
   4-4. Using SortKey with Target Milestone
   4-5. When to Use Group Security
   4-6. Creating a New Group
   4-7. Bugzilla Groups
   D-1. Using Setperl to set your perl path
   1. A Sample Product

Chapter 1. About This Guide

1.1. Purpose and Scope of this Guide

   This document was started on September 17, 2000 by Matthew P. Barnson
   after a great deal of procrastination updating the Bugzilla FAQ, which
   I left untouched for nearly half a year. After numerous complete
   rewrites and reformatting, it is the document you see today.

   Bugzilla is simply the best piece of bug-tracking software the world
   has ever seen. This document is intended to be the comprehensive guide
   to the installation, administration, maintenance, and use of the
   Bugzilla bug-tracking system.

   This release of the Bugzilla Guide is the 2.14 release. It is so named
   that it may match the current version of Bugzilla. The numbering
   tradition stems from that used for many free software projects, in
   which even-numbered point releases (1.2, 1.14, etc.) are considered
   "stable releases", intended for public consumption; on the other hand,
   odd-numbered point releases (1.3, 2.09, etc.) are considered unstable
   development releases intended for advanced users, systems
   administrators, developers, and those who enjoy a lot of pain.

   Newer revisions of the Bugzilla Guide follow the numbering conventions
   of the main-tree Bugzilla releases, available at Intermediate releases will
   have a minor revision number following a period. The current version
   of Bugzilla, as of this writing (August 10, 2001) is 2.14; if
   something were seriously wrong with that edition of the Guide,
   subsequent releases would receive an additional dotted-decimal digit
   to indicate the update (2.14.1, 2.14.2, etc.). Got it? Good.

   I wrote this in response to the enormous demand for decent Bugzilla
   documentation. I have incorporated instructions from the Bugzilla
   README, Frequently Asked Questions, Database Schema Document, and
   various mailing lists to create it. Chances are, there are glaring
   errors in this documentation; please contact <>
   to correct them.

1.2. Copyright Information

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
   under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
   any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
   Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
   Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
   Free Documentation LIcense".

   --Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Matthew P. Barnson

   If you have any questions regarding this document, its copyright, or
   publishing this document in non-electronic form, please contact
   Matthew P. Barnson.

1.3. Disclaimer

   No liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use
   the concepts, examples, and other content at your own risk. As this is
   a new edition of this document, there may be errors and inaccuracies
   that may damage your system. Use of this document may cause your
   girlfriend to leave you, your cats to pee on your furniture and
   clothing, your computer to cease functioning, your boss to fire you,
   and global thermonuclear war. Proceed with caution.

   All copyrights are held by their respective owners, unless
   specifically noted otherwise. Use of a term in this document should
   not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service

   Naming of particular products or brands should not be seen as
   endorsements, with the exception of the term "GNU/Linux". I
   wholeheartedly endorse the use of GNU/Linux in every situation where
   it is appropriate. It is an extremely versatile, stable, and robust
   operating system that offers an ideal operating environment for

   You are strongly recommended to make a backup of your system before
   installing Bugzilla and at regular intervals thereafter. Heaven knows
   it's saved my bacon time after time; if you implement any suggestion
   in this Guide, implement this one!

   Although the Bugzilla development team has taken great care to ensure
   that all easily-exploitable bugs or options are documented or fixed in
   the code, security holes surely exist. Great care should be taken both
   in the installation and usage of this software. Carefully consider the
   implications of installing other network services with Bugzilla. The
   Bugzilla development team members, Netscape Communications, America
   Online Inc., and any affiliated developers or sponsors assume no
   liability for your use of this product. You have the source code to
   this product, and are responsible for auditing it yourself to insure
   your security needs are met.

1.4. New Versions

   This is the 2.14 version of The Bugzilla Guide. If you are reading
   this from any source other than those below, please check one of these
   mirrors to make sure you are reading an up-to-date version of the

   This document can be found in the following places:

     * TriloBYTE
     * The Linux Documentation Project

   The latest version of this document can be checked out via CVS. Please
   follow the instructions available at the Mozilla CVS page, and check
   out the mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/docs/ branch.

1.5. Credits

   The people listed below have made enormous contributions to the
   creation of this Guide, through their dedicated hacking efforts,
   numerous e-mail and IRC support sessions, and overall excellent
   contribution to the Bugzilla community:

   Terry Weissman for initially writing Bugzilla and creating the README
   upon which the UNIX installation documentation is largely based.

   Tara Hernandez for keeping Bugzilla development going strong after
   Terry left

   Dave Lawrence for providing insight into the key differences between
   Red Hat's customized Bugzilla, and being largely responsible for the
   "Red Hat Bugzilla" appendix

   Dawn Endico for being a hacker extraordinaire and putting up with my
   incessant questions and arguments on in #mozwebtools

   Last but not least, all the members of the
   netscape.public.mozilla.webtools newsgroup. Without your discussions,
   insight, suggestions, and patches, this could never have happened.

1.6. Contributors

   Thanks go to these people for significant contributions to this
   documentation (in no particular order):

   Andrew Pearson, Spencer Smith, Eric Hanson, Kevin Brannen, Ron
   Teitelbaum, Jacob Steenhagen, Joe Robins

1.7. Feedback

   I welcome feedback on this document. Without your submissions and
   input, this Guide cannot continue to exist. Please mail additions,
   comments, criticisms, etc. to <>. Please send
   flames to <devnull@localhost>

1.8. Translations

   The Bugzilla Guide needs translators! Please volunteer your
   translation into the language of your choice. If you will translate
   this Guide, please notify the members of the mozilla-webtools mailing
   list at <>, and arrange with Matt Barnson
   to check it into CVS.

1.9. Document Conventions

   This document uses the following conventions

   Descriptions Appearance






   Information requiring special attention


   File Names file.extension
   Directory Names directory
   Commands to be typed command
   Applications Names application
   Prompt of users command under bash shell bash$
   Prompt of root users command under bash shell bash#
   Prompt of user command under tcsh shell tcsh$
   Environment Variables VARIABLE
   Emphasized word word
   Code Example
   <para>Beginning and end of paragraph</para>

Chapter 2. Using Bugzilla


   What, Why, How, & Where?

2.1. What is Bugzilla?

   Bugzilla is one example of a class of programs called "Defect Tracking
   Systems", or, more commonly, "Bug-Tracking Systems". Defect Tracking
   Systems allow individual or groups of developers to keep track of
   outstanding bugs in their product effectively. Bugzilla was originally
   written by Terry Weissman in a programming language called "TCL", to
   replace a crappy bug-tracking database used internally for Netscape
   Communications. Terry later ported Bugzilla to Perl from TCL, and in
   Perl it remains to this day. Most commercial defect-tracking software
   vendors at the time charged enormous licensing fees, and Bugzilla
   quickly became a favorite of the open-source crowd (with its genesis
   in the open-source browser project, Mozilla). It is now the de-facto
   standard defect-tracking system against which all others are measured.

   Bugzilla has matured immensely, and now boasts many advanced features.
   These include:

     * integrated, product-based granular security schema
     * inter-bug dependencies and dependency graphing
     * advanced reporting capabilities
     * a robust, stable RDBMS back-end
     * extensive configurability
     * a very well-understood and well-thought-out natural bug resolution
     * email, XML, console, and HTTP APIs
     * available integration with automated software configuration
       management systems, including Perforce and CVS (through the
       Bugzilla email interface and checkin/checkout scripts)
     * too many more features to list

   Despite its current robustness and popularity, Bugzilla faces some
   near-term challenges, such as reliance on a single database, a lack of
   abstraction of the user interface and program logic, verbose email bug
   notifications, a powerful but daunting query interface, little
   reporting configurability, problems with extremely large queries, some
   unsupportable bug resolution options, little internationalization
   (although non-US character sets are accepted for comments), and
   dependence on some nonstandard libraries.

   Some recent headway has been made on the query front, however. If you
   are using the latest version of Bugzilla, you should see a "simple
   search" form on the default front page of your Bugzilla install. Type
   in two or three search terms and you should pull up some relevant
   information. This is also available as "queryhelp.cgi".

   Despite these small problems, Bugzilla is very hard to beat. It is
   under very active development to address the current issues, and
   continually gains new features.

2.2. Why Should We Use Bugzilla?


   No, Who's on first...

   For many years, defect-tracking software has remained principally the
   domain of large software development houses. Even then, most shops
   never bothered with bug-tracking software, and instead simply relied
   on shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. This
   procedure is error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least
   significant by developers to be dropped or ignored.

   These days, many companies are finding that integrated defect-tracking
   systems reduce downtime, increase productivity, and raise customer
   satisfaction with their systems. Along with full disclosure, an open
   bug-tracker allows manufacturers to keep in touch with their clients
   and resellers, to communicate about problems effectively throughout
   the data management chain. Many corporations have also discovered that
   defect-tracking helps reduce costs by providing IT support
   accountability, telephone support knowledge bases, and a common,
   well-understood system for accounting for unusual system or software

   But why should you use Bugzilla?

   Bugzilla is very adaptable to various situations. Known uses currently
   include IT support queues, Systems Administration deployment
   management, chip design and development problem tracking (both
   pre-and-post fabrication), and software and hardware bug tracking for
   luminaries such as Redhat, Loki software, Linux-Mandrake, and VA
   Systems. Combined with systems such as CVS, Bonsai, or Perforce SCM,
   Bugzilla provides a powerful, easy-to-use solution to configuration
   management and replication problems

   Bugzilla can dramatically increase the productivity and accountability
   of individual employees by providing a documented workflow and
   positive feedback for good performance. How many times do you wake up
   in the morning, remembering that you were supposed to do something
   today, but you just can't quite remember? Put it in Bugzilla, and you
   have a record of it from which you can extrapolate milestones, predict
   product versions for integration, and by using Bugzilla's e-mail
   integration features be able to follow the discussion trail that led
   to critical decisions.

   Ultimately, Bugzilla puts the power in your hands to improve your
   value to your employer or business while providing a usable framework
   for your natural attention to detail and knowledge store to flourish.

2.3. How do I use Bugzilla?


   Hey! I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

   Bugzilla is a large, complex system. Describing how to use it requires
   some time. If you are only interested in installing or administering a
   Bugzilla installation, please consult the Installing and Administering
   Bugzilla portions of this Guide. This section is principally aimed
   towards developing end-user mastery of Bugzilla, so you may fully
   enjoy the benefits afforded by using this reliable open-source
   bug-tracking software.

   Throughout this portion of the Guide, we will refer to user account
   options available at the Bugzilla test installation,


   Some people have run into difficulties completing this tutorial. If
   you run into problems, please check the updated online documentation
   available at If you're still
   stumped, please subscribe to the newsgroup and provide details of
   exactly what's stumping you! If enough people complain, I'll have to
   fix it in the next version of this Guide. You can subscribe to the
   newsgroup at news://
   Although Landfill serves as a great introduction to Bugzilla, it does
   not offer all the options you would have as a user on your own
   installation of Bugzilla, nor can it do more than serve as a general
   introduction to Bugzilla. Additionally, Landfill often runs
   cutting-edge versions of Bugzilla for testing, so some things may work
   slightly differently than mentioned here.

2.3.1. Create a Bugzilla Account

   First things first! If you want to use Bugzilla, first you need to
   create an account. Consult with the administrator responsible for your
   installation of Bugzilla for the URL you should use to access it. If
   you're test-driving the end-user Bugzilla experience, use this URL:

    1. Click the "Open a new Bugzilla account" link.
    2. Enter your "E-mail address" and "Real Name" (or whatever name you
       want to call yourself) in the spaces provided, then select the
       "Create Account" button.
    3. Within moments, you should receive an email to the address you
       provided above, which contains your login name (generally the same
       as the email address), and a password you can use to access your
       account. This password is randomly generated, and should be
       changed at your nearest opportunity (we'll go into how to do it
    4. Click the "Log In" link in the yellow area at the bottom of the
       page in your browser, then enter your "E-mail address" and
       "Password" you just received into the spaces provided, and select


   If you ever forget your password, you can come back to this page,
   enter your "E-mail address", then select the "E-mail me a password"
   button to have your password mailed to you again so that you can


   Many modern browsers include an "Auto-Complete" or "Form Fill" feature
   to remember the user names and passwords you type in at many sites.
   Unfortunately, sometimes they attempt to guess what you will put in as
   your password, and guess wrong. If you notice a text box is already
   filled out, please overwrite the contents of the text box so you can
   be sure to input the correct information.

   Congratulations! If you followed these directions, you now are the
   proud owner of a user account on (Landfill)
   or your local Bugzilla install. You should now see in your browser a
   page called the "Bugzilla Query Page". It may look daunting, but with
   this Guide to walk you through it, you will master it in no time.

2.3.2. The Bugzilla Query Page

   The Bugzilla Query Page is the heart and soul of the Bugzilla user
   experience. It is the master interface where you can find any bug
   report, comment, or patch currently in the Bugzilla system. We'll go
   into how to create your own bug report later on.

   There are efforts underway to simplify query usage. If you have a
   local installation of Bugzilla 2.12 or higher, you should have
   quicksearch.html available to use and simplify your searches. There is
   also a helper for the query interface, called queryhelp.cgi. Landfill
   tends to run the latest code, so these two utilities should be
   available there for your perusal.

   At this point, please visit the main Bugzilla site,, to see a more fleshed-out query page.

   The first thing you need to notice about the Bugzilla Query Page is
   that nearly every box you see on your screen has a hyperlink nearby,
   explaining what it is or what it does. Near the upper-left-hand corner
   of your browser window you should see the word "Status" underlined.
   Select it.

   Notice the page that popped up? Every underlined word you see on your
   screen is a hyperlink that will take you to context-sensitive help.
   Click around for a while, and learn what everything here does. To
   return to the query interface after pulling up a help page, use the
   "Back" button in your browser.

   I'm sure that after checking out the online help, you are now an
   expert on the Bugzilla Query Page. If, however, you feel you haven't
   mastered it yet, let me walk you through making a few successful
   queries to find out what there are in the Bugzilla bug-tracking system

    1. Ensure you are back on the "Bugzilla Query Page". Do nothing in
       the boxes marked "Status", "Resolution", "Platform", "OpSys",
       "Priority", or "Severity". The default query for "Status" is to
       find all bugs that are NEW, ASSIGNED, or REOPENED, which is what
       we want. If you don't select anything in the other 5 scrollboxes
       there, then you are saying that "any of these are OK"; we're not
       locking ourselves into only finding bugs on the "DEC" Platform, or
       "Windows 95" OpSys (Operating System). You're smart, I think you
       have it figured out.
       Basically, selecting anything on the query page narrows your
       search down. Leaving stuff unselected, or text boxes unfilled,
       broadens your search.
    2. You see the box immediately below the top six boxes that contains
       an "Email" text box, with the words "matching as", a drop-down
       selection box, then some checkboxes with "Assigned To" checked by
       default? This allows you to filter your search down based upon
       email address. Let's put my email address in there, and see what
       Type "" in the top Email text box.
    3. Let's narrow the search some more. Scroll down until you find the
       box with the word "Program" over the top of it. This is where we
       can narrow our search down to only specific products (software
       programs or product lines) in our Bugzilla database. Please notice
       the box is a scrollbox. Using the down arrow on the scrollbox,
       scroll down until you can see an entry called "Bugzilla". Select
       this entry.
    4. Did you notice that some of the boxes to the right changed when
       you selected "Bugzilla"? Every Program (or Product) has different
       Versions, Components, and Target Milestones associated with it. A
       "Version" is the number of a software program.
       Example 2-1. Some Famous Software Versions
       Do you remember the hype in 1995 when Microsoft Windows 95(r) was
       released? It may have been several years ago, but Microsoft(tm)
       spent over $300 Million advertising this new Version of their
       software. Three years later, they released Microsoft Windows
       98(r), another new version, to great fanfare, and then in 2000
       quietly released Microsoft Windows ME(Millenium Edition)(r).
       Software "Versions" help a manufacturer differentiate their
       current product from their previous products. Most do not identify
       their products by the year they were released. Instead, the
       "original" version of their software will often be numbered "1.0",
       with small bug-fix releases on subsequent tenths of a digit. In
       most cases, it's not a decimal number; for instance, often 1.9 is
       an older version of the software than 1.11, but is a newer version
       than 1.1.1.
       In general, a "Version" in Bugzilla should refer to released
       products, not products that have not yet been released to the
       public. Forthcoming products are what the Target Milestone field
       is for.
       A "Component" is a piece of a Product. It may be a standalone
       program, or some other logical division of a Product or Program.
       Normally, a Component has a single Owner, who is responsible for
       overseeing efforts to improve that Component.
       Example 2-2. Mozilla's Bugzilla Components
       Mozilla's "Bugzilla" Product is composed of several pieces

   Administration, Administration of a bugzilla installation, including
   editcomponents.cgi, editgroups.cgi, editkeywords.cgi, editparams.cgi,
   editproducts.cgi, editusers.cgi, editversions.cgi, and
   Bugzilla-General, Anything that doesn't fit in the other components,
   or spans multiple components.
   Creating/Changing Bugs, Creating, changing, and viewing bugs.
   enter_bug.cgi, post_bug.cgi, show_bug.cgi and process_bug.cgi.
   Documentation, The bugzilla documentation, including anything in the
   docs/ directory and The Bugzilla Guide (This document :)
       Email, Anything to do with email sent by Bugzilla. processmail
   Installation, The installation process of Bugzilla. This includes and whatever else it evolves into.
   Query/Buglist, Anything to do with searching for bugs and viewing the
   buglists. query.cgi and buglist.cgi
   Reporting/Charting, Getting reports from Bugzilla. reports.cgi and
   User Accounts, Anything about managing a user account from the user's
   perspective. userprefs.cgi, saved queries, creating accounts, changing
   passwords, logging in, etc.
   User Interface, General issues having to do with the user interface
   cosmetics (not functionality) including cosmetic issues, HTML
   templates, etc.
       A "Milestone", or "Target Milestone" is a often a planned future
       "Version" of a product. In many cases, though, Milestones simply
       represent significant dates for a developer. Having certain
       features in your Product is frequently tied to revenue (money) the
       developer will receive if the features work by the time she
       reaches the Target Milestone. Target Milestones are a great tool
       to organize your time. If someone will pay you $100,000 for
       incorporating certain features by a certain date, those features
       by that Milestone date become a very high priority. Milestones
       tend to be highly malleable creatures, though, that appear to be
       in reach but are out of reach by the time the important day
       The Bugzilla Project has set up Milestones for future Bugzilla
       versions 2.14, 2.16, 2.18, 3.0, etc. However, a Target Milestone
       can just as easily be a specific date, code name, or weird
       alphanumeric combination, like "M19".
    5. OK, now let's select the "Bugzilla" component from its scrollbox.
    6. Skip down the page a bit -- do you see the "submit query" button?
       Select it, and let's run this query!
    7. Congratulations! You've completed your first Query, and have
       before you the Bug List of the author of this Guide, Matthew P.
       Barnson ( If I'm doing well, you'll have a
       cryptic "Zarro Boogs Found" message on your screen. It is just a
       happy hacker's way of saying "Zero Bugs Found". However, I am
       fairly certain I will always have some bugs assigned to me that
       aren't done yet, so you won't often see that message!

   I encourage you to click the bug numbers in the left-hand column and
   examine my bugs. Also notice that if you click the underlined links
   near the top of this page, they do not take you to context-sensitive
   help here, but instead sort the columns of bugs on the screen! When
   you need to sort your bugs by priority, severity, or the people they
   are assigned to, this is a tremendous timesaver.

   A couple more interesting things about the Bug List page:

   Change Columns: by selecting this link, you can show all kinds of
   information in the Bug List
   Change several bugs at once: If you have sufficient rights to change
   all the bugs shown in the Bug List, you can mass-modify them. This is
   a big time-saver.
   Send mail to bug owners: If you have many related bugs, you can
   request an update from every person who owns the bugs in the Bug List
   asking them the status.
   Edit this query: If you didn't get exactly the results you were
   looking for, you can return to the Query page through this link and
   make small revisions to the query you just made so you get more
   accurate results.


   There are many more options to the Bugzilla Query Page and the Bug
   List than I have shown you. But this should be enough for you to learn
   to get around. I encourage you to check out the Bugzilla Home Page to
   learn about the Anatomy and Life Cycle of a Bug before continuing.

2.3.3. Creating and Managing Bug Reports


   And all this time, I thought we were taking bugs out...
     _________________________________________________________________ Writing a Great Bug Report

   Before we plunge into writing your first bug report, I encourage you
   to read some bug-writing guidelines. If you are reading this document
   as part of a Bugzilla CVS checkout or un-tarred Bugzilla distribution,
   you should be able to read them by clicking here. If you are reading
   this online, check out the bug-writing guidelines at While some
   of the advice is Mozilla-specific, the basic principles of reporting
   Reproducible, Specific bugs, isolating the Product you are using, the
   Version of the Product, the Component which failed, the Hardware
   Platform, and Operating System you were using at the time of the
   failure go a long way toward ensuring accurate, responsible fixes for
   the bug that bit you.

   While you are at it, why not learn how to find previously reported
   bugs? has published a great tutorial on finding duplicate
   bugs, available at

   I realize this was a lot to read. However, understanding the mentality
   of writing great bug reports will help us on the next part!

    1. Go back to in your
    2. Select the Enter a new bug report link.
    3. Select a product.
    4. Now you should be at the "Enter Bug" form. The "reporter" should
       have been automatically filled out for you (or else Bugzilla
       prompted you to Log In again -- you did keep the email with your
       username and password, didn't you?).
    5. Select a Component in the scrollbox.
    6. Bugzilla should have made reasonable guesses, based upon your
       browser, for the "Platform" and "OS" drop-down boxes. If those are
       wrong, change them -- if you're on an SGI box running IRIX, we
       want to know!
    7. Fill in the "Assigned To" box with the email address you provided
       earlier. This way you don't end up sending copies of your bug to
       lots of other people, since it's just a test bug.
    8. Leave the "CC" text box blank. Fill in the "URL" box with
    9. Enter "The Bugzilla Guide" in the Summary text box, and place any
       comments you have on this tutorial, or the Guide in general, into
       the Description box.

   Voila! Select "Commit" and send in your bug report! Next we'll look at
   resolving bugs.
     _________________________________________________________________ Managing your Bug Reports

   OK, you should have a link to the bug you just created near the top of
   your page. It should say "Bug XXXX posted", with a link to the right
   saying "Back to BUG# XXXX". Select this link.

    1. Scroll down a bit on the subsequent page, until you see the
       "Resolve bug, changing resolution to (dropdown box). Normally, you
       would "Accept bug (change status to ASSIGNED)", fix it, and then
       resolve. But in this case, we're going to short-circuit the
       process because this wasn't a real bug. Change the dropdown next
       to "Resolve Bug" to "INVALID", make sure the radio button is
       marked next to "Resolve Bug", then click "Commit".
    2. Hey! It said it couldn't take the change in a big red box! That's
       right, you must specify a Comment in order to make this change.
       Select the "Back" button in your browser, add a Comment, then try
       Resolving the bug with INVALID status again. This time it should

   You have now learned the basics of Bugzilla navigation, entering a
   bug, and bug maintenance. I encourage you to explore these features,
   and see what you can do with them! We'll spend no more time on
   individual Bugs or Queries from this point on, so you are on your own

   But I'll give a few last hints!

   There is a CLUE on the Query page that will teach you more how to use
   the form.

   If you click the hyperlink on the Component box of the Query page, you
   will be presented a form that will describe what all the components

   Possibly the most powerful feature of the Query page is the Boolean
   Chart section. It's a bit confusing to use the first time, but can
   provide unparalleled flexibility in your queries, allowing you to
   build extremely powerful requests.

   Finally, you can build some nifty Reports using the "Bug Reports" link
   near the bottom of the query page, and also available via the
   "Reports" link at the footer of each page.

2.4. Where can I find my user preferences?


   Indiana, it feels like we walking on fortune cookies!

   These ain't fortune cookies, kid...

   Customized User Preferences offer tremendous versatility to your
   individual Bugzilla experience. Let's plunge into what you can do! The
   first step is to click the "Edit prefs" link at the footer of each
   page once you have logged in to Landfill.

2.4.1. Account Settings

   On this page, you can change your basic Account Settings, including
   your password and full name. For security reasons, in order to change
   anything on this page you must type your current password into the
   "Old Password" field. If you wish to change your password, type the
   new password you want into the "New Password" field and again into the
   "Re-enter new password" field to ensure you typed your new password
   correctly. Select the "Submit" button and you are done.

2.4.2. Email Settings Email Notification

   Here you can reduce or increase the amount of email sent you from
   Bugzilla. Although this is referred to as "Advanced Email Filtering
   Options", they are, in fact, the standard email filter set. All of
   them are self-explanatory, but you can use the filters in interesting
   ways. For instance, some people (notably Quality Assurance personnel)
   often only care to receive updates regarding a bug when the bug
   changes state, so they can track bugs on their flow charts and know
   when it is time to pull the bug onto a quality assurance platform for
   inspection. Other people set up email gateways to Bonsai, the Mozilla
   automated CVS management system or Tinderbox, the Mozilla automated
   build management system, and restrict which types of Bugzilla
   information are fed to these systems..
     _________________________________________________________________ New Email Technology


   This option may not be available in all Bugzilla installations,
   depending upon the preferences of the systems administrator
   responsible for the setup of your Bugzilla. However, if you really
   want this functionality, ask her to "enable newemailtech in Params"
   and "make it the default for all new users", referring her to the
   Administration section of this Guide.

