#!/bin/sh PKGNAME=rustdesk SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64" VERSION="$2" DESCRIPTION="RustDesk — Display and control your PC and Android devices" URL="https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/" . $(dirname $0)/common.sh arch=$(epm print info -a) pkgtype=deb if [ "$VERSION" = "1.1.9" ] ; then #rustdesk-1.1.9-raspberry-armhf.deb #rustdesk-1.1.9.deb #[ "$VERSION" = "*" ] && VERSION="[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]" #[ "$arch" = "armhf" ] && VERSION="$VERSION-raspberry-armhf" MASK="$PKGNAME-$VERSION.$pkgtype" else MASK="$PKGNAME-$VERSION-$arch.$pkgtype" fi PKGURL=$(eget --list --latest https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/releases "$MASK") # if [ "$VERSION" = "*" ] && echo "$PKGURL" | grep -q "nightly" ; then echo "Skipping nightly $PKGURL ..." PKGURL=$(eget --list --second-latest https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/releases "$MASK") fi install_pkgurl cat <<EOF Note: run # serv rustdesk on to enable needed rustdesk system service (daemon) EOF