Commit 573defc9 authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman Committed by Pavel Vainerman

[conf]: supported external xml for configuration, supported create xml from text

parent 2455feab
......@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ namespace uniset
/*! конфигурирование xml-файлом ( предпочтительный способ ) */
Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, const std::string& xmlfile = "" );
/*! конфигурирование внешним xml */
Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, std::shared_ptr<UniXML> xml );
/*! конфигурирование xml-файлом */
Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, std::shared_ptr<ObjectIndex> oind, const std::string& xmlfile = "" );
......@@ -251,6 +254,7 @@ namespace uniset
/*! инициализация "глобальной" конфигурации */
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uniset_init( int argc, const char* const* argv, const std::string& xmlfile = "configure.xml" );
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uniset_init( int argc, const char* const* argv, std::shared_ptr<UniXML> xml );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // end of uniset namespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@ namespace uniset
std::string getFileName() const noexcept;
void createFromText( const std::string& text );
// Создать новый XML-документ
void newDoc( const std::string& root_node, const std::string& xml_ver = "1.0");
......@@ -43,1437 +43,1466 @@ using namespace std;
static const string UniSetDefaultPort = "2809";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static ostream& print_help( ostream& os, int width, const string& cmd,
const string& help, const string& tab = "" )
const string& help, const string& tab = "" )
// чтобы не менять параметры основного потока
// создаём свой stream...
ostringstream info;
info.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
info << tab << setw(width) << cmd << " - " << help;
return os << info.str();
// чтобы не менять параметры основного потока
// создаём свой stream...
ostringstream info;
info.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
info << tab << setw(width) << cmd << " - " << help;
return os << info.str();
std::string uniset::Configuration::help()
ostringstream os;
print_help(os, 25, "--confile", "Файл конфигурации. По умолчанию: configure.xml\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--uniset-port num", "использовать заданный порт (переопределяет 'port заданный в конф. файле в разделе <nodes><node.. port=''>)\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--localIOR {1,0}", "использовать локальные файлы для получения IOR (т.е. не использовать omniNames). Переопределяет параметр в конфигурационном файле.\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--transientIOR {1,0}", "использовать генерируемые IOR(не постоянные). Переопределяет параметр в конфигурационном файле. Default=0\n");
os << "\ndebug logs:\n";
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-add-levels", "добавить уровень вывода логов\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-del-levels", "удалить уровень вывода логов\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-show-microseconds", "Выводить время с микросекундами\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-show-milliseconds", "Выводить время с миллисекундами\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-no-debug", "отключение логов\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-logfile", "перенаправление лога в файл\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-levels N", "уровень 'говорливости' логов");
return os.str();
ostringstream os;
print_help(os, 25, "--confile", "Файл конфигурации. По умолчанию: configure.xml\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--uniset-port num", "использовать заданный порт (переопределяет 'port заданный в конф. файле в разделе <nodes><node.. port=''>)\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--localIOR {1,0}", "использовать локальные файлы для получения IOR (т.е. не использовать omniNames). Переопределяет параметр в конфигурационном файле.\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--transientIOR {1,0}", "использовать генерируемые IOR(не постоянные). Переопределяет параметр в конфигурационном файле. Default=0\n");
os << "\ndebug logs:\n";
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-add-levels", "добавить уровень вывода логов\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-del-levels", "удалить уровень вывода логов\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-show-microseconds", "Выводить время с микросекундами\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-show-milliseconds", "Выводить время с миллисекундами\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-no-debug", "отключение логов\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-logfile", "перенаправление лога в файл\n");
print_help(os, 25, "--ulog-levels N", "уровень 'говорливости' логов");
return os.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace uniset
static std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uconf;
static std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> _ulog;
std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> ulog() noexcept
if( _ulog )
return _ulog;
_ulog = make_shared<DebugStream>();
return _ulog;
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uniset_conf() noexcept
// Не делаем assert или exception
// потому-что считаем, что может быть необходимость не вызывать uniset_init()
// Т.е. проверка if( uconf ) возлагается на пользователя.
// assert( uconf );
// if( uconf == nullptr )
// throw SystemError("Don`t init uniset configuration! First use uniset_init().");
return uconf; // см. uniset_init..
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// _argc(0),
// _argv(nullptr),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
// ulog.crit()<< " configuration FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
// throw Exception();
if( oind )
if( unixml )
for( int i = 0; i < _argc; i++ )
delete[] _argv[i];
delete[] _argv;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration::Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, const string& xmlfile ):
// _argc(argc),
// _argv(argv),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
initConfiguration(argc, argv);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration::Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, shared_ptr<ObjectIndex> _oind,
const string& fileConf ):
// _argc(argc),
// _argv(argv),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
oind = _oind;
initConfiguration(argc, argv);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration::Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, const string& fileConf,
uniset::ObjectInfo* omap ):
// _argc(argc),
// _argv(argv),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
shared_ptr<ObjectIndex_Array> _oi = make_shared<ObjectIndex_Array>(omap);
oind = static_pointer_cast<ObjectIndex>(_oi);
initConfiguration(argc, argv);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initConfiguration( int argc, const char* const* argv )
// т.к. мы не знаем откуда эти argc и argv и может они будут удалены сразу после завершения функции
// то надёжнее скопировать себе всё..
_argc = argc;
_argv = new const char* [argc];
for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
_argv[i] = uniset::uni_strdup(argv[i]);
// инициализировать надо после argc,argv
if( fileConfName.empty() )
// PassiveTimer pt(UniSetTimer::WaitUpTime);
ulogsys << "*** configure from file: " << fileConfName << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlSensorsSec = 0;
xmlObjectsSec = 0;
xmlControllersSec = 0;
xmlServicesSec = 0;
xmlNodesSec = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
char curdir[FILENAME_MAX];
if( getcwd(curdir, FILENAME_MAX) == NULL )
rootDir = "";
rootDir = string(curdir) + "/";
ostringstream s;
s << this << "NameService";
NSName = s.str();
if( !unixml )
unixml = make_shared<UniXML>();
if( !unixml->isOpen() )
uinfo << "(Configuration): open from file " << fileConfName << endl;
ostringstream err;
err << "(Configuration): FAILED open configuration from " << fileConfName;
ulogany << err.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(err.str());
// cerr << "*************** initConfiguration: xmlOpen: " << pt.getCurrent() << " msec " << endl;
// pt.reset();
// Init ObjectIndex interface
if( oind == nullptr )
UniXML::iterator it = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "ObjectsMap");
if( !it )
ucrit << "(Configuration:init): not found <ObjectsMap> node in " << fileConfName << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("(Configuration:init): not found <ObjectsMap> node in " + fileConfName );
if( it.getIntProp("idfromfile") == 0 )
shared_ptr<ObjectIndex_XML> oi = make_shared<ObjectIndex_XML>(unixml); //(fileConfName);
oind = static_pointer_cast<ObjectIndex>(oi);
shared_ptr<ObjectIndex_idXML> oi = make_shared<ObjectIndex_idXML>(unixml); //(fileConfName);
oind = static_pointer_cast<ObjectIndex>(oi);
catch( const uniset::Exception& ex )
ucrit << ex << endl;
// Настраиваем отладочные логи
initLogStream(ulog(), "ulog");
// default init...