   Disregard the warnings about "experimental and bleeding edge"; the
   code to handle email in a cleaner manner than that historically used
   for Bugzilla is quite robust and well-tested now.

   I recommend you enable the option, "Click here to sign up (and risk
   any bugs)". Your email-box will thank you for it. The fundamental
   shift in "newemailtech" is away from standard UNIX "diff" output,
   which is quite ugly, to a prettier, better laid-out email.
     _________________________________________________________________ "Watching" Users


   This option may not be available in all Bugzilla installations,
   depending upon the preferences of the systems administrator
   responsible for the setup of your Bugzilla. However, if you really
   want this functionality, ask her to "enable watchers in Params".

   By entering user email names into the "Users to watch" text entry box,
   delineated by commas, you can watch bugs of other users. This powerful
   functionality enables seamless transitions as developers change
   projects, managers wish to get in touch with the issues faced by their
   direct reports, or users go on vacation. If any of these three
   situations apply to you, you will undoubtedly find this feature quite

2.4.3. Page Footer


   By default, this page is quite barren. However, go explore the Query
   Page some more; you will find that you can store numerous queries on
   the server, so if you regularly run a particular query it is just a
   drop-down menu away. On this page of Preferences, if you have many
   stored queries you can elect to have them always one-click away!

   If you have many stored queries on the server, here you will find
   individual drop-downs for each stored query. Each drop-down gives you
   the option of that query appearing on the footer of every page in
   Bugzilla! This gives you powerful one-click access to any complex
   searches you may set up, and is an excellent way to impress your


   By default, the "My Bugs" link appears at the bottom of each page.
   However, this query gives you both the bugs you have reported, as well
   as those you are assigned. One of the most common uses for this page
   is to remove the "My Bugs" link, replacing it with two other queries,
   commonly called "My Bug Reports" and "My Bugs" (but only referencing
   bugs assigned to you). This allows you to distinguish those bugs you
   have reported from those you are assigned. I commonly set up complex
   Boolean queries in the Query page and link them to my footer in this
   page. When they are significantly complex, a one-click reference can
   save hours of work.

2.4.4. Permissions

   This is a purely informative page which outlines your current
   permissions on this installation of Bugzilla. If you have permissions
   to grant certain permissions to other users, the "other users" link
   appears on this page as well as the footer. For more information
   regarding user administration, please consult the Administration
   section of this Guide.

2.5. Using Bugzilla-Conclusion

   Thank you for reading through this portion of the Bugzilla Guide. I
   anticipate it may not yet meet the needs of all readers. If you have
   additional comments or corrections to make, please submit your
   contributions to the mozilla-webtools mailing list/newsgroup. The
   mailing list is mirrored to the netscape.public.mozilla.webtools
   newsgroup, and the newsgroup is mirrored to

Chapter 3. Installation

   These installation instructions are presented assuming you are
   installing on a UNIX or completely POSIX-compliant system. If you are
   installing on Microsoft Windows or another oddball operating system,
   please consult the appropriate sections in this installation guide for
   notes on how to be successful.


   Here are some miscellaneous notes about possible issues you main run
   into when you begin your Bugzilla installation. Reference platforms
   for Bugzilla installation are Redhat Linux 7.2, Linux-Mandrake 8.0,
   and Solaris 8.

   If you are installing Bugzilla on S.u.S.e. Linux, or some other
   distributions with "paranoid" security options, it is possible that
   the script may fail with the error: cannot
   chdir(/var/spool/mqueue): Permission denied This is because your
   /var/spool/mqueue directory has a mode of "drwx------". Type chmod 755
   /var/spool/mqueue as root to fix this problem.
   Bugzilla may be installed on Macintosh OS X (10), which is a
   unix-based (BSD) operating system. Everything required for Bugzilla on
   OS X will install cleanly, but the optional GD perl module which is
   used for bug charting requires some additional setup for installation.
   Please see the Mac OS X installation section below for details
   Release Notes for Bugzilla 2.14 are available at docs/rel_notes.txt in
   your Bugzilla source distribution.
   The preferred documentation for Bugzilla is available in docs/, with a
   variety of document types available. Please refer to these documents
   when installing, configuring, and maintaining your Bugzilla


   Bugzilla is not a package where you can just plop it in a directory,
   twiddle a few things, and you're off. Installing Bugzilla assumes you
   know your variant of UNIX or Microsoft Windows well, are familiar with
   the command line, and are comfortable compiling and installing a
   plethora of third-party utilities. To install Bugzilla on Win32
   requires fair Perl proficiency, and if you use a webserver other than
   Apache you should be intimately familiar with the security mechanisms
   and CGI environment thereof.


   Bugzilla has not undergone a complete security review. Security holes
   may exist in the code. Great care should be taken both in the
   installation and usage of this software. Carefully consider the
   implications of installing other network services with Bugzilla.

3.2. Step-by-step Install

3.2.1. Introduction

   Installation of bugzilla is pretty straightforward, particularly if
   your machine already has MySQL and the MySQL-related perl packages
   installed. If those aren't installed yet, then that's the first order
   of business. The other necessary ingredient is a web server set up to
   run cgi scripts. While using Apache for your webserver is not
   required, it is recommended.

   Bugzilla has been successfully installed under Solaris, Linux, and
   Win32. The peculiarities of installing on Win32 (Microsoft Windows)
   are not included in this section of the Guide; please check out the
   Win32 Installation Notes for further advice on getting Bugzilla to
   work on Microsoft Windows.

   The Bugzilla Guide is contained in the "docs/" folder in your Bugzilla
   distribution. It is available in plain text (docs/txt), HTML
   (docs/html), or SGML source (docs/sgml).

3.2.2. Installing the Prerequisites


   If you want to skip these manual installation steps for the CPAN
   dependencies listed below, and are running the very most recent
   version of Perl and MySQL (both the executables and development
   libraries) on your system, check out Bundle::Bugzilla in Using
   Bundle::Bugzilla instead of manually installing Perl modules

   The software packages necessary for the proper running of bugzilla

    1. MySQL database server and the mysql client (3.22.5 or greater)
    2. Perl (5.004 or greater, 5.6.1 is recommended if you wish to use
    3. DBI Perl module
    4. Data::Dumper Perl module
    5. Bundle::Mysql Perl module collection
    6. TimeDate Perl module collection
    7. GD perl module (1.8.3) (optional, for bug charting)
    8. Chart::Base Perl module (0.99c) (optional, for bug charting)
    9. DB_File Perl module (optional, for bug charting)
   10. The web server of your choice. Apache is recommended.
   11. MIME::Parser Perl module (optional, for contrib/


   It is a good idea, while installing Bugzilla, to ensure it is not
   accessible by other machines on the Internet. Your machine may be
   vulnerable to attacks while you are installing. In other words, ensure
   there is some kind of firewall between you and the rest of the
   Internet. Many installation steps require an active Internet
   connection to complete, but you must take care to ensure that at no
   point is your machine vulnerable to an attack.


   Linux-Mandrake 8.0, the author's test system, includes every required
   and optional library for Bugzilla. The easiest way to install them is
   by using the urpmi utility. If you follow these commands, you should
   have everything you need for Bugzilla, and should not
   complain about any missing libraries. You may already have some of
   these installed.

   bash# urpmi perl-mysql
   bash# urpmi perl-chart
   bash# urpmi perl-gd
   bash# urpmi perl-MailTools (for Bugzilla email integration)
   bash# urpmi apache-modules

3.2.3. Installing MySQL Database

   Visit MySQL homepage at and grab the latest stable
   release of the server. Many of the binary versions of MySQL store
   their data files in /var which is often part of a smaller root
   partition. If you decide to build from sources you can easily set the
   dataDir as an option to configure.

   If you install from source or non-package (RPM, deb, etc.) binaries
   you need to add mysqld to your init scripts so the server daemon will
   come back up whenever your machine reboots. Further discussion of UNIX
   init sequences are beyond the scope of this guide.


   You should have your init script start mysqld with the ability to
   accept large packets. By default, mysqld only accepts packets up to
   64K long. This limits the size of attachments you may put on bugs. If
   you add -O max_allowed_packet=1M to the command that starts mysqld (or
   safe_mysqld), then you will be able to have attachments up to about 1


   If you plan on running Bugzilla and MySQL on the same machine,
   consider using the --skip-networking option in the init script. This
   enhances security by preventing network access to MySQL.

3.2.4. Perl (5.004 or greater)

   Any machine that doesn't have perl on it is a sad machine indeed. Perl
   for *nix systems can be gotten in source form from Although Bugzilla runs with most post-5.004
   versions of Perl, it's a good idea to be up to the very latest version
   if you can when running Bugzilla. As of this writing, that is perl
   version 5.6.1.

   Perl is now a far cry from the the single compiler/interpreter binary
   it once was. It includes a great many required modules and quite a few
   other support files. If you're not up to or not inclined to build perl
   from source, you'll want to install it on your machine using some sort
   of packaging system (be it RPM, deb, or what have you) to ensure a
   sane install. In the subsequent sections you'll be installing quite a
   few perl modules; this can be quite ornery if your perl installation
   isn't up to snuff.


   Many people complain that Perl modules will not install for them. Most
   times, the error messages complain that they are missing a file in
   "@INC". Virtually every time, this is due to permissions being set too
   restrictively for you to compile Perl modules or not having the
   necessary Perl development libraries installed on your system..
   Consult your local UNIX systems administrator for help solving these
   permissions issues; if you are the local UNIX sysadmin, please consult
   the newsgroup/mailing list for further assistance or hire someone to
   help you out.


   You can skip the following Perl module installation steps by
   installing Bundle::Bugzilla from CPAN, which includes them. All Perl
   module installation steps require you have an active Internet
   connection. If you wish to use Bundle::Bugzilla, however, you must be
   using the latest version of Perl (at this writing, version 5.6.1)

   bash# perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Bundle::Bugzilla"'

   Bundle::Bugzilla doesn't include GD, Chart::Base, or MIME::Parser,
   which are not essential to a basic Bugzilla install. If installing
   this bundle fails, you should install each module individually to
   isolate the problem.

3.2.5. DBI Perl Module

   The DBI module is a generic Perl module used by other database related
   Perl modules. For our purposes it's required by the MySQL-related
   modules. As long as your Perl installation was done correctly the DBI
   module should be a breeze. It's a mixed Perl/C module, but Perl's
   MakeMaker system simplifies the C compilation greatly.

   Like almost all Perl modules DBI can be found on the Comprehensive
   Perl Archive Network (CPAN) at The CPAN servers
   have a real tendency to bog down, so please use mirrors. The current
   location at the time of this writing can be found in Appendix B.

   Quality, general Perl module installation instructions can be found on
   the CPAN website, but the easy thing to do is to just use the CPAN
   shell which does all the hard work for you.

   To use the CPAN shell to install DBI:

   bash# perl -MCPAN -e 'install "DBI"'


   Replace "DBI" with the name of whichever module you wish to install,
   such as Data::Dumper, TimeDate, GD, etc.

   To do it the hard way:

   Untar the module tarball -- it should create its own directory

   CD to the directory just created, and enter the following commands:

    1. bash# perl Makefile.PL
    2. bash# make
    3. bash# make test
    4. bash# make install

   If everything went ok that should be all it takes. For the vast
   majority of perl modules this is all that's required.

3.2.6. Data::Dumper Perl Module

   The Data::Dumper module provides data structure persistence for Perl
   (similar to Java's serialization). It comes with later sub-releases of
   Perl 5.004, but a re-installation just to be sure it's available won't
   hurt anything.

   Data::Dumper is used by the MySQL-related Perl modules. It can be
   found on CPAN (see Appendix B) and can be installed by following the
   same four step make sequence used for the DBI module.

3.2.7. MySQL related Perl Module Collection

   The Perl/MySQL interface requires a few mutually-dependent perl
   modules. These modules are grouped together into the the
   Msql-Mysql-modules package. This package can be found at CPAN. After
   the archive file has been downloaded it should be untarred.

   The MySQL modules are all built using one make file which is generated
   by running: bash# perl

   The MakeMaker process will ask you a few questions about the desired
   compilation target and your MySQL installation. For many of the
   questions the provided default will be adequate.

   When asked if your desired target is the MySQL or mSQL packages,
   select the MySQL related ones. Later you will be asked if you wish to
   provide backwards compatibility with the older MySQL packages; you
   should answer YES to this question. The default is NO.

   A host of 'localhost' should be fine and a testing user of 'test' and
   a null password should find itself with sufficient access to run tests
   on the 'test' database which MySQL created upon installation. If 'make
   test' and 'make install' go through without errors you should be ready
   to go as far as database connectivity is concerned.

3.2.8. TimeDate Perl Module Collection

   Many of the more common date/time/calendar related Perl modules have
   been grouped into a bundle similar to the MySQL modules bundle. This
   bundle is stored on the CPAN under the name TimeDate (see link:
   Appendix B). The component module we're most interested in is the
   Date::Format module, but installing all of them is probably a good
   idea anyway. The standard Perl module installation instructions should
   work perfectly for this simple package.

3.2.9. GD Perl Module (1.8.3)

   The GD library was written by Thomas Boutell a long while ago to
   programatically generate images in C. Since then it's become the
   defacto standard for programatic image construction. The Perl bindings
   to it found in the GD library are used on millions of web pages to
   generate graphs on the fly. That's what bugzilla will be using it for
   so you must install it if you want any of the graphing to work.

   Actually bugzilla uses the Graph module which relies on GD itself.
   Isn't that always the way with object-oriented programming? At any
   rate, you can find the GD library on CPAN in Appendix B.


   The Perl GD library requires some other libraries that may or may not
   be installed on your system, including libpng and libgd. The full
   requirements are listed in the Perl GD library README. Just realize
   that if compiling GD fails, it's probably because you're missing a
   required library.

3.2.10. Chart::Base Perl Module (0.99c)

   The Chart module provides bugzilla with on-the-fly charting abilities.
   It can be installed in the usual fashion after it has been fetched
   from CPAN where it is found as the Chart-x.x... tarball, linked in
   Appendix B. Note that as with the GD perl module, only the version
   listed above, or newer, will work. Earlier versions used GIF's, which
   are no longer supported by the latest versions of GD.

3.2.11. DB_File Perl Module

   DB_File is a module which allows Perl programs to make use of the
   facilities provided by Berkeley DB version 1.x. This module is
   required by which is used for bug charting. If you
   plan to make use of bug charting, you must install this module.

3.2.12. HTTP Server

   You have a freedom of choice here - Apache, Netscape or any other
   server on UNIX would do. You can easily run the web server on a
   different machine than MySQL, but need to adjust the MySQL "bugs" user
   permissions accordingly.


   I strongly recommend Apache as the web server to use. The Bugzilla
   Guide installation instructions, in general, assume you are using
   Apache. As more users use different webservers and send me information
   on the peculiarities of installing using their favorite webserver, I
   will provide notes for them.

   You'll want to make sure that your web server will run any file with
   the .cgi extension as a cgi and not just display it. If you're using
   apache that means uncommenting the following line in the srm.conf
   AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

   With apache you'll also want to make sure that within the access.conf
   file the line:
   Options ExecCGI

   is in the stanza that covers the directories into which you intend to
   put the bugzilla .html and .cgi files.


   Users of newer versions of Apache will generally find both of the
   above lines will be in the httpd.conf file, rather than srm.conf or


   There are important files and directories that should not be a served
   by the HTTP server. These are most files in the "data" and "shadow"
   directories and the "localconfig" file. You should configure your HTTP
   server to not serve content from these files. Failure to do so will
   expose critical passwords and other data. Please see .htaccess files
   and security for details on how to do this for Apache. I appreciate
   notes on how to get this same functionality using other webservers.

3.2.13. Installing the Bugzilla Files

   You should untar the Bugzilla files into a directory that you're
   willing to make writable by the default web server user (probably
   "nobody"). You may decide to put the files off of the main web space
   for your web server or perhaps off of /usr/local with a symbolic link
   in the web space that points to the Bugzilla directory. At any rate,
   just dump all the files in the same place, and make sure you can
   access the files in that directory through your web server.


   If you symlink the bugzilla directory into your Apache's HTML
   heirarchy, you may receive Forbidden errors unless you add the
   "FollowSymLinks" directive to the <Directory> entry for the HTML root.

   Once all the files are in a web accessible directory, make that
   directory writable by your webserver's user. This is a temporary step
   until you run the post-install script, which locks down
   your installation.

   Lastly, you'll need to set up a symbolic link to
   /usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl for the correct location of your perl
   executable (probably /usr/bin/perl). Otherwise you must hack all the
   .cgi files to change where they look for perl, or use The setperl.csh
   Utility, found in Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla. I suggest
   using the symlink approach for future release compatability.

   Example 3-1. Setting up bonsaitools symlink

   Here's how you set up the Perl symlink on Linux to make Bugzilla work.
   Your mileage may vary. For some UNIX operating systems, you probably
   need to subsitute "/usr/local/bin/perl" for "/usr/bin/perl" below; if
   on certain other UNIX systems, Perl may live in weird places like
   "/opt/perl". As root, run these commands:
bash# mkdir /usr/bonsaitools
bash# mkdir /usr/bonsaitools/bin
bash# ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl

   Alternately, you can simply run this perl one-liner to change your
   path to perl in all the files in your Bugzilla installation:
perl -pi -e 's@#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl@#!/usr/bin/perl@' *cgi *pl

   Change the second path to perl to match your installation.


   If you don't have root access to set this symlink up, check out the
   The setperl.csh Utility, listed in Useful Patches and Utilities for
   Bugzilla. It will change the path to perl in all your Bugzilla files
   for you.

3.2.14. Setting Up the MySQL Database

   After you've gotten all the software installed and working you're
   ready to start preparing the database for its life as a the back end
   to a high quality bug tracker.

   First, you'll want to fix MySQL permissions to allow access from
   Bugzilla. For the purpose of this Installation section, the Bugzilla
   username will be "bugs", and will have minimal permissions.


   Bugzilla has not undergone a thorough security audit. It may be
   possible for a system cracker to somehow trick Bugzilla into executing
   a command such as DROP DATABASE mysql.

   That would be bad.

   Give the MySQL root user a password. MySQL passwords are limited to 16

   bash# mysql -u root mysql
   mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD ('new_password') WHERE

   From this point on, if you need to access MySQL as the MySQL root
   user, you will need to use mysql -u root -p and enter your
   new_password. Remember that MySQL user names have nothing to do with
   Unix user names (login names).

   Next, we create the "bugs" user, and grant sufficient permissions for, which we'll use later, to work its magic. This also
   restricts the "bugs" user to operations within a database called
   "bugs", and only allows the account to connect from "localhost".
   Modify it to reflect your setup if you will be connecting from another
   machine or as a different user.

   Remember to set bugs_password to some unique password.


   Next, run the magic script. (Many thanks to Holger
   Schurig <> for writing this script!) It will
   make sure Bugzilla files and directories have reasonable permissions,
   set up the data directory, and create all the MySQL tables.

   bash# ./

   The first time you run it, it will create a file called localconfig.

3.2.15. Tweaking localconfig

   This file contains a variety of settings you may need to tweak
   including how Bugzilla should connect to the MySQL database.

   The connection settings include:

    1. server's host: just use "localhost" if the MySQL server is local
    2. database name: "bugs" if you're following these directions
    3. MySQL username: "bugs" if you're following these directions
    4. Password for the "bugs" MySQL account above

   You should also install .htaccess files that the Apache webserver will
   use to restrict access to Bugzilla data files. See .htaccess files and

   Once you are happy with the settings, re-run On this
   second run, it will create the database and an administrator account
   for which you will be prompted to provide information.

   When logged into an administrator account once Bugzilla is running, if
   you go to the query page (off of the Bugzilla main menu), you'll find
   an "edit parameters" option that is filled with editable treats.

   Should everything work, you will have a nearly empty Bugzilla database
   and a newly-created localconfig file in your Bugzilla root directory.


   The second time you run, you should become the user your
   web server runs as, and that you ensure that you set the
   "webservergroup" parameter in localconfig to match the web server's
   group name, if any. I believe, for the next release of Bugzilla, this
   will be fixed so that Bugzilla supports a "webserveruser" parameter in
   localconfig as well.

   Example 3-2. Running as the web user

   Assuming your web server runs as user "apache", and Bugzilla is
   installed in "/usr/local/bugzilla", here's one way to run as the web server user. As root, for the second run of, do this:

bash# chown -R apache:apache /usr/local/bugzilla
bash# su - apache
bash# cd /usr/local/bugzilla
bash# ./


   The script is designed so that you can run it at any
   time without causing harm. You should run it after any upgrade to

3.2.16. Setting Up Maintainers Manually (Optional)

   If you want to add someone else to every group by hand, you can do it
   by typing the appropriate MySQL commands. Run mysql -u root -p bugs
   You may need different parameters, depending on your security
   settings. Then:

   mysql> update profiles set groupset=0x7fffffffffffffff where
   login_name = 'XXX'; (yes, that's fifteen"f"'s.

   replacing XXX with the Bugzilla email address.

3.2.17. The Whining Cron (Optional)

   By now you have a fully functional bugzilla, but what good are bugs if
   they're not annoying? To help make those bugs more annoying you can
   set up bugzilla's automatic whining system. This can be done by adding
   the following command as a daily crontab entry (for help on that see
   that crontab man page):

   cd <your-bugzilla-directory> ; ./


   Depending on your system, crontab may have several manpages. The
   following command should lead you to the most useful page for this
 man 5 crontab

3.2.18. Bug Graphs (Optional)

   As long as you installed the GD and Graph::Base Perl modules you might
   as well turn on the nifty bugzilla bug reporting graphs.

   Add a cron entry like this to run collectstats daily at 5 after

   bash# crontab -e
   5 0 * * * cd <your-bugzilla-directory> ; ./

   After two days have passed you'll be able to view bug graphs from the
   Bug Reports page.

3.2.19. Securing MySQL

   If you followed the installation instructions for setting up your
   "bugs" and "root" user in MySQL, much of this should not apply to you.
   If you are upgrading an existing installation of Bugzilla, you should
   pay close attention to this section.

   Most MySQL installs have "interesting" default security parameters:

   mysqld defaults to running as root
   it defaults to allowing external network connections
   it has a known port number, and is easy to detect
   it defaults to no passwords whatsoever
   it defaults to allowing "File_Priv"

   This means anyone from anywhere on the internet can not only drop the
   database with one SQL command, and they can write as root to the

   To see your permissions do:

   bash# mysql -u root -p
   mysql> use mysql;
   mysql> show tables;
   mysql> select * from user;
   mysql> select * from db;

   To fix the gaping holes:

   DELETE FROM user WHERE User='';
   UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new_password') WHERE user='root';

   If you're not running "mit-pthreads" you can use:

   GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO bugs@localhost;
   GRANT ALL ON bugs.* TO bugs@localhost;
   REVOKE DROP ON bugs.* FROM bugs@localhost;

   With "mit-pthreads" you'll need to modify the ""
   Mysql->Connect line to specify a specific host name instead of
   "localhost", and accept external connections:

   GRANT ALL ON bugs.* TO;

   Use .htaccess files with the Apache webserver to secure your bugzilla
   install. See .htaccess files and security

   Consider also:

    1. Turning off external networking with "--skip-networking", unless
       you have "mit-pthreads", in which case you can't. Without
       networking, MySQL connects with a Unix domain socket.
    2. using the --user= option to mysqld to run it as an unprivileged
    3. starting MySQL in a chroot jail
    4. running the httpd in a "chrooted" jail
    5. making sure the MySQL passwords are different from the OS
       passwords (MySQL "root" has nothing to do with system "root").
    6. running MySQL on a separate untrusted machine
    7. making backups ;-)

3.3. Mac OS X Installation Notes

   There are a lot of common libraries and utilities out there that Apple
   did not include with Mac OS X, but which run perfectly well on it. The
   GD library, which Bugzilla needs to do bug graphs, is one of these.

   The easiest way to get a lot of these is with a program called Fink,
   which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs common
   GNU utilities. Fink is available from

   Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed,
   you'll want to run the following as root: fink install gd

   It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit
   enter to install all of the dependencies. Then watch it work.

