Commit 0b72ba22 authored by Devaev Maxim's avatar Devaev Maxim

Module for controls settingsd functions

parent c82abbcc
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from settingsd import const
from settingsd import config
from settingsd import service
from settingsd import shared
from settingsd import dbus_tools
##### Private classes #####
class Settingsd(service.CustomObject) :
### DBus methods ###
@service.customMethod(dbus_tools.joinMethod(const.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, "logger"))
def setLogLevel(self, log_level) :
config.setValue(config.APPLICATION_SECTION, "log_level", log_level)
@service.customMethod(dbus_tools.joinMethod(const.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, "application"))
def quit(self) :
config.value(config.RUNTIME_SECTION, "application").quit()
##### Public classes #####
class Service(service.Service) :
### Public ###
def initService(self) :
shared.Functions.addSharedObject("Settingsd", Settingsd(const.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH))
def serviceName(self) :
return const.MY_NAME
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