#!/bin/sh # kind of hack: inheritance --force from main epm echo "$EPM_OPTIONS" | grep -q -- "--force" && force="--force" echo "$EPM_OPTIONS" | grep -q -- "--auto" && auto="--auto" fatal() { echo "FATAL: $*" >&2 exit 1 } [ -n "$BIGTMPDIR" ] || [ -d "/var/tmp" ] && BIGTMPDIR="/var/tmp" || BIGTMPDIR="/tmp" cd_to_temp_dir() { PKGDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=$BIGTMPDIR) trap "rm -fr $PKGDIR" EXIT cd $PKGDIR || fatal } # print a path to the command if exists in $PATH if a= type -a type 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then print_command_path() { a= type -fpP -- "$1" 2>/dev/null } elif a= which which 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then # the best case if we have which command (other ways needs checking) # TODO: don't use which at all, it is a binary, not builtin shell command print_command_path() { a= which -- "$1" 2>/dev/null } else print_command_path() { a= type "$1" 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|.* /|/|' } fi # check if <arg> is a real command is_command() { print_command_path "$1" >/dev/null } is_url() { echo "$1" | grep -q "^[filehtps]*:/" } #__showcmd_shifted() #{ # local s="$1" # shift # shift $s # showcmd "$*" #} # support for direct run a play script if [ -x "../bin/epm" ] ; then export PATH="$(realpath ../bin):$PATH" fi # add to all epm calls #EPM="$(epm tool which epm)" || fatal EPM="$(print_command_path epm)" || fatal epm() { #if [ "$1" = "tool" ] ; then # __showcmd_shifted 1 "$@" if [ "$1" != "print" ] && [ "$1" != "tool" ] && [ "$1" != "status" ] ; then showcmd "$(basename $EPM) $*" fi $EPM "$@" } eget() { epm tool eget "$@" } is_supported_arch() { local i # skip checking if there are no arches [ -n "$SUPPORTEDARCHES" ] || return 0 [ -n "$1" ] || return 0 for i in $SUPPORTEDARCHES ; do [ "$i" = "$1" ] && return 0 done return 1 } warn_version_is_not_supported() { [ "$VERSION" = "*" ] || echo -e "\nWarning: Specifying the version is not supported by vendor. Downloading latest version ...\n" } override_pkgname() { PKGNAME="$1" export EEPM_INTERNAL_PKGNAME="$PKGNAME" } # epm install $PKGURL install_pkgurl() { local repack='' local pkgtype="$(epm print info -p)" # we have workaround for their postinstall script, so always repack rpm package # TODO: repack for deb systems too [ "$pkgtype" = "rpm" ] && repack='--repack' [ -n "$PKGURL" ] || fatal "Can't get package URL" epm install $repack "$PKGURL" "$@" || exit } # epm pack --install $PKGNAME "$PKGURL" install_pack_pkgurl() { local repack='' local pkgtype="$(epm print info -p)" # we have workaround for their postinstall script, so always repack rpm package # TODO: repack for deb systems too [ "$pkgtype" = "rpm" ] && repack='--repack' [ -n "$PKGURL" ] || fatal "Can't get package URL" epm pack $repack --install $PKGNAME "$PKGURL" "$@" } snap_get_pkgurl() { local SNAPNAME="$1" is_url "$SNAPNAME" && SNAPNAME="$(basename "$SNAPNAME")" eget -O- -H Snap-Device-Series:16 https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/info/$SNAPNAME | epm --inscript tool json -b | grep '\["channel-map",0,"download","url"\]' | head -n1 | sed -e 's|.*"\(.*\)"$|\1|' } # return version only for the first package get_latest_version() { local ver local epmver="$(epm --short --version)" local URL for URL in "https://eepm.ru/releases/$epmver/app-versions" "https://eepm.ru/app-versions" ; do ver="$(eget -q -O- "$URL/$1")" || continue ver="$(echo "$ver" | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f1)" [ -n "$ver" ] && echo "$ver" && return done } print_product_alt() { [ -n "$1" ] || return shift echo "$*" } get_pkgvendor() { epm print field Vendor for package "$1" } is_pkg_enough() { # epm print enough package version "$PKG" "$needed" epm status --installed "$PKG" "$needed" } # arg: minimal require of libstdc++ version # return true is we have such version is_stdcpp_enough() { local needed="$1" local STDCPKG="libstdc++" epm status --installed $STDCPKG || STDCPKG="libstdc++6" is_pkg_enough $STDCPKG $needed } is_glibc_enough() { local needed="$1" local PKG="glibc-core" epm status --installed $PKG || PKG="glibc" is_pkg_enough $PKG $needed } is_openssl_enough() { local needed="$1" local PKG="openssl" is_pkg_enough $PKG $needed } get_first() { echo "$1" } check_alternative_pkgname() { [ -n "$BASEPKGNAME" ] || BASEPKGNAME="$PKGNAME" [ -n "$BASEPKGNAME" ] || return # default: with first entry in $PEODUCTALT BRANCH=$(get_first $PRODUCTALT) PKGNAME="$BASEPKGNAME-$BRANCH" # override with VERSION local i for i in $PRODUCTALT ; do if [ "$i" = "''" ] ; then PKGNAME=$BASEPKGNAME continue fi if [ "$VERSION" = "$i" ] ; then PKGNAME=$BASEPKGNAME-$i BRANCH="$i" VERSION="" return fi done # when VERSION is not in PRODUCTALT, check installed