   To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple installs by
   default, Fink creates its own directory tree at /sw where it installs
   most of the software that it installs. This means your libraries and
   headers for libgd will be at /sw/lib and /sw/include instead of
   /usr/lib and /usr/local/include. Because of these changed locations
   for the libraries, the Perl GD module will not install directly via
   CPAN (it looks for the specific paths instead of getting them from
   your environment). But there's a way around that :-)

   Instead of typing "install GD" at the cpan> prompt, type look GD. This
   should go through the motions of downloading the latest version of the
   GD module, then it will open a shell and drop you into the build
   directory. Apply the following patch to the Makefile.PL file (save the
   patch into a file and use the command patch < patchfile:

--- GD-1.33/Makefile.PL Fri Aug  4 16:59:22 2000
+++ GD-1.33-darwin/Makefile.PL  Tue Jun 26 01:29:32 2001
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 warn "NOTICE: This module requires libgd 1.8.3 or higher (shared library versi
on 4.X).\n";

 # =====> PATHS: CHECK AND ADJUST <=====
-my @INC     = qw(-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gd);
-my @LIBPATH = qw(-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/l
ib );
+my @INC     = qw(-I/sw/include -I/sw/include/gd -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/lo
+my @LIBPATH = qw(-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/sw/lib -L/u
 my @LIBS    = qw(-lgd -lpng -lz);

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@

 push @LIBS,'-lttf' if $TTF;
 push @LIBS,'-ljpeg' if $JPEG;
-push @LIBS, '-lm' unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+push @LIBS, '-lm' unless ($^O =~ /^MSWin32|darwin$/);

 # FreeBSD 3.3 with libgd built from ports croaks if -lXpm is specified
 if ($^O ne 'freebsd' && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {

   Then, run these commands to finish the installation of the perl

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install
   And don't forget to run exit to get back to cpan.

   Happy Hacking!

3.4. BSD Installation Notes

   For instructions on how to set up Bugzilla on FreeBSD, NetBSD,
   OpenBSD, BSDi, etc. please consult Section 3.3.

3.5. Installation General Notes

3.5.1. Modifying Your Running System

   Bugzilla optimizes database lookups by storing all relatively static
   information in the versioncache file, located in the data/
   subdirectory under your installation directory.

   If you make a change to the structural data in your database (the
   versions table for example), or to the "constants" encoded in, you will need to remove the cached content from the data
   directory (by doing a "rm data/versioncache"), or your changes won't
   show up.

   That file gets automatically regenerated whenever it's more than an
   hour old, so Bugzilla will eventually notice your changes by itself,
   but generally you want it to notice right away, so that you can test

3.5.2. Upgrading From Previous Versions

   The developers of Bugzilla are constantly adding new tables, columns
   and fields. You'll get SQL errors if you just update the code. The
   strategy to update is to simply always run the script
   whenever you upgrade your installation of Bugzilla. If you want to see
   what has changed, you can read the comments in that file, starting
   from the end.

   If you are running Bugzilla version 2.8 or lower, and wish to upgrade
   to the latest version, please consult the file, "UPGRADING-pre-2.8" in
   the Bugzilla root directory after untarring the archive.

3.5.3. .htaccess files and security

   To enhance the security of your Bugzilla installation, Bugzilla will
   generate .htaccess files which the Apache webserver can use to
   restrict access to the bugzilla data files. The checksetup script will
   generate the .htaccess files.


   If you are using an alternate provider of webdot services for graphing
   (as described when viewing editparams.cgi in your web browser), you
   will need to change the ip address in data/webdot/.htaccess to the ip
   address of the webdot server that you are using.

   If you are using Internet Information Server or other web server which
   does not observe .htaccess conventions, you can disable their creation
   by editing localconfig and setting the $create_htaccess variable to 0.

3.5.4. mod_throttle and Security

   It is possible for a user, by mistake or on purpose, to access the
   database many times in a row which can result in very slow access
   speeds for other users. If your Bugzilla installation is experiencing
   this problem , you may install the Apache module mod_throttle which
   can limit connections by ip-address. You may download this module at Follow the instructions to
   install into your Apache install. This module only functions with the
   Apache web server!. You may use the ThrottleClientIP command provided
   by this module to accomplish this goal. See the Module Instructions
   for more information.

3.5.5. Preventing untrusted Bugzilla content from executing malicious
Javascript code

   It is possible for a Bugzilla to execute malicious Javascript code.
   Due to internationalization concerns, we are unable to incorporate the
   code changes necessary to fulfill the CERT advisory requirements
   mentioned in
   Executing the following code snippet from a UNIX command shell will
   rectify the problem if your Bugzilla installation is intended for an
   English-speaking audience. As always, be sure your Bugzilla
   installation has a good backup before making changes, and I recommend
   you understand what the script is doing before executing it.

bash# cd $BUGZILLA_HOME; for i in `ls *.cgi`; \
          do cat $i | sed 's/Content-type\: text\/html/Content-Type: text\/html
\; charset=ISO-8859-1/' >$i.tmp; \
          mv $i.tmp $i; done

   All this one-liner command does is search for all instances of
   "Content-type: text/html" and replaces it with "Content-Type:
   text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1". This specification prevents possible
   Javascript attacks on the browser, and is suggested for all
   English-speaking sites. For non-english-speaking Bugzilla sites, I
   suggest changing "ISO-8859-1", above, to "UTF-8".

3.5.6. UNIX Installation Instructions History

   This document was originally adapted from the Bonsai installation
   instructions by Terry Weissman <>.

   The February 25, 1999 re-write of this page was done by Ry4an Brase
   <>, with some edits by Terry Weissman, Bryce Nesbitt,
   Martin Pool, & Dan Mosedale (But don't send bug reports to them;
   report them using bugzilla, at ).

   This document was heavily modified again Wednesday, March 07 2001 to
   reflect changes for Bugzilla 2.12 release by Matthew P. Barnson. The
   securing MySQL section should be changed to become standard procedure
   for Bugzilla installations.

   Finally, the README in its entirety was marked up in SGML and included
   into the Guide on April 24, 2001 by Matt Barnson. Since that time,
   it's undergone extensive modification as Bugzilla grew.

   Comments from people using this Guide for the first time are
   particularly welcome.

3.6. Win32 Installation Notes

   This section covers installation on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT,
   and 2000. Bugzilla works fine on Win32 platforms, but please remember
   that the Bugzilla team and the author of the Guide neither endorse nor
   support installation on Microsoft Windows. Bugzilla installs and runs
   best and easiest on UNIX-like operating systems, and that is the way
   it will stay for the foreseeable future. The Bugzilla team is
   considering supporting Win32 for the 2.16 release and later.

   The easiest way to install Bugzilla on Intel-archiecture machines is
   to install some variant of GNU/Linux, then follow the UNIX
   installation instructions in this Guide. If you have any influence in
   the platform choice for running this system, please choose GNU/Linux
   instead of Microsoft Windows.

3.6.1. Win32 Installation: Step-by-step


   You should be familiar with, and cross-reference, the rest of the
   Bugzilla Installation section while performing your Win32

   Making Bugzilla work on Microsoft Windows is no picnic. Support for
   Win32 has improved dramatically in the last few releases, but, if you
   choose to proceed, you should be a very skilled Windows Systems
   Administrator with strong troubleshooting abilities, a high tolerance
   for pain, and moderate perl skills. Bugzilla on NT requires hacking
   source code and implementing some advanced utilities. What follows is
   the recommended installation procedure for Win32; additional
   suggestions are provided in Appendix A.
    1. Install Apache Web Server for Windows, and copy the Bugzilla files
       somewhere Apache can serve them. Please follow all the
       instructions referenced in Bugzilla Installation regarding your
       Apache configuration, particularly instructions regarding the
       "AddHandler" parameter and "ExecCGI".


   You may also use Internet Information Server or Personal Web Server
   for this purpose. However, setup is quite different. If ActivePerl
   doesn't seem to handle your file associations correctly (for .cgi and
   .pl files), please consult Appendix A.
   If you are going to use IIS, if on Windows NT you must be updated to
   at least Service Pack 4. Windows 2000 ships with a sufficient version
   of IIS.
    2. Install ActivePerl for Windows. Check for a
       current compiled binary.
       Please also check the following links to fully understand the
       status of ActivePerl on Win32: Perl Porting, and Perl on Win32 FAQ
    3. Use ppm from your perl\bin directory to install the following
       packs: DBI, DBD-Mysql, TimeDate, Chart, Date-Calc, Date-Manip, and
       GD. You may need to extract them from .zip format using Winzip or
       other unzip program first. These additional ppm modules can be
       downloaded from ActiveState.


   You can find a list of modules at
       The syntax for ppm is: C:> ppm <modulename>
       Example 3-3. Installing ActivePerl ppd Modules on Microsoft
       C:>ppm DBD-Mysql
       Watch your capitalization!
       You can find ActiveState ppm modules at
    4. Install MySQL for NT.


   You can download MySQL for Windows NT from Some find it
   helpful to use the WinMySqlAdmin utility, included with the download,
   to set up the database.
    5. Setup MySQL
         a. C:> C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root mysql
         b. mysql> DELETE FROM user WHERE Host='localhost' AND User='';
         c. mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD ('new_password')
            WHERE user='root';
            "new_password", above, indicates whatever password you wish
            to use for your "root" user.
            CREATE, DROP, REFERENCES ON bugs.* to bugs@localhost
            IDENTIFIED BY 'bugs_password';
            "bugs_password", above, indicates whatever password you wish
            to use for your "bugs" user.
         e. mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
         f. mysql> create database bugs;
         g. mysql> exit;
         h. C:> C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root -p reload
    6. Edit in your Bugzilla directory. Change this line:

my $webservergid = getgrnam($my_webservergroup);


my $webservergid = $my_webservergroup;

       or the name of the group you wish to own the files explicitly:

my $webservergid = 'Administrators'

    7. Run from the Bugzilla directory.
    8. Edit localconfig to suit your requirements. Set $db_pass to your
       "bugs_password" from step 5.d, and $webservergroup to "8".


   Not sure on the "8" for $webservergroup above. If it's wrong, please
   send corrections.
    9. Edit to suit your requirements. Particularly, set
       DefParam("maintainer") and DefParam("urlbase") to match your


   This is yet another step I'm not sure of, since the maintainer of this
   documentation does not maintain Bugzilla on NT. If you can confirm or
   deny that this step is required, please let me know.


   There are several alternatives to Sendmail that will work on Win32.
   The one mentioned here is a suggestion, not a requirement. Some other
   mail packages that can work include BLAT, Windmail, Mercury Sendmail,
   and the CPAN Net::SMTP Perl module (available in .ppm). Every option
   requires some hacking of the Perl scripts for Bugzilla to make it
   work. The option here simply requires the least.
         1. Download NTsendmail, available from You
            must have a "real" mail server which allows you to relay off
            it in your $ENV{"NTsendmail"} (which you should probably
            place in
         2. Put into your .\perl\lib directory.
         3. Add to

# these settings configure the NTsendmail process
use NTsendmail;


   Some mention to also edit $db_pass in to be your
   "bugs_password". Although this may get you around some problem
   authenticating to your database, since is not normally
   restricted by .htaccess, your database password is exposed to whoever
   uses your web server.
         4. Find and comment out all occurences of "open(SENDMAIL" in
            your Bugzilla directory. Then replace them with:

# new sendmail functionality
my $mail=new NTsendmail;
my $from="bugzilla\";
my $to=$login;
my $subject=$urlbase;


   Some have found success using the commercial product, Windmail. You
   could try replacing your sendmail calls with:
open SENDMAIL, "|\"C:/General/Web/tools/Windmail 4.0 Beta/windmail\" -t > mail.

   or something to that effect.
   11. Change all references in all files from processmail to, and rename processmail to


   Many think this may be a change we want to make for main-tree
   Bugzilla. It's painless for the UNIX folks, and will make the Win32
   people happier.


   Some people have suggested using the Net::SMTP Perl module instead of
   NTsendmail or the other options listed here. You can change to make this work.
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('<Name of your SMTP server>');   #connect to SMTP ser
$smtp->mail('<your name>@<you smpt server>');# use the sender's adress here
$smtp->to($tolist); # recipient's address
$smtp->data();  # Start the mail
$smtp->dataend();   # Finish sending the mail
$smtp->quit;    # Close the SMTP connection
$logstr = "$logstr; mail sent to $tolist $cclist";

   here is a test mail program for Net::SMTP:
use Net::SMTP;
 my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('<Name of your SMTP server', Timeout => 30, Debug
=> 1, ); # connect to SMTP server
                $smtp->mail('');# use the sender's adress
                $smtp->to(''); #
recipient's address
                $smtp->data();  # Start the mail
                $smtp->dataend();   # Finish sending the mail
                $smtp->quit;    # Close the SMTP connection



   This step is optional if you are using IIS or another web server which
   only decides on an interpreter based upon the file extension (.pl),
   rather than the "shebang" line (#/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl)
       Modify the path to perl on the first line (#!) of all files to
       point to your Perl installation, and add "perl" to the beginning
       of all Perl system calls that use a perl script as an argument.
       This may take you a while. There is a "setperl.csh" utility to
       speed part of this procedure, available in the Useful Patches and
       Utilities for Bugzilla section of The Bugzilla Guide. However, it
       requires the Cygwin GNU-compatible environment for Win32 be set up
       in order to work. See for details on
       obtaining Cygwin.
   13. Modify the invocation of all system() calls in all perl scripts in
       your Bugzilla directory. For instance, change this line in

system ("./",@ARGLIST);


system ("perl",@ARGLIST);

   14. Add binmode() calls so attachments will work (bug 62000).
       Because Microsoft Windows based systems handle binary files
       different than Unix based systems, you need to add the following
       lines to createattachment.cgi and showattachment.cgi before the
       require ''; line.



   According to bug 62000, the perl documentation says that you should
   always use binmode() when dealing with binary files, but never when
   dealing with text files. That seems to suggest that rather than
   aribtrarily putting binmode() at the begining of the attachment files,
   there should be logic to determine if binmode() is needed or not.


   If you are using IIS or Personal Web Server, you must add cgi
   relationships to Properties -> Home directory (tab) -> Application
   Settings (section) -> Configuration (button), such as:

.cgi to: <perl install directory>\perl.exe %s %s
.pl to: <perl install directory>\perl.exe %s %s

   Change the path to Perl to match your install, of course.

3.6.2. Additional Windows Tips


   From Andrew Pearson:

     You can make Bugzilla work with Personal Web Server for Windows 98
     and higher, as well as for IIS 4.0. Microsoft has information
     available at

     Basically you need to add two String Keys in the registry at the
     following location:


     The keys should be called ".pl" and ".cgi", and both should have a
     value something like: c:/perl/bin/perl.exe "%s" "%s"

     The KB article only talks about .pl, but it goes into more detail
     and provides a perl test script.


   If attempting to run Bugzilla 2.12 or older, you will need to remove
   encrypt() calls from the Perl source. This is not necessary for
   Bugzilla 2.13 and later, which includes the current release, Bugzilla

   Example 3-4. Removing encrypt() for Windows NT Bugzilla version 2.12
   or earlier

   Replace this:

SendSQL("SELECT encrypt(" . SqlQuote($enteredpwd) . ", " . SQLQuote(substr($rea
lcryptpwd, 0, 2)) . ")");
my $enteredcryptpwd = FetchOneColumn();

   with this:

my $enteredcryptpwd = $enteredpwd


3.6.3. Bugzilla LDAP Integration

   What follows is some late-breaking information on using the LDAP
   authentication options with Bugzilla. The author has not tested these
   (nor even formatted this section!) so please contribute feedback to
   the newsgroup.

   Mozilla::LDAP module
   The Mozilla::LDAP module allows you to use LDAP for authentication to
   the Bugzilla system.  This module is not required if you are not using
   Mozilla::LDAP (aka PerLDAP) is available for download from
   NOTE: The Mozilla::LDAP module requires Netscape's Directory SDK.
   Follow the link for "Directory SDK for C" on that same page to
   download the SDK first.  After you have installed this SDK, then
   install the PerLDAP module.
   Post-Installation Checklist
   Set useLDAP to "On" **only** if you will be using an LDAP directory
   for authentication.  Be very careful when setting up this parameter;
   if you set LDAP authentication, but do not have a valid LDAP directory
   set up, you will not be able to log back in to Bugzilla once you log
   out.  (If this happens, you can get back in by manually editing the
   data/params file, and setting useLDAP back to 0.)
   If using LDAP, you must set the three additional parameters:
   Set LDAPserver to the name (and optionally port) of your LDAP server.
   If no port is specified, it defaults to the default port of 389.  (e.g
   "" or "")
   Set LDAPBaseDN to the base DN for searching for users in your LDAP
   directory.  (e.g. "ou=People,o=MyCompany")  uids must be unique under
   the DN specified here.
   Set LDAPmailattribute to the name of the attribute in your LDAP
   directory which contains the primary email address.  On most directory
   servers available, this is "mail", but you may need to change this.
   (Not sure where this bit should go, but it's important that it be in
   there somewhere...)
   Using LDAP authentication for Bugzilla:
   The existing authentication scheme for Bugzilla uses email addresses
   as the primary user ID, and a password to authenticate that user.  All
   places within Bugzilla where you need to deal with user ID (e.g
   assigning a bug) use the email address.
   The LDAP authentication builds on top of this scheme, rather than
   replacing it.  The initial log in is done with a username and password
   for the LDAP directory.  This then fetches the email address from LDAP
   and authenticates seamlessly in the standard Bugzilla authentication
   scheme using this email address.  If an account for this address
   already exists in your Bugzilla system, it will log in to that
   account.  If no account for that email address exists, one is created
   at the time of login.  (In this case, Bugzilla will attempt to use the
   "displayName" or "cn" attribute to determine the user's full name.)
   After authentication, all other user-related tasks are still handled
   by email address, not LDAP username.  You still assign bugs by email
   address, query on users by email address, etc.

Chapter 4. Administering Bugzilla

   Or, I just got this cool thing installed. Now what the heck do I do
   with it?

   So you followed "Bugzilla Installation" to the letter, and logged into
   Bugzilla for the very first time with your super-duper god account.
   You sit, contentedly staring at the Bugzilla Query Screen, the worst
   of the whole mad business of installing this terrific program behind
   you. It seems, though, you have nothing yet to query! Your first act
   of business should be to setup the operating parameters for Bugzilla
   so you can get busy getting data into your bug tracker.

4.1. Post-Installation Checklist

   After installation, follow the checklist below to help ensure that you
   have a successful installation. If you do not see a recommended
   setting for a parameter, consider leaving it at the default while you
   perform your initial tests on your Bugzilla setup.
    1. Bring up editparams.cgi in your web browser. This should be
       available as the "edit parameters" link from any Bugzilla screen
       once you have logged in.
    2. The "maintainer" is the email address of the person responsible
       for maintaining this Bugzilla installation. The maintainer need
       not be a valid Bugzilla user. Error pages, error emails, and
       administrative mail will be sent with the maintainer as the return
       email address.
       Set "maintainer" to your email address. This allows Bugzilla's
       error messages to display your email address and allow people to
       contact you for help.
    3. The "urlbase" parameter defines the fully qualified domain name
       and web server path to your Bugzilla installation.
       For example, if your bugzilla query page is, set your "urlbase" is
    4. "usebuggroups" dictates whether or not to implement group-based
       security for Bugzilla. If set, Bugzilla bugs can have an
       associated groupmask defining which groups of users are allowed to
       see and edit the bug.
       Set "usebuggroups" to "on" only if you may wish to restrict access
       to products. I suggest leaving this parameter off while initially
       testing your Bugzilla.
    5. "usebuggroupsentry", when set to "on", requires that all bugs have
       an associated groupmask when submitted. This parameter is made for
       those installations where product isolation is a necessity.
       Set "usebuggroupsentry" to "on" if you absolutely need to restrict
       access to bugs from the moment they are submitted through
       resolution. Once again, if you are simply testing your
       installation, I suggest against turning this parameter on; the
       strict security checking may stop you from being able to modify
       your new entries.
    6. You run into an interesting problem when Bugzilla reaches a high
       level of continuous activity. MySQL supports only table-level
       write locking. What this means is that if someone needs to make a
       change to a bug, they will lock the entire table until the
       operation is complete. Locking for write also blocks reads until
       the write is complete. The "shadowdb" parameter was designed to
       get around this limitation. While only a single user is allowed to
       write to a table at a time, reads can continue unimpeded on a
       read-only shadow copy of the database. Although your database size
       will double, a shadow database can cause an enormous performance
       improvement when implemented on extremely high-traffic Bugzilla
       Set "shadowdb" to "bug_shadowdb" if you will be running a *very*
       large installation of Bugzilla. The shadow database enables many
       simultaneous users to read and write to the database without
       interfering with one another.


   Enabling "shadowdb" can adversely affect the stability of your
   installation of Bugzilla. You should regularly check that your
   database is in sync. It is often advisable to force a shadow database
   sync nightly via "cron".
       Once again, in testing you should avoid this option -- use it if
       or when you need to use it, and have repeatedly run into the
       problem it was designed to solve -- very long wait times while
       attempting to commit a change to the database. began
       needing "shadowdb" when they reached around 40,000 Bugzilla users
       with several hundred Bugzilla bug changes and comments per day.
       If you use the "shadowdb" option, it is only natural that you
       should turn the "queryagainstshadowdb" option "On" as well.
       Otherwise you are replicating data into a shadow database for no
    7. "headerhtml", "footerhtml", "errorhtml", "bannerhtml", and
       "blurbhtml" are all templates which control display of headers,
       footers, errors, banners, and additional data. We could go into
       some detail regarding the usage of these, but it is really best
       just to monkey around with them a bit to see what they do. I
       strongly recommend you copy your data/params file somewhere safe
       before playing with these values, though. If they are changed
       dramatically, it may make it impossible for you to display
       Bugzilla pages to fix the problem until you have restored your
       data/params file.
       If you have custom logos or HTML you must put in place to fit
       within your site design guidelines, place the code in the
       "headerhtml", "footerhtml", "errorhtml", "bannerhtml", or
       "blurbhtml" text boxes.


   The "headerhtml" text box is the HTML printed out before any other
   code on the page, except the CONTENT-TYPE header sent by the Bugzilla
   engine. If you have a special banner, put the code for it in
   "bannerhtml". You may want to leave these settings at the defaults
    8. "passwordmail" is rather simple. Every time a user creates an
       account, the text of this parameter is read as the text to send to
       the new user along with their password message.
       Add any text you wish to the "passwordmail" parameter box. For
       instance, many people choose to use this box to give a quick
       training blurb about how to use Bugzilla at your site.
    9. "useqacontact" allows you to define an email address for each
       component, in addition to that of the default owner, who will be
       sent carbon copies of incoming bugs. The critical difference
       between a QA Contact and an Owner is that the QA Contact follows
       the component. If you reassign a bug from component A to component
       B, the QA Contact for that bug will change with the reassignment,
       regardless of owner.
       "usestatuswhiteboard" defines whether you wish to have a
       free-form, overwritable field associated with each bug. The
       advantage of the Status Whiteboard is that it can be deleted or
       modified with ease, and provides an easily-searchable field for
       indexing some bugs that have some trait in common. Many people
       will put "help wanted", "stalled", or "waiting on reply from
       somebody" messages into the Status Whiteboard field so those who
       peruse the bugs are aware of their status even more than that
       which can be indicated by the Resolution fields.
       Do you want to use the QA Contact ("useqacontact") and status
       whiteboard ("usestatuswhiteboard") fields? These fields are useful
       because they allow for more flexibility, particularly when you
       have an existing Quality Assurance and/or Release Engineering
       team, but they may not be needed for many smaller installations.
   10. Set "whinedays" to the amount of days you want to let bugs go in
       the "New" or "Reopened" state before notifying people they have
       untouched new bugs. If you do not plan to use this feature, simply
       do not set up the whining cron job described in the installation
       instructions, or set this value to "0" (never whine).
   11. "commenton" fields allow you to dictate what changes can pass
       without comment, and which must have a comment from the person who
       changed them. Often, administrators will allow users to add
       themselves to the CC list, accept bugs, or change the Status
       Whiteboard without adding a comment as to their reasons for the
       change, yet require that most other changes come with an
       Set the "commenton" options according to your site policy. It is a
       wise idea to require comments when users resolve, reassign, or
       reopen bugs at the very least.


   It is generally far better to require a developer comment when
   resolving bugs than not. Few things are more annoying to bug database
   users than having a developer mark a bug "fixed" without any comment
   as to what the fix was (or even that it was truly fixed!)
   12. The "supportwatchers" option can be an exceptionally powerful tool
       in the hands of a power Bugzilla user. By enabling this option,
       you allow users to receive email updates whenever other users
       receive email updates. This is, of course, subject to the groupset
       restrictions on the bug; if the "watcher" would not normally be
       allowed to view a bug, the watcher cannot get around the system by
       setting herself up to watch the bugs of someone with bugs outside
       her priveleges. She would still only receive email updates for
       those bugs she could normally view.
       For Bugzilla sites which require strong inter-Product security to
       prevent snooping, watchers are not a good idea.
       However, for most sites you should set "supportwatchers" to "On".
       This feature is helpful for team leads to monitor progress in
       their respective areas, and can offer many other benefits, such as
       allowing a developer to pick up a former engineer's bugs without
       requiring her to change all the information in the bug.

4.2. User Administration

   User administration is one of the easiest parts of Bugzilla. Keeping
   it from getting out of hand, however, can become a challenge.

