#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2012, 2017, 2019 Etersoft # Copyright (C) 2012, 2017, 2019 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@etersoft.ru> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # load_helper epm-sh-altlinux ETERSOFTPUBURL=http://download.etersoft.ru/pub ALTLINUXPUBURL=http://ftp.altlinux.org/pub/distributions __epm_addrepo_rhel() { local repo="$*" if [ -z "$repo" ] ; then message 'Add repo. 1. Use with repository URL, f.i. http://www.example.com/example.repo 2. Use with epel to add EPEL repository 3. Use with powertools to add PowerTools repository 4. Use with crb to add Rocky Linux CRB repository' return 1 fi case "$1" in epel) # dnf -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm epm install epel-release return 1 ;; powertools) # https://serverfault.com/questions/997896/how-to-enable-powertools-repository-in-centos-8 assure_exists dnf-plugins-core sudocmd dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools return 1 ;; crb) # https://wiki.rockylinux.org/rocky/repo/ assure_exists dnf-plugins-core sudocmd dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb return 1 ;; esac return 0 } __epm_addrepo_etersoft_addon() { epm install --skip-installed apt-conf-etersoft-common apt-conf-etersoft-hold || fatal # TODO: ignore only error code 22 (skipped) || fatal local pb="$DISTRVERSION/branch" [ "$DISTRVERSION" = "Sisyphus" ] && pb="$DISTRVERSION" # FIXME [ -n "$DISTRVERSION" ] || fatal "Empty DISTRVERSION" docmd epm repo add "rpm [etersoft] $ETERSOFTPUBURL/Etersoft LINUX@Etersoft/$pb/noarch addon" docmd epm repo add "rpm [etersoft] $ETERSOFTPUBURL/Etersoft LINUX@Etersoft/$pb/$DISTRARCH addon" if [ "$DISTRARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then docmd epm repo add "rpm [etersoft] $ETERSOFTPUBURL/Etersoft LINUX@Etersoft/$pb/x86_64-i586 addon" fi } __get_sign() { local repo="$1" rhas "$repo" "^c[0-9]" && echo "[cert8]" && return [ "$repo" = "sisyphus" ] && repo="alt" # alt c* distr has no alt vendor rhas "$DISTRVERSION" "^c[0-9]" && return [ -n "$repo" ] && echo "[$repo]" } get_archlist() { echo "noarch" echo "$DISTRARCH" case $DISTRARCH in x86_64) echo "x86_64-i586" ;; esac } # arg: $branch "URL ALTLinux/$repo" "classic" __epm_addrepo_add_alt_repo() { local branch="$1" local repourl="$2" local comp="$3" local sign sign="$(__get_sign $repo)" [ -n "$comp" ] | comp="classic" local i for i in $(get_archlist) ; do epm repo add "rpm $sign $repourl/$i $comp" done } # args: p10|c10f1|sisyphus __epm_addrepo_main_alt_repo() { local repo="$1" local baseurl="http://ftp.basealt.ru/pub/distributions" local repopart [ "$repo" = "sisyphus" ] && repopart="Sisyphus" || repopart="$repo/branch" __epm_addrepo_add_alt_repo "$repo" "$baseurl ALTLinux/$repopart" "classic" } # 'rpm protocol:/path/to/repo component' __epm_addrepo_altlinux_short() { [ -n "$1" ] || fatal "only for rpm repo" local url="$2" local REPO_NAME="$3" local arch arch="$(basename "$url")" url="$(dirname "$url")" docmd epm repo add "rpm $url $arch $REPO_NAME" } __epm_addrepo_altlinux_url() { local url="$1" local arch local base # apt supports 302 redirect only since apt 0.7.21 (14th April 2009) url="$(eget --get-real-url $url)" # URL to path/RPMS.addon base="$(basename "$url")" if echo "$base" | grep -q "^RPMS\." ; then REPO_NAME="$(echo $base | sed -e 's|.*\.||')" url="$(dirname $url)" __epm_addrepo_altlinux_short rpm "$url" "$REPO_NAME" return fi # TODO: add to eget file:/ support and use here # URL to path (where RPMS.addon is exists) local baseurl="$(eget --list "$url/RPMS.*")" base="$(basename "$baseurl")" if echo "$base" | grep -q "^RPMS\." ; then REPO_NAME="$(echo "$base" | sed -e 's|.*\.||')" __epm_addrepo_altlinux_short rpm "$url" "$REPO_NAME" return fi # URL to {i586,x86_64,noarch}/RPMS.addon local res='' for arch in $(get_archlist) ; do local rd="$(eget --list $url/$arch/RPMS.*)" [ -n "$rd" ] || continue local REPO_NAME="$(echo "$rd" | sed -e 's|/*$||' -e 's|.*\.