# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code are the Bugzilla tests. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jacob Steenhagen. # Portions created by Jacob Steenhagen are # Copyright (C) 2001 Jacob Steenhagen. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net> # Important! The following classes of directives are excluded in the test, # and so do not need to be added here. Doing so will cause warnings. # See 008filter.t for more details. # # Comments - [%#... # Directives - [% IF|ELSE|UNLESS|FOREACH... # Assignments - [% foo = ... # Simple literals - [% " selected" ... # Values always used for numbers - [% (i|j|k|n|count) %] # Params - [% Param(... # Safe functions - [% (time2str|GetBugLink)... # Safe vmethods - [% foo.size %] [% foo.length %] # [% foo.push() %] # TT loop variables - [% loop.count %] # Already-filtered stuff - [% wibble FILTER html %] # where the filter is one of html|csv|js|url_quote|quoteUrls|time|uri|xml|none %::safe = ( 'whine/schedule.html.tmpl' => [ 'event.key', 'query.id', 'query.sort', 'schedule.id', 'option.0', 'option.1', ], 'whine/mail.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug.bug_id', ], 'sidebar.xul.tmpl' => [ 'template_version', ], 'flag/list.html.tmpl' => [ 'flag.id', 'flag.status', 'type.id', ], 'search/boolean-charts.html.tmpl' => [ '"field${chartnum}-${rownum}-${colnum}"', '"value${chartnum}-${rownum}-${colnum}"', '"type${chartnum}-${rownum}-${colnum}"', 'field.name', 'field.description', 'type.name', 'type.description', '"${chartnum}-${rownum}-${newor}"', '"${chartnum}-${newand}-0"', 'newchart', 'jsmagic', ], 'search/form.html.tmpl' => [ 'qv.value', 'qv.name', 'qv.description', 'field.name', 'field.description', 'field.accesskey', 'sel.name', 'sel.accesskey', ], 'search/search-specific.html.tmpl' => [ 's', ], 'search/tabs.html.tmpl' => [ 'tab.name', 'tab.description', ], 'request/queue.html.tmpl' => [ 'column_headers.$group_field', 'column_headers.$column', 'request.status', 'request.bug_id', 'request.attach_id', ], 'reports/components.html.tmpl' => [ 'numcols', 'comp.description', ], 'reports/duplicates-table.html.tmpl' => [ '"&maxrows=$maxrows" IF maxrows', '"&changedsince=$changedsince" IF changedsince', '"&bug_id=$bug_ids_string&sortvisible=1" IF sortvisible', 'column.name', 'column.description', 'bug.id', 'bug.count', 'bug.delta', ], 'reports/duplicates.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_ids_string', 'maxrows', 'changedsince', 'reverse', ], 'reports/keywords.html.tmpl' => [ 'keyword.description', 'keyword.bugcount', ], 'reports/report-table.csv.tmpl' => [ 'num_bugs', 'data.$tbl.$col.$row', 'title', ], 'reports/report-table.html.tmpl' => [ 'buglistbase', '"&$tbl_vals" IF tbl_vals', '"&$col_vals" IF col_vals', '"&$row_vals" IF row_vals', 'classes.$row_idx.$col_idx', 'urlbase', 'data.$tbl.$col.$row', 'row_total', 'col_totals.$col', 'grand_total', ], 'reports/report.html.tmpl' => [ 'imagebase', 'width', 'height', 'imageurl', 'formaturl', 'other_format.name', 'sizeurl', 'switchbase', 'format', 'cumulate', ], 'reports/duplicates.rdf.tmpl' => [ 'template_version', 'bug.id', 'bug.count', 'bug.delta', ], 'reports/chart.html.tmpl' => [ 'width', 'height', 'imageurl', 'sizeurl', 'height + 100', 'height - 100', 'width + 100', 'width - 100', ], 'reports/series-common.html.tmpl' => [ 'sel.name', 'sel.accesskey', '"onchange=\"$sel.onchange\"" IF sel.onchange', ], 'reports/chart.csv.tmpl' => [ 'data.$j.$i', ], 'reports/create-chart.html.tmpl' => [ 'series.series_id', 'newidx', ], 'reports/edit-series.html.tmpl' => [ 'default.series_id', ], 'list/change-columns.html.tmpl' => [ 'column', ], 'list/edit-multiple.html.tmpl' => [ 'group.id', 'group.description', 'group.description FILTER inactive', 'knum', 'menuname', ], 'list/list-simple.html.tmpl' => [ 'title', ], 'list/list.rdf.tmpl' => [ 'template_version', 'bug.bug_id', 'column', ], 'list/table.html.tmpl' => [ 'tableheader', 'bug.bug_id', 'abbrev.