4.2.1. Creating the Default User

   When you first run after installing Bugzilla, it will
   prompt you for the administrative username (email address) and
   password for this "super user". If for some reason you were to delete
   the "super user" account, re-running will again prompt
   you for this username and password.


   If you wish to add more administrative users, you must use the MySQL
   interface. Run "mysql" from the command line, and use these commands
   ("mysql>" denotes the mysql prompt, not something you should type in):
   mysql> use bugs; mysql> update profiles set groupset=0x7ffffffffffffff
   where login_name = "(user's login name)"; 

   Yes, that is fourteen "f"'s. A whole lot of f-ing going on if you want
   to create a new administator.

4.2.2. Managing Other Users Logging In

    1. Open the index.html page for your Bugzilla installation in your
       browser window.
    2. Click the "Query Existing Bug Reports" link.
    3. Click the "Log In" link at the foot of the page.
    4. Type your email address, and the password which was emailed to you
       when you created your Bugzilla account, into the spaces provided.

   Congratulations, you are logged in!
     _________________________________________________________________ Creating new users

   Your users can create their own user accounts by clicking the "New
   Account" link at the bottom of each page. However, should you desire
   to create user accounts ahead of time, here is how you do it.

    1. After logging in, click the "Users" link at the footer of the
       query page.
    2. To see a specific user, type a portion of their login name in the
       box provided and click "submit". To see all users, simply click
       the "submit" button. You must click "submit" here to be able to
       add a new user.


   More functionality is available via the list on the right-hand side of
   the text entry box. You can match what you type as a case-insensitive
   substring (the default) of all users on your system, a case-sensitive
   regular expression (please see the man regexp manual page for details
   on regular expression syntax), or a reverse regular expression match,
   where every user name which does NOT match the regular expression is
    3. Click the "Add New User" link at the bottom of the user list
    4. Fill out the form presented. This page is self-explanatory. When
       done, click "submit".


   Adding a user this way will not send an email informing them of their
   username and password. While useful for creating dummy accounts
   (watchers which shuttle mail to another system, for instance, or email
   addresses which are a mailing list), in general it is preferable to
   log out and use the "New Account" button to create users, as it will
   pre-populate all the required fields and also notify the user of her
   account name and password.
     _________________________________________________________________ Disabling Users

   I bet you noticed that big "Disabled Text" entry box available from
   the "Add New User" screen, when you edit an account? By entering any
   text in this box and selecting "submit", you have prevented the user
   from using Bugzilla via the web interface. Your explanation, written
   in this text box, will be presented to the user the next time she
   attempts to use the system.


   Don't disable your own administrative account, or you will hate life!

   At this time, "Disabled Text" does not prevent a user from using the
   email interface. If you have the email interface enabled, they can
   still continue to submit bugs and comments that way. We need a patch
   to fix this.
     _________________________________________________________________ Modifying Users

   Here I will attempt to describe the function of each option on the
   Edit User screen.

     * Login Name: This is generally the user's email address. However,
       if you have edited your system parameters, this may just be the
       user's login name or some other identifier.


   For compatability reasons, you should probably stick with email
   addresses as user login names. It will make your life easier.
     * Real Name: Duh!
     * Password: You can change the user password here. It is normal to
       only see asterisks.
     * Email Notification: You may choose from one of three options:
         1. All qualifying bugs except those which I change: The user
            will be notified of any change to any bug for which she is
            the reporter, assignee, QA Contact, CC recipient, or
         2. Only those bugs which I am listed on the CC line: The user
            will not be notified of changes to bugs where she is the
            assignee, reporter, or QA Contact, but will receive them if
            she is on the CC list.


   She will still receive whining cron emails if you set up the
   "whinemail" feature.
         3. All Qualifying Bugs: This user is a glutton for punishment.
            If her name is in the reporter, QA Contact, CC, assignee, or
            is a "watcher", she will get email updates regarding the bug.
       Disable Text: If you type anything in this box, including just a
       space, the user account is disabled from making any changes to
       bugs via the web interface, and what you type in this box is
       presented as the reason.


   Don't disable the administrator account!


   As of this writing, the user can still submit bugs via the e-mail
   gateway, if you set it up, despite the disabled text field. The e-mail
   gateway should not be enabled for secure installations of Bugzilla.
     * CanConfirm: This field is only used if you have enabled
       "unconfirmed" status in your parameters screen. If you enable this
       for a user, that user can then move bugs from "Unconfirmed" to
       "Confirmed" status (e.g.: "New" status). Be judicious about
       allowing users to turn this bit on for other users.
     * Creategroups: This option will allow a user to create and destroy
       groups in Bugzilla. Unless you are using the Bugzilla GroupSentry
       security option "usebuggroupsentry" in your parameters, this
       setting has no effect.
     * Editbugs: Unless a user has this bit set, they can only edit those
       bugs for which they are the assignee or the reporter.


   Leaving this option unchecked does not prevent users from adding
   comments to a bug! They simply cannot change a bug priority, severity,
   etc. unless they are the assignee or reporter.
     * Editcomponents: This flag allows a user to create new products and
       components, as well as modify and destroy those that have no bugs
       associated with them. If a product or component has bugs
       associated with it, those bugs must be moved to a different
       product or component before Bugzilla will allow them to be
       destroyed. The name of a product or component can be changed
       without affecting the associated bugs, but it tends to annoy the
       hell out of your users when these change a lot.
     * Editkeywords: If you use Bugzilla's keyword functionality,
       enabling this feature allows a user can create and destroy
       keywords. As always, the keywords for existing bugs containing the
       keyword the user wishes to destroy must be changed before Bugzilla
       will allow it to die. You must be very careful about creating too
       many new keywords if you run a very large Bugzilla installation;
       keywords are global variables across products, and you can often
       run into a phenomenon called "keyword bloat". This confuses users,
       and then the feature goes unused.
     * Editusers: This flag allows a user do what you're doing right now:
       edit other users. This will allow those with the right to do so to
       remove administrator priveleges from other users or grant them to
       themselves. Enable with care.
     * PRODUCT: PRODUCT bugs access. This allows an administrator, with
       product-level granularity, to specify in which products a user can
       edit bugs. The user must still have the "editbugs" privelege to
       edit bugs in this area; this simply restricts them from even
       seeing bugs outside these boundaries if the administrator has
       enabled the group sentry parameter "usebuggroupsentry". Unless you
       are using bug groups, this option has no effect.

4.3. Product, Component, Milestone, and Version Administration


   Dear Lord, we have to get our users to do WHAT?

4.3.1. Products

   Formerly, and in some spots still, called "Programs"

   Products are the broadest category in Bugzilla, and you should have
   the least of these. If your company makes computer games, you should
   have one product per game, and possibly a few special products
   (website, meetings...)

   A Product (formerly called "Program", and still referred to that way
   in some portions of the source code) controls some very important
   functions. The number of "votes" available for users to vote for the
   most important bugs is set per-product, as is the number of votes
   required to move a bug automatically from the UNCONFIRMED status to
   the NEW status. One can close a Product for further bug entry and
   define various Versions available from the Edit product screen.

   To create a new product:

    1. Select "components" from the yellow footer


   It may seem counterintuitive to click "components" when you want to
   edit the properties associated with Products. This is one of a long
   list of things we want in Bugzilla 3.0...
    2. Select the "Add" link to the right of "Add a new product".
    3. Enter the name of the product and a description. The Description
       field is free-form.


   Don't worry about the "Closed for bug entry", "Maximum Votes per
   person", "Maximum votes a person can put on a single bug", "Number of
   votes a bug in this Product needs to automatically get out of the
   UNCOMFIRMED state", and "Version" options yet. We'll cover those in a
   few moments.

4.3.2. Components

   Components are subsections of a Product.

   Example 4-1. Creating some Components

   The computer game you are designing may have a "UI" component, an
   "API" component, a "Sound System" component, and a "Plugins"
   component, each overseen by a different programmer. It often makes
   sense to divide Components in Bugzilla according to the natural
   divisions of responsibility within your Product or company.

   Each component has a owner and (if you turned it on in the
   parameters), a QA Contact. The owner should be the primary person who
   fixes bugs in that component. The QA Contact should be the person who
   will ensure these bugs are completely fixed. The Owner, QA Contact,
   and Reporter will get email when new bugs are created in this
   Component and when these bugs change. Default Owner and Default QA
   Contact fields only dictate the default assignments; the Owner and QA
   Contact fields in a bug are otherwise unrelated to the Component.

   To create a new Component:

    1. Select the "Edit components" link from the "Edit product" page
    2. Select the "Add" link to the right of the "Add a new component"
       text on the "Select Component" page.
    3. Fill out the "Component" field, a short "Description", and the
       "Initial Owner". The Component and Description fields are
       free-form; the "Initial Owner" field must be that of a user ID
       already existing in the database. If the initial owner does not
       exist, Bugzilla will refuse to create the component.


   Is your "Default Owner" a user who is not yet in the database? No
         a. Select the "Log out" link on the footer of the page.
         b. Select the "New Account" link on the footer of the "Relogin"
         c. Type in the email address of the default owner you want to
            create in the "E-mail address" field, and her full name in
            the "Real name" field, then select the "Submit Query" button.
         d. Now select "Log in" again, type in your login information,
            and you can modify the product to use the Default Owner
            information you require.

    4. Either Edit more components or return to the Bugzilla Query Page.
       To return to the Product you were editing, you must select the
       Components link as before.

4.3.3. Versions

   Versions are the revisions of the product, such as "Flinders 3.1",
   "Flinders 95", and "Flinders 2000". Using Versions helps you isolate
   code changes and are an aid in reporting.

   Example 4-2. Common Use of Versions

   A user reports a bug against Version "Beta 2.0" of your product. The
   current Version of your software is "Release Candidate 1", and no
   longer has the bug. This will help you triage and classify bugs
   according to their relevance. It is also possible people may report
   bugs against bleeding-edge beta versions that are not evident in older
   versions of the software. This can help isolate code changes that
   caused the bug

   Example 4-3. A Different Use of Versions

   This field has been used to good effect by an online service provider
   in a slightly different way. They had three versions of the product:
   "Production", "QA", and "Dev". Although it may be the same product, a
   bug in the development environment is not normally as critical as a
   Production bug, nor does it need to be reported publicly. When used in
   conjunction with Target Milestones, one can easily specify the
   environment where a bug can be reproduced, and the Milestone by which
   it will be fixed.

   To create and edit Versions:

    1. From the "Edit product" screen, select "Edit Versions"
    2. You will notice that the product already has the default version
       "undefined". If your product doesn't use version numbers, you may
       want to leave this as it is or edit it so that it is "---". You
       can then go back to the edit versions page and add new versions to
       your product.
       Otherwise, click the "Add" button to the right of the "Add a new
       version" text.
    3. Enter the name of the Version. This can be free-form characters up
       to the limit of the text box. Then select the "Add" button.
    4. At this point you can select "Edit" to edit more Versions, or
       return to the "Query" page, from which you can navigate back to
       the product through the "components" link at the foot of the Query

4.3.4. Milestones

   Milestones are "targets" that you plan to get a bug fixed by. For
   example, you have a bug that you plan to fix for your 3.0 release, it
   would be assigned the milestone of 3.0. Or, you have a bug that you
   plan to fix for 2.8, this would have a milestone of 2.8.


   Milestone options will only appear for a Product if you turned the
   "usetargetmilestone" field in the "Edit Parameters" screen "On".

   To create new Milestones, set Default Milestones, and set Milestone

    1. Select "edit milestones"
    2. Select "Add" to the right of the "Add a new milestone" text
    3. Enter the name of the Milestone in the "Milestone" field. You can
       optionally set the "Sortkey", which is a positive or negative
       number (-255 to 255) that defines where in the list this
       particular milestone appears. Select "Add".
       Example 4-4. Using SortKey with Target Milestone
       Let's say you create a target milestone called "Release 1.0", with
       Sortkey set to "0". Later, you realize that you will have a public
       beta, called "Beta1". You can create a Milestone called "Beta1",
       with a Sortkey of "-1" in order to ensure people will see the
       Target Milestone of "Beta1" earlier on the list than "Release 1.0"
    4. If you want to add more milestones, select the "Edit" link. If you
       don't, well shoot, you have to go back to the "query" page and
       select "components" again, and make your way back to the Product
       you were editing.


   This is another in the list of unusual user interface decisions that
   we'd like to get cleaned up. Shouldn't there be a link to the effect
   of "edit the Product I was editing when I ended up here"? In any case,
   clicking "components" in the footer takes you back to the "Select
   product" screen, from which you can begin editing your product again.
    5. From the Edit product screen again (once you've made your way
       back), enter the URL for a description of what your milestones are
       for this product in the "Milestone URL" field. It should be of the
       format ""
       Some common uses of this field include product descriptions,
       product roadmaps, and of course a simple description of the
       meaning of each milestone.
    6. If you're using Target Milestones, the "Default Milestone" field
       must have some kind of entry. If you really don't care if people
       set coherent Target Milestones, simply leave this at the default,
       "---". However, controlling and regularly updating the Default
       Milestone field is a powerful tool when reporting the status of
       Select the "Update" button when you are done.

4.3.5. Voting

   The concept of "voting" is a poorly understood, yet powerful feature
   for the management of open-source projects. Each user is assigned so
   many Votes per product, which they can freely reassign (or assign
   multiple votes to a single bug). This allows developers to gauge user
   need for a particular enhancement or bugfix. By allowing bugs with a
   certain number of votes to automatically move from "UNCONFIRMED" to
   "NEW", users of the bug system can help high-priority bugs garner
   attention so they don't sit for a long time awaiting triage.

   The daunting challenge of Votes is deciding where you draw the line
   for a "vocal majority". If you only have a user base of 100 users,
   setting a low threshold for bugs to move from UNCONFIRMED to NEW makes
   sense. As the Bugzilla user base expands, however, these thresholds
   must be re-evaluated. You should gauge whether this feature is worth
   the time and close monitoring involved, and perhaps forego
   implementation until you have a critical mass of users who demand it.

   To modify Voting settings:

    1. Navigate to the "Edit product" screen for the Product you wish to
    2. Set "Maximum Votes per person" to your calculated value. Setting
       this field to "0" disables voting.
    3. Set "Maximum Votes a person can put on a single bug" to your
       calculated value. It should probably be some number lower than the
       "Maximum votes per person". Setting this field to "0" disables
       voting, but leaves the voting options open to the user. This is
    4. Set "Number of votes a bug in this product needs to automatically
       get out of the UNCONFIRMED state" to your calculated number.
       Setting this field to "0" disables the automatic move of bugs from
       UNCONFIRMED to NEW. Some people advocate leaving this at "0", but
       of what use are Votes if your Bugzilla user base is unable to
       affect which bugs appear on Development radar?


   You should probably set this number to higher than a small coalition
   of Bugzilla users can influence it. Most sites use this as a
   "referendum" mechanism -- if users are able to vote a bug out of
   UNCONFIRMED, it is a really bad bug!
    5. Once you have adjusted the values to your preference, select the
       "Update" button.

4.3.6. Groups and Group Security

   Groups can be very useful in bugzilla, because they allow users to
   isolate bugs or products that should only be seen by certain people.
   Groups can also be a complicated minefield of interdependencies and
   weirdness if mismanaged.

   Example 4-5. When to Use Group Security

   Many Bugzilla sites isolate "Security-related" bugs from all other
   bugs. This way, they can have a fix ready before the security
   vulnerability is announced to the world. You can create a "Security"
   product which, by default, has no members, and only add members to the
   group (in their individual User page, as described under User
   Administration) who should have priveleged access to "Security" bugs.
   Alternately, you may create a Group independently of any Product, and
   change the Group mask on individual bugs to restrict access to members
   only of certain Groups.

   Groups only work if you enable the "usebuggroups" paramater. In
   addition, if the "usebuggroupsentry" parameter is "On", one can
   restrict access to products by groups, so that only members of a
   product group are able to view bugs within that product. Group
   security in Bugzilla can be divided into two categories: Generic and


   Groups in Bugzilla are a complicated beast that evolved out of very
   simple user permission bitmasks, apparently itself derived from common
   concepts in UNIX access controls. A "bitmask" is a fixed-length number
   whose value can describe one, and only one, set of states. For
   instance, UNIX file permissions are assigned bitmask values: "execute"
   has a value of 1, "write" has a value of 2, and "read" has a value of
   4. Add them together, and a file can be read, written to, and executed
   if it has a bitmask of "7". (This is a simplified example -- anybody
   who knows UNIX security knows there is much more to it than this.
   Please bear with me for the purpose of this note.) The only way a
   bitmask scheme can work is by doubling the bit count for each value.
   Thus if UNIX wanted to offer another file permission, the next would
   have to be a value of 8, then the next 16, the next 32, etc.

   Similarly, Bugzilla offers a bitmask to define group permissions, with
   an internal limit of 64. Several are already occupied by built-in
   permissions. The way around this limitation is to avoid assigning
   groups to products if you have many products, avoid bloating of group
   lists, and religiously prune irrelevant groups. In reality, most
   installations of Bugzilla support far fewer than 64 groups, so this
   limitation has not hit for most sites, but it is on the table to be
   revised for Bugzilla 3.0 because it interferes with the security
   schemes of some administrators.

   To enable Generic Group Security ("usebuggroups"):

    1. Turn "On" "usebuggroups" in the "Edit Parameters" screen.
    2. You will generally have no groups set up. Select the "groups" link
       in the footer.
    3. Take a moment to understand the instructions on the "Edit Groups"
       screen. Once you feel confident you understand what is expected of
       you, select the "Add Group" link.
    4. Fill out the "New Name" (remember, no spaces!), "New Description",
       and "New User RegExp" fields. "New User RegExp" allows you to
       automatically place all users who fulfill the Regular Expression
       into the new group.
       Example 4-6. Creating a New Group
       I created a group called DefaultGroup with a description of "This
       is simply a group to play with", and a New User RegExp of
       ".*@mydomain.tld". This new group automatically includes all
       Bugzilla users with "@mydomain.tld" at the end of their user id.
       When I finished, my new group was assigned bit #128.
       When you have finished, select the Add button.

   To enable Product-Based Group Security (usebuggroupsentry):


   Don't forget that you only have 64 groups masks available, total, for
   your installation of Bugzilla! If you plan on having more than 50
   products in your individual Bugzilla installation, and require group
   security for your products, you should consider either running
   multiple Bugzillas or using Generic Group Security instead of
   Product-Based ("usebuggroupsentry") Group Security.

    1. Turn "On" "usebuggroups" and "usebuggroupsentry" in the "Edit
       Parameters" screen.


   "usebuggroupsentry" has the capacity to prevent the administrative
   user from directly altering bugs because of conflicting group
   permissions. If you plan on using "usebuggroupsentry", you should plan
   on restricting administrative account usage to administrative duties
   only. In other words, manage bugs with an unpriveleged user account,
   and manage users, groups, Products, etc. with the administrative
    2. You will generally have no Groups set up, unless you enabled
       "usebuggroupsentry" prior to creating any Products. To create
       "Generic Group Security" groups, follow the instructions given
       above. To create Product-Based Group security, simply follow the
       instructions for creating a new Product. If you need to add users
       to these new groups as you create them, you will find the option
       to add them to the group available under the "Edit User" screens.

   You may find this example illustrative for how bug groups work.

   Example 4-7. Bugzilla Groups

   Bugzilla Groups example
   For this example, let us suppose we have four groups, call them
   Group1, Group2, Group3, and Group4.
   We have 5 users, User1, User2, User3, User4, User5.
   We have 8 bugs, Bug1, ..., Bug8.
   Group membership is defined by this chart:
   (X denotes that user is in that group.)
   (I apologize for the nasty formatting of this table.  Try viewing
   it in a text-based browser or something for now. -MPB)
         G G G G
         r r r r
         o o o o
         u u u u
         p p p p
         1 2 3 4
   User1|X| | | |
   User2| |X| | |
   User3|X| |X| |
   User4|X|X|X| |
   User5| | | | |
   Bug restrictions are defined by this chart:
   (X denotes that bug is restricted to that group.)
        G G G G
        r r r r
        o o o o
        u u u u
        p p p p
        1 2 3 4
   Bug1| | | | |
   Bug2| |X| | |
   Bug3| | |X| |
   Bug4| | | |X|
   Bug5|X|X| | |
   Bug6|X| |X| |
   Bug7|X|X|X| |
   Who can see each bug?
   Bug1 has no group restrictions.  Therefore, Bug1 can be seen by any
   user, whatever their group membership.  This is going to be the only
   bug that User5 can see, because User5 isn't in any groups.
   Bug2 can be seen by anyone in Group2, that is User2 and User4.
   Bug3 can be seen by anyone in Group3, that is User3 and User4.
   Bug4 can be seen by anyone in Group4.  Nobody is in Group4, so none of
   these users can see Bug4.
   Bug5 can be seen by anyone who is in _both_ Group1 and Group2.  This
   is only User4.  User1 cannot see it because he is not in Group2, and
   User2 cannot see it because she is not in Group1.
   Bug6 can be seen by anyone who is in both Group1 and Group3.  This
   would include User3 and User4.  Similar to Bug5, User1 cannot see Bug6
   because he is not in Group3.
   Bug7 can be seen by anyone who is in Group1, Group2, and Group3.  This
   is only User4.  All of the others are missing at least one of those
   group priveleges, and thus cannot see the bug.
   Bug8 can be seen by anyone who is in Group1, Group2, Group3, and
   Group4.  There is nobody in all four of these groups, so nobody can
   see Bug8.  It doesn't matter that User4 is in Group1, Group2, and
   Group3, since he isn't in Group4.

4.4. Bugzilla Security


   Putting your money in a wall safe is better protection than depending
   on the fact that no one knows that you hide your money in a mayonnaise
   jar in your fridge.


   Poorly-configured MySQL, Bugzilla, and FTP installations have given
   attackers full access to systems in the past. Please take these
   guidelines seriously, even for Bugzilla machines hidden away behind
   your firewall. 80% of all computer trespassers are insiders, not
   anonymous crackers.

   Secure your installation.


   These instructions must, of necessity, be somewhat vague since
   Bugzilla runs on so many different platforms. If you have refinements
   of these directions for specific platforms, please submit them to

    1. Ensure you are running at least MysQL version 3.22.32 or newer.
       Earlier versions had notable security holes and poorly secured
       default configuration choices.
    2. There is no substitute for understanding the tools on your system!
       Read The MySQL Privilege System until you can recite it from
       At the very least, ensure you password the "mysql -u root" account
       and the "bugs" account, establish grant table rights (consult the
       Keystone guide in Appendix C: The Bugzilla Database for some
       easy-to-use details) that do not allow CREATE, DROP, RELOAD,
       SHUTDOWN, and PROCESS for user "bugs". I wrote up the Keystone
       advice back when I knew far less about security than I do now : )
    3. Lock down /etc/inetd.conf. Heck, disable inet entirely on this
       box. It should only listen to port 25 for Sendmail and port 80 for
    4. Do not run Apache as "nobody". This will require very lax
       permissions in your Bugzilla directories. Run it, instead, as a
       user with a name, set via your httpd.conf file.


   "nobody" is a real user on UNIX systems. Having a process run as user
   id "nobody" is absolutely no protection against system crackers versus
   using any other user account. As a general security measure, I
   recommend you create unique user ID's for each daemon running on your
   system and, if possible, use "chroot" to jail that process away from
   the rest of your system.
    5. Ensure you have adequate access controls for the
       $BUGZILLA_HOME/data/ and $BUGZILLA_HOME/shadow/ directories, as
       well as the $BUGZILLA_HOME/localconfig and
       $BUGZILLA_HOME/ files. The localconfig file stores your
       "bugs" user password, which would be terrible to have in the hands
       of a criminal, while the "" stores some default
       information regarding your installation which could aid a system
       cracker. In addition, some files under $BUGZILLA_HOME/data/ store
       sensitive information, and $BUGZILLA_HOME/shadow/ stores bug
       information for faster retrieval. If you fail to secure these
       directories and this file, you will expose bug information to
       those who may not be allowed to see it.


