#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net> # # Generates mostfreq list from data collected by collectstats.pl. use strict; use AnyDBM_File; use lib qw(.); require "globals.pl"; require "CGI.pl"; use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Search; use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT $datadir); use Bugzilla::Constants; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; # Go directly to the XUL version of the duplicates report (duplicates.xul) # if the user specified ctype=xul. Adds params if they exist, and directs # the user to a signed copy of the script in duplicates.jar if it exists. if (defined $cgi->param('ctype') && $cgi->param('ctype') eq "xul") { my $params = CanonicaliseParams($cgi->query_string(), ["format", "ctype"]); my $url = (-e "duplicates.jar" ? "duplicates.jar!/" : "") . "duplicates.xul" . ($params ? "?$params" : "") . "\n\n"; print $cgi->redirect($url); exit; } # Use global templatisation variables. use vars qw($template $vars); GetVersionTable(); # collectstats.pl uses duplicates.cgi to generate the RDF duplicates stats. # However, this conflicts with requirelogin if it's enabled; so we make # logging-in optional if we are running from the command line. if ($::ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} eq "cmdline") { Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_OPTIONAL); } else { Bugzilla->login(); } Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db(); use vars qw ($userid @legal_product); my %dbmcount; my %count; my %before; # Get params from URL sub formvalue { my ($name, $default) = (@_); return $cgi->param($name) || $default || ""; } my $sortby = formvalue("sortby"); my $changedsince = formvalue("changedsince", 7); my $maxrows = formvalue("maxrows", 100); my $openonly = formvalue("openonly"); my $reverse = formvalue("reverse") ? 1 : 0; my @query_products = $cgi->param('product'); my $sortvisible = formvalue("sortvisible"); my @buglist = (split(/[:,]/, formvalue("bug_id"))); my $product_id; foreach my $p (@query_products) { $product_id = get_product_id($p); if (!$product_id) { ThrowUserError("invalid_product_name", { product => $p }); } } # Small backwards-compatibility hack, dated 2002-04-10. $sortby = "count" if $sortby eq "dup_count"; # Open today's record of dupes my $today = days_ago(0); my $yesterday = days_ago(1); # We don't know the exact file name, because the extention depends on the # underlying dbm library, which could be anything. We can't glob, because # perl < 5.6 considers if (<*>) { ... } to be tainted # Instead, just check the return value for today's data and yesterday's, # and ignore file not found errors use Errno; use Fcntl; if (!tie(%dbmcount, 'AnyDBM_File', "$datadir/duplicates/dupes$today", O_RDONLY, 0644)) { if ($!{ENOENT}) { if (!tie(%dbmcount, 'AnyDBM_File', "$datadir/duplicates/dupes$yesterday", O_RDONLY, 0644)) { my $vars = { today => $today }; if ($!{ENOENT}) { ThrowUserError("no_dupe_stats", $vars); } else { $vars->{'error_msg'} = $!; ThrowUserError("no_dupe_stats_error_yesterday", $vars); } } } else { ThrowUserError("no_dupe_stats_error_today", { error_msg => $! }); } } # Copy hash (so we don't mess up the on-disk file when we remove entries) %count = %dbmcount; # Remove all those dupes under the threshold parameter. # We do this, before the sorting, for performance reasons. my $threshold = Param("mostfreqthreshold"); while (my ($key, $value) = each %count) { delete $count{$key} if ($value < $threshold); # If there's a buglist, restrict the bugs to that list. delete $count{$key} if $sortvisible && (lsearch(\@buglist, $key) == -1); } my $origmaxrows = $maxrows; detaint_natural($maxrows) || ThrowUserError("invalid_maxrows", { maxrows => $origmaxrows}); my $origchangedsince = $changedsince; detaint_natural($changedsince) || ThrowUserError("invalid_changedsince", { changedsince => $origchangedsince }); # Try and open the database from "changedsince" days ago my $dobefore = 0; my %delta; my $whenever = days_ago($changedsince); if (!tie(%before, 'AnyDBM_File', "$datadir/duplicates/dupes$whenever", O_RDONLY, 0644)) { # Ignore file not found errors if (!$!{ENOENT}) { ThrowUserError("no_dupe_stats_error_whenever", { error_msg => $!, changedsince => $changedsince, whenever => $whenever, }); } } else { # Calculate the deltas ($delta{$_} = $count{$_} - ($before{$_} || 0)) foreach (keys(%count)); $dobefore = 1; } my @bugs; my @bug_ids; if (scalar(%count)) { # use Bugzilla::Search so that we get the security checking my $params = new Bugzilla::CGI({ 'bug_id' => [keys %count] }); if ($openonly) { $params->param('resolution', '---'); } else { # We want to show bugs which: # a) Aren't CLOSED; and # b) i) Aren't VERIFIED; OR # ii) Were resolved INVALID/WONTFIX # The rationale behind this is that people will eventually stop # reporting fixed bugs when they get newer versions of the software, # but if the bug is determined to be erroneous, people will still # keep reporting it, so we do need to show it here. # a) $params->param('field0-0-0', 'bug_status'); $params->param('type0-0-0', 'notequals'); $params->param('value0-0-0', 'CLOSED'); # b) i) $params->param('field0-1-0', 'bug_status'); $params->param('type0-1-0', 'notequals'); $params->param('value0-1-0', 'VERIFIED'); # b) ii) $params->param('field0-1-1', 'resolution'); $params->param('type0-1-1', 'anyexact'); $params->param('value0-1-1', 'INVALID,WONTFIX'); } # Restrict to product if requested if ($cgi->param('product')) { $params->param('product', join(',', @query_products)); } my $query = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => [qw(bugs.bug_id map_components.name bugs.bug_severity bugs.op_sys bugs.target_milestone bugs.short_desc bugs.bug_status bugs.resolution ) ], 'params' => $params, ); SendSQL($query->getSQL()); while (MoreSQLData()) { # Note: maximum row count is dealt with in the template. my ($id, $component, $bug_severity, $op_sys, $target_milestone, $short_desc, $bug_status, $resolution) = FetchSQLData(); push (@bugs, { id => $id, count => $count{$id}, delta => $delta{$id}, component => $component, bug_severity => $bug_severity, op_sys => $op_sys, target_milestone => $target_milestone, short_desc => $short_desc, bug_status => $bug_status, resolution => $resolution }); push (@bug_ids, $id); } } $vars->{'bugs'} = \@bugs; $vars->{'bug_ids'} = \@bug_ids; $vars->{'dobefore'} = $dobefore; $vars->{'sortby'} = $sortby; $vars->{'sortvisible'} = $sortvisible; $vars->{'changedsince'} = $changedsince; $vars->{'maxrows'} = $maxrows; $vars->{'openonly'} = $openonly; $vars->{'reverse'} = $reverse; $vars->{'format'} = $cgi->param('format'); $vars->{'query_products'} = \@query_products; my @selectable_products = GetSelectableProducts(); $vars->{'products'} = \@selectable_products; my $format = GetFormat("reports/duplicates", scalar($cgi->param('format')), scalar($cgi->param('ctype'))); print $cgi->header($format->{'ctype'}); # Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template. $template->process($format->{'template'}, $vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error()); sub days_ago { my ($dom, $mon, $year) = (localtime(time - ($_[0]*24*60*60)))[3, 4, 5]; return sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900 + $year, ++$mon, $dom; }