||')" [ "$REPO_NAME" = "*" ] && continue docmd epm repo add "rpm $url $arch $REPO_NAME" res='1' done [ -n "$res" ] || warning "There is no arch repos in $url" } __epm_addrepo_altlinux_help() { message ' epm repo add - add branch repo. Use follow params: basealt - for BaseALT repo altsp - add ALT SP repo yandex - for BaseALT repo mirror hosted by Yandex (recommended) autoimports - for BaseALT autoimports repo autoports - for Autoports repo (with packages from Sisyphus rebuilt to the branch) altlinuxclub - for altlinuxclub repo (http://altlinuxclub.ru/) deferred - for Etersoft Sisyphus Deferred repo deferred.org - for Etersoft Sisyphus Deferred repo (at mirror.eterfund.org) etersoft - for LINUX@Etersoft repo korinf - for Korinf repo <task number> - add task repo archive 2018/02/09 - add archive of the repo from that date /dir/to/repo [component] - add repo dir generated with epm repo index --init URL [arch] [component] - add repo by URL Examples: # epm repo add yandex # epm repo add "rpm http://somesite/pub/product x86_64 addon # epm repo add /var/ftp/pub/altlinux/p10 ' return } # like apt-add-repository on deb systems __epm_addrepo_apt() { local repo="$*" epm repo list --quiet 2>/dev/null | grep -q -F "$repo" && return 0 if [ -n "$dryrun" ] ; then echo "$repo" return fi local sc="sudocmd" [ -z "$quiet" ] || sc="sudorun" [ -z "$(tail -n1 /etc/apt/sources.list)" ] || echo "" | $sc tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list echo "$repo" | $sc tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list } __epm_addrepo_altlinux() { local repo="$*" if [ -z "$repo" ] || [ "$repo" = "-h" ] || [ "$repo" = "--list" ] || [ "$repo" = "--help" ] ; then __epm_addrepo_altlinux_help return fi # 'rpm protocol:/path/to/repo component' if [ "$1" = "rpm" ] && [ -n "$2" ] && [ -n "$3" ] && [ -z "$4" ] ; then __epm_addrepo_altlinux_short "$@" return fi # /path/to/repo if [ -d "$1" ] ; then __epm_addrepo_altlinux_url "file:$1" return fi # file:/path/to/repo or http://path/to/repo if is_url "$1" ; then __epm_addrepo_altlinux_url "$1" return fi local branch="$(echo "$DISTRVERSION" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" [ -n "$branch" ] || fatal "Empty DISTRVERSION" case "$1" in etersoft) # TODO: return when Etersoft improved its repos #info "add Etersoft's addon repo" #__epm_addrepo_etersoft_addon epm repo add $branch epm repofix etersoft return 0 ;; basealt|alt|altsp) repo="$branch" ;; yandex) epm repo add $branch epm repofix yandex return 0 ;; autoimports) repo="autoimports.$branch" ;; autoports) local http="http" epm installed apt-https && http="https" case $branch in p10|p9|p8) ;; *) fatal "Autoports is not supported for $DISTRNAME $branch. Check https://www.altlinux.org/Autoports ." ;; esac epm repo addkey cronbuild "DE73F3444C163CCD751AC483B584C633278EB305" "Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux.org>" epm repo add "rpm [cronbuild] $http://autoports.altlinux.org/pub ALTLinux/autoports/$DISTRVERSION/$DISTRARCH autoports" epm repo add "rpm [cronbuild] $http://autoports.altlinux.org/pub ALTLinux/autoports/$DISTRVERSION/noarch autoports" return 0 ;; altlinuxclub) repo="altlinuxclub.$branch" ;; autoimports.*|altlinuxclub.*) repo="$1" ;; korinf) local http="http" epm installed apt-https && http="https" epm repo add "rpm $http://download.etersoft.ru/pub Korinf/ALTLinux/$DISTRVERSION main" return 0 ;; deferred) [ "$DISTRVERSION" = "Sisyphus" ] || fatal "Etersoft Sisyphus Deferred supported only for ALT Sisyphus." epm repo add "http://download.etersoft.ru/pub/Etersoft/Sisyphus/Deferred" return 0 ;; deferred.org) [ "$DISTRVERSION" = "Sisyphus" ] || fatal "Etersoft Sisyphus Deferred supported only for ALT Sisyphus." epm repo add "http://mirror.eterfund.org/download.etersoft.ru/pub/Etersoft/Sisyphus/Deferred" return 0 ;; archive) if [ "$2" = "sisyphus" ] ; then branch="$2" shift fi datestr="$2" echo "$datestr" | grep -Eq "^20[0-2][0-9]/[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]$" || fatal "use follow date format: 2017/01/31" __epm_addrepo_add_alt_repo "$branch $ALTLINUXPUBURL archive/$branch/date/$datestr" "classic" return 0 ;; esac if tasknumber "$repo" >/dev/null ; then #sudocmd_foreach "apt-repo $dryrun add" $(tasknumber "$repo") for i in $repo ; do epm repo add "https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/$i/build/repo" done return fi case "$repo" in c10f3|c10f2|c10f1|c9f2|c9f1|c9) __epm_addrepo_main_alt_repo "$repo" return ;; p11|p10|p9|p8) __epm_addrepo_main_alt_repo "$repo" return ;; esac if [ -z "$force" ] ; then # don't add again epm repo list --quiet | grep -q -F "$repo" && return 0 fi if echo "$repo" | grep -q "https://" ; then local mh="$(echo /usr/lib*/apt/methods/https)" assure_exists $mh apt-https fi # when add correct sources.list string if echo "$repo" | grep "^rpm " ; then __epm_addrepo_apt "$repo" return fi # TODO: rewrite this fallback assure_exists apt-repo sudocmd apt-repo $dryrun add "$repo" } __epm_addrepo_astra() { local repo="$*" if [ -z "$repo" ] || [ "$repo" = "--help" ]; then message 'Add repo. You can use follow params: distribution component name full sources list line URL version component' return fi local reponame="$(epm print info --repo-name)" # keywords # https://wiki.astralinux.