#compdef _epm epm eepm epmi epme epmp epmqf epmI epms epmsf epmu epmq epmql epmqa epmqi epmcl epmrl epmwd epmqp _epm() { typeset -A opt_args local context state line curcontext="$curcontext" local ret=1 EEPM_SUBCOMMANDS_ARGS=(epmi epme epmp epmqf epmI epms epmsf epmu epmq epmql epmqa epmqi epmcl epmrl epmwd epmqp) EEPM_SHORT_ARGS=( '-v[print version]' '-h[show help]' '-y[non interactive mode]' '-e[remove packages]' '-P[remove packages]' '-s[search package by name]' '-qp[search in the list of installed packages]' '-qf[query package(s) owning file]' '-S[query package(s) owning file]' '-q[check presence of package(s) and print this name]' '-ql[print package file list]' '-V[check package file integrity (checksum)]' '-sf[search for the name in all files of all packages]' '-cl[show changelog for package]' '-qa[print list of all installed packages]' '-qi[print package detail info]' '-i[install packages]' ) EEPM_FULL_ARGS=( '--help[show help]' '--version[print version]' '--verbose[verbose mode]' '--debug[more debug output mode]' '--skip-installed[skip already installed packages during install]' '--skip-missed[skip not installed packages during remove]' '--show-command-only[show command only, do not any action ]' '--quiet[quiet mode (do not print commands before exec)]' '--silent[quiet mode (do not print commands before exec)]' '--nodeps[skip dependency check (during install/simulate and so on)]' '--force[force install/remove package (f.i., override)]' '--noremove[exit if any packages are to be removed during upgrade]' '--no-remove[exit if any packages are to be removed during upgrade]' '--no-stdin[don`t read from stdin for epm args]' '--inscript[don`t read from stdin for epm args]' '--dry-run[print only (autoremove/autoorphans/remove only)]' '--simulate[print only (autoremove/autoorphans/remove only)]' '--just-print[print only (autoremove/autoorphans/remove only)]' '--no-act[print only (autoremove/autoorphans/remove only)]' '--short[short output (just 'package' instead 'package-version-release')]' '--direct[direct install package file from ftp]' '--repack[repack rpm package(s) before install]' '--norepack[don`t repack rpm package(s) if it is by default before install]' '--install[install packed rpm package(s)]' '--scripts[include scripts in repacked rpm package(s)]' '--noscripts[disable scripts in install packages]' '--save-only[save the package/tarball after all transformations]' '--put-to-repo=[put the package after all transformations to the repo]' '--download-only[download only the package/tarball]' '--url[print only URL instead of download package]' '--sort[sort]' '--auto[non interactive mode]' '--assumeyes[non interactive mode]' '--non-interactive[non interactive mode]' '--disable-interactivity[non interactive mode]' '--interactive[interactive mode]' '--force-yes[force yes in a danger cases]' '--add-repo[add repo]' '--orphans[show orphans]' ) local commands; commands=( # install comp 'play:install the application' 'add:install packages' 'install:install packages' 'i:install packages' 'it:install packages' 'reinstall:reinstall package(s) from remote repositories or from local file' 'Install:perform update package repo info and install package(s) via install command' # remove comp 'remove:remove packages' 'uninstall:remove packages' 'rm:remove packages' 'del:remove packages' 'delete:remove packages' 'erase:remove packages' 'purge:remove packages' 'e:remove packages' # search comp 'search:search package by name' 's:search package by name' 'find:search package by name' 'sr:search package by name' # upgrade comp 'full-upgrade:do full upgrade' 'update:update remote package repository databases' 'Upgrade:upgrade all installed packages (Upgrade = update + upgrade)' # qp comp 'qp:search in the list of installed packages' 'grep:search in the list of installed packages' 'query_package:search in the list of installed packages' # qf comp 'qf:query package(s) owning file' 'wp:query package(s) owning file' 'which:query package(s) owning file' 'belongs:query package(s) owning file' # package comp 'q:check presence of package(s) and print this name' 'query:check presence of package(s) and print this name' 'installed:check presence of package(s)' 'status:get status of package(s)' 'provides:print package provides' 'prov:print package provides' 'list:print list of packages' 'list-available:print list of all available packages' 'programs:print