$id.title || field_descs.$id || column.title', ], 'list/list.csv.tmpl' => [ 'bug.bug_id', ], 'list/list.js.tmpl' => [ 'bug.bug_id', ], 'global/help.html.tmpl' => [ 'h.id', 'h.html', ], 'global/banner.html.tmpl' => [ 'VERSION', ], 'global/choose-classification.html.tmpl' => [ 'classdesc.$p', ], 'global/choose-product.html.tmpl' => [ 'target', 'proddesc.$p', ], # You are not permitted to add any values here. Everything in this file should # be filtered unless there's an extremely good reason why not, in which case, # use the "none" dummy filter. 'global/code-error.html.tmpl' => [ ], 'global/header.html.tmpl' => [ 'javascript', 'style', 'onload', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'message', ], 'global/messages.html.tmpl' => [ 'message_tag', 'series.frequency * 2', ], 'global/select-menu.html.tmpl' => [ 'options', 'size', ], 'global/useful-links.html.tmpl' => [ 'email', ], # You are not permitted to add any values here. Everything in this file should # be filtered unless there's an extremely good reason why not, in which case, # use the "none" dummy filter. 'global/user-error.html.tmpl' => [ ], 'global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl' => [ 'script', 'fields.${field_name}.flag_type.name', ], 'global/site-navigation.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_list.first', 'bug_list.$prev_bug', 'bug_list.$next_bug', 'bug_list.last', 'bug.bug_id', 'bug.votes', ], 'bug/comments.html.tmpl' => [ 'comment.isprivate', 'comment.when', ], 'bug/dependency-graph.html.tmpl' => [ 'image_map', # We need to continue to make sure this is safe in the CGI 'image_url', 'map_url', 'bug_id', ], 'bug/dependency-tree.html.tmpl' => [ 'bugid', 'maxdepth', 'dependson_ids.join(",")', 'blocked_ids.join(",")', 'dep_id', 'hide_resolved', 'maxdepth + 1', 'maxdepth > 0 && maxdepth <= realdepth ? maxdepth : ""', 'maxdepth == 1 ? 1 : ( maxdepth ? maxdepth - 1 : realdepth - 1 )', ], 'bug/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug.deadline', 'bug.remaining_time', 'bug.delta_ts', 'bug.bug_id', 'bug.votes', 'group.bit', 'group.description', 'dep.title', 'dep.fieldname', 'accesskey', 'bug.${dep.fieldname}.join(\', \')', 'selname', 'depbug FILTER bug_link(depbug)', '"${bug.dup_id}" FILTER bug_link(bug.dup_id)', ], 'bug/knob.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug.bug_id', 'knum', ], 'bug/navigate.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_list.first', 'bug_list.last', 'bug_list.$prev_bug', 'bug_list.$next_bug', ], 'bug/show-multiple.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug.bug_id', 'bug.deadline', ], 'bug/show.xml.tmpl' => [ 'VERSION', 'a.attachid', 'field', ], 'bug/summarize-time.html.tmpl' => [ 'global.grand_total FILTER format("%.2f")', 'subtotal FILTER format("%.2f")', 'work_time FILTER format("%.2f")', 'global.total FILTER format("%.2f")', ], 'bug/time.html.tmpl' => [ 'time_unit FILTER format(\'%.1f\')', 'time_unit FILTER format(\'%.2f\')', '(act / (act + rem)) * 100 FILTER format("%d")', ], 'bug/votes/list-for-bug.html.tmpl' => [ 'voter.count', 'total', ], 'bug/votes/list-for-user.html.tmpl' => [ 'product.maxperbug', 'bug.id', 'bug.count', 'product.total', 'product.maxvotes', ], 'bug/process/confirm-duplicate.html.tmpl' => [ 'original_bug_id', 'duplicate_bug_id', ], 'bug/process/midair.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_id', ], 'bug/process/next.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug.bug_id', ], 'bug/process/results.html.tmpl' => [ 'title.$type', 'id', ], 'bug/create/comment.txt.tmpl' => [ 'form.comment', ], 'bug/create/create.html.tmpl' => [ 'g.bit', 'g.description', 'sel.name', 'sel.description', 'cloned_bug_id' ], 'bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl' => [ 'matches.0', 'tablecolour', 'buildid', 'sel', 'productstring', ], 'bug/activity/show.