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3276859 case "$1-$reponame" in astra-1.7_x86-64) # TODO epm repo change http / https epm install --skip-installed apt-transport-https ca-certificates || fatal if epm repo list | grep "dl.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64" ; then fatal "Astra repo is already in the list" fi # https://wiki.astralinux.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=158598882 epm repo add "deb [arch-=i386] https://dl.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-main/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free" epm repo add "deb [arch-=i386] https://dl.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-update/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free" epm repo add "deb [arch-=i386] https://dl.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-base/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free" epm repo add "deb [arch-=i386] https://dl.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-extended/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free" epm repo add "deb [arch-=i386] https://dl.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-extended/ 1.7_x86-64 astra-ce" return ;; astra-orel) # TODO epm repo change http / https epm install --skip-installed apt-transport-https ca-certificates || fatal # https://wiki.astralinux.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=158605543 epm repo add "deb [arch=amd64] https://dl.astralinux.ru/astra/frozen/$(epm print info -v)_x86-64/$(epm print info --full-version)/repository stable main contrib non-free" #epm repo add "deb https://download.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/orel/repository/ orel main contrib non-free" return ;; astra-*) fatal 'Unsupported distro version $1-$reponame, see # epm print info output.' ;; esac #echo "Use workaround for AstraLinux ..." # aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for AstraLinuxCE/orel __epm_addrepo_apt "$repo" return } __epm_addrepo_alpine() { local repo="$1" is_url "$repo" || fatal "Only URL is supported" epm repo list --quiet | grep -q -F "$repo" && return 0 echo "$repo" | sudocmd tee -a /etc/apk/repositories } __epm_addrepo_deb() { assure_exists apt-add-repository software-properties-common local ad="$DISTRARCH" # TODO: move to distro_info local nd="$(a= lsb_release -cs)" local repo="$*" if [ -z "$repo" ] || [ "$repo" = "--help" ]; then message 'Add repo. You can use follow params: docker - add official docker repo ppa:<user>/<ppa-name> - add PPA repo distribution component name full sources list line URL version component' return fi # keywords case "$1" in docker) __epm_addkey_deb https://download.docker.com/linux/$PKGVENDOR/gpg "9DC858229FC7DD38854AE2D88D81803C0EBFCD88" repo="https://download.docker.com/linux/$PKGVENDOR $nd stable" ;; esac # if started from url, use heroistic if echo "$repo" | grep -E -q "^https?://" ; then repo="deb [arch=$ad] $repo" fi if echo "$repo" | grep -q "https://" ; then assure_exists /usr/share/doc/apt-transport-https apt-transport-https assure_exists /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates ca-certificates fi if [ -d "$repo" ] ; then epm repo add "deb file:$repo ./" return fi # FIXME: quotes in showcmd/sudocmd showcmd apt-add-repository "$repo" sudorun apt-add-repository "$repo" info "Check file /etc/apt/sources.list if needed" } epm_addrepo() { local repo="$*" case $BASEDISTRNAME in "alt") __epm_addrepo_altlinux "$@" return ;; "astra") __epm_addrepo_astra "$@" return ;; "apk") __epm_addrepo_alpine "$repo" || return ;; esac case $PMTYPE in apt-dpkg) __epm_addrepo_deb "$@" ;; aptitude-dpkg) info "You need manually add repo to /etc/apt/sources.list (TODO)" ;; yum-rpm) assure_exists yum-utils __epm_addrepo_rhel "$repo" || return sudocmd yum-config-manager --add-repo "$repo" ;; dnf-rpm) __epm_addrepo_rhel "$repo" || return sudocmd dnf config-manager --add-repo "$repo" ;; dnf5-rpm) __epm_addrepo_rhel "$repo" || return sudocmd dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile "$repo" ;; urpm-rpm) sudocmd urpmi.addmedia "$@" ;; zypper-rpm) sudocmd zypper ar "$repo" ;; emerge) sudocmd layman -a "$repo" ;; pacman) info "You need manually add repo to /etc/pacman.conf" # Only for alone packages: #sudocmd repo-add $pkg_filenames ;; pisi) sudocmd pisi add-repo "$repo" ;; npackd) sudocmd npackdcl add-repo --url="$repo" ;; winget) sudocmd winget source add "$repo" ;; nix) sudocmd nix-channel --add "$repo" ;; termux-pkg) sudocmd pkg install "$repo" ;; slackpkg) info "You need manually add repo to /etc/slackpkg/mirrors" ;; *) fatal 'Have no suitable command for $PMTYPE' ;; esac }