list of installed packages with GUI program(s)' # sf comp 'search-file:search for the name in all files of all packages' 'filesearch:search for the name in all files of all packages' 'sf:search for the name in all files of all packages' # ql comp 'ql:print package file list' 'filelist:print package file list' 'get-files:print package file list' # cl comp 'cl:show changelog for package' 'changelog:show changelog for package' # qi comp 'qi:print package detail info' 'info:print package detail info' 'show:print package detail info' # req comp 'requires:print package requires' 'deplist:print package requires' 'depends:print package requires' 'req:print package requires' 'depends-on:print package requires' # wd comp 'whatdepends:print packages dependences on that' 'rdepends:print packages dependences on that' 'whatrequires:print packages dependences on that' 'wd:print packages dependences on that' 'required-by:print packages dependences on that' 'whatprovides:print packages provides that target' 'conflicts:print package conflicts' # qa comp 'qa:print list of all installed packages' 'ls:print list of all installed packages' 'packages:print list of all installed packages' 'list-installed:print list of all installed packages' 'li:print list of all installed packages' # policy comp 'policy:print detailed information about the priority selection of package' 'resolve:print detailed information about the priority selection of package' # others 'help:print help' # repo ctl comp 'update:update remote package repository databases' 'update-repo:update remote package repository databases' 'ur:update remote package repository databases' 'addrepo:add package repo' 'ar:add package repo' 'repolist:print repo list' 'sl:print repo list' 'rl:print repo list' 'listrepo:print repo list' 'repo-list:print repo list' 'list-repo:print repo list' 'lr:print repo list' 'repofix:<mirror>: fix paths in sources lists' 'removerepo:remove package repo' 'remove-repo:remove package repo' 'rr:remove package repo' 'repo:manipulate with repository list' 'check:check local package base integrity and fix it' 'fix:check local package base integrity and fix it' 'verify:check local package base integrity and fix it' 'dedup:remove unallowed duplicated pkgs' 'release-upgrade:upgrade/switch whole system to the release in arg' 'upgrade-release:upgrade/switch whole system to the release in arg' 'upgrade-system:upgrade/switch whole system to the release in arg' 'release-switch:upgrade/switch whole system to the release in arg' 'release-downgrade:downgrade whole system to the release in arg' 'downgrade-release:downgrade whole system to the release in arg' 'downgrade-system:downgrade whole system to the release in arg' 'kernel-update:update system kernel to the last repo version' 'kernel-upgrade:update system kernel to the last repo version' 'update-kernel:update system kernel to the last repo version' 'upgrade-kernel:update system kernel to the last repo version' 'remove-old-kernels:remove old system kernels' 'remove-old-kernel:remove old system kernels' 'stats:show statistics about repositories and installations' # other com comp 'clean:clean local package cache' 'delete-cache:clean local package cache' 'dc:clean local package cache' 'restore:install (restore) packages need for the project' 'autoremove:auto remove unneeded package(s)' 'package-cleanup:auto remove unneeded package(s)' 'mark:mark package as manually or automatically installed or hold/unhold it' 'history:show a log of actions taken by the software management' 'autoorphans:remove all packages not from the repository' 'remove-orphans:remove all packages not from the repository' 'upgrade:performs upgrades of package software distributions' 'up:performs upgrades of package software distributions' 'dist-upgrade:performs upgrades of package software distributions' 'Upgrade:force update package base, then run upgrade' 'Downgrade:force update package base, then run downgrade [all] packages to the repo state' 'downgrade:downgrade [all] packages to the repo state' 'distro-sync:downgrade [all] packages to the repo state' 'download:download package(s) file to the current dir' 'fetch:download package(s) file to the current dir' 'fc:download package(s) file to the current dir' 'simulate:simulate install with check requires' 'audit:audits installed packages against known vulnerabilities' 'site:open package`s site in a browser' 