   Bugzilla provides default .htaccess files to protect the most common
   Apache installations. However, you should verify these are adequate
   according to the site-wide security policy of your web server, and
   ensure that the .htaccess files are allowed to "override" default
   permissions set in your Apache configuration files. Covering Apache
   security is beyond the scope of this Guide; please consult the Apache
   documentation for details.
   If you are using a web server that does not support the .htaccess
   control method, you are at risk! After installing, check to see if you
   can view the file "localconfig" in your web browser (e.g.: If you can read the contents
   of this file, your web server has not secured your bugzilla directory
   properly and you must fix this problem before deploying Bugzilla. If,
   however, it gives you a "Forbidden" error, then it probably respects
   the .htaccess conventions and you are good to go.
       On Apache, you can use .htaccess files to protect access to these
       directories, as outlined in Bug 57161 for the localconfig file,
       and Bug 65572 for adequate protection in your data/ and shadow/
       Note the instructions which follow are Apache-specific. If you use
       IIS, Netscape, or other non-Apache web servers, please consult
       your system documentation for how to secure these files from being
       transmitted to curious users.
       Place the following text into a file named ".htaccess", readable
       by your web server, in your $BUGZILLA_HOME/data directory.
        <Files comments> allow
             from all </Files> deny from all
       Place the following text into a file named ".htaccess", readable
       by your web server, in your $BUGZILLA_HOME/ directory.
        <Files localconfig> deny
             from all </Files> allow from all
       Place the following text into a file named ".htaccess", readable
       by your web server, in your $BUGZILLA_HOME/shadow directory.
        deny from all

Chapter 5. Integrating Bugzilla with Third-Party Tools

5.1. Bonsai

   Bonsai is a web-based tool for managing CVS, the Concurrent Versioning
   System . Using Bonsai, administrators can control open/closed status
   of trees, query a fast relational database back-end for change,
   branch, and comment information, and view changes made since the last
   time the tree was closed. These kinds of changes cause the engineer
   responsible to be "on the hook" (include cool URL link here for Hook
   policies at Bonsai also includes gateways to Tinderbox,
   the Mozilla automated build management system and Bugzilla

5.2. CVS

   CVS integration is best accomplished, at this point, using the
   Bugzilla Email Gateway. There have been some files submitted to allow
   greater CVS integration, but we need to make certain that Bugzilla is
   not tied into one particular software management package.

   Follow the instructions in the FAQ for enabling Bugzilla e-mail
   integration. Ensure that your check-in script sends an email to your
   Bugzilla e-mail gateway with the subject of "[Bug XXXX]", and you can
   have CVS check-in comments append to your Bugzilla bug. If you have
   your check-in script include an @resolution field, you can even change
   the Bugzilla bug state.

   There is also a project, based upon somewhat dated Bugzilla code, to
   integrate CVS and Bugzilla through CVS' ability to email. Check it out
   at:, under the "cvszilla" link.

5.3. Perforce SCM

   You can find the project page for Bugzilla and Teamtrack Perforce
   integration (p4dti) at: .
   "p4dti" is now an officially supported product from Perforce, and you
   can find the "Perforce Public Depot" p4dti page at

   Integration of Perforce with Bugzilla, once patches are applied, is
   seamless. Perforce replication information will appear below the
   comments of each bug. Be certain you have a matching set of patches
   for the Bugzilla version you are installing. p4dti is designed to
   support multiple defect trackers, and maintains its own documentation
   for it. Please consult the pages linked above for further information.

5.4. Tinderbox/Tinderbox2

   We need Tinderbox integration information.

Chapter 6. The Future of Bugzilla

   Bugzilla's Future.  Much of this is the present, now.

   Bugzilla's future is a constantly-changing thing, as various
   developers "scratch an itch" when it comes to functionality. Thus this
   section is very malleable, subject to change without notice, etc.
   You'll probably also notice the lack of formatting. I apologize that
   it's not quite as readable as the rest of the Guide.

                                  Bugzilla Blue Sky
      One of the major stumbling blocks of Bugzilla has been that it is t
      rigid and does not adapt itself well enough to the needs of an
      organisation.  This has led to organisations making changes to the
      Bugzilla code that need to be redone each new version of Bugzilla.
      Bugzilla should attempt to move away from this to a world where thi
      doesn't need to occur.
      Most of the subsections in this section are currently explicit desi
      goals for the "Bugzilla 3" rewrite.  This does not necessarily mean
      that they will not occur before them in Bugzilla 2, but most are
      significant undertakings.
     Field Customisation
      Many installations wish to customise the fields that appear on bug
      reports.   Current versions of Bugzilla offer limited
      customisability.  In particular, some fields can be turned off.
      However, many administrators wish to add their own fields, and rena
      or otherwise modify existing fields.  An architecture that supports
      this would be extraordinarily useful.
      Indeed, many fields work similarly and could be abstracted into "fi
      types", so that an administrator need write little or no code to
      support the new fields they desire.
      Possible field types include text (eg status whiteboard), numbers,
      dates (eg report time), accounts (eg reporter, qa, cc), inter-bug
      relationships (dependencies, duplicates), option groups (platform,
      severity, priority, target milestone, version) etc.
      Ideally an administrator could configure their fields through a
      Bugzilla interface that requires no code to be added.  However, it
      highly unlikely this ideal will never be met, and in a similar way
      that office applications have scripting languages, Bugzilla should
      allow new field types to be written.
      Similarly, a common desire is for resolutions to be added or remove
       Option Groups
     Database Integrity
      Furthermore, it is desirable for administrators to be able to speci
      rules that must or should apply between the fields on a bug report.
      For example, you might wish to specify that a bug with status ASSIG
      must have a target milestone field that that is not untargetted.  O
      that a bug with a certain number of votes should get ASSIGNED.  Or
      that the QA contact must be different from the assignee.
      "Must" relationships could be implemented by refusing to make chang
      that violate the relationships, or alternatively, automatically
      updating certain fields in order to satisfy the criteria.  Which
      occurs should be up to the administrator.
      "Should" relationships could be implemented by a combination of
      emitting warnings on the process bug page, the same on notification
      mails, or emitting periodic whine mails about the situation.  Again
      which occurs should be up to the administrator.
      It should also be possible for whine mails to be emitted for "must"
      relationships, as they might become violated through direct databas
      access, Bugzilla bugs, or because they were there before the
      relationship was enforced.
      As well as implementing intra-bug constraints, it would be useful t
      create inter-bug constraints.  For example, a bug that is dependent
      another bug should not have an earlier milestone or greater priorit
      than that bug.
     Database Adaptability
      Often an administrator desires that fields adapt to the values of
      other fields.  For example, the value of a field might determine th
      possible values of another field or even whether it appears (whethe
      it is "applicable").
      Limited adaptability is present in Bugzilla 2, and only on the
      "Product" field:
        * The possible values of the target milestone, version and compon
          fields depend on the product.
        * UNCONFIRMED can be turned off for specific products.
        * Voting can be configured differently or turned off for differen
          products, and there is a separate user vote limits for each
      It would be good if more adaptability was present, both in terms of
      all fields relying on the product, as well as the ability to adapt
      based on the value of all fields.
      Example ???
      General adaptability raises the issue of circular references betwee
      fields causing problems.  One possible solution to this is to place
      the fields in a total ordering and require a field refer only to th
      previous fields.
      In Bugzilla 2, changing the product of a bug meant a second page wo
      appear that allowed you to choose a new milestone, component and
      version, as those fields adapted themselves to the new product.  Th
      page could be generalised to support all instances where:
        * a field value must or might be changed because the possible val
          have changed
        * is going to drop off because it it is no longer applicable, and
          this should be confirmed
        * must be specified because it is suddenly applicable, and the
          default value, if one exists, might not be acceptable
     Database Independence
      Currently Bugzilla only runs on the MySQL database.  It would be
      desirable for Bugzilla to run on other databases, because:
        * Organisations may have existing database products they use and
          would prefer to run a homogenous environment.
        * Databases each have their own shortcomings, including MySQL.  A
          administrator might choose a database that would work better wi
          their Bugzilla.
      This raises the possibility that we could use features that are onl
      present in some databases, by appropriately falling back.  For
      example, in the MySQL world, we live without:
        * record-level locking, instead we use table-level locking
        * referential and record constraints, instead we checking code
        * subselects, instead we use multiple queries and redundant "cach
     Multiple Front Ends
      Currently Bugzilla is manipulated via the Web, and notifies via
      E-Mail.  It would be desirable for Bugzilla to easily support vario
      front ends.
      There is no reason that Bugzilla could not be controlled via a whol
      range of front ends, including Web, E-Mail, IRC, ICQ, etc, and
      similarly for how it notifies.  It's also possible that we could
      introduce a special Bugzilla client that uses its own protocol, for
      maximum user productivity.
      Indeed a request reply might be returned via a totally different
      transport method than was use to submit the request.
      Bugzilla currently supports only English.  All of the field names,
      user instructions, etc are written in English.  It would be desirab
      to allow "language packs" so Bugzilla can be easily used in
      non-English speaking locales.
      To a degree field customisation supports this, because administrato
      could specify their own fields names anyway.  However, there will
      always be some basic facilities not covered by this, and it is
      desirable that the administrator's interface also is
   Better Searching
     General Summary Reports
      Sometimes, the normal querying page leaves a lot to be desired.  Th
      are other facilities already in place or which people have asked fo
      Most Doomed Reports - All Bugs or All Bugs In A Product, Categorise
      On Assignee, Shows and Counts Number of Bugs For Each Assignee
      Most Voted For Bugs - All Bugs, Categorised On Product, Shows Top T
      Bugs Voters Most Want Fixed
      Number of Open Bugs For An Assignee - Bug List, Categorised On
      Developers, Counts Number of Bugs In Category
      The important thing to realise is that people want categorised repo
      on all sorts of things - a general summary report.
      In a categorised report, you choose the subset of bugs you wish to
      operate on (similar to how you would specify a query), and then
      categorise them on one or more fields.
      For each category you display the count of the number of things in
      that category.  You can optionally display the bugs themselves, or
      leave them out, just showing the counts.  And you can optionally li
      the number of things (bugs or subcategories) that display in each
      Such a mechanism would let you do all of the above and more.
      Applications of this mechanism would only be recognised once it was
     Related Bugs
      It would be nice to have a field where you could enter other bugs
      related to the current bug.  It would be handy for navigation and
      possibly even finding duplicates.
     Column Specification Support
      Currently bug lists use the columns that you last used.  This doesn
      work well for "prepackaged queries", where you followed a link.  Yo
      can probably add a column by specifying a sort column, but this is
      difficult and suboptimal.
      Furthermore, I find that when I want to add a column to a bug list,
      it's usually a one off and I would prefer it to go away for the nex
      query.  Hence, it would be nice to specify the columns that appear
      the bug list (and general summary report) pages.  The default query
      mechanism should be able to let you specify your default columns.
     Advanced Querying Redesign
      People have a need to apply tags to bugs.  In the beginning, people
      placed designators in the summary and status whiteboard.  However,
      these fields were not designed for that, and so there were many fla
      with this system:
        * They pollute the field with information that was never intended
          be present.
        * Removing them with a bulk change is a difficult problem that ha
          too many pitfalls to implement.
        * You can easily get the capitalisation wrong.
      Then dependencies were introduced (when?), and people realised that
      they could use them for "tracking bugs".  Again, dependencies were
      designed for that, and so there were more flaws, albeit different
      ones, including:
        * They aren't really bugs, so it's difficult to distinguish issue
          from bugs.
        * They can pollute bugs counts, and you must somehow exclude them
          from queries.
        * There is a whole lot of useless information on them.  They have
          assignee but there is nothing to fix, and that person can get
          whined at by Bugzilla.  They have target milestones which must
          manually maintained.  And so on.
      Finally, keywords were introduced (when?) for this purpose to remov
      the need for these two systems.  Unfortunately, the simple keywords
      implementation was itself lacking in certain features provided by t
      two previous systems, and has remained almost unchanged since its
      inception.  Furthermore, it could not be forseen that in large
      installations, the sheer number of keywords could become unwieldly
      could lead to a movement back to the other systems.
      The keywords system was the right idea, however, and it remains so.
      Fixing the keywords system is one of the most important Bugzilla
     Bringing Keywords Up To Par
      For the most part, keywords are very good at what they do.  It is e
      to add and remove them (unlike summary/whiteboard designators), we
      simply see what issues are present on a bug (unlike tracking bugs),
      and we do not confuse bugs with issues (unlike tracking bugs).
      However, there are still some "regressions" in the keyword system o
      previous systems:
        * Users wish to view the "dependency forest" of a keyword.  While
          dependency tree is of one bug, a dependency forest is of a bug
          list, and consists of a dependency tree for each member of the
          list.  Users can work around this with tracking bugs by creatin
   g a
          tracking bug and viewing the dependency tree of that tracking b
        * Users wish to specify the keywords that initially apply to a bu
          but instead they must edit the bug once it has already been
          submitted.  They can work around this with summary designators,
          since they specify the summary at reporting time.
        * Users wish to store or share a bug list that contains a keyword
          column.  Hence they wish to be able to specify what columns app
          in the bug list URL, as mentioned earlier.  They can work aroun
          this using summary designators, since almost all bug lists have
          summary column.
        * Users wish to be able to view keywords on a bug list.  However
          often they are only interested in a small number of keywords.
          Having a bug list with a keywords column means that all keyword
          will appear on a bug list.  This can take a substantial amount
          space where a bug has a lot of keywords, since the table column
          in Bugzilla adjust to the largest cell in that column.  Hence
          users wish to be able to specify which keywords should appear i
          the bug list.  In a very real sense, each keyword is a field un
          itself.  Users can work around this by using summary designator
          since they keywords will share the space in the summary column.
        * Users wish to know when bugs with a specific issue are resolved
          Hence they wish to be able to receive notifications on all the
          bugs with a specific keyword.  The introduction a generic watch
          facility (also for things like watching all bugs in a component
          would achieve this.  Users can work around this by using tracki
          bugs, as dependencies have an existing way of detecting fixes t
          bug a bug was blocked by.
     Dealing With The Keyword Overload
      At the time of writing, the installation has approximat
      100 keywords, and many more would be in use if the keywords system
      didn't have the problems it does.
      Such a large number of keywords introduces logistical problems:
        * It must be easy for someone to learn what a keyword means.  If
          keyword is buried within a lot of other keywords, it can be
          difficult to find.
        * It must be easy to see what keywords are on a bug.  If the numb
          of keywords is large, then this can be difficult.
      These lead some people to feel that there are "too many keywords".
      These problems are not without solutions however.  It is harder to
      find a list of designators or tracking bugs than it is a list of
      The essential problem is it needs to be easy to find the keywords
      we're interested in through the mass of keywords.
       Keyword Applicability
      As has been previously mentioned, it is desirable for fields to be
      able to adapt to the values of other fields.  This is certainly tru
      for keywords.  Many keywords are simply not relevant because of the
      bugs product, component, etc.
      Hence, by introducing keyword applicability, and not displaying
      keywords that are not relevant to the current bug, or clearly
      separating them, we can make the keyword overload problem less
      Currently when you click on "keywords" on a bug, you get a list of
      bugs.  It would be desirable to introduce a list of keywords tailor
      to a specific bug, that reports, in order:
        * the keywords currently on the bug
        * the keywords not currently on the bug, but applicable to the bu
        * optionally, the keywords not applicable to the bug
      This essentially orders the keywords into three groups, where each
      group is more important than the previous, and therefore appears
      closer to the top.
       Keyword Grouping & Ordering
      We could further enhance both the global and bug specific keyword l
      by grouping keywords.  We should always have a "flat" view of
      keywords, but other ways of viewing the keywords would be useful to
      If keyword applicability was implemented, we could group keywords
      based on their "applicability condition".  Keywords that apply to a
      bugs could be separated from keywords that apply to a specific
      product, both on the global keyword list and the keyword list of a
      that is in that product.
      We could specify groups of our own.  For example, many keywords are
      a mutually exclusive group, essentially like radio buttons in a use
      interface.  This creates a natural grouping, although other groupin
      occur (which depends on your keywords).
      It is possible that we could use collapsing/expanding operations on
      "twisties" to only should the groups we are interested in.
      And instead of grouping keywords, we could order them on some metri
      of usefulness, such as:
        * when the keyword was last added to a bug
        * how many bugs the keyword is on
        * how many open bugs the keyword is on
       Opting Out Of Keywords
      Not all people are going to care about all keywords.  Therefore it
      makes sense that you may wish to specify which keywords you are
      interested in, either on the bug page, or on notifications.
      Other keywords will therefore not bother users who are not interest
      in them.
     Keyword Security
      Currently all keywords are available and editable to all people wit
      edit bugs access.  This situation is clearly suboptimal.
      Although relying on good behaviour for people to not do what they
      shouldn't works reasonably well on the, it is better to
      enforce that behaviour - it can be breached through malice, acciden
      or ignorance.
      And in the situation where it is desirable for the presence or abse
      of a keyword not to be revealed, organisations either need to be
      content with the divulgence, or not use keywords at all.
      In the situation where they choose to divulge, introducing the abil
      to restrict who can see the keyword would also reduce keyword
     Personal Keywords
      Keywords join together a set of bugs which would otherwise be
      unrelated in the bug system.
      We allow users to store their own queries.  However we don't allow
      them to store their own keywords on a bug.  This reduces the
      usefulness of personal queries, since you cannot join a set of
      unrelated bugs together in a way that you wish.  Lists of bug numbe
      can work, by they can only be used for small lists, and it is
      impossible to share a list between multiple queries.
      Personal keywords are necessary to replace personal tracking bugs,
      they would not pollute the keyword space.  Indeed, on many
      installations this could remove some keywords out of the global
      keyword space.
      In a similar vein and with similar effects, group keywords could be
      introduced that are only available to members of a specific group.
     Keyword Restrictions
      Keywords are not islands unto themselves.  Along with their potenti
      to be involved in the inter-field relationships mentioned earlier,
      keywords can also be related to other keywords.
      Essentially, there are two possibilities:
        * a set of keywords are mutually exclusive
        * the presence of a keyword implies another keyword must be prese
      Introduction of the ability to specify these restrictions would hav
      If mutually exclusive keywords were present on a bug, their removal
      would fix up the database, as well as reducing the number of keywor
      on that bug.
      In the situation where a keyword implies another keyword, there are
      two possiblities as to how to handle the situation.
      The first is automatically add the keyword.  This would fix up the
      database, but it would increase the number of keywords on a bug.
      The second is to automatically remove the keyword, and alter querie
      so they pick up the first keyword as well as the removed keyword.
      This would fix up the database and reduce the number of keywords on
      bug, but it might confuse users who don't see the keyword.
      Alternatively, the implied keywords could be listed separately.
      Every time a bug gets changed notifications get sent out to people
      letting them know about what changes have been made.  This is a
      significant feature, and all sorts of questions can be raised, but
      they mainly boil down to when they should be sent and what they sho
      look like.
     Changes You're Interested In
      As of version 2.12 users can specify what sort of changes they are
      interested in receiving notifications for.  However, this is still
      limited.  As yet there is no facility to specify which keywords you
      care about, and whether you care about changes to fields such as th
      QA contact changes.
      Furthermore, often an unnecessary comment will go along with a chan
      either because it is required, or the commenter is ignorant of how
      new system works.  While explaining why you did something is useful
      merely commenting on what you did is not because that information i
      already accessible view "Bug Activity".
      Because of this unnecessary comment, a lot of changes that would
      otherwise not generate notifications for certain people do so, beca
      few people are willing to turn off comments.  One way to deal with
      this problem is to allow people to specify that their comments are
      purely explanatory, and that anyone who is not interested in the
      change will not be interested in the comment.
      Furthermore, one possible rationale for unnecessary comments is tha
      the bug activity does not display on the normal page and hence it i
      difficult to cross reference comments and actions.  Hence, it would
      beneficial to be able to do this.
     Bugs You're Watching
      Currently to receive a notification about a bug you need to have yo
      name on it.  This is suboptimal because you need to know about a bu
      before you can receive notifications on it.  Often you are interest
      in any bug with a field set to a specific value.  For example, you
      might be interested in all bugs with a specific product, component
      If someone could automatically receive notifications about these bu
      it would make everyone's lives easier.  Currently the default assig
      and QA contact for a component will automatically receive
      notifications for
      Question:  This moves half way to a BCC.
     Bulk Changes
      A very useful feature of Bugzilla is the ability to perform an acti
      on multiple bugs at once.  However, this means that similar
      notifications are currently generated for each bug modified.
      This can result in a torrent of notifications that can annoy.
      Furthermore, since the bugs are all changed close to each other in
      time, it is easy for someone to mass delete all the notifications
      generated by a bulk change and miss an unrelated notification in th
      These factors can lead to a tendency for people to delay bulk chang
      or avoid them entirely.  This is suboptimal.
      It would be better if a bulk change generated only one notification
      mail.  This would vastly reduce the annoyance factor, and prevent
      accidental deletion of notifications.
      One problem with this change is that some people separate out
      notifications using filtering.  This means that they would no longe
      be match parts of a bulk change under different filtering rules.
      One possibility to resolve this is to allow people to specify group
      of bugs.  All bugs within a group would go into the same
      notification.  The filters could then distinguish the different bug
      In any case, it is likely there would need to be a transition perio
      to allow people to alter their filters.
   Linking Bugzilla Installations
      The first example of linking Bugzilla installations together has is
      the introduction of bug moving in version 2.12.  However, it would
      useful to be able to link installations in more ways.
        * Dependencies and other relationships between bugs in other
          installations.  This is difficult because dependencies are
          synchronised on both bugs, so the installation that changes
          dependencies would need to communicate the new state to the oth
          installation.  It would also mean that relationships and
          notifications that refer to other bugs would need to communicat
          with the other installation.
        * References to bugs in other installations.  Currently if you ty
          "bug XXX" or "bug #XXX" where XXX is a number, you get an
          automatic hyperlink to that bug.  It would be useful if you cou
          say "YYY bug #XXX" where YYY is the name of another installatio
   Whiny Reports
     Group Redesign
     Hard Wrapping Comments
      Currently Bugzilla "hard wraps" its comments to a specific line siz
      similar to E-Mail.  This has various problems:
        * The way it currently works, wrapping is done in the browser at
          submission time using a non-standard HTML extension not support
          by some (uncommon) browsers.  These browsers generate comments
          that scroll off the right side of the screen.
        * Because comments are of fixed width, when you expand your brows
          window, the comments do not expand to fit available space.
      It would be much better to move to a world of soft wrapping, where
      browser wraps the text at display time, similar to a world processo
       And as in a word processor, soft wrapping does not preclude the
      insertion of newlines.
      Hard wrapping is too entrenched into text E-Mail to fix, but we can
      fix Bugzilla without causing any problems.  The old content will st
      be wrapped too early, but at least new content will work.

Chapter 7. Bugzilla Variants and Competitors

   I created this section to answer questions about Bugzilla competitors
   and variants, then found a wonderful site which covers an awful lot of
   what I wanted to discuss. Rather than quote it in its entirety, I'll
   simply refer you here:

7.1. Red Hat Bugzilla

   Red Hat Bugzilla is probably the most popular Bugzilla variant on the
   planet. One of the major benefits of Red Hat Bugzilla is the ability
   to work with Oracle, MySQL, and PostGreSQL databases serving as the
   back-end, instead of just MySQL. Dave Lawrence has worked very hard to
   keep Red Hat Bugzilla up-to-date, and many people prefer the
   snappier-looking page layout of Red Hat Bugzilla to the default
   Mozilla-standard formatting.


7.2. Loki Bugzilla (Fenris)

   Fenris can be found at It is a fork from

7.3. Issuezilla

   Issuezilla is another fork from Bugzilla, and seems nearly as popular
   as the Red Hat Bugzilla fork. Some Issuezilla team members are regular
   contributors to the Bugzilla mailing list/newsgroup. Issuezilla is not
   the primary focus of bug-tracking at, however. Their
   Java-based bug-tracker, Scarab, a newfangled Java-based issue tracker,
   is under heavy development and looks promising!


7.4. Scarab

   Scarab is a promising new bug-tracking system built using Java Serlet
   technology. As of this writing, no source code has been released as a
   package, but you can obtain the code from CVS.


7.5. Perforce SCM

   Although Perforce isn't really a bug tracker, it can be used as such
   through the "jobs" functionality.

7.6. SourceForge

   SourceForge is more of a way of coordinating geographically
   distributed free software and open source projects over the Internet
   than strictly a bug tracker, but if you're hunting for bug-tracking
   for your open project, it may be just what the software engineer


Appendix A. The Bugzilla FAQ

   1. General Questions

        A.1.1. Where can I find information about Bugzilla?
        A.1.2. What license is Bugzilla distributed under? 
        A.1.3. How do I get commercial support for Bugzilla? 
        A.1.4. What major companies or projects are currently using
                Bugzilla for bug-tracking? 

        A.1.5. Who maintains Bugzilla? 
        A.1.6. How does Bugzilla stack up against other bug-tracking

        A.1.7. How do I change my user name in Bugzilla? 
        A.1.8. Why doesn't Bugzilla offer this or that feature or
                compatability with this other tracking software? 

        A.1.9. Why MySQL? I'm interested in seeing Bugzilla run on

        A.1.10. Why do the scripts say "/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl"
                instead of "/usr/bin/perl" or something else? 

   2. Red Hat Bugzilla

        A.2.1. What about Red Hat Bugzilla? 
        A.2.2. What are the primary benefits of Red Hat Bugzilla? 
        A.2.3. What's the current status of Red Hat Bugzilla? 

   3. Loki Bugzilla (AKA Fenris)

        A.3.1. What is Loki Bugzilla (Fenris)? 

   4. Pointy-Haired-Boss Questions

        A.4.1. Is Bugzilla web-based or do you have to have specific
                software or specific operating system on your machine? 

        A.4.2. Has anyone you know of already done any Bugzilla
                integration with Perforce (SCM software)? 

        A.4.3. Does Bugzilla allow the user to track multiple projects? 
        A.4.4. If I am on many projects, and search for all bugs assigned
                to me, will Bugzilla list them for me and allow me to
                sort by project, severity etc? 

