Commit 412646b0 authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

(admin): подправил логи..

(codegen): подправил вывод информации о LogServer-е
parent 1ac2fe0b
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ string conffile("configure.xml");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool commandToAll( const string& section, std::shared_ptr<ObjectRepository>& rep, Command cmd );
static void createSections(const std::shared_ptr<Configuration>& c );
static void errDoNotReolve( const std::string& oname );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int omap();
int configure( const string& args, UInterface& ui );
......@@ -418,7 +419,11 @@ static bool commandToAll(const string& section, std::shared_ptr<ObjectRepository
case StartUp:
if(CORBA::is_nil(obj)) break;
if( CORBA::is_nil(obj) )
SystemMessage msg(SystemMessage::StartUp);
obj->push( Message::transport(msg) );
......@@ -430,7 +435,11 @@ static bool commandToAll(const string& section, std::shared_ptr<ObjectRepository
case FoldUp:
if(CORBA::is_nil(obj)) break;
SystemMessage msg(SystemMessage::FoldUp);
obj->push( Message::transport(msg) );
......@@ -442,7 +451,11 @@ static bool commandToAll(const string& section, std::shared_ptr<ObjectRepository
case Finish:
if(CORBA::is_nil(obj)) break;
SystemMessage msg(SystemMessage::Finish);
obj->push( Message::transport(msg) );
......@@ -511,6 +524,9 @@ static bool commandToAll(const string& section, std::shared_ptr<ObjectRepository
catch( ORepFailed )
if( !quiet )
cerr << "..ORepFailed.." << endl;
return false;
......@@ -1010,3 +1026,8 @@ int oinfo( const string& args, UInterface& ui, int userparam )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void errDoNotReolve( const std::string& oname )
if( verb )
cerr << oname << ": resolve failed.." << endl;
......@@ -493,9 +493,16 @@ UniSetTypes::SimpleInfo* <xsl:value-of select="$CLASSNAME"/>_SK::getInfo( CORBA:
ostringstream inf;
inf &lt;&lt; i->info &lt;&lt; endl;
inf &lt;&lt; "LogServer: " &lt;&lt; logserv_host &lt;&lt; ":" &lt;&lt; logserv_port &lt;&lt; endl;
if( logserv /* &amp;&amp; userparam &lt; 0 */ )
inf &lt;&lt; "LogServer: " &lt;&lt; logserv_host &lt;&lt; ":" &lt;&lt; logserv_port
&lt;&lt; ( logserv->isRunning() ? " [RUNNIG]" : " [FAILED]" ) &lt;&lt; endl;
inf &lt;&lt; " " &lt;&lt; logserv->getShortInfo() &lt;&lt; endl;
inf &lt;&lt; "LogServer: NONE" &lt;&lt; endl;
inf &lt;&lt; dumpIO() &lt;&lt; endl;
inf &lt;&lt; endl;
auto timers = getTimersList();
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ void TestProc::sysCommand( const UniSetTypes::SystemMessage* sm )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
string TestProc::getMonitInfo()
int* p = 0;
(*p) = 10;
// int* p = 0;
// (*p) = 10;
return "";
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