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_id', ], 'bug/activity/table.html.tmpl' => [ 'change.attachid', 'change.field', ], 'attachment/create.html.tmpl' => [ 'bugid', 'attachment.id', ], 'attachment/created.html.tmpl' => [ 'attachid', 'bugid', 'contenttype', ], 'attachment/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'attachid', 'bugid', 'a', ], 'attachment/list.html.tmpl' => [ 'attachment.attachid', 'flag.status', 'bugid', ], 'attachment/show-multiple.html.tmpl' => [ 'a.attachid', 'flag.status' ], 'attachment/updated.html.tmpl' => [ 'attachid', 'bugid', ], 'attachment/diff-header.html.tmpl' => [ 'attachid', 'id', 'bugid', 'oldid', 'newid', 'style', 'javascript', 'patch.id', ], 'attachment/diff-file.html.tmpl' => [ 'lxr_prefix', 'file.minus_lines', 'file.plus_lines', 'bonsai_prefix', 'section.old_start', 'section_num' ], 'admin/table.html.tmpl' => [ 'link_uri', 'c.content' ], 'admin/classifications/del.html.tmpl' => [ 'description', ], 'admin/classifications/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'description', ], 'admin/classifications/reclassify.html.tmpl' => [ 'description', ], 'admin/classifications/select.html.tmpl' => [ 'cl.description', ], 'admin/products/groupcontrol/confirm-edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'group.count', ], 'admin/products/groupcontrol/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'filt_classification', 'filt_product', 'group.bugcount', 'group.id', 'const.CONTROLMAPNA', 'const.CONTROLMAPSHOWN', 'const.CONTROLMAPDEFAULT', 'const.CONTROLMAPMANDATORY', ], 'admin/products/list.html.tmpl' => [ 'classification_url_part', ], 'admin/products/footer.html.tmpl' => [ 'classification_url_part', 'classification_text', ], 'admin/keywords/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'keyword_id', 'bug_count', ], 'admin/keywords/confirm-delete.html.tmpl' => [ 'keyword_id', 'bug_count', ], 'admin/flag-type/confirm-delete.html.tmpl' => [ 'flag_count', 'flag_type.id', ], 'admin/flag-type/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'action', 'type.id', 'type.target_type', 'type.sortkey || 1', 'typeLabelLowerPlural', 'typeLabelLowerSingular', ], 'admin/flag-type/list.html.tmpl' => [ 'type.id', 'type.flag_count', ], 'admin/components/confirm-delete.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_count' ], 'admin/components/deleted.html.tmpl' => [ 'deleted_bug_count' ], 'admin/users/confirm-delete.html.tmpl' => [ 'andstring', 'responsibilityterms.$responsibility', 'bugs', 'cc', 'flags.requestee', 'flags.setter', 'longdescs', 'namedqueries', 'votes', 'series', 'watch.watched', 'watch.watcher', 'whine_events', 'whine_schedules', 'otheruser.id' ], 'admin/users/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'otheruser.id', 'group.id', 'perms.directbless', 'perms.directmember', ], 'admin/components/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_count' ], 'admin/components/list.html.tmpl' => [ 'cgi.query_string' ], 'admin/components/select-product.html.tmpl' => [ 'cgi.query_string' ], 'admin/milestones/confirm-delete.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_count' ], 'admin/milestones/deleted.html.tmpl' => [ 'deleted_bug_count' ], 'admin/versions/confirm-delete.html.tmpl' => [ 'bug_count' ], 'admin/versions/deleted.html.tmpl' => [ 'deleted_bug_count' ], 'admin/settings/edit.html.tmpl' => [ 'name', 'checkbox_name' ], 'account/login.html.tmpl' => [ 'target', ], 'account/prefs/email.html.tmpl' => [ 'role', 'reason.name', 'reason.description', ], 'account/prefs/permissions.html.tmpl' => [ 'bit_description.name', 'bit_description.desc', ], 'account/prefs/prefs.html.tmpl' => [ 'tab.name', 'tab.description', 'current_tab.name', 'current_tab.description', ], 'account/prefs/settings.html.tmpl' => [ 'name', 'default_name' ], );