#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Etersoft # Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@etersoft.ru> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # load_helper epm-sh-altlinux load_helper epm-sh-install load_helper epm-query load_helper epm-assure load_helper epm-repack load_helper epm-check_updated_repo load_helper epm-sh-warmup # for zypper before SUSE/11.0 __use_zypper_no_gpg_checks() { a='' zypper install --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- "--no-gpg-checks" && echo "--no-gpg-checks" } # args: cmd_reinstall, cmd_install, packages __separate_sudocmd_foreach() { local cmd_re=$1 local cmd_in=$2 shift 2 separate_installed $@ if [ -n "$pkg_noninstalled" ] ; then sudocmd_foreach "$cmd_re" $pkg_noninstalled || return fi if [ -n "$pkg_installed" ] ; then sudocmd_foreach "$cmd_in" $pkg_installed || return fi return 0 } # args: cmd_reinstall, cmd_install, packages __separate_sudocmd() { local cmd_re=$1 local cmd_in=$2 shift 2 separate_installed $@ if [ -n "$pkg_noninstalled" ] ; then sudocmd $cmd_re $pkg_noninstalled || return fi if [ -n "$pkg_installed" ] ; then sudocmd $cmd_in $pkg_installed || return fi return 0 } # copied from etersoft-build-utils/share/eterbuild/functions/rpmpkg epm_install_names() { [ -z "$1" ] && return warmup_hibase if [ -n "$download_only" ] ; then epm download "$@" return fi if [ -n "$non_interactive" ] ; then epm_ni_install_names "$@" return fi case $PMTYPE in apt-rpm|apt-dpkg) APTOPTIONS="$APTOPTIONS $(subst_option verbose "-o Debug::pkgMarkInstall=1 -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=1")" sudocmd apt-get $APTOPTIONS $noremove install $@ && save_installed_packages $@ return ;; aptitude-dpkg) sudocmd aptitude install $@ return ;; deepsolver-rpm) sudocmd ds-install $@ return ;; urpm-rpm) sudocmd urpmi $URPMOPTIONS $@ return ;; packagekit) docmd pkcon install $@ return ;; pkgsrc) sudocmd pkg_add -r $@ return ;; pkgng) sudocmd pkg install $@ return ;; emerge) sudocmd emerge -uD $@ return ;; pacman) sudocmd pacman -S $nodeps $@ return ;; aura) sudocmd aura -A $force $nodeps $@ return ;; yum-rpm) sudocmd yum $YUMOPTIONS install $(echo "$*" | exp_with_arch_suffix) return ;; dnf-rpm) sudocmd dnf install $(echo "$*" | exp_with_arch_suffix) return ;; snappy) sudocmd snappy install $@ return ;; zypper-rpm) sudocmd zypper install $ZYPPEROPTIONS $@ return ;; mpkg) sudocmd mpkg install $@ return ;; eopkg) sudocmd eopkg $(subst_option nodeps --ignore-dependency) install $@ return ;; conary) sudocmd conary update $@ return ;; npackd) # FIXME: correct arg __separate_sudocmd_foreach "npackdcl add --package=" "npackdcl update --package=" $@ return ;; slackpkg) __separate_sudocmd_foreach "/usr/sbin/slackpkg install" "/usr/sbin/slackpkg upgrade" $@ return ;; homebrew) # FIXME: sudo and quote SUDO='' __separate_sudocmd "brew install" "brew upgrade" "$@" return ;; opkg) [ -n "$force" ] && force=-force-depends sudocmd opkg $force install $@ return ;; nix) __separate_sudocmd "nix-env --install" "nix-env --upgrade" "$@" return ;; apk) sudocmd apk add $@ return ;; tce) sudocmd tce-load -wi $@ return ;; guix) __separate_sudocmd "guix package -i" "guix package -i" $@ return ;; android) fatal "We still have no idea how to use package repository, ever if it is F-Droid." return ;; aptcyg) sudocmd apt-cyg install $@ return ;; xbps) sudocmd xbps-install $@ return ;; appget|winget) sudocmd $PMTYPE install $@ return ;; *) fatal "Have no suitable install command for $PMTYPE" ;; esac } # Non interactive install epm_ni_install_names() { [ -z "$1" ] && return case $PMTYPE in apt-rpm) sudocmd apt-get -y $noremove --force-yes -o APT::Install::VirtualVersion=true -o APT::Install::Virtual=true -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" $APTOPTIONS install $@ return ;; apt-dpkg) sudocmd env ACCEPT_EULA=y DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y $noremove --force-yes -o APT::Install::VirtualVersion=true -o APT::Install::Virtual=true -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" $APTOPTIONS install $@ return ;; aptitude-dpkg) sudocmd env ACCEPT_EULA=y DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive aptitude -y install $@ return ;; yum-rpm) sudocmd yum -y $YUMOPTIONS install $(echo "$*" | exp_with_arch_suffix) return ;; dnf-rpm) sudocmd dnf -y --allowerasing $YUMOPTIONS install $(echo "$*" | exp_with_arch_suffix) return ;; urpm-rpm) sudocmd urpmi --auto $URPMOPTIONS $@ return ;; zypper-rpm) # FIXME: returns true ever no package found, need check for "no found", "Nothing to do." yes | sudocmd zypper --non-interactive $ZYPPEROPTIONS install $@ return ;; packagekit) docmd pkcon install --noninteractive $@ return ;; pkgsrc) sudocmd pkg_add -r $@ return ;; pkgng) sudocmd pkg install -y $@ return ;; emerge) sudocmd emerge -uD $@ return ;; pacman) sudocmd pacman -S --noconfirm $nodeps $@ return ;; aura) sudocmd aura -A $force $nodeps $@ return ;; npackd) # npackdcl update --package=<package> (remove old and install new) sudocmd npackdcl add --package="$*" return ;; chocolatey) docmd chocolatey install $@ return ;; opkg) sudocmd opkg -force-defaults install $@ return ;; eopkg) sudocmd eopkg --yes-all install $@ return ;; nix) sudocmd nix-env --install $@ return ;; apk) sudocmd apk add $@ return ;; tce) sudocmd tce-load -wi $@ return ;; xbps) sudocmd xbps-install -y $@ return ;; appget|winget) sudocmd $PMTYPE -s install $@ return ;; homebrew) # FIXME: sudo and quote SUDO='' __separate_sudocmd "brew install" "brew upgrade" $@ return ;; #android) # sudocmd pm install $@ # return ;; slackpkg) # FIXME: broken status when use batch and default answer __separate_sudocmd_foreach "/usr/sbin/slackpkg -batch=on -default_answer=yes install" "/usr/sbin/slackpkg -batch=on -default_answer=yes upgrade" $@ return ;; *) fatal "Have no suitable appropriate install command for $PMTYPE" ;; esac } __epm_check_if_rpm_already_installed() { # Not: we can make optimize if just check version? LANG=C sudorun rpm -Uvh --test "$@" 2>&1 | grep -q "is already installed" } __handle_direct_install() { case "$BASEDISTRNAME" in "alt") load_helper epm-download local pkg url for pkg in $pkg_names ; do url=$(__epm_get_altpkg_url $pkg) [ -n "$url" ] || continue # TODO: use estrlist pkg_urls="$pkg_urls $url" done # FIXME: need remove pkg_names="" ;; esac } # TODO: forbid src.rpm __epm_check_if_src_rpm() { local pkg for pkg in $@ ; do echo "$pkg" | grep -q "\.src.\rpm" && fatal "Installation of a source packages (like '$pkg') is not supported." done } __epm_if_command_path() { is_dirpath "$1" && rhas "$1" "bin/" } epm_install_files() { local files="$*" [ -z "$files" ] && return # TODO: check read permissions # sudo test -r FILE # do not fallback to install_names if we have no permissions case "$BASEDISTRNAME" in "alt") # do not use low-level for install by file path (f.i. epm install /usr/bin/git) if __epm_if_command_path $files ; then epm_install_names $files return fi # on ALT install target can be a real path if __epm_repack_if_needed $files ; then [ -n "$repacked_pkgs" ] || fatal "Can't convert $files" files="$repacked_pkgs" fi if [ -n "$save_only" ] ; then echo cp -v $files "$EPMCURDIR" return fi __epm_check_if_src_rpm $files if [ -z "$repacked_pkgs" ] ; then __epm_check_vendor $files __epm_check_if_needed_repack $files fi # --replacepkgs: Install the Package Even If Already Installed local replacepkgs='--replacepkgs' # don't use --replacepkgs when install only one file [ -f "$files" ] && replacepkgs='' sudocmd rpm -Uvh $replacepkgs $(subst_option dryrun --test) $force $noscripts $nodeps $files && save_installed_packages $files && return local RES=$? # TODO: check rpm result code and convert it to compatible format if possible __epm_check_if_rpm_already_installed $force $replacepkgs $noscripts $nodeps $files && return # if run with --nodeps, do not fallback on hi level [ -n "$nodeps" ] && return $RES # separate second output info # try install via apt if we could't install package file via rpm (we guess we need install requirements firsly) # TODO: use it always (apt can install version from repo instead of a file package) if [ -n "$noscripts" ] ; then info "Workaround for install packages via apt with --noscripts (see https://bugzilla.altlinux.org/44670)" info "Firstly install package requrements …" # TODO: can we install only requires via apt? epm install $(epm req --short $files) || return # retry with rpm # --replacepkgs: Install the Package Even If Already Installed local