transientIOR = false;
localIOR = false;
string lnode( getArgParam("--localNode") );
if( !lnode.empty() )
iorfile = make_shared<IORFile>(getLockDir());
// localIOR
int lior = getArgInt("--localIOR");
if( lior )
localIOR = lior;
// transientIOR
int tior = getArgInt("--transientIOR");
if( tior )
transientIOR = tior;
if( imagesDir[0] != '/' && imagesDir[0] != '.' )
imagesDir = dataDir + imagesDir + "/";
// считываем список узлов
std::list< std::pair<string, string> > omniParams;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UniXML::iterator omniIt(unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "omniORB") );
if( omniIt && omniIt.goChildren() )
for(; omniIt.getCurrent(); omniIt++ )
std::string p(omniIt.getProp("name"));
if( p.empty() )
uwarn << "(Configuration::init): unknown omniORB''" << endl;
// для endPoint надо отдельно проверить доступность адреса
// иначе инициализация omni не произойдёт, а нужно чтобы
// всё запускалось даже если сеть не вся "поднялась"
if( p == "endPoint" )
const string param(omniIt.getProp("arg"));
bool endPointIsAvailable = omniIt.getProp("ignore_checking").empty() ? checkOmniORBendPoint(param) : true;
// по умолчанию "недоступность" игнорируется
// но если указан параметр 'error_if_not_available'
// то кидаем исключение при недоступности
if( !endPointIsAvailable && !omniIt.getProp("error_if_not_available").empty() )
ostringstream err;
err << "Configuration: ERROR: endpoint '"
<< param
<< "' not available!";
ucrit << err.str() << endl;
throw Exception(err.str());
if( endPointIsAvailable )
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option '" << p << "' " << param << endl;
omniParams.emplace_back( std::make_pair(p, param) );
const string a(omniIt.getProp("arg"));
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option '" << p << "' " << a << endl;
omniParams.emplace_back( std::make_pair(p, a) );
xmlNode* nsnode = getNode("NameService");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// формируем options для ORB_init()
// Прототип из документации на omniORB4: const char* options[][2] = { { "traceLevel", "1" }, { 0, 0 } };
// --------------------------------------------------
// + спискок узлов (сформированный из configure.xml)
// + список параметров omniORB из секции <omniORB>
// +1 для завершающего {0,0}
int onum = lnodes.size() + omniParams.size() + 1;
if( nsnode )
onum += 1; // +1 --> IniRef NameService=
const char* (*omni_options)[2] = new const char* [onum][2];
int i = 0;
// формируем новые, используя i в качестве индекса
for( const auto& it : lnodes )
// делаем uni_strdup чтобы потом не думая
// "где мы выделяли, а где не мы"
// делать delete[]
omni_options[i][0] = uni_strdup("InitRef");
string name(oind->getNodeName(;
ostringstream o;
o << this << name;
name = o.str();
o << "=corbaname::" << << ":" << it.port;
omni_options[i][1] = uni_strdup(o.str());
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option 'InitRef' (nodes) " << o.str() << endl;
ostringstream uri;
uri << "corbaname::" << << ":" << it.port;
if( !omni::omniInitialReferences::setFromArgs(name.c_str(), uri.str().c_str()) )
ucrit << "(Configuration): init omniInitialReferences: FAILED ADD name=" << name << " uri=" << uri.str() << endl;
assert( i < onum );
for( const auto& p : omniParams )
// делаем uni_strdup чтобы потом не думая
// "где мы выделяли, а где не мы"
// делать delete[]
omni_options[i][0] = uni_strdup(p.first);
omni_options[i][1] = uni_strdup(p.second);
assert( i < onum );
// initRef for NameService
if( nsnode )
// делаем uni_strdup чтобы потом не думая
// "где мы выделяли, а где не мы"
// делать delete[]
omni_options[i][0] = uni_strdup("InitRef");
string defPort( getPort( getProp(nsnode, "port") ) );
ostringstream param;
param << this << "NameService=corbaname::" << getProp(nsnode, "host") << ":" << defPort;
omni_options[i][1] = uni_strdup(param.str());
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option 'InitRef' " << param.str() << endl;
ostringstream ns_name;
ns_name << this << "NameService";
ostringstream uri;
uri << "corbaname::" << getProp(nsnode, "host") << ":" << defPort;
if( !omni::omniInitialReferences::setFromArgs(ns_name.str().c_str(), uri.str().c_str()) )
cerr << "**********************!!!! FAILED ADD name=" << ns_name.str() << " uri=" << uri.str() << endl;
uwarn << "(Configuration): не нашли раздела 'NameService' \n";
omni_options[i][0] = 0;
omni_options[i][1] = 0;
// ------------- CORBA INIT -------------
// orb init
orb = CORBA::ORB_init(_argc, (char**)_argv, "omniORB4", omni_options);
// освобождаем память..
for( int k = 0; k < onum; k++ )
// на самом деле последний элемент = {0,0}
// но delete от 0 разрешён и не приводит "к краху"
// так что отдельно не обрабатываем этот случай.