package for i in $PRODUCTALT ; do if [ "$i" = "''" ] ; then continue fi if epm status --installed $BASEPKGNAME-$i ; then PKGNAME=$BASEPKGNAME-$i BRANCH="$i" break fi done } is_repacked_package() { local pkg="$1" [ -n "$pkg" ] || pkg="$PKGNAME" [ -n "$pkg" ] || return 0 #fatal "is_repacked_package() is called without package name" epm status --installed $pkg || return 0 # actually only for ALT [ "$(epm print info -s)" = "alt" ] || return 0 [ -n "$force" ] && return 0 if epm status --original $pkg ; then echo "Package $pkg is already installed from ALT repository (use --force to override it)." return 1 fi if epm status --certified $pkg ; then # allow install/update if we agreed with their package return 0 fi if epm status --thirdparty $pkg ; then [ -n "$SKIPREPACK" ] && return 0 echo "Package $pkg is already installed, packaged by vendor $(epm print field Vendor for $pkg)." return 1 fi if ! epm status --repacked $pkg ; then echo "Package $pkg is already installed (possible, manually packed)." return 1 fi return 0 } is_repacked_packages() { local pkg local pkgs="$1" [ -n "$pkgs" ] || pkgs="$PKGNAME" [ -n "$pkgs" ] || return 0 #fatal "is_repacked_package() is called without package name" for pkg in $pkgs ; do is_repacked_package $pkg || return done } check_for_product_update() { # HACK: check version only by first package (we assume all packages have the same version) pkgver="$(epm print version for package $PKGNAME | head -n1)" latestpkgver="$(get_latest_version $PKGNAME)" # ignore update if have no latest package version or the latest package version no more than installed one [ -n "$pkgver" ] || return if [ -z "$latestpkgver" ] ; then echo "Can't get info about latest version of $PKGNAME, so skip updating installed version $pkgver." exit fi # latestpkgver <= $pkgver if [ -z "$force" ] && [ "$(epm print compare package version $latestpkgver $pkgver)" != "1" ] ; then if [ "$latestpkgver" = "$pkgver" ] ; then echo "Latest available version of $PKGNAME $latestpkgver is already installed." else echo "Latest available version of $PKGNAME: $latestpkgver, but you have a newer version installed: $pkgver." fi exit fi #echo "Updating $PKGNAME from $pkgver to the latest available version (equal to $latestpkgver or newer) ..." if [ -n "$force" ] ; then echo "Updating $PKGNAME from $pkgver to latest available version ..." else echo "Updating $PKGNAME from $pkgver to $latestpkgver version ..." VERSION="$latestpkgver" fi } case "$1" in "--description") is_supported_arch "$2" || exit 0 echo "$DESCRIPTION" exit ;; "--product-alternatives") print_product_alt $PRODUCTALT exit ;; esac . $(dirname $0)/common-outformat.sh check_tty pkgtext="package" pkgistext="package is" epm tool estrlist has_space "$PKGNAME" 2>/dev/null && pkgtext="packages" && pkgistext="packages are" # set PKGNAME to $BASEPKGNAME-$VERSION if $VERSION is found in PRODUCTALT [ -n "$PRODUCTALT" ] && check_alternative_pkgname case "$1" in "--remove") #is_repacked_packages || exit 0 epm remove $PKGNAME exit ;; "--info") if [ -n "$PRODUCTALT" ] ; then echo "Help about additional parameters." echo "Use epm play $(basename $0 .sh) [= $(echo "$PRODUCTALT" | sed -e 's@ @|@g')]" fi [ -n "$TIPS" ] && echo "$TIPS" [ -n "$URL" ] && echo "Url: $URL" exit ;; "--package-name") #[ -n "$DESCRIPTION" ] || exit 0 echo "$PKGNAME" exit ;; "--installed") #epm installed $PKGNAME is_repacked_packages $PKGNAME exit ;; "--installed-version") epm print version for package $PKGNAME | head -n1 exit ;; "--update") if ! epm installed $PKGNAME ; then echo "Skipping update of $PKGNAME ($pkgistext not installed)" exit fi if epm mark checkhold $PKGNAME ; then echo "Skipping update of $PKGNAME ($pkgistext on hold, see '# epm mark showhold')" exit fi check_for_product_update # pass to run play code ;; "--run") # just pass to run play code ;; *) fatal "Unknown command '$1'. Use this script only via epm play." ;; esac # --update/--run is_supported_arch "$(epm print info -a)" || fatal "Only '$SUPPORTEDARCHES' architectures is supported" #epm tool estrlist has_space "$PKGNAME" && fatal "play.d/common does not support a new packages in PKGNAME at all!" # skip install if there is package installed not via epm play is_repacked_packages $REPOPKGNAME || exit 0 if [ -z "$VERSION" ] && [ -z "$force" ] && [ -n "$EGET_IPFS_DB" ] ; then # IPFS is using, use known version VERSION="$(get_latest_version $PKGNAME)" fi if [ -z "$VERSION" ] && [ -z "$force" ] ; then # by default use latest known version to install VERSION="$(get_latest_version $PKGNAME)" fi # default version value (can be overrided with arg $2 or by update) [ -n "$VERSION" ] || VERSION="*" echo echo "Installing $DESCRIPTION as $PKGNAME $pkgtext ..." export EEPM_INTERNAL_PKGNAME="$PKGNAME"