# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use strict; package Bugzilla::BugMail; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::Bug; use Bugzilla::Comment; use Bugzilla::Mailer; use Bugzilla::Hook; use Date::Parse; use Date::Format; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); use constant BIT_DIRECT => 1; use constant BIT_WATCHING => 2; sub relationships { my $ref = RELATIONSHIPS; # Clone it so that we don't modify the constant; my %relationships = %$ref; Bugzilla::Hook::process('bugmail_relationships', { relationships => \%relationships }); return %relationships; } # This is a bit of a hack, basically keeping the old system() # cmd line interface. Should clean this up at some point. # # args: bug_id, and an optional hash ref which may have keys for: # changer, owner, qa, reporter, cc # Optional hash contains values of people which will be forced to those # roles when the email is sent. # All the names are email addresses, not userids # values are scalars, except for cc, which is a list sub Send { my ($id, $forced, $params) = @_; $params ||= {}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id); my $start = $bug->lastdiffed; my $end = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)'); # Bugzilla::User objects of people in various roles. More than one person # can 'have' a role, if the person in that role has changed, or people are # watching. my @assignees = ($bug->assigned_to); my @qa_contacts = $bug->qa_contact || (); my @ccs = @{ $bug->cc_users }; # Include the people passed in as being in particular roles. # This can include people who used to hold those roles. # At this point, we don't care if there are duplicates in these arrays. my $changer = $forced->{'changer'}; if ($forced->{'owner'}) { push (@assignees, Bugzilla::User->check($forced->{'owner'})); } if ($forced->{'qacontact'}) { push (@qa_contacts, Bugzilla::User->check($forced->{'qacontact'})); } if ($forced->{'cc'}) { foreach my $cc (@{$forced->{'cc'}}) { push(@ccs, Bugzilla::User->check($cc)); } } my %user_cache = map { $_->id => $_ } (@assignees, @qa_contacts, @ccs); my @diffs; if (!$start) { @diffs = _get_new_bugmail_fields($bug); } if ($params->{dep_only}) { push(@diffs, { field_name => 'bug_status', old => $params->{changes}->{bug_status}->[0], new => $params->{changes}->{bug_status}->[1], login_name => $changer->login, blocker => $params->{blocker} }, { field_name => 'resolution', old => $params->{changes}->{resolution}->[0], new => $params->{changes}->{resolution}->[1], login_name => $changer->login, blocker => $params->{blocker} }); } else { push(@diffs, _get_diffs($bug, $end, \%user_cache)); } my $comments = $bug->comments({ after => $start, to => $end }); # Skip empty comments. @$comments = grep { $_->type || $_->body =~ /\S/ } @$comments; ########################################################################### # Start of email filtering code ########################################################################### # A user_id => roles hash to keep track of people. my %recipients; my %watching; # Now we work out all the people involved with this bug, and note all of # the relationships in a hash. The keys are userids, the values are an # array of role constants. # CCs $recipients{$_->id}->{+REL_CC} = BIT_DIRECT foreach (@ccs); # Reporter (there's only ever one) $recipients{$bug->reporter->id}->{+REL_REPORTER} = BIT_DIRECT; # QA Contact if (Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'}) { foreach (@qa_contacts) { # QA Contact can be blank; ignore it if so. $recipients{$_->id}->{+REL_QA} = BIT_DIRECT if $_; } } # Assignee $recipients{$_->id}->{+REL_ASSIGNEE} = BIT_DIRECT foreach (@assignees); # The last relevant set of people are those who are being removed from # their roles in this change. We get their names out of the diffs. foreach my $change (@diffs) { if ($change->{old}) { # You can't stop being the reporter, so we don't check that # relationship here. # Ignore people whose user account has been deleted or renamed. if ($change->{field_name} eq 'cc') { foreach my $cc_user (split(/[\s,]+/, $change->{old})) { my $uid = login_to_id($cc_user); $recipients{$uid}->{+REL_CC} = BIT_DIRECT if $uid; } } elsif ($change->{field_name} eq 'qa_contact') { my $uid = login_to_id($change->{old}); $recipients{$uid}->{+REL_QA} = BIT_DIRECT if $uid; } elsif ($change->{field_name} eq 'assigned_to') { my $uid = login_to_id($change->{old}); $recipients{$uid}->{+REL_ASSIGNEE} = BIT_DIRECT if $uid; } } } # Make sure %user_cache has every user in it so far referenced foreach my $user_id (keys %recipients) { $user_cache{$user_id} ||= new