        A.4.5. Does Bugzilla allow attachments (text, screenshots, urls
                etc)? If yes, are there any that are NOT allowed? 

        A.4.6. Does Bugzilla allow us to define our own priorities and
                levels? Do we have complete freedom to change the labels
                of fields and format of them, and the choice of
                acceptable values? 

        A.4.7. The index.html page doesn't show the footer. It's really
                annoying to have to go to the querypage just to check my
                "my bugs" link. How do I get a footer on static HTML

        A.4.8. Does Bugzilla provide any reporting features, metrics,
                graphs, etc? You know, the type of stuff that management
                likes to see. :) 

        A.4.9. Is there email notification and if so, what do you see
                when you get an email? Do you see bug number and title or
                is it only the number? 

        A.4.10. Can email notification be set up to send to multiple
                people, some on the To List, CC List, BCC List etc? 

        A.4.11. If there is email notification, do users have to have any
                particular type of email application? 

        A.4.12. If I just wanted to track certain bugs, as they go
                through life, can I set it up to alert me via email
                whenever that bug changes, whether it be owner, status or
                description etc.? 

        A.4.13. Does Bugzilla allow data to be imported and exported? If
                I had outsiders write up a bug report using a MS Word bug
                template, could that template be imported into "matching"
                fields? If I wanted to take the results of a query and
                export that data to MS Excel, could I do that? 

        A.4.14. Has anyone converted Bugzilla to another language to be
                used in other countries? Is it localizable? 

        A.4.15. Can a user create and save reports? Can they do this in
                Word format? Excel format? 

        A.4.16. Can a user re-run a report with a new project, same

        A.4.17. Can a user modify an existing report and then save it
                into another name? 

        A.4.18. Does Bugzilla have the ability to search by word, phrase,
                compound search? 

        A.4.19. Can the admin person establish separate group and
                individual user privileges? 

        A.4.20. Does Bugzilla provide record locking when there is
                simultaneous access to the same bug? Does the second
                person get a notice that the bug is in use or how are
                they notified? 

        A.4.21. Are there any backup features provided? 
        A.4.22. Can users be on the system while a backup is in progress?
        A.4.23. What type of human resources are needed to be on staff to
                install and maintain Bugzilla? Specifically, what type of
                skills does the person need to have? I need to find out
                if we were to go with Bugzilla, what types of individuals
                would we need to hire and how much would that cost vs
                buying an "Out-of-the-Box" solution. 

        A.4.24. What time frame are we looking at if we decide to hire
                people to install and maintain the Bugzilla? Is this
                something that takes hours or weeks to install and a
                couple of hours per week to maintain and customize or is
                this a multi-week install process, plus a full time job
                for 1 person, 2 people, etc? 

        A.4.25. Is there any licensing fee or other fees for using
                Bugzilla? Any out-of-pocket cost other than the bodies
                needed as identified above? 

   5. Bugzilla Installation

        A.5.1. How do I download and install Bugzilla? 
        A.5.2. How do I install Bugzilla on Windows NT? 
        A.5.3. Is there an easy way to change the Bugzilla cookie name? 

   6. Bugzilla Security

        A.6.1. How do I completely disable MySQL security if it's giving
                me problems (I've followed the instructions in the
                installation section of this guide!)? 

        A.6.2. Are there any security problems with Bugzilla? 
        A.6.3. I've implemented the security fixes mentioned in Chris
                Yeh's security advisory of 5/10/2000 advising not to run
                MySQL as root, and am running into problems with MySQL no
                longer working correctly. 

   7. Bugzilla Email

        A.7.1. I have a user who doesn't want to receive any more email
                from Bugzilla. How do I stop it entirely for this user? 

        A.7.2. I'm evaluating/testing Bugzilla, and don't want it to send
                email to anyone but me. How do I do it? 

        A.7.3. I want to whine at something more, or other
                than, only new bugs. How do I do it? 

        A.7.4. I don't like/want to use Procmail to hand mail off to
       What alternatives do I have? 

        A.7.5. How do I set up the email interface to submit/change bugs
                via email? 

        A.7.6. Email takes FOREVER to reach me from bugzilla -- it's
                extremely slow. What gives? 

        A.7.7. How come email never reaches me from bugzilla changes? 

   8. Bugzilla Database

        A.8.1. I've heard Bugzilla can be used with Oracle? 
        A.8.2. Bugs are missing from queries, but exist in the database
                (and I can pull them up by specifying the bug ID). What's

        A.8.3. I think my database might be corrupted, or contain invalid
                entries. What do I do? 

        A.8.4. I want to manually edit some entries in my database. How? 
        A.8.5. I try to add myself as a user, but Bugzilla always tells
                me my password is wrong. 

        A.8.6. I think I've set up MySQL permissions correctly, but
                bugzilla still can't connect. 

        A.8.7. How do I synchronize bug information among multiple
                different Bugzilla databases? 

        A.8.8. Why do I get bizarre errors when trying to submit data,
                particularly problems with "groupset"? 

        A.8.9. How come even after I delete bugs, the long descriptions
                show up? 

   9. Bugzilla and Win32

        A.9.1. What is the easiest way to run Bugzilla on Win32

        A.9.2. Is there a "Bundle::Bugzilla" equivalent for Win32? 
        A.9.3. CGI's are failing with a "something.cgi is not a valid
                Windows NT application" error. Why? 

        A.9.4. Can I have some general instructions on how to make
                Bugzilla on Win32 work? 

        A.9.5. I'm having trouble with the perl modules for NT not being
                able to talk to to the database. 

   10. Bugzilla Usage

        A.10.1. The query page is very confusing. Isn't there a simpler
                way to query? 

        A.10.2. I'm confused by the behavior of the "accept" button in
                the Show Bug form. Why doesn't it assign the bug to me
                when I accept it? 

        A.10.3. I can't upload anything into the database via the "Create
                Attachment" link. What am I doing wrong? 

        A.10.4. Email submissions to Bugzilla that have attachments end
                up asking me to save it as a "cgi" file. 

        A.10.5. How do I change a keyword in Bugzilla, once some bugs are
                using it? 

   11. Bugzilla Hacking

        A.11.1. What bugs are in Bugzilla right now? 
        A.11.2. How can I change the default priority to a null value?
                For instance, have the default priority be "---" instead
                of "P2"? 

        A.11.3. What's the best way to submit patches? What guidelines
                should I follow? 

1. General Questions

   A.1.1. Where can I find information about Bugzilla?

   You can stay up-to-date with the latest Bugzilla information at

   A.1.2. What license is Bugzilla distributed under?

   Bugzilla is covered by the Mozilla Public License. See details at

   A.1.3. How do I get commercial support for Bugzilla? offers Bugzilla as part of their standard offering to
   large projects. They do have some minimum fees that are pretty hefty,
   and generally aren't interested in small projects.

   There are several experienced Bugzilla hackers on the mailing
   list/newsgroup who are willing to whore themselves out for generous
   compensation. Try sending a message to the mailing list asking for a

   A.1.4. What major companies or projects are currently using Bugzilla
   for bug-tracking?

   There are dozens of major comapanies with public Bugzilla sites to
   track bugs in their products. A few include:

   AtHome Corporation
   Red Hat Software
   Loki Entertainment Software
   SuSe Corp
   The Horde Project
   The Eazel Project
   Real Time Enterprises, Inc
   Strata Software
   Creative Labs (makers of SoundBlaster)
   The Apache Foundation
   The Gnome Foundation

   Suffice to say, there are more than enough huge projects using
   Bugzilla that we can safely say it's extremely popular.

   A.1.5. Who maintains Bugzilla?

   Bugzilla maintenance has been in a state of flux recently. Please
   check the Bugzilla Project Page for the latest details. 

   A.1.6. How does Bugzilla stack up against other bug-tracking

   A year has gone by, and I still can't find any head-to-head
   comparisons of Bugzilla against other defect-tracking software.
   However, from my personal experience with other bug-trackers, Bugzilla
   offers superior performance on commodity hardware, better price
   (free!), more developer- friendly features (such as stored queries,
   email integration, and platform independence), improved scalability,
   open source code, greater flexibility, and superior ease-of-use.

   If you happen to be a commercial bug-tracker vendor, please step
   forward with a rebuttal so I can include it in the FAQ. We're not in
   pursuit of Bugzilla ueber alles; we simply love having a powerful,
   open-source tool to get our jobs done.

   A.1.7. How do I change my user name in Bugzilla?

   You can't. However, the administrative account can, by simply opening
   your user account in editusers.cgi and changing the login name.

   A.1.8. Why doesn't Bugzilla offer this or that feature or
   compatability with this other tracking software?

   It may be that the support has not been built yet, or that you have
   not yet found it. Bugzilla is making tremendous strides in usability,
   customizability, scalability, and user interface. It is widely
   considered the most complete and popular open-source bug-tracking
   software in existence.

   That doesn't mean it can't use improvement! You can help the project
   along by either hacking a patch yourself that supports the
   functionality you require, or else submitting a "Request for
   Enhancement" (RFE) using the bug submission interface at

   A.1.9. Why MySQL? I'm interested in seeing Bugzilla run on

   Terry Weissman answers,

     You're not the only one. But I am not very interested. I'm not a
     real SQL or database person. I just wanted to make a useful tool,
     and build it on top of free software. So, I picked MySQL, and
     learned SQL by staring at the MySQL manual and some code lying
     around here, and wrote Bugzilla. I didn't know that Enum's were
     non-standard SQL. I'm not sure if I would have cared, but I didn't
     even know. So, to me, things are "portable" because it uses MySQL,
     and MySQL is portable enough. I fully understand (now) that people
     want to be portable to other databases, but that's never been a
     real concern of mine.

   Things aren't quite that grim these days, however. Terry pretty much
   sums up much of the thinking many of us have for Bugzilla, but there
   is light on the horizon for database-independence! Here are some

   Red Hat Bugzilla: Runs a modified Bugzilla 2.8 atop an Oracle
   Interzilla: A project to run Bugzilla on Interbase. No code released
   yet, however.
   Bugzilla 3.0: One of the primary stated goals is multiple database

   A.1.10. Why do the scripts say "/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl" instead of
   "/usr/bin/perl" or something else? uses /usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl. The prime rule in making
   submissions is "don't break". If it breaks it,
   your patch will be reverted faster than you can do a diff.

   Here's Terry Weissman's comment, for some historical context:

     [This was] purely my own convention. I wanted a place to put a
     version of Perl and other tools that was strictly under my control
     for the various webtools, and not subject to anyone else. Edit it
     to point to whatever you like.


   We always recommend that, if possible, you keep the path as
   /usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl, and simply add a /usr/bonsaitools and
   /usr/bonsaitools/bin directory, then symlink your version of perl to
   /usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl. This will make upgrading your Bugzilla much
   easier in the future.

   Obviously, if you do not have root access to your Bugzilla box, our
   suggestion is irrelevant.

2. Red Hat Bugzilla


   This section is no longer up-to-date. Please see the section on "Red
   Hat Bugzilla" under "Variants" in The Bugzilla Guide.

   A.2.1. What about Red Hat Bugzilla?

   Red Hat Bugzilla is arguably more user-friendly, customizable, and
   scalable than stock Bugzilla. Check it out at and the sources at They've set their Bugzilla up to work
   with Oracle out of the box. Note that Redhat Bugzilla is based upon
   the 2.8 Bugzilla tree; Bugzilla has made some tremendous advances
   since the 2.8 release. Why not download both Bugzillas to check out
   the differences for yourself?

   Dave Lawrence, the original Red Hat Bugzilla maintainer, mentions:

     Somebody needs to take the ball and run with it. I'm the only
     maintainer and am very pressed for time.

   If you, or someone you know, has the time and expertise to do the
   integration work so main-tree Bugzilla 2.12 and higher integrates the
   Red Hat Bugzilla Oracle modifications, please donate your time to
   supporting the Bugzilla project.

   A.2.2. What are the primary benefits of Red Hat Bugzilla?

   Dave Lawrence:

     For the record, we are not using any template type implementation
     for the cosmetic changes maded to Bugzilla. It is just alot of html
     changes in the code itself. I admit I may have gotten a little
     carried away with it but the corporate types asked for a more
     standardized interface to match up with other projects relating to
     Red Hat web sites. A lot of other web based internal tools I am
     working on also look like Bugzilla.

     I do want to land the changes that I have made to Bugzilla but I
     may have to back out a good deal and make a different version of
     Red Hat's Bugzilla for checking in to CVS. Especially the cosmetic
     changes because it seems they may not fit the general public. I
     will do that as soon as I can. I also still do my regular QA
     responsibilities along with Bugzilla so time is difficult sometimes
     to come by.

     There are also a good deal of other changes that were requested by
     management for things like support contracts and different
     permission groups for making bugs private. Here is a short list of
     the major changes that have been made:

    1. No enum types. All old enum types are now separate smaller tables.
    2. No bit wise operations. Not all databases support this so they
       were changed to a more generic way of doing this task
    3. Bug reports can only be altered by the reporter, assignee, or a
       privileged bugzilla user. The rest of the world can see the bug
       but in a non-changeable format (unless the bug has been marked
       private). They can however add comments, add and remove themselves
       from the CC list
    4. Different group scheme. Each group has an id number related to it.
       There is a user_group table which contains userid to groupid
       mappings to determine which groups each user belongs to.
       Additionally there is a bug_group table that has bugid to groupid
       mappings to show which groups can see a particular bug. If there
       are no entries for a bug in this table then the bug is public.
    5. Product groups. product_table created to only allow certain
       products to be visible for certain groups in both bug entry and
       query. This was particulary helpful for support contracts.
    6. Of course many (too many) changes to Bugzilla code itself to allow
       use with Oracle and still allow operation with Mysql if so
       desired. Currently if you use Mysql it is set to use Mysql's old
       permission scheme to keep breakage to a minimum. Hopefully one day
       this will standardize on one style which may of course be
       something completely different.
    7. Uses Text::Template perl module for rendering of the dynamic HTML
       pages such as enter_bug.cgi, query.cgi,, and for the
       header and footer parts of the page. This allows the html to be
       separate from the perl code for customizing the look and feel of
       the page to one's preference.
    8. There are many other smaller changes. There is also a port to
       Oracle that I have been working on as time permits but is not
       completely finished but somewhat usable. I will merge it into our
       standard code base when it becomes production quality.
       Unfortunately there will have to be some conditionals in the code
       to make it work with other than Oracle due to some differences
       between Oracle and Mysql.

     Both the Mysql and Oracle versions of our current code base are
     available from If Terry/Tara wants I
     can submit patch files for all of the changes I have made and he
     can determine what is suitable for addition to the main bugzilla
     cade base. But for me to commit changes to the actual CVS I will
     need to back out alot of things that are not suitable for the rest
     of the Bugzilla community. I am open to suggestions.

   A.2.3. What's the current status of Red Hat Bugzilla?


   This information is somewhat dated; I last updated it 7 June 2000.
   Please see the "Variants" section of "The Bugzilla Guide" for more
   up-to-date information regarding Red Hat Bugzilla.
   Dave Lawrence:

     I suppose the current thread warrants an update on the status of
     Oracle and bugzilla ;) We have now been running Bugzilla 2.8 on
     Oracle for the last two days in our production environment. I tried
     to do as much testing as possible with it before going live which
     is some of the reason for the long delay. I did not get enough
     feedback as I would have liked from internal developers to help
     weed out any bugs still left so I said "Fine, i will take it live
     and then I will get the feedback I want :)" So it is now starting
     to stabilize and it running quite well after working feverishly the
     last two days fixing problems as soon as they came in from the
     outside world. The current branch in cvs is up2date if anyone would
     like to grab it and try it out. The oracle is broken
     right now due to some last minute changes but I will update that
     soon. Therefore you would probably need to create the database
     tables the old fashioned way using the supplied sql creation
     scripts located in the ./oracle directory. We have heavy
     optimizations in the database it self thanks to the in-house DBA
     here at Red Hat so it is running quite fast. The database itself is
     located on a dual PII450 with 1GB ram and 14 high voltage
     differential raided scsi drives. The tables and indexes are
     partitioned in 4 chuncks across the raided drive which is nice
     because when ever you need to do a full table scan, it is actually
     starting in 4 different locations on 4 different drives
     simultaneously. And the indexes of course are on separate drives
     from the data so that speeds things up tremendously. When I can
     find the time I will document all that we have done to get this
     thing going to help others that may need it.

     As Matt has mentioned it is still using out-dated code and with a
     little help I would like to bring everything up to date for
     eventual incorporation with the main cvs tree. Due to other duties
     I have with the company any help with this wiould be appreciated.
     What we are using now is what I call a best first effort. It
     definitely can be improved on and may even need complete rewrites
     in a lot of areas. A lot of changes may have to be made in the way
     Bugzilla does things currently to make this transition to a more
     generic database interface. Fortunately when making the Oracle
     changes I made sure I didn't do anything that I would consider
     Oracle specific and could not be easily done with other databases.
     Alot of the sql statements need to be broken up into smaller
     utilities that themselves would need to make decisions on what
     database they are using but the majority of the code can be made
     database neutral.

3. Loki Bugzilla (AKA Fenris)

   A.3.1. What is Loki Bugzilla (Fenris)?

   Loki Games has a customized version of Bugzilla available at There are some advantages to using
   Fenris, chief being separation of comments based upon user privacy
   level, data hiding, forced login for any data retrieval, and some
   additional fields. Loki has mainted their code, originally a fork from
   the Bugzilla 2.8 code base, and it is quite a bit different than stock
   Bugzilla at this point. I recommend you stick with official Bugzilla
   version 2.14 rather than using a fork, but it's up to you.

4. Pointy-Haired-Boss Questions


   The title of this section doesn't mean you're a PHB -- it just means
   you probably HAVE a PHB who wants to know this :)

   A.4.1. Is Bugzilla web-based or do you have to have specific software
   or specific operating system on your machine?

   It is web and e-mail based. You can edit bugs by sending specially
   formatted email to a properly configured Bugzilla, or control via the

   A.4.2. Has anyone you know of already done any Bugzilla integration
   with Perforce (SCM software)?

   Yes! You can find more information elsewhere in "The Bugzilla Guide"
   in the "Integration with Third-Party Products" section.

   A.4.3. Does Bugzilla allow the user to track multiple projects?

   Absolutely! You can track up to a "soft-limit" of around 64 individual
   "Products", that can each be composed of as many "Components" as you
   want. Check the Administration section of the Bugzilla Guide for more
   information regarding setting up Products and Components.

   A.4.4. If I am on many projects, and search for all bugs assigned to
   me, will Bugzilla list them for me and allow me to sort by project,
   severity etc?


   A.4.5. Does Bugzilla allow attachments (text, screenshots, urls etc)?
   If yes, are there any that are NOT allowed?

   Yes. There are many specific MIME-types that are pre-defined by
   Bugzilla, but you may specify any arbitrary MIME-type you need when
   you upload the file. Since all attachments are stored in the database,
   however, I recommend storing large binary attachments elsewhere in the
   web server's file system and providing a hyperlink as a comment, or in
   the provided "URL" field in the bug report.

   A.4.6. Does Bugzilla allow us to define our own priorities and levels?
   Do we have complete freedom to change the labels of fields and format
   of them, and the choice of acceptable values?

   Yes. However, modifying some fields, notably those related to bug
   progression states, also require adjusting the program logic to
   compensate for the change.

   There is no GUI for adding fields to Bugzilla at this time. You can
   follow development of this feature at

   A.4.7. The index.html page doesn't show the footer. It's really
   annoying to have to go to the querypage just to check my "my bugs"
   link. How do I get a footer on static HTML pages?

   It's possible to get the footer on the static index page using Server
   Side Includes (SSI). The trick to doing this is making sure that your
   web server is set up to allow SSI and specifically, the #exec
   directive. You should also rename index.html to index.shtml.

   After you've done all that, you can add the following line to
<!--#exec cmd="/usr/bin/perl -e &quot;require ''; PutFooter();&quot;" -->


   This line will be replaced with the actual HTML for the footer when
   the page is requested, so you should put this line where you want the
   footer to appear.

   Because this method depends on being able to use a #exec directive,
   and most ISP's will not allow that, there is an alternative method.
   You could have a small script (such as api.cgi) that basically looks
#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w

require '';

if ($::FORM{sub} eq 'PutFooter') {
} else {
    die 'api.cgi was incorrectly called';

   and then put this line in index.shtml.
   <!--#include virtual="api.cgi?sub=PutFooter"-->


   This still requires being able to use Server Side Includes, if this
   simply will not work for you, see bug 80183 for a third option.

   A.4.8. Does Bugzilla provide any reporting features, metrics, graphs,
   etc? You know, the type of stuff that management likes to see. :)

   Yes. Look at for basic
   reporting facilities.

   For more advanced reporting, I recommend hooking up a professional
   reporting package, such as Crystal Reports, and use ODBC to access the
   MySQL database. You can do a lot through the Query page of Bugzilla as
   well, but right now Advanced Reporting is much better accomplished
   through third-party utilities that can interface with the database

   Advanced Reporting is a Bugzilla 3.X proposed feature.

   A.4.9. Is there email notification and if so, what do you see when you
   get an email? Do you see bug number and title or is it only the

   Email notification is user-configurable. The bug id and Topic of the
   bug report accompany each email notification, along with a list of the
   changes made.

   A.4.10. Can email notification be set up to send to multiple people,
   some on the To List, CC List, BCC List etc?


   A.4.11. If there is email notification, do users have to have any
   particular type of email application?

   Bugzilla email is sent in plain text, the most compatible mail format
   on the planet.


   If you decide to use the bugzilla_email integration features to allow
   Bugzilla to record responses to mail with the associated bug, you may
   need to caution your users to set their mailer to "respond to messages
   in the format in which they were sent". For security reasons Bugzilla
   ignores HTML tags in comments, and if a user sends HTML-based email
   into Bugzilla the resulting comment looks downright awful.

   A.4.12. If I just wanted to track certain bugs, as they go through
   life, can I set it up to alert me via email whenever that bug changes,
   whether it be owner, status or description etc.?

   Yes. Place yourself in the "cc" field of the bug you wish to monitor.
   Then change your "Notify me of changes to" field in the Email Settings
   tab of the User Preferences screen in Bugzilla to the "Only those bugs
   which I am listed on the CC line" option.

   A.4.13. Does Bugzilla allow data to be imported and exported? If I had
   outsiders write up a bug report using a MS Word bug template, could
   that template be imported into "matching" fields? If I wanted to take
   the results of a query and export that data to MS Excel, could I do

   Mozilla allows data export through a custom DTD in XML format. It does
   not, however, export to specific formats other than the XML Mozilla
   DTD. Importing the data into Excel or any other application is left as
   an exercise for the reader.

   If you create import filters to other applications from Mozilla's XML,
   please submit your modifications for inclusion in future Bugzilla

   As for data import, any application can send data to Bugzilla through
   the HTTP protocol, or through Mozilla's XML API. However, it seems
   kind of silly to put another front-end in front of Bugzilla; it makes
   more sense to create a simplified bug submission form in HTML. You can
   find an excellent example at

   A.4.14. Has anyone converted Bugzilla to another language to be used
   in other countries? Is it localizable?

   Currently, no. Internationalization support for Perl did not exist in
   a robust fashion until the recent release of version 5.6.0; Bugzilla
   is, and likely will remain (until 3.X) completely non-localized.

   A.4.15. Can a user create and save reports? Can they do this in Word
   format? Excel format?

   Yes. No. No.

   A.4.16. Can a user re-run a report with a new project, same query?


   A.4.17. Can a user modify an existing report and then save it into
   another name?

   You can save an unlimited number of queries in Bugzilla. You are free
   to modify them and rename them to your heart's desire.

   A.4.18. Does Bugzilla have the ability to search by word, phrase,
   compound search?

   You have no idea. Bugzilla's query interface, particularly with the
   advanced Boolean operators, is incredibly versatile.

   A.4.19. Can the admin person establish separate group and individual
   user privileges?


   A.4.20. Does Bugzilla provide record locking when there is
   simultaneous access to the same bug? Does the second person get a
   notice that the bug is in use or how are they notified?

   Bugzilla does not lock records. It provides mid-air collision
   detection, and offers the offending user a choice of options to deal
   with the conflict.

   A.4.21. Are there any backup features provided?

   MySQL, the database back-end for Bugzilla, allows hot-backup of data.
   You can find strategies for dealing with backup considerations at

   A.4.22. Can users be on the system while a backup is in progress?

   Yes. However, commits to the database must wait until the tables are
   unlocked. Bugzilla databases are typically very small, and backups
   routinely take less than a minute.

   A.4.23. What type of human resources are needed to be on staff to
   install and maintain Bugzilla? Specifically, what type of skills does
   the person need to have? I need to find out if we were to go with
   Bugzilla, what types of individuals would we need to hire and how much
   would that cost vs buying an "Out-of-the-Box" solution.

   If Bugzilla is set up correctly from the start, continuing maintenance
   needs are minimal and can be completed by unskilled labor. Things like
   rotate backup tapes and check log files for the word "error".