replacepkgs='--replacepkgs' # don't use --replacepkgs when install only one file [ -f "$files" ] && replacepkgs='' sudocmd rpm -Uvh $replacepkgs $(subst_option dryrun --test) $force $noscripts $nodeps $files && save_installed_packages $files return fi epm_install_names $files return ;; esac case $PMTYPE in apt-dpkg|aptitude-dpkg) # the new version of the conf. file is installed with a .dpkg-dist suffix if [ -n "$non_interactive" ] ; then DPKGOPTIONS="--force-confdef --force-confold" fi if __epm_repack_if_needed $files ; then [ -n "$repacked_pkgs" ] || fatal "Can't convert $files" files="$repacked_pkgs" # TODO #__epm_remove_tmp_files fi if [ -n "$save_only" ] ; then echo cp -v $files "$EPMCURDIR" return fi # TODO: if dpkg can't install due missed deps, trying with apt (as for now, --refuse-depends, --refuse-breaks don't help me) if [ -n "$nodeps" ] ; then sudocmd dpkg $DPKGOPTIONS -i $files return fi # for too old apt-get # TODO: check apt-get version? apt_can_install_files='1' if [ "$DISTRNAME" = "Ubuntu" ] ; then [ "$DISTRVERSION" = "14.04" ] && apt_can_install_files='' [ "$DISTRVERSION" = "12.04" ] && apt_can_install_files='' fi if [ -n "$apt_can_install_files" ] ; then # TODO: don't resolve fuzzy dependencies () # are there apt that don't support dpkg files to install? epm_install_names $(make_filepath $files) return fi # old way: sudocmd dpkg $DPKGOPTIONS -i $files local RES=$? # return OK if all is OK [ "$RES" = "0" ] && return $RES # TODO: workaround with epm-check needed only for very old apt # run apt -f install if there are were some errors during install load_helper epm-check epm_check # repeat install for get correct status sudocmd dpkg $DPKGOPTIONS -i $files return ;; *-rpm) if __epm_repack_if_needed $files ; then [ -n "$repacked_pkgs" ] || fatal "Can't convert $files" files="$repacked_pkgs" # TODO #__epm_remove_tmp_files fi if [ -n "$save_only" ] ; then echo cp -v $files "$EPMCURDIR" return fi __epm_check_if_src_rpm $files # --replacepkgs: Install the Package Even If Already Installed local replacepkgs='--replacepkgs' # don't use --replacepkgs when install only one file [ -f "$files" ] && replacepkgs='' sudocmd rpm -Uvh $replacepkgs $(subst_option dryrun --test) $force $noscripts $nodeps $files && return local RES=$? __epm_check_if_rpm_already_installed $force $replacepkgs $noscripts $nodeps $files && return # if run with --nodeps, do not fallback on hi level [ -n "$nodeps" ] && return $RES # fallback to install names # separate second output info case $PMTYPE in yum-rpm|dnf-rpm) YUMOPTIONS=--nogpgcheck # use install_names ;; zypper-rpm) ZYPPEROPTIONS=$(__use_zypper_no_gpg_checks) # use install_names ;; urpm-rpm) URPMOPTIONS=--no-verify-rpm # use install_names ;; *) # use install_names ;; esac epm_install_names $files return ;; esac # check save_only before commands without repack supporting if [ -n "$save_only" ] ; then echo cp -v $files "$EPMCURDIR" return fi case $PMTYPE in packagekit) docmd pkcon install-local $files return ;; pkgsrc) sudocmd pkg_add $files return ;; pkgng) local PKGTYPE="$(get_package_type $files)" case "$PKGTYPE" in tbz) sudocmd pkg_add $files ;; *) sudocmd pkg add $files ;; esac return ;; android) sudocmd pm install $files return ;; eopkg) sudocmd eopkg install $files return ;; emerge) load_helper epm-install-emerge sudocmd epm_install_emerge $files return ;; pacman) sudocmd pacman -U --noconfirm $nodeps $files && return local RES=$? [ -n "$nodeps" ] && return $RES sudocmd pacman -U $files return ;; slackpkg) # FIXME: check for full package name # FIXME: broken status when use batch and default answer __separate_sudocmd_foreach "/sbin/installpkg" "/sbin/upgradepkg" $files return ;; esac # other systems can install file package via ordinary command epm_install_names $files } epm_print_install_command() { # print out low level command by default (wait --low-level for control it) #[ -z "$1" ] && return [ -z "$1" ] && [ -n "$pkg_names" ] && return case $PMTYPE in *-rpm) echo "rpm -Uvh --force $nodeps $*" ;; *-dpkg) echo "dpkg -i $*" ;; pkgsrc) echo "pkg_add $*" ;; pkgng) echo "pkg add $*" ;; emerge) # need be placed in /usr/portage/packages/somewhere echo "emerge --usepkg $*" ;; pacman) echo "pacman -U --noconfirm $nodeps $*" ;; slackpkg) echo "/sbin/installpkg $*" ;; npackd) echo "npackdcl add --package=$*" ;; opkg) echo "opkg install $*" ;; eopkg) echo "eopkg install $*" ;; android) echo "pm install $*" ;; aptcyg) echo "apt-cyg install $*" ;; tce) echo "tce-load -wi $*" ;; xbps) echo "xbps-install -y $*" ;; appget|winget) echo "$PMTYPE install -s $*" ;; homebrew) # FIXME: sudo and quote echo "brew install $*" ;; *) fatal "Have no suitable appropriate install command for $PMTYPE" ;; esac } epm_print_install_names_command() { # check for pkg_files to support print out command without pkg names in args #[ -z "$1" ] && [ -n "$pkg_files" ] && return [ -z "$1" ] && return case $PMTYPE in apt-rpm) echo "apt-get -y --force-yes -o APT::Install::VirtualVersion=true -o APT::Install::Virtual=true $APTOPTIONS install $*" return ;; apt-dpkg) # this command not for complex use. ACCEPT_EULA=y DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive echo "apt-get -y --force-yes -o APT::Install::VirtualVersion=true -o APT::Install::Virtual=true $APTOPTIONS install $*" return ;; aptitude-dpkg) echo "aptitude -y install $*" return ;; yum-rpm) echo "yum -y $YUMOPTIONS install $*" return ;; dnf-rpm) echo "dnf -y $YUMOPTIONS --allowerasing install $*" return ;; urpm-rpm) echo "urpmi --auto $URPMOPTIONS $*" return ;; zypper-rpm) echo "zypper --non-interactive $ZYPPEROPTIONS install $*" return ;; packagekit) echo "pkcon --noninteractive $*" return ;; pacman) echo "pacman -S --noconfirm $*" return ;; chocolatey) echo "chocolatey install $*" return ;; nix) echo "nix-env --install $*" return ;; eopkg) echo "eopkg install $*" return ;; appget|winget) echo "$PMTYPE install $*" return ;; *) fatal "Have no suitable appropriate install command for $PMTYPE" ;; esac } # apt-repo with non_interactive support apt_repo_prepare() { assure_exists apt-repo [ -n "$non_interactive" ] || return set_sudo trap "$SUDO rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/eepm-apt-noninteractive.conf 2>/dev/null" EXIT echo 'APT::Get::Assume-Yes "true";' | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/eepm-apt-noninteractive.conf >/dev/null } apt_repo_after() { [ -n "$non_interactive" ] || return $SUDO rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/eepm-apt-noninteractive.conf 2>/dev/null } epm_install() { if [ "$BASEDISTRNAME" = "alt" ] ; then if tasknumber "$pkg_names" >/dev/null ; then local res # TODO: don't use apt-repo apt_repo_prepare sudocmd_foreach "apt-repo test" $(tasknumber $pkg_names) res=$? apt_repo_after return $res fi fi if [ -n "$show_command_only" ] ; then # TODO: handle pkg_urls too epm_print_install_command $pkg_files epm_print_install_names_command $pkg_names return fi if [ -n "$interactive" ] ; then confirm_info "You are about to install $pkg_names $pkg_files $pkg_urls package(s)." # TODO: for some packages with dependencies apt will ask later again fi # TODO: put it after empty install list checking? if [ -n "$direct" ] && [ -z "$repack" ] ; then __handle_direct_install fi # if possible, it will put pkg_urls into pkg_files and reconstruct pkg_filenames if [ -n "$pkg_urls" ] ; then load_helper epm-download __handle_pkg_urls_to_install fi [ -z "$pkg_files$pkg_names" ] && info "Skip empty install list" && return 22 # to be filter happy warmup_lowbase # Note: filter_out_installed_packages depends on skip_installed flag local names="$(echo $pkg_names | filter_out_installed_packages)" #local names="$(echo $pkg_names | exp_with_arch_suffix | filter_out_installed_packages)" local files="$(echo $pkg_files | filter_out_installed_packages)" # can be empty only after skip installed if [ -z "$files$names" ] ; then # TODO: assert $skip_installed [ -n "$verbose" ] && info "Skip empty install list (filtered out)" # FIXME: see to_remove below return 0 fi if [ -z "$files" ] && [ -z "$direct" ] ; then # it is useful for first time running update_repo_if_needed fi # FIXME: see to_remove below epm_install_names $names || return # save files before install and repack if [ -n "$download_only" ] && [ -n "$files" ] ; then echo cp -v $files "$EPMCURDIR" return fi # repack binary files if [ -n "$repack" ] ; then __epm_repack $files || return files="$repacked_pkgs" fi epm_install_files $files local RETVAL=$? __epm_remove_tmp_files return $RETVAL }