delete[] omni_options[k][0]; // см. uni_strdup()
delete[] omni_options[k][1]; // см. uni_strdup()
delete[] omni_options;
// create policy
CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
if( transientIOR == false )
policyList[0] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::PERSISTENT);
policyList[1] = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy(PortableServer::USER_ID);
policyList[2] = root_poa->create_request_processing_policy(PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY);
// policyList[3] = root_poa->create_thread_policy(PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL);
policyList[0] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::TRANSIENT);
policyList[1] = root_poa->create_servant_retention_policy(PortableServer::RETAIN);
policyList[2] = root_poa->create_request_processing_policy(PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY);
// policyList[3] = root_poa->create_thread_policy(PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL);
// ---------------------------------------
catch( const uniset::Exception& ex )
ucrit << "Configuration:" << ex << endl;
ucrit << "Configuration: INIT FAILED!!!!" << endl;
throw Exception("Configuration: INIT FAILED!!!!");
// cerr << "*************** initConfiguration: " << pt.getCurrent() << " msec " << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string Configuration::getArg2Param( const std::string& name, const std::string& defval, const std::string& defval2 ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArg2Param(name, _argc, _argv, defval, defval2);
string Configuration::getArgParam( const string& name, const string& defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArgParam(name, _argc, _argv, defval);
int Configuration::getArgInt( const string& name, const string& defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::uni_atoi(getArgParam( name, defval ));
int Configuration::getArgPInt( const string& name, int defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArgPInt(name, _argc, _argv, "", defval);
int Configuration::getArgPInt( const string& name, const string& strdefval, int defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArgPInt(name, _argc, _argv, strdefval, defval);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initParameters()
xmlNode* root = unixml->findNode( unixml->getFirstNode(), "UniSet" );
if( !root )
ucrit << "Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED! <UniSet>...</UniSet> not found" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED! <UniSet>...</UniSet> not found!");
UniXML::iterator it(root);
if( !it.goChildren() )
ucrit << "Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED!!!!" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED!!!!");
httpResolverPort = 8008;
for( ; it.getCurrent(); it.goNext() )
string name( it.getName() );
if( name == "LocalNode" )
if( localNode == uniset::DefaultObjectId )
string nodename( it.getProp("name") );
else if( name == "LocalDBServer" )
name = it.getProp("name");
string secDB( getServicesSection() + "/" + name);
localDBServer = oind->getIdByName(secDB);
if( localDBServer == DefaultObjectId )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Configuration: DBServer '" << secDB << "' not found ServiceID in <services>!";
ucrit << msg.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
else if( name == "CountOfNet" )
countOfNet = it.getIntProp("name");
else if( name == "RepeatTimeoutMS" )
repeatTimeout = it.getPIntProp("name", 50);
else if( name == "RepeatCount" )
repeatCount = it.getPIntProp("name", 1);
else if( name == "ImagesPath" )
imagesDir = dataDir + it.getProp("name") + "/"; // ????????
else if( name == "HttpResolver" )
httpResolverPort = it.getPIntProp("port", httpResolverPort);
else if( name == "LocalIOR" )
localIOR = it.getIntProp("name");
else if( name == "TransientIOR" )
transientIOR = it.getIntProp("name");
else if( name == "DataDir" )
dataDir = it.getProp("name");
if( dataDir.empty() )
dataDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "BinDir" )
binDir = it.getProp("name");
if( binDir.empty() )
binDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "LogDir" )
logDir = it.getProp("name");
if( logDir.empty() )
logDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "LockDir" )
lockDir = it.getProp("name");
if( lockDir.empty() )
lockDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "ConfDir" )
confDir = it.getProp("name");
if( confDir.empty() )
confDir = getRootDir();
// Heartbeat init...
xmlNode* cnode = getNode("HeartBeatTime");
if( cnode )
UniXML::iterator hit(cnode);
heartbeat_msec = hit.getIntProp("msec");
if( heartbeat_msec <= 0 )
heartbeat_msec = 3000;
// NC ready timeout init...
cnode = getNode("NCReadyTimeout");
if( cnode )
UniXML::iterator hit(cnode);
ncreadytimeout_msec = hit.getIntProp("msec");
if( ncreadytimeout_msec < 0 )
ncreadytimeout_msec = UniSetTimer::WaitUpTime;
else if( ncreadytimeout_msec == 0 )
ncreadytimeout_msec = 180000;
// startup ingore timeout init...
cnode = getNode("StartUpIgnoreTimeout");
if( cnode )
UniXML::iterator hit(cnode);
startupIgnoretimeout_msec = hit.getIntProp("msec");
if( startupIgnoretimeout_msec < 0 )
startupIgnoretimeout_msec = UniSetTimer::WaitUpTime;
else if( startupIgnoretimeout_msec == 0 )
startupIgnoretimeout_msec = 5000;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::setLocalNode( const string& nodename )
localNode = oind->getIdByName(nodename);
if( localNode == DefaultObjectId )
stringstream err;
err << "(Configuration::setLocalNode): Not found node '" << nodename << "'";
ucrit << err.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(err.str());
localNodeName = nodename;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Configuration::checkOmniORBendPoint( const std::string& endPoint )
// проверяем доступность endPoint попыткой создать соединение
auto ep = omni::giopEndpoint::str2Endpoint( endPoint.c_str() );
if( !ep )
return false;
bool ret = false;
ret = ep->Bind();
if( ret )
catch( std::exception& ex )
uwarn << "(Configuration::checkOmniORBendPoint): " << ex.what() << endl;
ret = false;
ulogsys << "(Configuration::checkOmniORBendPoint): check " << endPoint << " "
<< ( ret ? "OK" : "FAILED" )
<< endl;
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getNode(const string& path) const noexcept
return unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), path);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getProp(xmlNode* node, const string& name) const noexcept
return UniXML::getProp(node, name);
int Configuration::getIntProp(xmlNode* node, const string& name) const noexcept
return UniXML::getIntProp(node, name);
int Configuration::getPIntProp(xmlNode* node, const string& name, int def) const noexcept
return UniXML::getPIntProp(node, name, def);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getField(const string& path) const noexcept
return getProp(getNode(path), "name");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Configuration::getIntField(const std::string& path) const noexcept
return unixml->getIntProp(getNode(path), "name");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Configuration::getPIntField(const std::string& path, int def) const noexcept
int i = getIntField(path);;
if (i <= 0)
return def;
return i;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::findNode(xmlNode* node, const std::string& snode, const std::string& sname) const noexcept
if( !unixml->isOpen() )
return 0;
return unixml->findNode(node, snode, sname);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getRootDir() const noexcept
return rootDir;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Configuration::getArgc() const noexcept
return _argc;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char* const* Configuration::getArgv() const noexcept
return _argv;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getDBServer() const noexcept
return localDBServer; /*!< получение идентификатора DBServer-а */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getLocalNode() const noexcept
return localNode; /*!< получение идентификатора локального узла */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getLocalNodeName() const noexcept
return localNodeName; /*!< получение название локального узла */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const string Configuration::getNSName() const noexcept
return NSName;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getRootSection() const noexcept
