Commit d4110035 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

add check_publish: script for check package by spec in ALT repository

parent f5e1d533
# copy specs to separate tree, make rpmcs and printout diff
# load common functions, compatible with local and installed script
. `dirname $0`/../share/eterbuild/functions/common
SPECLIST=`find $RPMDIR/SPECS -type f -name "*.spec"`
for i in $SPECLIST ; do
if echo $i | grep -q HELP ; then
LANG=C rpmgp -c $i 2>&1 | grep -v "^Note" | grep -v "^Checking" | grep -v "^Repository"
# | xargs -n 1 rpmcs 2>&1 | tee $0.r.out
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