'url:open package`s site in a browser' 'ei:install package(s) from Korinf (eepm by default)' 'ik:install package(s) from Korinf (eepm by default)' 'epminstall:install package(s) from Korinf (eepm by default)' 'epm-install:install package(s) from Korinf (eepm by default)' 'selfinstall:install package(s) from Korinf (eepm by default)' 'print:print various info, run epm print help for details' 'tool:run embedded tool (see epm tool --help)' 'repack:repack rpm to local compatibility' 'pack:pack tarball or dir to a rpm package' 'prescription:run prescription (a script to achieving the goal), run without args to get list' 'recipe:run prescription (a script to achieving the goal), run without args to get list' 'checkpkg:check package file integrity (checksum)' 'integrity:check package file integrity (checksum)' ) #TODO fix long args local cmd for word in "${words[@]}"; do if [[ " ${commands[@]%%:*} " =~ " ${word} " ]] || [[ " ${EEPM_SHORT_ARGS[@]%%'['*} " =~ " $word " ]] || [[ " ${EEPM_SUBCOMMANDS_ARGS[@]} " =~ " $word " ]]; then cmd="${word}" break fi done if [[ ! " ${EEPM_SUBCOMMANDS_ARGS[@]} " =~ " $cmd " ]]; then _arguments -C \ "${EEPM_SHORT_ARGS[@]}" \ "${EEPM_FULL_ARGS[@]}" \ '*::arg:->args' \ && ret=0 else _arguments -C '*:arg:->args' fi if [[ -z "$cmd" ]]; then _describe -t commands 'command' commands && ret=0 return $ret fi case "$state" in args) case "$cmd" in play|epmp) _epm_play_packages && ret=0 ;; install|Install|reinstall|add|i|it|-i|installed|epmi|epmI|epms|epmq|epmql|epmqi|epmcl|epmwd) _epm_available_packages && ret=0 ;; full-upgrade) _epm_complete_full-upgrade && ret=0 ;; query|q|-q|info|qp|grep|query_package|-qp|changelog|cl|-cl|show|qi|-qi|search|s|find|sr|-s|-ql|ql|get-files|filelist|requires|deplist|depends|req|depends-on|whatdepends|rdepends|whatrequires|wd|required-by|provides|prov|whatprovides|conflicts|policy|resolve) _epm_available_packages && ret=0 ;; remove|rm|del|delete|uninstall|erase|purge|e|-e|-P|site|url|epme|epmqp) _epm_installed_packages && ret=0 ;; qf|wp|which|belongs|-qf|-S|epmqf) _epm_complete_qf && ret=0 ;; status) _epm_complete_status && ret=0 ;; list) _epm_complete_list && ret=0 ;; addrepo|ar|repofix|removerepo|remove-repo|rr) _epm_complete_repolist && ret=0 ;; repo) _epm_complete_repo && ret=0 ;; kernel-update|kernel-upgrade|update-kernel|upgrade-kernel) _epm_complete_kernel_update && ret=0 ;; autoremove|package-cleanup) _epm_complete_autoremove && ret=0 ;; mark) _epm_complete_mark && ret=0 ;; history) _epm_complete_history && ret=0 ;; download|fetch|fc|simulate) _epm_available_packages && ret=0 ;; prescription|recipe) _epm_list_available_prescription && ret=0 ;; pack) _epm_complete_pack && ret=0 ;; repack) _epm_complete_repack && ret=0 ;; *) ret=0 ;; esac ;; esac return $ret } _epm_complete_full-upgrade(){ _arguments \ '-h[help]' \ '--help[help]' \ '--interactive[ask before every step]' \ '--ipfs[use IPFS for epm play]' \ '--no-epm-play[skip epm play during full upgrade]' \ '--no-flatpak[skip flatpak update during full upgrade]'\ '--no-snap[skip snap update during full upgrade]'\ '--no-kernel-update[skip kernel update during full upgrade]'\ '--no-clean[no clean after upgrade]' } _epm_list_available_prescription() { local list_available_prescription list_available_prescription=( $( epm prescription --list-all --quiet --short) ) _describe -t list_available_prescription 'list available prescription' list_available_prescription if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* ]]; then _arguments -C "${EEPM_SHORT_ARGS[@]}" "${EEPM_FULL_ARGS[@]}" fi } _epm_complete_repack() { _files } _epm_complete_kernel_update() { #TODO more info local types=('std-def' 'std-kvm' 'un-def' 'ovz-el7' 'rt') local options=( '-A[include (add) external module (by a short name)]' '-D[exclude (del) external module from install]' '-l[list available kernel]' '--list[list available kernel]' '-h[show help]' '--help[show help]' '-a[select all available kernel modules to install]' '--all[select all available kernel modules to install]' '-i[interactive modules selection]' '--interactive[interactive modules selection]' '-H[add kernel headers to install]' '--headers[add kernel headers to install]' '--debuginfo[add debuginfo package to install]' '-f[force kernel upgrade]' '-y[force kernel upgrade]' '--force[force kernel upgrade]' '-t[select desired kernel flavour]' '--type[select desired kernel flavour]' '-r[desired