return secRoot;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getSensorsSection() const noexcept
return secSensors;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getObjectsSection() const noexcept
return secObjects;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getControllersSection() const noexcept
return secControlles;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getServicesSection() const noexcept
return secServices;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::createNodesList()
xmlNode* omapnode = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "ObjectsMap");
if( !omapnode )
ucrit << "(Configuration): <ObjectsMap> not found!!!" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("(Configuration): <ObjectsMap> not found!");
xmlNode* node = unixml->findNode(omapnode, "nodes");
ucrit << "(Configuration): <nodes> section not found!" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("(Configiuration): <nodes> section not found");
UniXML::iterator it(node);
// определяем порт
string defPort(getPort(unixml->getProp(node, "port")));
for( ; it; it.goNext() )
string sname(getProp(it, "name"));
ucrit << "Configuration(createNodesList): unknown name='' in <nodes> " << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration(createNodesList: unknown name='' in <nodes>");
string nodename(sname);
// string virtnode = oind->getVirtualNodeName(nodename);
// if( virtnode.empty() )
// nodename = oind->mkFullNodeName(nodename,nodename);
NodeInfo ninf; = oind->getIdByName(nodename);
if( == DefaultObjectId )
ucrit << "Configuration(createNodesList): Not found ID for node '" << nodename << "'" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration(createNodesList): Not found ID for node '" + nodename + "'");
} = getProp(it, "ip").c_str();
string tp(getProp(it, "port"));
if( tp.empty() )
ninf.port = defPort.c_str();
ninf.port = tp.c_str();
string tmp(it.getProp("dbserver"));
if( tmp.empty() )
ninf.dbserver = uniset::DefaultObjectId;
string dname(getServicesSection() + "/" + tmp);
ninf.dbserver = oind->getIdByName(dname);
if( ninf.dbserver == DefaultObjectId )
ucrit << "Configuration(createNodesList): Not found ID for DBServer name='" << dname << "'" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration(createNodesList: Not found ID for DBServer name='" + dname + "'");
if( == getLocalNode() )
localDBServer = ninf.dbserver;
ninf.connected = false;
initNode(ninf, it);
uinfo << "Configuration(createNodesList): add to list of nodes: node=" << nodename << " id=" << << endl;
lnodes.emplace_back( std::move(ninf) );
uinfo << "Configuration(createNodesList): size of node list " << lnodes.size() << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initNode( uniset::NodeInfo& ninfo, UniXML::iterator& it ) noexcept
if( == getLocalNode() )
ninfo.connected = true;
ninfo.connected = false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getPropByNodeName(const string& nodename, const string& prop) const noexcept
xmlNode* node = getNode(nodename);
if(node == NULL)
return "";
return getProp(node, prop);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::initLogStream( std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> deb, const string& _debname ) noexcept
if( !deb )
return NULL;
return initLogStream( deb.get(), _debname );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::initLogStream( DebugStream& deb, const string& _debname ) noexcept
return initLogStream(&deb, _debname);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::initLogStream( DebugStream* deb, const string& _debname ) noexcept
if( !deb )
return nullptr;
if( _debname.empty() )
deb->any() << "(Configuration)(initLogStream): INIT DEBUG FAILED!!!" << endl;
return nullptr;
string debname(_debname);
xmlNode* dnode = getNode(_debname);
if( dnode == NULL )
deb->any() << "(Configuration)(initLogStream): WARNING! Not found conf. section for log '" << _debname << "'" << endl;
else if( deb->getLogName().empty() )
if( !getProp(dnode, "name").empty() )
debname = getProp(dnode, "name");
string no_deb("--" + debname + "-no-debug");
for (int i = 1; i < _argc; i++)
if( no_deb == _argv[i] )
return dnode;
string debug_file("");
// смотрим настройки файла
if( dnode )
string conf_debug_levels(getProp(dnode, "levels"));
if( !conf_debug_levels.empty() )
deb->addLevel( Debug::value(conf_debug_levels) );
debug_file = getProp(dnode, "file");
// теперь смотрим командную строку
string logfile("--" + debname + "-logfile");
string add_level("--" + debname + "-add-levels");
string del_level("--" + debname + "-del-levels");
string show_msec("--" + debname + "-show-milliseconds");
string show_usec("--" + debname + "-show-microseconds");
string verb_level("--" + debname + "-verbosity");
// смотрим командную строку
for (int i = 1; i < (_argc - 1); i++)
if( logfile == _argv[i] ) // "--debug-logfile"
debug_file = string(_argv[i + 1]);
else if( add_level == _argv[i] ) // "--debug-add-levels"
deb->addLevel(Debug::value(_argv[i + 1]));
else if( del_level == _argv[i] ) // "--debug-del-levels"
deb->delLevel(Debug::value(_argv[i + 1]));
else if( show_usec == _argv[i] )
else if( show_msec == _argv[i] )
else if( verb_level == _argv[i] )
if( !debug_file.empty() )
return dnode;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
uniset::ListOfNode::const_iterator Configuration::listNodesBegin() const noexcept
return lnodes.begin();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
uniset::ListOfNode::const_iterator Configuration::listNodesEnd() const noexcept
return lnodes.end();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const std::shared_ptr<UniXML> Configuration::getConfXML() const noexcept
return unixml;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORBA::ORB_ptr Configuration::getORB() const
return CORBA::ORB::_duplicate(orb);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CORBA::PolicyList Configuration::getPolicy() const noexcept
return policyList;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static std::string makeSecName( const std::string& sec, const std::string& name ) noexcept
ostringstream n;
n << sec << "/" << name;
return n.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initRepSections()
// Реализация под жёсткую структуру репозитория
xmlNode* node( unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "RootSection") );
if( node == NULL )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Configuration(initRepSections): Not found section <RootSection> in " << fileConfName;
ucrit << msg.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
secRoot = unixml->getProp(node, "name");
std::tie(secSensors, xmlSensorsSec) = getRepSectionName("sensors");
secSensors = makeSecName(secRoot, secSensors);
std::tie(secObjects, xmlObjectsSec) = getRepSectionName("objects");
secObjects = makeSecName(secRoot, secObjects);
std::tie(secControlles, xmlControllersSec) = getRepSectionName("controllers");
secControlles = makeSecName(secRoot, secControlles);
std::tie(secServices, xmlServicesSec) = getRepSectionName("services");
secServices = makeSecName(secRoot, secServices);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::pair<string, xmlNode*> Configuration::getRepSectionName( const string& sec )
xmlNode* secnode = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), sec);
if( secnode == NULL )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Configuration(initRepSections): Not found section '" << sec << "' in " << fileConfName;
ucrit << msg.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
string ret(unixml->getProp(secnode, "section"));
if( ret.empty() )
ret = unixml->getProp(secnode, "name");
return std::make_pair(ret, secnode);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::setConfFileName( const string& fn )
if( !fn.empty() )
fileConfName = fn;
// Определение конфигурационного файла
// в порядке убывания приоритета
string tmp( getArgParam("--confile") );
if( !tmp.empty() )
fileConfName = tmp;
else if( getenv("UNISET_CONFILE") != NULL )
fileConfName = getenv("UNISET_CONFILE");
if( fileConfName.empty() )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "\n\n***** CRIT: Unknown configure file." << endl
<< " Use --confile filename " << endl
<< " OR define enviropment variable UNISET_CONFILE" << endl;
ucrit << msg.str();
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getPort( const string& port ) const noexcept
// Порт задан в параметрах программы
string defport(getArgParam("--uniset-port"));
if( !defport.empty() )
