#!/bin/sh BASEPKGNAME=Telegram PRODUCTALT="'' beta" SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64" VERSION="$2" DESCRIPTION="Telegram client from the official site" URL="https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop" TIPS="Run 'epm play telegram=beta' to install beta version of the Telegram client. Run 'epm play telegram version' to install the version of the Telegram client." . $(dirname $0)/common.sh if [ "$VERSION" = "*" ] ; then [ "$PKGNAME" = "$BASEPKGNAME" ] || VERSION="*beta" if ! is_glibc_enough 2.32 ; then VERSION="4.9.5" fi if ! is_glibc_enough 2.28 ; then fatal "glibc is too old, upgrade your system." fi PKGURL=$(eget --list --latest https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/releases "tsetup.$VERSION.tar.xz") #" else PKGBASEURL="https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/releases/download/v$VERSION" [ "$PKGNAME" = "$BASEPKGNAME" ] || VERSION="$VERSION.beta" # version can be 1.2.3.beta or 1.2.3 PKGURL="$PKGBASEURL/tsetup.$VERSION.tar.xz" #if [ "$PKGNAME" = "$BASEPKGNAME" ] && ! epm tool eget --check-url "$PKGURL" ; then # PKGURL="$PKGBASEURL/tsetup.$VERSION.beta.tar.xz" #fi fi # override PKGNAME for beta version echo "$PKGURL" | grep -q "beta.tar.xz" && override_pkgname "$BASEPKGNAME-beta" install_pack_pkgurl