#!/bin/sh -x # It will be run with two args: buildroot spec BUILDROOT="$1" SPEC="$2" PRODUCT=rustdesk . $(dirname $0)/common.sh subst '1iAutoProv:no' $SPEC # put service file to the normal place mkdir -p $BUILDROOT/etc/systemd/system/ cp $BUILDROOT/usr/share/rustdesk/files/systemd/rustdesk.service $BUILDROOT/etc/systemd/system/$PRODUCT.service remove_file /usr/share/rustdesk/files/systemd/rustdesk.service pack_file /etc/systemd/system/$PRODUCT.service # TODO # if [[ "$parsedVersion" -gt "360" ]]; then # sudo -H pip3 install pynput remove_file /usr/share/rustdesk/files/pynput_service.py # filter_from_requires "python3(pynput.*" echo "Categories=GNOME;GTK;Network;RemoteAccess;" >> $BUILDROOT/usr/share/applications/$PRODUCT.desktop epm install glib2 libcairo libgdk-pixbuf libgtk+3 libpango libpulseaudio libuuid libX11 libXau libxcb libXdmcp libXfixes libXtst xdotool