return defport;
// Порт задан в переменной окружения
if( getenv("UNISET_PORT") != NULL )
defport = getenv("UNISET_PORT");
return defport;
// Порт задан в параметрах
if( !port.empty() )
return port;
// Порт по умолчанию
return UniSetDefaultPort;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getSensorID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getSensorsSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getControllerID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getControllersSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getObjectID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getObjectsSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getServiceID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getServicesSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
uniset::ObjectId Configuration::getNodeID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getNodeId( name );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getAnyID( const string& name ) const noexcept
ObjectId id = DefaultObjectId;
if( uniset::is_digit(name) )
return uni_atoi(name);
// ищем в <sensors>
id = getSensorID(name);
// ищем в <objects>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getObjectID(name);
// ищем в <controllers>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getObjectID(name);
// ищем в <nodes>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getNodeID(name);
// ищем в <services>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getServiceID(name);
return id;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const string Configuration::getConfFileName() const noexcept
return fileConfName;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getImagesDir() const noexcept
return imagesDir; // временно
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
timeout_t Configuration::getHeartBeatTime() const noexcept
return heartbeat_msec;
timeout_t Configuration::getNCReadyTimeout() const noexcept
return ncreadytimeout_msec;
timeout_t Configuration::getStartupIgnoreTimeout() const noexcept
return startupIgnoretimeout_msec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const string Configuration::getConfDir() const noexcept
return confDir;
const string Configuration::getDataDir() const noexcept
return dataDir;
const string Configuration::getBinDir() const noexcept
return binDir;
const string Configuration::getLogDir() const noexcept
return logDir;
const string Configuration::getLockDir() const noexcept
return lockDir;
const string Configuration::getDocDir() const noexcept
return docDir;
bool Configuration::isLocalIOR() const noexcept
return localIOR;
bool Configuration::isTransientIOR() const noexcept
return transientIOR;
size_t Configuration::getHttpResovlerPort() const noexcept
return httpResolverPort;
std::string Configuration::getNodeIp( uniset::ObjectId node )
UniXML::iterator nIt = getXMLObjectNode(node);
if( !nIt )
return "";
return nIt.getProp("ip");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLSensorsSection() noexcept
if( xmlSensorsSec )
return xmlSensorsSec;
xmlSensorsSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "sensors");
return xmlSensorsSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLObjectsSection() noexcept
if( xmlObjectsSec )
return xmlObjectsSec;
xmlObjectsSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "objects");
return xmlObjectsSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLControllersSection() noexcept
if( xmlControllersSec )
return xmlControllersSec;
xmlControllersSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "controllers");
return xmlControllersSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLServicesSection() noexcept
if( xmlServicesSec )
return xmlServicesSec;
xmlServicesSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "services");
return xmlServicesSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLNodesSection() noexcept
if( xmlNodesSec )
return xmlNodesSec;
xmlNodesSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "nodes");
return xmlNodesSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLObjectNode( uniset::ObjectId id ) const noexcept
const ObjectInfo* i = oind->getObjectInfo(id);
if( i )
return i->xmlnode;
return 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
UniversalIO::IOType Configuration::getIOType( uniset::ObjectId id ) const noexcept
const ObjectInfo* i = oind->getObjectInfo(id);
if( i && i->xmlnode )
UniXML::iterator it(i->xmlnode);
return uniset::getIOType( it.getProp("iotype") );
return UniversalIO::UnknownIOType;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
UniversalIO::IOType Configuration::getIOType( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
// Если указано "короткое" имя
// то просто сперва ищём ID, а потом по нему
// iotype
ObjectId id = getSensorID(name);
if( id != DefaultObjectId )
return getIOType(id);
// Пробуем искать, считая, что задано mapname
// ("RootSection/Sensors/name")
const ObjectInfo* i = oind->getObjectInfo(name);
if( i && i->xmlnode )
UniXML::iterator it(i->xmlnode);
return uniset::getIOType( it.getProp("iotype") );
return UniversalIO::UnknownIOType;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t Configuration::getCountOfNet() const noexcept
return countOfNet;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
timeout_t Configuration::getRepeatTimeout() const noexcept
return repeatTimeout;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t Configuration::getRepeatCount() const noexcept
return repeatCount;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uniset_init( int argc, const char* const* argv, const std::string& xmlfile )
if( uniset::uconf )
cerr << "Reusable call uniset_init... ignore.." << endl;
return uniset::uconf;
// atexit( UniSetActivator::normalexit );
// set_terminate( UniSetActivator::normalterminate ); // ловушка для неизвестных исключений
string confile = uniset::getArgParam( "--confile", argc, argv, xmlfile );
uniset::uconf = make_shared<Configuration>(argc, argv, confile);
return uniset::uconf;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uconf;
static std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> _ulog;
std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> ulog() noexcept
if( _ulog )
return _ulog;
_ulog = make_shared<DebugStream>();
return _ulog;
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uniset_conf() noexcept
// Не делаем assert или exception
// потому-что считаем, что может быть необходимость не вызывать uniset_init()
// Т.е. проверка if( uconf ) возлагается на пользователя.
// assert( uconf );
// if( uconf == nullptr )
// throw SystemError("Don`t init uniset configuration! First use uniset_init().");
return uconf; // см. uniset_init..
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// _argc(0),
// _argv(nullptr),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
// ulog.crit()<< " configuration FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
// throw Exception();
if( oind )
if( unixml )
for( int i = 0; i < _argc; i++ )
delete[] _argv[i];
delete[] _argv;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration::Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, const string& xmlfile ):
// _argc(argc),
// _argv(argv),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
initConfiguration(argc, argv);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration::Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, shared_ptr<ObjectIndex> _oind,
const string& fileConf ):
// _argc(argc),
// _argv(argv),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
oind = _oind;
initConfiguration(argc, argv);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration::Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, std::shared_ptr<UniXML> xml ):
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
initConfiguration(argc, argv);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration::Configuration( int argc, const char* const* argv, const string& fileConf,
uniset::ObjectInfo* omap ):
// _argc(argc),
// _argv(argv),
repeatCount(2), repeatTimeout(100),
shared_ptr<ObjectIndex_Array> _oi = make_shared<ObjectIndex_Array>(omap);
oind = static_pointer_cast<ObjectIndex>(_oi);
initConfiguration(argc, argv);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initConfiguration( int argc, const char* const* argv )
// т.к. мы не знаем откуда эти argc и argv и может они будут удалены сразу после завершения функции
// то надёжнее скопировать себе всё..