   Commercial Bug-tracking software typically costs somewhere upwards of
   $20,000 or more for 5-10 floating licenses. Bugzilla consultation is
   available from skilled members of the newsgroup.

   As an example, as of this writing I typically charge $115 for the
   first hour, and $89 each hour thereafter for consulting work. It takes
   me three to five hours to make Bugzilla happy on a Development
   installation of Linux-Mandrake.

   A.4.24. What time frame are we looking at if we decide to hire people
   to install and maintain the Bugzilla? Is this something that takes
   hours or weeks to install and a couple of hours per week to maintain
   and customize or is this a multi-week install process, plus a full
   time job for 1 person, 2 people, etc?

   It all depends on your level of commitment. Someone with much Bugzilla
   experience can get you up and running in less than a day, and your
   Bugzilla install can run untended for years. If your Bugzilla strategy
   is critical to your business workflow, hire somebody with reasonable
   UNIX or Perl skills to handle your process management and bug-tracking
   maintenance & customization.

   A.4.25. Is there any licensing fee or other fees for using Bugzilla?
   Any out-of-pocket cost other than the bodies needed as identified

   No. MySQL asks, if you find their product valuable, that you purchase
   a support contract from them that suits your needs.

5. Bugzilla Installation

   A.5.1. How do I download and install Bugzilla?

   Check for details. Once you
   download it, untar it, read the Bugzilla Guide.

   A.5.2. How do I install Bugzilla on Windows NT?

   Installation on Windows NT has its own section in "The Bugzilla

   A.5.3. Is there an easy way to change the Bugzilla cookie name?

   At present, no.

6. Bugzilla Security

   A.6.1. How do I completely disable MySQL security if it's giving me
   problems (I've followed the instructions in the installation section
   of this guide!)?

   Run mysql like this: "mysqld --skip-grant-tables". Please remember
   this makes mysql as secure as taping a $100 to the floor of a football
   stadium bathroom for safekeeping. Please read the Security section of
   the Administration chapter of "The Bugzilla Guide" before proceeding.

   A.6.2. Are there any security problems with Bugzilla?

   The Bugzilla code has not undergone a complete security audit. It is
   recommended that you closely examine permissions on your Bugzilla
   installation, and follow the recommended security guidelines found in
   The Bugzilla Guide.

   A.6.3. I've implemented the security fixes mentioned in Chris Yeh's
   security advisory of 5/10/2000 advising not to run MySQL as root, and
   am running into problems with MySQL no longer working correctly.

   This is a common problem, related to running out of file descriptors.
   Simply add "ulimit -n unlimited" to the script which starts mysqld.

7. Bugzilla Email

   A.7.1. I have a user who doesn't want to receive any more email from
   Bugzilla. How do I stop it entirely for this user?

   With the email changes to 2.12, the user should be able to set this in
   user email preferences.

   A.7.2. I'm evaluating/testing Bugzilla, and don't want it to send
   email to anyone but me. How do I do it?

   Edit the param for the mail text. Replace "To:" with "X-Real-To:",
   replace "Cc:" with "X-Real-CC:", and add a "To: (myemailaddress)".

   A.7.3. I want to whine at something more, or other
   than, only new bugs. How do I do it?

   Try Klaas Freitag's excellent patch for "whineatassigned"
   functionality. You can find it at This patch is
   against an older version of Bugzilla, so you must apply the diffs

   A.7.4. I don't like/want to use Procmail to hand mail off to What alternatives do I have?

   You can call directly from your aliases file, with an
   entry like this:

     bugzilla-daemon: "|/usr/local/bin/bugzilla/contrib/"

   However, this is fairly nasty and subject to problems; you also need
   to set up your smrsh (sendmail restricted shell) to allow it. In a
   pinch, though, it can work.

   A.7.5. How do I set up the email interface to submit/change bugs via

   You can find an updated README.mailif file in the contrib/ directory
   of your Bugzilla distribution that walks you through the setup.

   A.7.6. Email takes FOREVER to reach me from bugzilla -- it's extremely
   slow. What gives?

   If you are using an alternate Mail Transport Agent (MTA other than
   sendmail), make sure the options given in the "processmail" script for
   all instances of "sendmail" are correct for your MTA.

   If you are using Sendmail, try enabling "sendmailnow" in
   editparams.cgi. If you are using Postfix, you will also need to enable

   A.7.7. How come email never reaches me from bugzilla changes?

   Double-check that you have not turned off email in your user
   preferences. Confirm that Bugzilla is able to send email by visiting
   the "Log In" link of your Bugzilla installation and clicking the
   "Email me a password" button after entering your email address.

   If you never receive mail from Bugzilla, chances you do not have
   sendmail in "/usr/lib/sendmail". Ensure sendmail lives in, or is
   symlinked to, "/usr/lib/sendmail".

8. Bugzilla Database

   A.8.1. I've heard Bugzilla can be used with Oracle?

   Red Hat Bugzilla, mentioned above, works with Oracle. The current
   version from does not have this capability. Unfortunately,
   though you will sacrifice a lot of the really great features available
   in Bugzilla 2.10 and 2.12 if you go with the 2.8-based Redhat version.

   A.8.2. Bugs are missing from queries, but exist in the database (and I
   can pull them up by specifying the bug ID). What's wrong?

   You've almost certainly enabled the "shadow database", but for some
   reason it hasn't been updated for all your bugs. This is the database
   against which queries are run, so that really complex or slow queries
   won't lock up portions of the database for other users. You can turn
   off the shadow database in editparams.cgi. If you wish to continue
   using the shadow database, then as your "bugs" user run
   "./syncshadowdb -syncall" from the command line in the bugzilla
   installation directory to recreate your shadow database. After it
   finishes, be sure to check the params and make sure that
   "queryagainstshadowdb" is still turned on. The syncshadowdb program
   turns it off if it was on, and is supposed to turn it back on when
   completed; that way, if it crashes in the middle of recreating the
   database, it will stay off forever until someone turns it back on by
   hand. Apparently, it doesn't always do that yet.

   A.8.3. I think my database might be corrupted, or contain invalid
   entries. What do I do?

   Run the "sanity check" utility (./sanitycheck.cgi in the Bugzilla_home
   directory) from your web browser to see! If it finishes without
   errors, you're probably OK. If it doesn't come back OK (i.e. any red
   letters), there are certain things Bugzilla can recover from and
   certain things it can't. If it can't auto-recover, I hope you're
   familiar with mysqladmin commands or have installed another way to
   manage your database. Sanity Check, although it is a good basic check
   on your database integrity, by no means is a substitute for competent
   database administration and avoiding deletion of data. It is not
   exhaustive, and was created to do a basic check for the most common
   problems in Bugzilla databases.

   A.8.4. I want to manually edit some entries in my database. How?

   There is no facility in Bugzilla itself to do this. It's also
   generally not a smart thing to do if you don't know exactly what
   you're doing. However, if you understand SQL you can use the
   mysqladmin utility to manually insert, delete, and modify table
   information. Personally, I use "phpMyAdmin". You have to compile a PHP
   module with MySQL support to make it work, but it's very clean and
   easy to use.

   A.8.5. I try to add myself as a user, but Bugzilla always tells me my
   password is wrong.

   Certain version of MySQL (notably, 3.23.29 and 3.23.30) accidentally
   disabled the "crypt()" function. This prevented MySQL from storing
   encrypted passwords. Upgrade to the "3.23 stable" version of MySQL and
   you should be good to go.

   A.8.6. I think I've set up MySQL permissions correctly, but bugzilla
   still can't connect.

   Try running MySQL from its binary: "mysqld --skip-grant-tables". This
   will allow you to completely rule out grant tables as the cause of
   your frustration. However, I do not recommend you run it this way on a
   regular basis, unless you really want your web site defaced and your
   machine cracked.

   A.8.7. How do I synchronize bug information among multiple different
   Bugzilla databases?

   Well, you can synchronize or you can move bugs. Synchronization will
   only work one way -- you can create a read-only copy of the database
   at one site, and have it regularly updated at intervals from the main

   MySQL has some synchronization features builtin to the latest
   releases. It would be great if someone looked into the possibilities
   there and provided a report to the newsgroup on how to effectively
   synchronize two Bugzilla installations.

   If you simply need to transfer bugs from one Bugzilla to another,
   checkout the "" script in the Bugzilla distribution.

   A.8.8. Why do I get bizarre errors when trying to submit data,
   particularly problems with "groupset"?

   If you're sure your MySQL parameters are correct, you might want turn
   "strictvaluechecks" OFF in editparams.cgi. If you have "usebugsentry"
   set "On", you also cannot submit a bug as readable by more than one
   group with "strictvaluechecks" ON.

   A.8.9. How come even after I delete bugs, the long descriptions show

   This should only happen with Bugzilla 2.14 if you are using the
   "shadow database" feature, and your shadow database is out of sync.
   Try running syncshadowdb -syncall to make sure your shadow database is
   in synch with your primary database.

9. Bugzilla and Win32

   A.9.1. What is the easiest way to run Bugzilla on Win32

   Remove Windows. Install Linux. Install Bugzilla. The boss will never
   know the difference.

   A.9.2. Is there a "Bundle::Bugzilla" equivalent for Win32?

   Not currently. Bundle::Bugzilla enormously simplifies Bugzilla
   installation on UNIX systems. If someone can volunteer to create a
   suitable PPM bundle for Win32, it would be appreciated.

   A.9.3. CGI's are failing with a "something.cgi is not a valid Windows
   NT application" error. Why?

   Depending on what Web server you are using, you will have to configure
   the Web server to treat *.cgi files as CGI scripts. In IIS, you do
   this by adding *.cgi to the App Mappings with the <path>\perl.exe %s
   %s as the executable.

   Microsoft has some advice on this matter, as well:

     "Set application mappings. In the ISM, map the extension for the
     script file(s) to the executable for the script interpreter. For
     example, you might map the extension .py to Python.exe, the
     executable for the Python script interpreter. Note For the
     ActiveState Perl script interpreter, the extension .pl is
     associated with PerlIS.dll by default. If you want to change the
     association of .pl to perl.exe, you need to change the application
     mapping. In the mapping, you must add two percent (%) characters to
     the end of the pathname for perl.exe, as shown in this example:
     c:\perl\bin\perl.exe %s %s"

   A.9.4. Can I have some general instructions on how to make Bugzilla on
   Win32 work?

   The following couple entries are deprecated in favor of the Windows
   installation instructions available in the "Administration" portion of
   "The Bugzilla Guide". However, they are provided here for historical
   interest and insight.

     1. #!C:/perl/bin/perl had to be added to every perl file.
     2. Converted to Net::SMTP to handle mail messages instead of
     3. The crypt function isn't available on Windows NT (at least none t
   hat I
        am aware), so I made encrypted passwords = plaintext passwords.
     4. The system call to diff had to be changed to the Cygwin diff.
     5. This was just to get a demo running under NT, it seems to be work
        good, and I have inserted almost 100 bugs from another bug tracki
        system. Since this work was done just to get an in-house demo, I
   am NOT
        planning on making a patch for submission to Bugzilla. If you wou
        like a zip file, let me know.
   Q: Hmm, couldn't figure it out from the general instructions above.  H
   about step-by-step?
   A: Sure! Here ya go!
     1. Install IIS 4.0 from the NT Option Pack #4.
     2. Download and install Active Perl.
     3. Install the Windows GNU tools from Cygwin. Make sure to add the b
        directory to your system path. (Everyone should have these, wheth
        they decide to use Bugzilla or not. :-) )
     4. Download relevant packages from ActiveState at +
     5. Extract each zip file with WinZip, and install each ppd file usin
   g the
        notation: ppm install <module>.ppd
     6. Install Mysql.  *Note: If you move the default install from c:\my
        you must add the appropriate startup parameters to the NT service
   . (ex.
        -b e:\\programs\\mysql)
     7. Download any Mysql client.
     8. Setup MySql. (These are the commands that I used.)
             I. Cleanup default database settings.
              C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root mysql
              mysql> DELETE FROM user WHERE Host='localhost' AND User='';
              mysql> quit
             C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin reload
             II. Set password for root.
              C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root mysql
              mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new_password')
              WHERE user='root';
              mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
              mysql> quit
              C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root reload
             III. Create bugs user.
              C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p
              mysql> insert into user (host,user,password)
              mysql> quit
              C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root reload
             IV. Create the bugs database.
              C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p
              mysql> create database bugs;
             V. Give the bugs user access to the bugs database.
              mysql> insert into db
              mysql> quit
              C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root reload
     9. Run the table scripts to setup the bugs database.
    10. Change to use the following regular expression because of
        differing backslashes in NT versus UNIX.
           o $0 =~ m:[^\\]*$:;
    11. Had to make the crypt password = plain text password in the datab
        (Thanks to Andrew Lahser" <>" on this one.
   ) The
        files that I changed were:
           o alternately, you can try commenting all references to 'crypt
             string and replace them with similar lines but without encry
             or crypr() functions insida all files.
    12. Replaced sendmail with Windmail. Basically, you have to come up w
   ith a
        sendmail substitute for NT. Someone said that they used a Perl mo
        (Net::SMTP), but I was trying to save time and do as little Perl
        as possible.
    13. Added "perl" to the beginning of all Perl system calls that use a
        script as an argument and renamed processmail to
    14. In, I added binmode(HANDLE) before all read() call
   s. I'm
        not sure about this one, but the read() under NT wasn't counting
        EOLs without the binary read."

   A.9.5. I'm having trouble with the perl modules for NT not being able
   to talk to to the database.

   Your modules may be outdated or inaccurate. Try:

    1. Hitting
    2. Download ActivePerl
    3. Go to your prompt
    4. Type 'ppm'
    5. PPM> install DBI DBD-mysql GD

   I reckon TimeDate and Data::Dumper come with the activeperl. You can
   check the ActiveState site for packages for installation through PPM.

10. Bugzilla Usage

   A.10.1. The query page is very confusing. Isn't there a simpler way to

   We are developing in that direction. You can follow progress on this
   at Some
   functionality is available in Bugzilla 2.12, and is available as

   A.10.2. I'm confused by the behavior of the "accept" button in the
   Show Bug form. Why doesn't it assign the bug to me when I accept it?

   The current behavior is acceptable to and most
   users. I personally don't like it. You have your choice of patches to
   change this behavior, however.

   Add a "and accept bug" radio button
   "Accept" button automatically assigns to you

   Note that these patches are somewhat dated. You will need to do the
   find and replace manually to apply them. They are very small, though.
   It is easy.

   A.10.3. I can't upload anything into the database via the "Create
   Attachment" link. What am I doing wrong?

   The most likely cause is a very old browser or a browser that is
   incompatible with file upload via POST. Download the latest Netscape,
   Microsoft, or Mozilla browser to handle uploads correctly.

   A.10.4. Email submissions to Bugzilla that have attachments end up
   asking me to save it as a "cgi" file.

   Yup. Just rename it once you download it, or save it under a different
   filename. This will not be fixed anytime too soon, because it would
   cripple some other functionality.

   A.10.5. How do I change a keyword in Bugzilla, once some bugs are
   using it?

   In the Bugzilla administrator UI, edit the keyword and it will let you
   replace the old keyword name with a new one. This will cause a problem
   with the keyword cache. Run sanitycheck.cgi to fix it.

11. Bugzilla Hacking

   A.11.1. What bugs are in Bugzilla right now?

   Try this link to view current bugs or requests for enhancement for

   You can view bugs marked for 2.16 release here. This list includes
   bugs for the 2.16 release that have already been fixed and checked
   into CVS. Please consult the Bugzilla Project Page for details on how
   to check current sources out of CVS so you can have these bug fixes

   A.11.2. How can I change the default priority to a null value? For
   instance, have the default priority be "---" instead of "P2"?

   This is well-documented here: Ultimately, it's as
   easy as adding the "---" priority field to your localconfig file in
   the appropriate area, re-running, and then changing the
   default priority in your browser using "editparams.cgi". Hmm, now that
   I think about it, that is kind of a klunky way to handle it, but for
   now it's what we have! Although the bug has been closed "resolved
   wontfix", there may be a better way to handle this...

   A.11.3. What's the best way to submit patches? What guidelines should
   I follow?

    1. Enter a bug into for the "Bugzilla" product.
    2. Upload your patch as a unified DIFF (having used "diff -u" against
       the current sources checked out of CVS), or new source file by
       clicking "Create a new attachment" link on the bug page you've
       just created, and include any descriptions of database changes you
       may make, into the bug ID you submitted in step #1. Be sure and
       click the "Patch" radio button to indicate the text you are
       sending is a patch!
    3. Announce your patch and the associated URL
       ( for discussion
       in the newsgroup (netscape.public.mozilla.webtools). You'll get a
       really good, fairly immediate reaction to the implications of your
       patch, which will also give us an idea how well-received the
       change would be.
    4. If it passes muster with minimal modification, the person to whom
       the bug is assigned in Bugzilla is responsible for seeing the
       patch is checked into CVS.
    5. Bask in the glory of the fact that you helped write the most
       successful open-source bug-tracking software on the planet :)

Appendix B. Software Download Links

   All of these sites are current as of April, 2001. Hopefully they'll
   stay current for a while.

   Apache Web Server: Optional web server for
   Bugzilla, but recommended because of broad user base and support.





   DBI Perl module:

   Data::Dumper module:

   MySQL related Perl modules:

   TimeDate Perl module collection:

   GD Perl module:
   Alternately, you should be able to find the latest version of GD at

   Chart::Base module:

   LinuxDoc Software: (for documentation

Appendix C. The Bugzilla Database


   This document really needs to be updated with more fleshed out
   information about primary keys, interrelationships, and maybe some
   nifty tables to document dependencies. Any takers?

C.1. Database Schema Chart

   Database Relationships

   Bugzilla database relationships chart

C.2. MySQL Bugzilla Database Introduction

   This information comes straight from my life. I was forced to learn
   how Bugzilla organizes database because of nitpicky requests from
   users for tiny changes in wording, rather than having people
   re-educate themselves or figure out how to work our procedures around
   the tool. It sucks, but it can and will happen to you, so learn how
   the schema works and deal with it when it comes.

   So, here you are with your brand-new installation of Bugzilla. You've
   got MySQL set up, Apache working right, Perl DBI and DBD talking to
   the database flawlessly. Maybe you've even entered a few test bugs to
   make sure email's working; people seem to be notified of new bugs and
   changes, and you can enter and edit bugs to your heart's content.
   Perhaps you've gone through the trouble of setting up a gateway for
   people to submit bugs to your database via email, have had a few
   people test it, and received rave reviews from your beta testers.

   What's the next thing you do? Outline a training strategy for your
   development team, of course, and bring them up to speed on the new
   tool you've labored over for hours.

   Your first training session starts off very well! You have a captive
   audience which seems enraptured by the efficiency embodied in this
   thing called "Bugzilla". You are caught up describing the nifty
   features, how people can save favorite queries in the database, set
   them up as headers and footers on their pages, customize their
   layouts, generate reports, track status with greater efficiency than
   ever before, leap tall buildings with a single bound and rescue Jane
   from the clutches of Certain Death!

   But Certain Death speaks up -- a tiny voice, from the dark corners of
   the conference room. "I have a concern," the voice hisses from the
   darkness, "about the use of the word 'verified'.

   The room, previously filled with happy chatter, lapses into
   reverential silence as Certain Death (better known as the Vice
   President of Software Engineering) continues. "You see, for two years
   we've used the word 'verified' to indicate that a developer or quality
   assurance engineer has confirmed that, in fact, a bug is valid. I
   don't want to lose two years of training to a new software product.
   You need to change the bug status of 'verified' to 'approved' as soon
   as possible. To avoid confusion, of course."

   Oh no! Terror strikes your heart, as you find yourself mumbling "yes,
   yes, I don't think that would be a problem," You review the changes
   with Certain Death, and continue to jabber on, "no, it's not too big a
   change. I mean, we have the source code, right? You know, 'Use the
   Source, Luke' and all that... no problem," All the while you quiver
   inside like a beached jellyfish bubbling, burbling, and boiling on a
   hot Jamaican sand dune...

   Thus begins your adventure into the heart of Bugzilla. You've been
   forced to learn about non-portable enum() fields, varchar columns, and
   tinyint definitions. The Adventure Awaits You!

C.2.1. Bugzilla Database Basics

   If you were like me, at this point you're totally clueless about the
   internals of MySQL, and if it weren't for this executive order from
   the Vice President you couldn't care less about the difference between
   a "bigint" and a "tinyint" entry in MySQL. I recommend you refer to
   the MySQL documentation, available at Below are the basics
   you need to know about the Bugzilla database. Check the chart above
   for more details.

    1. To connect to your database:
       bash#mysql-u root
       If this works without asking you for a password, shame on you! You
       should have locked your security down like the installation
       instructions told you to. You can find details on locking down
       your database in the Bugzilla FAQ in this directory (under
       "Security"), or more robust security generalities in the MySQL
       searchable documentation at .
    2. You should now be at a prompt that looks like this:
       At the prompt, if "bugs" is the name you chose in thelocalconfig
       file for your Bugzilla database, type:
       mysqluse bugs;


   Don't forget the ";" at the end of each line, or you'll be kicking
   yourself later.

C.2.1.1. Bugzilla Database Tables

   Imagine your MySQL database as a series of spreadsheets, and you won't
   be too far off. If you use this command:

   mysql>show tables from bugs;

   you'll be able to see all the "spreadsheets" (tables) in your
   database. It is similar to a file system, only faster and more robust
   for certain types of operations.

