[%# 1.0@bugzilla.org %]
[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
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  # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
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  # Contributor(s): Dave Miller <justdave@bugzilla.org>
  #                 Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com>
   title = "User Authentication"
   desc = "Set up your authentication policies"

[% param_descs = {
  auth_env_id => "Environment variable used by external authentication system " _
                 "to store a unique identifier for each user. Leave it blank " _
                 "if there isn't one or if this method of authentication " _
                 "is not being used.",

  auth_env_email => "Environment variable used by external authentication system " _
                    "to store each user's email address. This is a required " _
                    "field for environmental authentication. Leave it blank " _
                    "if you are not going to use this feature.",

  auth_env_realname => "Environment variable used by external authentication system " _
                       "to store the user's real name. Leave it blank if there " _
                       "isn't one or if this method of authentication is not being " _

  user_info_class => "Mechanism(s) to be used for gathering a user's login information.
                      More than one may be selected. If the first one returns nothing,
                      the second is tried, and so on.<br>
                      The types are:
                          Asks for username and password via CGI form interface.
                          Info for a pre-authenticated user is passed in system
                          environment variables.

  user_verify_class => "Mechanism(s) to be used for verifying (authenticating) information
                        gathered by user_info_class.
                        More than one may be selected. If the first one cannot find the
                        user, the second is tried, and so on.<br>
                        The types are:
                            ${terms.Bugzilla}'s built-in authentication. This is the most common
                            LDAP authentication using an LDAP server. This method is
                            experimental; please see the $terms.Bugzilla documentation for more
                            information. Using this method requires additional parameters
                            to be set above.

  rememberlogin => "Controls management of session cookies
                        on - Session cookies never expire (the user has to login only
                        once per browser).
                        off - Session cookies last until the users session ends (the user
                        will have to login in each new browser session).
                        defaulton/defaultoff - Default behavior as described
                        above, but user can choose whether $terms.Bugzilla will remember his
                        login or not.

  loginnetmask => "The number of bits for the netmask used if a user chooses to " _
                  "allow a login to be valid for more than a single IP. Setting " _
                  "this to 32 disables this feature.<br> " _
                  "Note that enabling this may decrease the security of your system.",

  requirelogin => "If this option is set, all access to the system beyond the " _
                  "front page will require a login. No anonymous users will " _
                  "be permitted.",

  emailregexp => "This defines the regexp to use for legal email addresses. The " _
                 "default tries to match fully qualified email addresses. Another " _
                 "popular value to put here is <tt>^[^@]+$</tt>, which means " _
                 "'local usernames, no @ allowed.'",

  emailregexpdesc => "This describes in English words what kinds of legal addresses " _
                     "are allowed by the <tt>emailregexp</tt> param.",

  emailsuffix => "This is a string to append to any email addresses when actually " _
                 "sending mail to that address. It is useful if you have changed " _
                 "the <tt>emailregexp</tt> param to only allow local usernames, " _
                 "but you want the mail to be delivered to username@my.local.hostname.",

  createemailregexp => "This defines the regexp to use for email addresses that are " _
                       "permitted to self-register using a 'New Account' feature. The " _
                       "default (.*) permits any account matching the emailregexp " _
                       "to be created. If this parameter is left blank, no users " _
                       "will be permitted to create their own accounts and all accounts " _
                       "will have to be created by an administrator." }