_argc = argc;
_argv = new const char* [argc];
for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
_argv[i] = uniset::uni_strdup(argv[i]);
// инициализировать надо после argc,argv
if( fileConfName.empty() )
// PassiveTimer pt(UniSetTimer::WaitUpTime);
ulogsys << "*** configure from file: " << fileConfName << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlSensorsSec = 0;
xmlObjectsSec = 0;
xmlControllersSec = 0;
xmlServicesSec = 0;
xmlNodesSec = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
char curdir[FILENAME_MAX];
if( getcwd(curdir, FILENAME_MAX) == NULL )
rootDir = "";
rootDir = string(curdir) + "/";
ostringstream s;
s << this << "NameService";
NSName = s.str();
if( !unixml )
unixml = make_shared<UniXML>();
if( !unixml->isOpen() )
uinfo << "(Configuration): open from file " << fileConfName << endl;
ostringstream err;
err << "(Configuration): FAILED open configuration from " << fileConfName;
ulogany << err.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(err.str());
// cerr << "*************** initConfiguration: xmlOpen: " << pt.getCurrent() << " msec " << endl;
// pt.reset();
// Init ObjectIndex interface
if( oind == nullptr )
UniXML::iterator it = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "ObjectsMap");
if( !it )
ucrit << "(Configuration:init): not found <ObjectsMap> node in " << fileConfName << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("(Configuration:init): not found <ObjectsMap> node in " + fileConfName );
if( it.getIntProp("idfromfile") == 0 )
shared_ptr<ObjectIndex_XML> oi = make_shared<ObjectIndex_XML>(unixml); //(fileConfName);
oind = static_pointer_cast<ObjectIndex>(oi);
shared_ptr<ObjectIndex_idXML> oi = make_shared<ObjectIndex_idXML>(unixml); //(fileConfName);
oind = static_pointer_cast<ObjectIndex>(oi);
catch( const uniset::Exception& ex )
ucrit << ex << endl;
// Настраиваем отладочные логи
initLogStream(ulog(), "ulog");
// default init...
transientIOR = false;
localIOR = false;
string lnode( getArgParam("--localNode") );
if( !lnode.empty() )
iorfile = make_shared<IORFile>(getLockDir());
// localIOR
int lior = getArgInt("--localIOR");
if( lior )
localIOR = lior;
// transientIOR
int tior = getArgInt("--transientIOR");
if( tior )
transientIOR = tior;
if( imagesDir[0] != '/' && imagesDir[0] != '.' )
imagesDir = dataDir + imagesDir + "/";
// считываем список узлов
std::list< std::pair<string, string> > omniParams;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UniXML::iterator omniIt(unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "omniORB") );
if( omniIt && omniIt.goChildren() )
for(; omniIt.getCurrent(); omniIt++ )
std::string p(omniIt.getProp("name"));
if( p.empty() )
uwarn << "(Configuration::init): unknown omniORB''" << endl;
// для endPoint надо отдельно проверить доступность адреса
// иначе инициализация omni не произойдёт, а нужно чтобы
// всё запускалось даже если сеть не вся "поднялась"
if( p == "endPoint" )
const string param(omniIt.getProp("arg"));
bool endPointIsAvailable = omniIt.getProp("ignore_checking").empty() ? checkOmniORBendPoint(param) : true;
// по умолчанию "недоступность" игнорируется
// но если указан параметр 'error_if_not_available'
// то кидаем исключение при недоступности
if( !endPointIsAvailable && !omniIt.getProp("error_if_not_available").empty() )
ostringstream err;
err << "Configuration: ERROR: endpoint '"
<< param
<< "' not available!";
ucrit << err.str() << endl;
throw Exception(err.str());
if( endPointIsAvailable )
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option '" << p << "' " << param << endl;
omniParams.emplace_back( std::make_pair(p, param) );
const string a(omniIt.getProp("arg"));
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option '" << p << "' " << a << endl;
omniParams.emplace_back( std::make_pair(p, a) );
xmlNode* nsnode = getNode("NameService");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// формируем options для ORB_init()
// Прототип из документации на omniORB4: const char* options[][2] = { { "traceLevel", "1" }, { 0, 0 } };
// --------------------------------------------------
// + спискок узлов (сформированный из configure.xml)
// + список параметров omniORB из секции <omniORB>
// +1 для завершающего {0,0}
int onum = lnodes.size() + omniParams.size() + 1;
if( nsnode )
onum += 1; // +1 --> IniRef NameService=
const char* (*omni_options)[2] = new const char* [onum][2];
int i = 0;
// формируем новые, используя i в качестве индекса
for( const auto& it : lnodes )
// делаем uni_strdup чтобы потом не думая
// "где мы выделяли, а где не мы"
// делать delete[]
omni_options[i][0] = uni_strdup("InitRef");
string name(oind->getNodeName(;
ostringstream o;
o << this << name;
name = o.str();
o << "=corbaname::" << << ":" << it.port;
omni_options[i][1] = uni_strdup(o.str());
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option 'InitRef' (nodes) " << o.str() << endl;
ostringstream uri;
uri << "corbaname::" << << ":" << it.port;
if( !omni::omniInitialReferences::setFromArgs(name.c_str(), uri.str().c_str()) )
ucrit << "(Configuration): init omniInitialReferences: FAILED ADD name=" << name << " uri=" << uri.str() << endl;
assert( i < onum );
for( const auto& p : omniParams )
// делаем uni_strdup чтобы потом не думая
// "где мы выделяли, а где не мы"
// делать delete[]
omni_options[i][0] = uni_strdup(p.first);
omni_options[i][1] = uni_strdup(p.second);
assert( i < onum );
// initRef for NameService
if( nsnode )
// делаем uni_strdup чтобы потом не думая
// "где мы выделяли, а где не мы"
// делать delete[]
omni_options[i][0] = uni_strdup("InitRef");
string defPort( getPort( getProp(nsnode, "port") ) );
ostringstream param;
param << this << "NameService=corbaname::" << getProp(nsnode, "host") << ":" << defPort;
omni_options[i][1] = uni_strdup(param.str());
uinfo << "(Configuration): add omniORB option 'InitRef' " << param.str() << endl;
ostringstream ns_name;
ns_name << this << "NameService";
ostringstream uri;
uri << "corbaname::" << getProp(nsnode, "host") << ":" << defPort;
if( !omni::omniInitialReferences::setFromArgs(ns_name.str().c_str(), uri.str().c_str()) )
cerr << "**********************!!!! FAILED ADD name=" << ns_name.str() << " uri=" << uri.str() << endl;
uwarn << "(Configuration): не нашли раздела 'NameService' \n";
omni_options[i][0] = 0;
omni_options[i][1] = 0;
// ------------- CORBA INIT -------------
// orb init
orb = CORBA::ORB_init(_argc, (char**)_argv, "omniORB4", omni_options);
// освобождаем память..