Bugzilla::User($user_id); } Bugzilla::Hook::process('bugmail_recipients', { bug => $bug, recipients => \%recipients, users => \%user_cache, diffs => \@diffs }); # Find all those user-watching anyone on the current list, who is not # on it already themselves. my $involved = join(",", keys %recipients); my $userwatchers = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT watcher, watched FROM watch WHERE watched IN ($involved)"); # Mark these people as having the role of the person they are watching foreach my $watch (@$userwatchers) { while (my ($role, $bits) = each %{$recipients{$watch->[1]}}) { $recipients{$watch->[0]}->{$role} |= BIT_WATCHING if $bits & BIT_DIRECT; } push(@{$watching{$watch->[0]}}, $watch->[1]); } # Global watcher my @watchers = split(/[,\s]+/, Bugzilla->params->{'globalwatchers'}); foreach (@watchers) { my $watcher_id = login_to_id($_); next unless $watcher_id; $recipients{$watcher_id}->{+REL_GLOBAL_WATCHER} = BIT_DIRECT; } # We now have a complete set of all the users, and their relationships to # the bug in question. However, we are not necessarily going to mail them # all - there are preferences, permissions checks and all sorts to do yet. my @sent; my @excluded; # The email client will display the Date: header in the desired timezone, # so we can always use UTC here. my $date = $params->{dep_only} ? $end : $bug->delta_ts; $date = format_time($date, '%a, %d %b %Y %T %z', 'UTC'); foreach my $user_id (keys %recipients) { my %rels_which_want; my $sent_mail = 0; $user_cache{$user_id} ||= new Bugzilla::User($user_id); my $user = $user_cache{$user_id}; # Deleted users must be excluded. next unless $user; if ($user->can_see_bug($id)) { # Go through each role the user has and see if they want mail in # that role. foreach my $relationship (keys %{$recipients{$user_id}}) { if ($user->wants_bug_mail($bug, $relationship, $start ? \@diffs : [], $comments, $params->{dep_only}, $changer)) { $rels_which_want{$relationship} = $recipients{$user_id}->{$relationship}; } } } if (scalar(%rels_which_want)) { # So the user exists, can see the bug, and wants mail in at least # one role. But do we want to send it to them? # We shouldn't send mail if this is a dependency mail and the # depending bug is not visible to the user. # This is to avoid leaking the summary of a confidential bug. my $dep_ok = 1; if ($params->{dep_only}) { $dep_ok = $user->can_see_bug($params->{blocker}->id) ? 1 : 0; } # Make sure the user isn't in the nomail list, and the dep check passed. if ($user->email_enabled && $dep_ok) { # OK, OK, if we must. Email the user. $sent_mail = sendMail( { to => $user, bug => $bug, comments => $comments, date => $date, changer => $changer, watchers => exists $watching{$user_id} ? $watching{$user_id} : undef, diffs => \@diffs, rels_which_want => \%rels_which_want, }); } } if ($sent_mail) { push(@sent, $user->login); } else { push(@excluded, $user->login); } } # When sending bugmail about a blocker being reopened or resolved, # we say nothing about changes in the bug being blocked, so we must # not update lastdiffed in this case. if (!$params->{dep_only}) { $dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET lastdiffed = ? WHERE bug_id = ?', undef, ($end, $id)); $bug->{lastdiffed} = $end; } return {'sent' => \@sent, 'excluded' => \@excluded}; } sub sendMail { my $params = shift; my $user = $params->{to}; my $bug = $params->{bug}; my @send_comments = @{ $params->{comments} }; my $date = $params->{date}; my $changer = $params->{changer}; my $watchingRef = $params->{watchers}; my @diffs = @{ $params->{diffs} }; my $relRef = $params->{rels_which_want}; # Only display changes the user is allowed see. my @display_diffs; foreach my $diff (@diffs) { my $add_diff = 0; if (grep { $_ eq $diff->{field_name} } TIMETRACKING_FIELDS) { $add_diff = 1 if $user->is_timetracker; } elsif (!$diff->{isprivate} || $user->is_insider) { $add_diff = 1; } push(@display_diffs, $diff) if $add_diff; } if (!$user->is_insider) { @send_comments = grep { !