kernel release]' '--release[desired kernel release]' '-u[run `apt-get update` automatically]' '--update[run `apt-get update` automatically]' '-n[perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not actually change the system]' '--dry-run[perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not actually change the system]' '-d[download packages, but don`t install]' '--download-only[download packages, but don`t install]' ) if [[ ${words[CURRENT-1]} == '--type' || ${words[CURRENT-1]} == '-t' ]]; then _describe -t types 'types' types else _arguments -C "${options[@]}" fi } _epm_complete_history() { local options=( '-h[show help]' '--help[show help]' '--installed[show installed packages history]' '--removed[show removed packages history]' '--updated[show updated packages history]' '--list[list all history entries]' ) _arguments "${options[@]}" } _epm_complete_status() { local options=( '--installed[check if <package> is installed (if version is specified, not older than the version)]' '--installable[check if <package> can be installed from the repo]' '--original[check if <package> is from distro repo]' '--certified[check if <package> is certified that it can be installed without repacking]' '--thirdparty[check if <package> is from a third-party source (didn`t packed for this distro)]' '--repacked[check if <package> was repacked with epm repack]' '--validate[check if <package> is accessible (we can get a fields from it)]' ) if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* || (${words[CURRENT]} == '' && ${words[CURRENT-1]} == 'status') ]]; then _arguments -C "${options[@]}" elif [[ ${#words[@]} -eq 3 ]]; then _epm_available_packages fi } _epm_complete_repolist() { local options=( 'basealt:BaseALT repository' 'altsp:ALTSP repository' 'yandex:Yandex repository' 'autoimports:AutoImports repository' 'autoports:AutoPorts repository' 'altlinuxclub:ALT Linux Club repository' 'deferred:Deferred repository' 'deferred.org:Deferred.org repository' 'etersoft:Etersoft repository' 'korinf:Korinf repository' 'archive:Archive repository' 'URL:Specify a URL for the repository' ) if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == */* ]]; then _files elif [[ $(epm print info -s) == 'alt' ]]; then _describe -t repos 'repositories' options fi } _epm_complete_list() { local options=( '--available[Show available packages]' '--installed[Show installed packages]' '--upgradable[Show upgradable packages]' ) if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* || (${words[CURRENT]} == '' && ${words[CURRENT-1]} == 'list') ]]; then _arguments "${options[@]}" fi } _epm_complete_pack() { local options=( '--install[Install the package]' '--repack[Repack the package]' '--download-only[Download the package only]' '--save-only[Save the package only]' ) if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* ]]; then _arguments -C "${options[@]}" elif [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == */* ]]; then _files else local pack_options pack_options=( $(epm pack --list) ) _describe -t pack-options 'pack options' pack_options fi } _epm_complete_mark() { local subcommands=( 'hold:mark the given package(s) as held back' 'unhold:unset the given package(s) as held back' 'showhold:print the list of packages on hold' 'checkhold:return true if the package is on hold' 'auto:mark the given package(s) as automatically installed' 'remove:mark the given package(s) as automatically installed' 'manual:mark the given package(s) as manually installed' 'install:mark the given package(s) as manually installed' 'showauto:print the list of automatically installed packages' 'showmanual:print the list of manually installed packages' 'help:show help' ) local options=( '-h[show help]' '--help[show help]' ) local special for word in "${words[@]}"; do if [[ " ${subcommands[@]%%:*} " =~ " ${word} " ]]; then special="${word}" break fi done if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* || ${words[CURRENT]} == help ]]; then _arguments $options elif [[ -n $special ]]; then case $special in hold|unhold|auto|remove|manual|install) _epm_installed_packages ;; *) return 0 ;; esac else _describe 'subcommand' subcommands fi } _epm_complete_repo() { local subcommands=( 'help:help' 'list:list enabled repositories (-a|--all for list disabled repositories too)' 'change:switch sources to the mirror (etersoft/yandex/basealt/altlinux.org/eterfund.org): rewrite