for( int k = 0; k < onum; k++ )
// на самом деле последний элемент = {0,0}
// но delete от 0 разрешён и не приводит "к краху"
// так что отдельно не обрабатываем этот случай.
delete[] omni_options[k][0]; // см. uni_strdup()
delete[] omni_options[k][1]; // см. uni_strdup()
delete[] omni_options;
// create policy
CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
if( transientIOR == false )
policyList[0] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::PERSISTENT);
policyList[1] = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy(PortableServer::USER_ID);
policyList[2] = root_poa->create_request_processing_policy(PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY);
// policyList[3] = root_poa->create_thread_policy(PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL);
policyList[0] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::TRANSIENT);
policyList[1] = root_poa->create_servant_retention_policy(PortableServer::RETAIN);
policyList[2] = root_poa->create_request_processing_policy(PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY);
// policyList[3] = root_poa->create_thread_policy(PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL);
// ---------------------------------------
catch( const uniset::Exception& ex )
ucrit << "Configuration:" << ex << endl;
ucrit << "Configuration: INIT FAILED!!!!" << endl;
throw Exception("Configuration: INIT FAILED!!!!");
// cerr << "*************** initConfiguration: " << pt.getCurrent() << " msec " << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string Configuration::getArg2Param( const std::string& name, const std::string& defval, const std::string& defval2 ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArg2Param(name, _argc, _argv, defval, defval2);
string Configuration::getArgParam( const string& name, const string& defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArgParam(name, _argc, _argv, defval);
int Configuration::getArgInt( const string& name, const string& defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::uni_atoi(getArgParam( name, defval ));
int Configuration::getArgPInt( const string& name, int defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArgPInt(name, _argc, _argv, "", defval);
int Configuration::getArgPInt( const string& name, const string& strdefval, int defval ) const noexcept
return uniset::getArgPInt(name, _argc, _argv, strdefval, defval);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initParameters()
xmlNode* root = unixml->findNode( unixml->getFirstNode(), "UniSet" );
if( !root )
ucrit << "Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED! <UniSet>...</UniSet> not found" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED! <UniSet>...</UniSet> not found!");
UniXML::iterator it(root);
if( !it.goChildren() )
ucrit << "Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED!!!!" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration: INIT PARAM`s FAILED!!!!");
httpResolverPort = 8008;
for( ; it.getCurrent(); it.goNext() )
string name( it.getName() );
if( name == "LocalNode" )
if( localNode == uniset::DefaultObjectId )
string nodename( it.getProp("name") );
else if( name == "LocalDBServer" )
name = it.getProp("name");
string secDB( getServicesSection() + "/" + name);
localDBServer = oind->getIdByName(secDB);
if( localDBServer == DefaultObjectId )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Configuration: DBServer '" << secDB << "' not found ServiceID in <services>!";
ucrit << msg.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
else if( name == "CountOfNet" )
countOfNet = it.getIntProp("name");
else if( name == "RepeatTimeoutMS" )
repeatTimeout = it.getPIntProp("name", 50);
else if( name == "RepeatCount" )
repeatCount = it.getPIntProp("name", 1);
else if( name == "ImagesPath" )
imagesDir = dataDir + it.getProp("name") + "/"; // ????????
else if( name == "HttpResolver" )
httpResolverPort = it.getPIntProp("port", httpResolverPort);
else if( name == "LocalIOR" )
localIOR = it.getIntProp("name");
else if( name == "TransientIOR" )
transientIOR = it.getIntProp("name");
else if( name == "DataDir" )
dataDir = it.getProp("name");
if( dataDir.empty() )
dataDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "BinDir" )
binDir = it.getProp("name");
if( binDir.empty() )
binDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "LogDir" )
logDir = it.getProp("name");
if( logDir.empty() )
logDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "LockDir" )
lockDir = it.getProp("name");
if( lockDir.empty() )
lockDir = getRootDir();
else if( name == "ConfDir" )
confDir = it.getProp("name");
if( confDir.empty() )
confDir = getRootDir();
// Heartbeat init...
xmlNode* cnode = getNode("HeartBeatTime");
if( cnode )
UniXML::iterator hit(cnode);
heartbeat_msec = hit.getIntProp("msec");
if( heartbeat_msec <= 0 )
heartbeat_msec = 3000;
// NC ready timeout init...
cnode = getNode("NCReadyTimeout");
if( cnode )
UniXML::iterator hit(cnode);
ncreadytimeout_msec = hit.getIntProp("msec");
if( ncreadytimeout_msec < 0 )
ncreadytimeout_msec = UniSetTimer::WaitUpTime;
else if( ncreadytimeout_msec == 0 )
ncreadytimeout_msec = 180000;
// startup ingore timeout init...