$_->is_private } @send_comments; } if (!scalar(@display_diffs) && !scalar(@send_comments)) { # Whoops, no differences! return 0; } my (@reasons, @reasons_watch); while (my ($relationship, $bits) = each %{$relRef}) { push(@reasons, $relationship) if ($bits & BIT_DIRECT); push(@reasons_watch, $relationship) if ($bits & BIT_WATCHING); } my %relationships = relationships(); my @headerrel = map { $relationships{$_} } @reasons; my @watchingrel = map { $relationships{$_} } @reasons_watch; push(@headerrel, 'None') unless @headerrel; push(@watchingrel, 'None') unless @watchingrel; push @watchingrel, map { user_id_to_login($_) } @$watchingRef; my @changedfields = uniq map { $_->{field_name} } @display_diffs; # Add attachments.created to changedfields if one or more # comments contain information about a new attachment if (grep($_->type == CMT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED, @send_comments)) { push(@changedfields, 'attachments.created'); } my $vars = { date => $date, to_user => $user, bug => $bug, reasons => \@reasons, reasons_watch => \@reasons_watch, reasonsheader => join(" ", @headerrel), reasonswatchheader => join(" ", @watchingrel), changer => $changer, diffs => \@display_diffs, changedfields => \@changedfields, new_comments => \@send_comments, threadingmarker => build_thread_marker($bug->id, $user->id, !$bug->lastdiffed), }; my $msg = _generate_bugmail($user, $vars); MessageToMTA($msg); return 1; } sub _generate_bugmail { my ($user, $vars) = @_; my $template = Bugzilla->template_inner($user->setting('lang')); my ($msg_text, $msg_html, $msg_header); $template->process("email/bugmail-header.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$msg_header) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); $template->process("email/bugmail.txt.tmpl", $vars, \$msg_text) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); my @parts = ( Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => "text/plain", }, body => $msg_text, ) ); if ($user->setting('email_format') eq 'html') { $template->process("email/bugmail.html.tmpl", $vars, \$msg_html) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); push @parts, Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => "text/html", }, body => $msg_html, ); } # TT trims the trailing newline, and threadingmarker may be ignored. my $email = new Email::MIME("$msg_header\n"); if (scalar(@parts) == 1) { $email->content_type_set($parts[0]->content_type); } else { $email->content_type_set('multipart/alternative'); # Some mail clients need same encoding for each part, even empty ones. $email->charset_set('UTF-8') if Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}; } $email->parts_set(\@parts); return $email; } sub _get_diffs { my ($bug, $end, $user_cache) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my @args = ($bug->id); # If lastdiffed is NULL, then we don't limit the search on time. my $when_restriction = ''; if ($bug->lastdiffed) { $when_restriction = ' AND bug_when > ? AND bug_when <= ?'; push @args, ($bug->lastdiffed, $end); } my $diffs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT fielddefs.name AS field_name, bugs_activity.bug_when, bugs_activity.removed AS old, bugs_activity.added AS new, bugs_activity.attach_id, bugs_activity.comment_id, bugs_activity.who FROM bugs_activity INNER JOIN fielddefs ON fielddefs.id = bugs_activity.fieldid WHERE bugs_activity.bug_id = ? $when_restriction ORDER BY bugs_activity.bug_when", {Slice=>{}}, @args); foreach my $diff (@$diffs) { $user_cache->{$diff->{who}} ||= new Bugzilla::User($diff->{who}); $diff->{who} = $user_cache->{$diff->{who}}; if ($diff->{attach_id}) { $diff->{isprivate} = $dbh->selectrow_array( 'SELECT isprivate FROM attachments WHERE attach_id = ?', undef, $diff->{attach_id}); } if ($diff->{field_name} eq 'longdescs.isprivate') { my $comment = Bugzilla::Comment->new($diff->{comment_id}); $diff->{num} = $comment->count; $diff->{isprivate} = $diff->{new}; } } return @$diffs; } sub _get_new_bugmail_fields { my $bug = shift; my @fields = @{ Bugzilla->fields({obsolete => 0, in_new_bugmail => 1}) }; my @diffs; my $params = Bugzilla->params; foreach my $field (@fields) { my $name = $field->name; my $value = $bug->$name; next if !$field->is_visible_on_bug($bug) || ($name eq 'classification' && !$params->{'useclassification'}) || ($name eq 'status_whiteboard' && !$params->{'usestatuswhiteboard'}) || ($name eq 'qa_contact' && !$params->{'useqacontact'}) || ($name eq 'target_milestone' && !$params->{'usetargetmilestone'}); if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { $value = join(', ', @$value); } elsif (blessed($value) && $value->isa('Bugzilla::User')) { $value = $value->login; } elsif (blessed($value) && $value->isa('Bugzilla::Object')) { $value = $value->name; } elsif ($name eq 'estimated_time') { # "0.00" (which is what we get from the DB) is true, # so we explicitly do a numerical comparison with 0. $value = 0 if $value == 0; } elsif ($name eq 'deadline') { $value = time2str("%Y-%m-%d", str2time($value)) if $value; } # If there isn't anything to show, don't include this header. next unless $value; push(@diffs, {field_name => $name, new => $value}); } return @diffs; } 1;