URLs to the specified server' 'set:remove all existing sources and add mirror for the branch' 'switch:switch repo to <repo>: rewrite URLs to the repo (use epm release-upgrade [Sisyphus|p10] for upgrade to a next branch)' 'enable:enable <repo>' 'disable:disable <repo>' 'addkey:add repository gpg key (by URL or file) (run with --help to detail)' 'clean:remove temp. repos (tasks and CD-ROMs)' 'save:save sources lists to a temp place' 'restore:restore sources lists from a temp place' 'reset:reset repo lists to the distro default' 'status:print repo status]' 'add:add package repo (etersoft, autoimports, archive 2017/01/31); run with param to get list' 'Add:like add, but do update after add' 'rm:remove repository from the sources lists (epm repo remove all for all)' 'del:remove repository from the sources lists (epm repo remove all for all)' 'remove:remove repository from the sources lists (epm repo remove all for all)' 'fix:fix paths in sources lists (ALT Linux only)]' 'create:create (initialize) repo: [path] [name]' 'index:index repo (update indexes): [--init] [path] [name]' 'pkgadd:add to <dir> applied <package-filename1> [<package-filename2>...]' 'pkgupdate:replace in <dir> with new <package-filename1> [<package-filename2>...]' 'pkgdel:del from <dir> <package1> [<package2>...]' ) local options=( '-h[help]' '--help[help]' ) local special for word in "${words[@]}"; do if [[ " ${subcommands[@]%%:*} " =~ " ${word} " ]]; then special="${word}" break fi done if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* ]]; then _arguments -C "${options[@]}" elif [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == */* ]]; then _files else case $special in change|set|add|Add) _epm_complete_repolist ;; rm|del|remove) _epm_complete_repolist ;; switch) _epm_complete_repolist ;; enable|disable) _epm_complete_repolist ;; create|index) _files ;; pkgadd|pkgupdate|pkgdel) _files ;; *) _describe -t subcommands "repo subcommands" subcommands ;; esac fi } _epm_complete_autoremove() { local subcommands=( 'libs:remove libraries' 'libs-devel:remove development libraries' 'i586-libs:remove i586 libraries' 'debuginfo:remove debug information' 'devel:remove development packages' 'python:remove Python packages' 'python2:remove Python 2 packages' 'python3:remove Python 3 packages' 'perl:remove Perl packages' 'gem:remove Gem packages' 'ruby:remove Ruby packages' ) local options=( '--auto[for non interactive mode]' '--assumeyes[for non interactive mode]' '--non-interactive[for non interactive mode]' '--help[for non interactive mode]' ) if [[ $(epm print info -s) == 'alt' ]]; then options+=('--direct[direct removal]') local special for word in "${words[@]}"; do if [[ "--direct" == "${word}" ]]; then special="${word}" break fi done fi if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* ]]; then _arguments $options elif [[ -n $special ]]; then _describe 'subcommand' subcommands fi } # TODO need help with it # do system commands complete _epm_complete_qf() { local current_word="${words[CURRENT]}" if [[ "$current_word" == */* ]]; then _files fi } _epm_play_packages() { local play_packages if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* ]]; then _arguments \ '--remove[remove a play package]' \ '--update[update a play package]' \ '--list[list play packages]' \ '--list-all[list all play packages]' \ '--list-scripts[list play package scripts]' \ '--short[short format]' \ '--installed[list installed play packages]' \ '--product-alternatives[list product alternatives]' \ '--quiet[quiet mode]' else play_packages=( $(epm play --list-all --quiet --short) ) _describe -t play-packages 'play package' play_packages fi } _epm_available_packages() { local available_packages available_packages=( $(epm list --available --quiet --short --direct) ) _describe -t available-packages 'available package' available_packages if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* ]]; then _arguments -C "${EEPM_SHORT_ARGS[@]}" "${EEPM_FULL_ARGS[@]}" fi } _epm_installed_packages() { local installed_packages installed_packages=( $(epm list --installed --quiet --short --direct) ) _describe -t installed-packages 'installed package' installed_packages if [[ ${words[CURRENT]} == -* ]]; then _arguments -C "${EEPM_SHORT_ARGS[@]}" "${EEPM_FULL_ARGS[@]}" fi } compdef _epm epm eepm epmi epme epmp epmqf epmI epms epmsf epmu epmq epmql epmqa epmqi epmcl epmrl epmwd epmqp