   From the command issued above, ou should have some output that looks
   like this:
| Tables in bugs    |
| attachments       |
| bugs              |
| bugs_activity     |
| cc                |
| components        |
| dependencies      |
| fielddefs         |
| groups            |
| keyworddefs       |
| keywords          |
| logincookies      |
| longdescs         |
| milestones        |
| namedqueries      |
| products          |
| profiles          |
| profiles_activity |
| shadowlog         |
| tokens            |
| versions          |
| votes             |
| watch             |

     Here's an overview of what each table does.  Most columns in each ta
   ble have
   descriptive names that make it fairly trivial to figure out their jobs
   attachments: This table stores all attachments to bugs.  It tends to b
   e your
   largest table, yet also generally has the fewest entries because file
   attachments are so (relatively) large.
   bugs:  This is the core of your system.  The bugs table stores most of
   current information about a bug, with the exception of the info stored
    in the
   other tables.
   bugs_activity:  This stores information regarding what changes are mad
   e to bugs
   when -- a history file.
   cc:  This tiny table simply stores all the CC information for any bug
   which has
   any entries in the CC field of the bug.  Note that, like most other ta
   bles in
   Bugzilla, it does not refer to users by their user names, but by their
   userid, stored as a primary key in the profiles table.
   components: This stores the programs and components (or products and
   components, in newer Bugzilla parlance) for Bugzilla.  Curiously, the
   (product) field is the full name of the product, rather than some othe
   r unique
   identifier, like bug_id and user_id are elsewhere in the database.
   dependencies: Stores data about those cool dependency trees.
   fielddefs:  A nifty table that defines other tables.  For instance, wh
   en you
   submit a form that changes the value of "AssignedTo" this table allows
   translation to the actual field name "assigned_to" for entry into MySQ
   groups:  defines bitmasks for groups.  A bitmask is a number that can
   identify group memberships.  For instance, say the group that is allow
   ed to
   tweak parameters is assigned a value of "1", the group that is allowed
    to edit
   users is assigned a "2", and the group that is allowed to create new g
   roups is
   assigned the bitmask of "4".  By uniquely combining the group bitmasks
   like the chmod command in UNIX,) you can identify a user is allowed to
   parameters and create groups, but not edit users, by giving him a bitm
   ask of
   "5", or a user allowed to edit users and create groups, but not tweak
   parameters, by giving him a bitmask of "6" Simple, huh?
     If this makes no sense to you, try this at the mysql prompt:
   mysql> select * from groups;
     You'll see the list, it makes much more sense that way.
   keyworddefs:  Definitions of keywords to be used
   keywords: Unlike what you'd think, this table holds which keywords are
   associated with which bug id's.
   logincookies: This stores every login cookie ever assigned to you for
   machine you've ever logged into Bugzilla from.  Curiously, it never do
   es any
   housecleaning -- I see cookies in this file I've not used for months.
   since Bugzilla never expires your cookie (for convenience' sake), it m
   longdescs:  The meat of bugzilla -- here is where all user comments ar
   e stored!
   You've only got 2^24 bytes per comment (it's a mediumtext field), so s
   sparingly -- that's only the amount of space the Old Testament from th
   e Bible
   would take (uncompressed, 16 megabytes).  Each comment is keyed to the
   bug_id to which it's attached, so the order is necessarily chronologic
   al, for
   comments are played back in the order in which they are received.
   milestones:  Interesting that milestones are associated with a specifi
   c product
   in this table, but Bugzilla does not yet support differing milestones
   product through the standard configuration interfaces.
   namedqueries:  This is where everybody stores their "custom queries".
   cool feature; it beats the tar out of having to bookmark each cool que
   ry you
   products:  What products you have, whether new bug entries are allowed
    for the
   product, what milestone you're working toward on that product, votes,
   etc.  It
   will be nice when the components table supports these same features, s
   o you
   could close a particular component for bug entry without having to clo
   se an
   entire product...
   profiles:  Ahh, so you were wondering where your precious user informa
   tion was
   stored?  Here it is!  With the passwords in plain text for all to see!
   sshh... don't tell your users!)
   profiles_activity:  Need to know who did what when to who's profile?
   tell you, it's a pretty complete history.
   shadowlog:  I could be mistaken here, but I believe this table tells y
   ou when
   your shadow database is updated and what commands were used to update
   it.  We
   don't use a shadow database at our site yet, so it's pretty empty for
   versions:  Version information for every product
   votes:  Who voted for what when
   watch:  Who (according to userid) is watching who's bugs (according to
     Ahh, so you're wondering just what to do with the information above?
     At the
   mysql prompt, you can view any information about the columns in a tabl
   e with
   this command (where "table" is the name of the table you wish to view)
   mysql> show columns from table;
     You can also view all the data in a table with this command:
   mysql> select * from table;
     -- note: this is a very bad idea to do on, for instance, the "bugs"
   table if
   you have 50,000 bugs.  You'll be sitting there a while until you ctrl-
   c or
   50,000 bugs play across your screen.
     You can limit the display from above a little with the command, wher
   "column" is the name of the column for which you wish to restrict info
   mysql> select * from table where (column = "some info");
     -- or the reverse of this
   mysql> select * from table where (column != "some info");
     Let's take our example from the introduction, and assume you need to
   the word "verified" to "approved" in the resolution field.  We know fr
   om the
   above information that the resolution is likely to be stored in the "b
   table. Note we'll need to change a little perl code as well as this da
   change, but I won't plunge into that in this document. Let's verify th
   information is stored in the "bugs" table:
   mysql> show columns from bugs
     (exceedingly long output truncated here)
     Sorry about that long line.  We see from this that the "bug status"
   column is
   an "enum field", which is a MySQL peculiarity where a string type fiel
   d can
   only have certain types of entries.  While I think this is very cool,
   it's not
   standard SQL.  Anyway, we need to add the possible enum field entry
   'APPROVED' by altering the "bugs" table.
   mysql> ALTER table bugs CHANGE bug_status bug_status
       -> "VERIFIED", "APPROVED", "CLOSED") not null;
       (note we can take three lines or more -- whatever you put in befor
   e the
   semicolon is evaluated as a single expression)
   Now if you do this:
   mysql> show columns from bugs;
     you'll see that the bug_status field has an extra "APPROVED" enum th
   available!  Cool thing, too, is that this is reflected on your query p
   age as
   well -- you can query by the new status.  But how's it fit into the ex
   scheme of things?
     Looks like you need to go back and look for instances of the word "v
   in the perl code for Bugzilla -- wherever you find "verified", change
   it to
   "approved" and you're in business (make sure that's a case-insensitive
   Although you can query by the enum field, you can't give something a s
   of "APPROVED" until you make the perl changes.   Note that this change
   mentioned can also be done by editing, which automates a
    lot of
   this.  But you need to know this stuff anyway, right?
     I hope this database tutorial has been useful for you.  If you have
   to add, questions, concerns, etc. please direct them to  Please direct flames to /dev/null :)  Have a
   Great MySQL tutorial site:

C.3. MySQL Permissions & Grant Tables


   The following portion of documentation comes from my answer to an old
   discussion of Keystone, a cool product that does trouble-ticket
   tracking for IT departments. I wrote this post to the Keystone support
   group regarding MySQL grant table permissions, and how to use them
   effectively. It is badly in need of updating, as I believe MySQL has
   added a field or two to the grant tables since this time, but it
   serves as a decent introduction and troubleshooting document for grant
   table issues. I used Keynote to track my troubles until I discovered
   Bugzilla, which gave me a whole new set of troubles to work on : )
   Although it is of limited use, it still has SOME use, thus it's still

   Please note, however, that I was a relatively new user to MySQL at the
   time. Some of my suggestions, particularly in how to set up security,
   showed a terrible lack of security-related database experience.

   From Wed Jul  7 09:00:07 1999
   Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 21:37:04 -0700
   From: Matthew Barnson
   Subject: [keystone-users] Grant Tables FAQ
       [The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set]
       [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set]
       [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]
   Maybe we can include this rambling message in the Keystone FAQ?  It ge
   asked a lot, and the only option current listed in the FAQ is
   Really, you can't go wrong by reading section 6 of the MySQL manual, a
   t  I am sure their description
   better than mine.
   MySQL runs fine without permissions set up correctly if you run the my
   daemon with the "--skip-grant-tables" option.  Running this way denies
   access to nobody.  Unfortunately, unless you've got yourself firewalle
   d it
   also opens the potential for abuse if someone knows you're running it.
   Additionally, the default permissions for MySQL allow anyone at localh
   access to the database if the database name begins with "test_" or is
   "test" (i.e. "test_keystone").  You can change the name of your databa
   se in
   the keystone.conf file ($sys_dbname).  This is the way I am doing it f
   some of my databases, and it works fine.
   The methods described below assume you're running MySQL on the same bo
   x as
   your webserver, and that you don't mind if your $sys_dbuser for Keysto
   ne has
   superuser access.  See near the bottom of this message for a descripti
   on of
   what each field does.
   Method #1:
   1.  cd /var/lib
   #location where you'll want to run /usr/bin/mysql_install_db shell
   script from to get it to work.
   2.  ln -s mysql data
   # soft links the "mysql" directory to "data", which is what
   mysql_install_db expects.  Alternately, you can edit mysql_install_db
   change all the "./data" references to "./mysql".
   3.  Edit /usr/bin/mysql_install_db with your favorite text editor (vi,
   emacs, jot, pico, etc.)
   A)  Copy the "INSERT INTO db VALUES
   ('%','test\_%','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');" and paste it immediately
   itself.  Chage the 'test\_%' value to 'keystone', or the value of
   $sys_dbname in keystone.conf.
   B)  If you are running your keystone database with any user, you'll ne
   ed to
   copy the "INSERT INTO user VALUES
   ('localhost','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');" line
   itself and change 'root' to the name of the keystone database user
   ($sys_dbuser) in keystone.conf.
   # adds entries to the script to create grant tables for specific
   hosts and users.  The user you set up has super-user access ($sys_dbus
   er) --
   you may or may not want this.  The layout of mysql_install_db is reall
   y very
   4.  /usr/bin/mysqladmin shutdown
   # ya gotta shut it down before you can reinstall the grant tables!
   5.  rm -i /var/lib/mysql/mysql/*.IS?' and answer 'Y' to the deletion
   # nuke your current grant tables.  This WILL NOT delete any other
   databases than your grant tables.
   6.  /usr/bin/mysql_install_db
   # run the script you just edited to install your new grant tables.
   7.  mysqladmin -u root password (new_password)
   # change the root MySQL password, or else anyone on localhost can
   login to MySQL as root and make changes.  You can skip this step if yo
   u want
   keystone to connect as root with no password.
   8.  mysqladmin -u (webserver_user_name) password (new_password)
   # change the password of the $sys_dbuser.  Note that you will need
   to change the password in the keystone.conf file as well in $sys_dbpas
   and if your permissions are set up incorrectly anybody can type the UR
   L to
   your keystone.conf file and get the password.  Not that this will help
   much if your permissions are set to @localhost.
   Method #2:  easier, but a pain reproducing if you have to delete your
   tables.  This is the "recommended" method for altering grant tables in
   MySQL.  I don't use it because I like the other way :)
   shell> mysql --user=root keystone
   mysql> GRANT
              ON keystone.*
              TO <$sys_dbuser name>@localhost
              IDENTIFIED BY '(password)'
   ON keystone.*
   TO <$sys_dbuser name>@localhost
   IDENTIFIED BY '(password)'
   # this grants the required permissions to the keystone ($sys_dbuser)
   account defined in keystone.conf.  However, if you are runnning many
   different MySQL-based apps, as we are, it's generally better to edit t
   mysql_install_db script to be able to quickly reproduce your permissio
   structure again.  Note that the FILE privelege and WITH GRANT OPTION m
   ay not
   be in your best interest to include.
   Quick syntax summary:  "%" in MySQL is a wildcard.  I.E., if you are
   defining your DB table and in the 'host' field and enter '%', that mea
   that any host can access that database.  Of course, that host must als
   o have
   a valid db user in order to do anything useful.  'db'=name of database
   .  In
   our case, it should be "keystone".  "user" should be your "$sys_dbuser
   defined in keystone.conf.  Note that you CANNOT add or change a passwo
   rd by
   using the "INSERT INTO db (X)" command -- you must change it with the
   -u command as defined above.  Passwords are stored encrypted in the My
   database, and if you try to enter it directly into the table they will
   TABLE:  USER.  Everything after "password" is a privelege granted (Y/N
   This table controls individual user global access rights.
   TABLE:  DB.  This controls access of USERS to databases.
   TABLE:  HOST.  This controls which HOSTS are allowed what global acces
   rights.  Note that the HOST table, USER table, and DB table are very c
   connected -- if an authorized USER attempts an SQL request from an
   unauthorized HOST, she's denied.  If a request from an authorized HOST
   not an authorized USER, it is denied.  If a globally authorized USER d
   not have rights to a certain DB, she's denied.  Get the picture?
   You should now have a working knowledge of MySQL grant tables.  If the
   re is
   anything I've left out of this answer that you feel is pertinent, or i
   f my
   instructions don't work for you, please let me know and I'll re-post t
   letter again, corrected.  I threw it together one night out of exasper
   for all the newbies who don't know squat about MySQL yet, so it is alm
   guaranteed to have errors.
   Once again, you can't go wrong by reading section 6 of the MySQL manua
   l.  It
   is more detailed than I!

Appendix D. Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla

   Are you looking for a way to put your Bugzilla into overdrive? Catch
   some of the niftiest tricks here in this section.

D.1. Apache mod_rewrite magic

   Apache's mod_rewrite module lets you do some truly amazing things with
   URL rewriting. Here are a couple of examples of what you can do.

    1. Make it so if someone types, Bugzilla
       spits back Try setting
       up your VirtualHost section for Bugzilla with a rule like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/([0-9]+)$$1 [L,R]

    2. There are many, many more things you can do with mod_rewrite. As
       time goes on, I will include many more in the Guide. For now,
       though, please refer to the mod_rewrite documentation at

D.2. The setperl.csh Utility

   You can use the "setperl.csh" utility to quickly and easily change the
   path to perl on all your Bugzilla files. This is a C-shell script; if
   you do not have "csh" or "tcsh" in the search path on your system, it
   will not work!
    1. Download the "setperl.csh" utility to your Bugzilla directory and
       make it executable.
         a. bash# cd /your/path/to/bugzilla
         b. bash# wget -O setperl.csh
         c. bash# chmod u+x setperl.csh
    2. Prepare (and fix) Bugzilla file permissions.
         a. bash# chmod u+w *
         b. bash# chmod u+x duplicates.cgi
         c. bash# chmod a-x bug_status.html
    3. Run the script:
       bash# ./setperl.csh /your/path/to/perl
       Example D-1. Using Setperl to set your perl path
       bash# ./setperl.csh /usr/bin/perl

D.3. Command-line Bugzilla Queries

   Users can query Bugzilla from the command line using this suite of

   The query.conf file contains the mapping from options to field names
   and comparison types. Quoted option names are "grepped" for, so it
   should be easy to edit this file. Comments (#) have no effect; you
   must make sure these lines do not contain any quoted "option"

   buglist is a shell script which submits a Bugzilla query and writes
   the resulting HTML page to stdout. It supports both short options,
   (such as "-Afoo" or "-Rbar") and long options (such as
   "--assignedto=foo" or "--reporter=bar"). If the first character of an
   option is not "-", it is treated as if it were prefixed with

   The columlist is taken from the COLUMNLIST environment variable. This
   is equivalent to the "Change Columns" option when you list bugs in
   buglist.cgi. If you have already used Bugzilla, use grep COLUMLIST
   ~/.netscape/cookies to see your current COLUMNLIST setting.

   bugs is a simple shell script which calls buglist and extracts the bug
   numbers from the output. Adding the prefix
   "" turns the bug list
   into a working link if any bugs are found. Counting bugs is easy. Pipe
   the results through sed -e 's/,/ /g' | wc | awk '{printf $2 "\n"}'

   Akkana says she has good results piping buglist output through w3m -T
   text/html -dump
    1. Download three files:
         a. bash$ wget -O query.conf
         b. bash$ wget -O buglist
         c. bash# wget -O bugs
    2. Make your utilities executable: bash$ chmod u+x buglist bugs

D.4. The Quicksearch Utility

   Quicksearch is a new, experimental feature of the 2.12 release. It
   consist of two Javascript files, "quicksearch.js" and
   "localconfig.js", and two documentation files, "quicksearch.html" and

   The index.html page has been updated to include the QuickSearch text

   To take full advantage of the query power, the Bugzilla maintainer
   must edit "localconfig.js" according to the value sets used in the
   local installation.

   Currently, keywords must be hard-coded in localconfig.js. If they are
   not, keywords are not automatically recognized. This means, if
   localconfig.js is left unconfigured, that searching for a bug with the
   "foo" keyword will only find bugs with "foo" in the summary, status
   whiteboard, product or component name, but not those with the keyword

   Workarounds for Bugzilla users:

   search for '!foo' (this will find only bugs with the keyword "foo"
   search 'foo,!foo' (equivalent to 'foo OR keyword:foo')

   When this tool is ported from client-side JavaScript to server-side
   Perl, the requirement for hard-coding keywords can be fixed. This bug
   has details.

D.5. Hacking Bugzilla

   The following is a guide for reviewers when checking code into
   Bugzilla's CVS repostory at If you wish to submit patches
   to Bugzilla, you should follow the rules and style conventions below.
   Any code that does not adhere to these basic rules will not be added
   to Bugzilla's codebase.

D.5.1. Things that have caused problems and should be avoided

    1. Usage of variables in Regular Expressions
       It is very important that you don't use a variable in a regular
       expression unless that variable is supposed to contain an
       expression. This especially applies when using grep. You should

grep ($_ eq $value, @array);

       -- NOT THIS --

grep (/$value/, @array);


   If you need to use a non-expression variable inside of an expression,
   be sure to quote it properly (using \Q..\E).

D.5.2. Coding Style for Bugzilla

   While it's true that not all of the code currently in Bugzilla adheres
   to this (or any) styleguide, it is something that is being worked
   toward. Therefore, we ask that all new code (submitted patches and new
   files) follow this guide as closely as possible (if you're only
   changing 1 or 2 lines, you don't have to reformat the entire file :).

   The Bugzilla development team has decided to adopt the perl style
   guide as published by Larry Wall. This giude can be found in
   "Programming Perl" (the camel book) or by typing man perlstyle at your
   favorite shell prompt.

   What appears below if a brief summary, please refer to the perl style
   guide if you don't see your question covered here.

     * Whitespace
       Bugzilla's prefered indentation is 4 spaces (no tabs, please).
     * Curly braces.
       The opening brace of a block should be on the same line as the
       statement that is causing the block and the closing brace should
       be at the same indentation level as that statement, for example:

if ($var) {
    print "The variable is true";
else {
    print "Try again";

       -- NOT THIS --

if ($var)
    print "The variable is true";
    print "Try again";

     * File Names
       File names for bugzilla code and support documention should be
       legal across multiple platforms. \ / : * ? " < > and | are all
       illegal characters for filenames on various platforms. Also, file
       names should not have spaces in them as they can cause confusion
       in CVS and other utilities.
     * Variable Names
       If a variable is scoped globally ($::variable) its name should be
       descriptive of what it contains. Local variables can be named a
       bit looser, provided the context makes their content obvious. For
       example, $ret could be used as a staging variable for a routine's
       return value as the line return $ret; will make it blatantly
       obvious what the variable holds and most likely be shown on the
       same screen as my $ret = "";.
     * Cross Database Compatability
       Bugzilla was originally written to work with MySQL and therefore
       took advantage of some of its features that aren't contained in
       other RDBMS software. These should be avoided in all new code.
       Examples of these features are enums and encrypt().
     * Cross Platform Compatability
       While Bugzilla was written to be used on Unix based systems (and
       Unix/Linux is still the only officially supported platform) there
       are many who desire/need to run Bugzilla on Microsoft Windows
       boxes. Whenever possible, we should strive not to make the lives
       of these people any more complicated and avoid doing things that
       break Bugzilla's ability to run on multiple operating systems.

Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License

   Version 1.1, March 2000

     Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place,
     Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy
     and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but
     changing it is not allowed.


   The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
   written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone
   the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without
   modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily,
   this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get
   credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for
   modifications made by others.

   This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
   works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
   complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
   license designed for free software.

   We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
   software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
   program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
   software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it
   can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
   whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License
   principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


   This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
   notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed
   under the terms of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any
   such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is
   addressed as "you".

   A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
   Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
   modifications and/or translated into another language.

   A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
   the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
   publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
   subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall
   directly within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is
   in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain
   any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical
   connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
   commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding

   The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
   are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
   that says that the Document is released under this License.

   The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
   as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
   the Document is released under this License.

   A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
   represented in a format whose specification is available to the
   general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
   straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
   pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
   drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
   for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
   to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
   format whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage
   subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is
   not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".

   Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
   ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
   or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
   HTML designed for human modification. Opaque formats include
   PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only
   by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
   processing tools are not generally available, and the
   machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output
   purposes only.

   The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
   plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
   this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in
   formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
   the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
   preceding the beginning of the body of the text.


   You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
   commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
   copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
   to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no
   other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use
   technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
   copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept
   compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough
   number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

   You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
   you may publicly display copies.


   If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than 100,
   and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
   enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all
   these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and
   Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and
   legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover
   must present the full title with all words of the title equally
   prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in
   addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they
   preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can
   be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

   If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
   legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
   reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent

   If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
   more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
   copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
   a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete
   Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the
   general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
   charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter
   option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
   distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
   Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location
   until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque
   copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to
   the public.

   It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
   Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
   give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the


   You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
   the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
   the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
   Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
   and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
   of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
       from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
       (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
       of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version
       if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
       entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the
       Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal
       authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has
       less than five).
    C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified
       Version, as the publisher.
    D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
       adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
       giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
       terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
       Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license
    H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    I. Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add to
       it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
       publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
       there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one
       stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
       given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
       Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
       public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
       the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
       it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You
       may omit a network location for a work that was published at least
       four years before the Document itself, or if the original
       publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    K. In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
       preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the
       substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
       and/or dedications given therein.
    L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in
       their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent
       are not considered part of the section titles.
    M. Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not
       be included in the Modified Version.
    N. Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to
       conflict in title with any Invariant Section.

   If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
   appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
   copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
   of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the
   list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
   These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

   You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
   nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
   parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
   been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a

   You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
   passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
   of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
   Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
   through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already
   includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
   by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
   you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
   permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

   The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
   give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
   imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


   You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
   License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
   versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
   Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
   list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
   license notice.

   The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
   multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
   copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
   different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
   adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
   author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
   Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
   Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

   In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled "History"
   in the various original documents, forming one section entitled
   "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements",
   and any sections entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
   entitled "Endorsements."


   You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
   documents released under this License, and replace the individual
   copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
   that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules
   of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all
   other respects.

   You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
   distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a
   copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this
   License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that


   A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
   and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
   distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified Version
   of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the
   compilation. Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this
   License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled
   with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they
   are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

   If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
   copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter
   of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
   covers that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise
   they must appear on covers around the whole aggregate.


   Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
   distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
   Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
   permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
   translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
   original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
   translation of this License provided that you also include the
   original English version of this License. In case of a disagreement
   between the translation and the original English version of this
   License, the original English version will prevail.


   You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
   except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt
   to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and
   will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However,
   parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
   License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
   parties remain in full compliance.


   The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the
   GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions
   will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
   detail to address new problems or concerns. See

   Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
   If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
   License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
   following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
   of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
   Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version
   number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
   as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

How to use this License for your documents

   To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
   the License in the document and put the following copyright and
   license notices just after the title page:

     Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy,
     distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU
     Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version
     published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant
     Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being
     LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the
     license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation

   If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections"
   instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no Front-Cover
   Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover Texts
   being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.

   If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
   recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
   free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
   permit their use in free software.


0-9, high ascii

          Apache web server, and other NCSA-compliant web servers,
          observe the convention of using files in directories called
          .htaccess files. These restrict parameters of the web server.
          In Bugzilla, they are used to restrict access to certain files
          which would otherwise compromise your installation. For
          instance, the localconfig file contains the password to your
          database. If this information were generally available, and
          remote access to your database turned on, you risk corruption
          of your database by computer criminals or the curious.


          In this context, Apache is the web server most commonly used
          for serving up Bugzilla pages. Contrary to popular belief, the
          apache web server has nothing to do with the ancient and noble
          Native American tribe, but instead derived its name from the
          fact that it was "a patchy" version of the original NCSA
          world-wide-web server.


          A "Bug" in Bugzilla refers to an issue entered into the
          database which has an associated number, assignments, comments,
          etc. Some also refer to a "tickets" or "issues"; in the context
          of Bugzilla, they are synonymous.

   Bug Number
          Each Bugzilla Bug is assigned a number that uniquely identifies
          that Bug. The Bug associated with a Bug Number can be pulled up
          via a query, or easily from the very front page by typing the
          number in the "Find" box.

   Bug Life Cycle
          A Bug has stages through which it must pass before becoming a
          "closed bug", including acceptance, resolution, and
          verification. The "Bug Life Cycle" is moderately flexible
          according to the needs of the organization using it, though.

          Bugzilla is the industry-standard bug tracking system. It is
          quite popular among Open Source enthusiasts.

          A Component is a subsection of a Product. It should be a narrow
          category, tailored to your organization. All Products must
          contain at least one Component (and, as a matter of fact,
          creating a Product with no Components will create an error in

          CPAN stands for the "Comprehensive Perl Archive Network". CPAN
          maintains a large number of extremely useful Perl modules. By
          themselves, Perl modules generally do nothing, but when used as
          part of a larger program, they provide much-needed algorithms
          and functionality.


          A daemon is a computer program which runs in the background. In
          general, most daemons are started at boot time via System V
          init scripts, or through RC scripts on BSD-based systems.
          mysqld, the MySQL server, and apache, a web server, are
          generally run as daemons.

          The word "Groups" has a very special meaning to Bugzilla.
          Bugzilla's main security mechanism comes by lumping users into
          groups, and assigning those groups certain privileges to
          Products and Components in the Bugzilla database.


   Infinite Loop
          A loop of information that never ends; see recursion.


          mysqld is the name of the daemon for the MySQL database. In
          general, it is invoked automatically through the use of the
          System V init scripts on GNU/Linux and AT&T System V-based
          systems, such as Solaris and HP/UX, or through the RC scripts
          on BSD-based systems.


          A Product is a broad category of types of bugs. In general,
          there are several Components to a Product. A Product also
          defines a default Group (used for Bug Security) for all bugs
          entered into components beneath it.

          Example 1. A Sample Product

          A company sells a software product called "X". They also
          maintain some older software called "Y", and have a secret
          project "Z". An effective use of Products might be to create
          Products "X", "Y", "Z", each with Components of User Interface,
          Database, and Business Logic. They might also change group
          permissions so that only those people who are members of Group
          "Z" can see components and bugs under Product "Z".

          First written by Larry Wall, Perl is a remarkable program
          language. It has the benefits of the flexibility of an
          interpreted scripting language (such as shell script), combined
          with the speed and power of a compiled language, such as C.
          Bugzilla is maintained in Perl.


          "QA", "Q/A", and "Q.A." are short for "Quality Assurance". In
          most large software development organizations, there is a team
          devoted to ensuring the product meets minimum standards before
          shipping. This team will also generally want to track the
          progress of bugs over their life cycle, thus the need for the
          "QA Contact" field in a Bug.


          The property of a function looking back at itself for
          something. "GNU", for instance, stands for "GNU's Not UNIX",
          thus recursing upon itself for definition. For further clarity,
          see Infinite Loop.


          SGML stands for "Standard Generalized Markup Language". Created
          in the 1980's to provide an extensible means to maintain
          documentation based upon content instead of presentation, SGML
          has withstood the test of time as a robust, powerful language.
          XML is the "baby brother" of SGML; any valid XML document it,
          by definition, a valid SGML document. The document you are
          reading is written and maintained in SGML, and is also valid
          XML if you modify the Document Type Definition.


   Target Milestone
          Target Milestones are Product goals. They are configurable on a
          per-Product basis. Most software development houses have a
          concept of "milestones" where the people funding a project
          expect certain functionality on certain dates. Bugzilla
          facilitates meeting these milestones by giving you the ability
          to declare by which milestone a bug will be fixed, or an
          enhancement will be implemented.


   Zarro Boogs Found
          This is the cryptic response sent by Bugzilla when a query
          returned no results. It is just a goofy way of saying "Zero
          Bugs Found".