cnode = getNode("StartUpIgnoreTimeout");
if( cnode )
UniXML::iterator hit(cnode);
startupIgnoretimeout_msec = hit.getIntProp("msec");
if( startupIgnoretimeout_msec < 0 )
startupIgnoretimeout_msec = UniSetTimer::WaitUpTime;
else if( startupIgnoretimeout_msec == 0 )
startupIgnoretimeout_msec = 5000;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::setLocalNode( const string& nodename )
localNode = oind->getIdByName(nodename);
if( localNode == DefaultObjectId )
stringstream err;
err << "(Configuration::setLocalNode): Not found node '" << nodename << "'";
ucrit << err.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(err.str());
localNodeName = nodename;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Configuration::checkOmniORBendPoint( const std::string& endPoint )
// проверяем доступность endPoint попыткой создать соединение
auto ep = omni::giopEndpoint::str2Endpoint( endPoint.c_str() );
if( !ep )
return false;
bool ret = false;
ret = ep->Bind();
if( ret )
catch( std::exception& ex )
uwarn << "(Configuration::checkOmniORBendPoint): " << ex.what() << endl;
ret = false;
ulogsys << "(Configuration::checkOmniORBendPoint): check " << endPoint << " "
<< ( ret ? "OK" : "FAILED" )
<< endl;
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getNode(const string& path) const noexcept
return unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), path);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getProp(xmlNode* node, const string& name) const noexcept
return UniXML::getProp(node, name);
int Configuration::getIntProp(xmlNode* node, const string& name) const noexcept
return UniXML::getIntProp(node, name);
int Configuration::getPIntProp(xmlNode* node, const string& name, int def) const noexcept
return UniXML::getPIntProp(node, name, def);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getField(const string& path) const noexcept
return getProp(getNode(path), "name");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Configuration::getIntField(const std::string& path) const noexcept
return unixml->getIntProp(getNode(path), "name");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Configuration::getPIntField(const std::string& path, int def) const noexcept
int i = getIntField(path);;
if (i <= 0)
return def;
return i;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::findNode(xmlNode* node, const std::string& snode, const std::string& sname) const noexcept
if( !unixml->isOpen() )
return 0;
return unixml->findNode(node, snode, sname);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getRootDir() const noexcept
return rootDir;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Configuration::getArgc() const noexcept
return _argc;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char* const* Configuration::getArgv() const noexcept
return _argv;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getDBServer() const noexcept
return localDBServer; /*!< получение идентификатора DBServer-а */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getLocalNode() const noexcept
return localNode; /*!< получение идентификатора локального узла */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getLocalNodeName() const noexcept
return localNodeName; /*!< получение название локального узла */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const string Configuration::getNSName() const noexcept
return NSName;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getRootSection() const noexcept
return secRoot;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getSensorsSection() const noexcept
return secSensors;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getObjectsSection() const noexcept
return secObjects;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getControllersSection() const noexcept
return secControlles;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getServicesSection() const noexcept
return secServices;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::createNodesList()
xmlNode* omapnode = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "ObjectsMap");
if( !omapnode )
ucrit << "(Configuration): <ObjectsMap> not found!!!" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("(Configuration): <ObjectsMap> not found!");
xmlNode* node = unixml->findNode(omapnode, "nodes");
ucrit << "(Configuration): <nodes> section not found!" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("(Configiuration): <nodes> section not found");
UniXML::iterator it(node);
// определяем порт
string defPort(getPort(unixml->getProp(node, "port")));
for( ; it; it.goNext() )
string sname(getProp(it, "name"));
ucrit << "Configuration(createNodesList): unknown name='' in <nodes> " << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration(createNodesList: unknown name='' in <nodes>");
string nodename(sname);
// string virtnode = oind->getVirtualNodeName(nodename);
// if( virtnode.empty() )
// nodename = oind->mkFullNodeName(nodename,nodename);
NodeInfo ninf; = oind->getIdByName(nodename);
if( == DefaultObjectId )
ucrit << "Configuration(createNodesList): Not found ID for node '" << nodename << "'" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration(createNodesList): Not found ID for node '" + nodename + "'");
} = getProp(it, "ip").c_str();
string tp(getProp(it, "port"));
if( tp.empty() )
ninf.port = defPort.c_str();
ninf.port = tp.c_str();
string tmp(it.getProp("dbserver"));
if( tmp.empty() )
ninf.dbserver = uniset::DefaultObjectId;
string dname(getServicesSection() + "/" + tmp);
ninf.dbserver = oind->getIdByName(dname);
if( ninf.dbserver == DefaultObjectId )
ucrit << "Configuration(createNodesList): Not found ID for DBServer name='" << dname << "'" << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError("Configuration(createNodesList: Not found ID for DBServer name='" + dname + "'");
if( == getLocalNode() )
localDBServer = ninf.dbserver;
ninf.connected = false;
initNode(ninf, it);
uinfo << "Configuration(createNodesList): add to list of nodes: node=" << nodename << " id=" << << endl;
lnodes.emplace_back( std::move(ninf) );
uinfo << "Configuration(createNodesList): size of node list " << lnodes.size() << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initNode( uniset::NodeInfo& ninfo, UniXML::iterator& it ) noexcept
if( == getLocalNode() )
ninfo.connected = true;
ninfo.connected = false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getPropByNodeName(const string& nodename, const string& prop) const noexcept
xmlNode* node = getNode(nodename);
if(node == NULL)
return "";
return getProp(node, prop);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::initLogStream( std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> deb, const string& _debname ) noexcept
if( !deb )
return NULL;
return initLogStream( deb.get(), _debname );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::initLogStream( DebugStream& deb, const string& _debname ) noexcept
return initLogStream(&deb, _debname);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::initLogStream( DebugStream* deb, const string& _debname ) noexcept
if( !deb )
return nullptr;
if( _debname.empty() )
deb->any() << "(Configuration)(initLogStream): INIT DEBUG FAILED!!!" << endl;
return nullptr;
string debname(_debname);
xmlNode* dnode = getNode(_debname);
if( dnode == NULL )
deb->any() << "(Configuration)(initLogStream): WARNING! Not found conf. section for log '" << _debname << "'" << endl;
else if( deb->getLogName().empty() )
if( !getProp(dnode, "name").empty() )
debname = getProp(dnode, "name");
string no_deb("--" + debname + "-no-debug");
for (int i = 1; i < _argc; i++)
if( no_deb == _argv[i] )
return dnode;
string debug_file("");
// смотрим настройки файла
if( dnode )
string conf_debug_levels(getProp(dnode, "levels"));
if( !conf_debug_levels.empty() )
deb->addLevel( Debug::value(conf_debug_levels) );
debug_file = getProp(dnode, "file");
// теперь смотрим командную строку
string logfile("--" + debname + "-logfile");
string add_level("--" + debname + "-add-levels");
string del_level("--" + debname + "-del-levels");
string show_msec("--" + debname + "-show-milliseconds");
string show_usec("--" + debname + "-show-microseconds");
string verb_level("--" + debname + "-verbosity");
// смотрим командную строку
for (int i = 1; i < (_argc - 1); i++)
if( logfile == _argv[i] ) // "--debug-logfile"
debug_file = string(_argv[i + 1]);
else if( add_level == _argv[i] ) // "--debug-add-levels"
deb->addLevel(Debug::value(_argv[i + 1]));
else if( del_level == _argv[i] ) // "--debug-del-levels"
deb->delLevel(Debug::value(_argv[i + 1]));
else if( show_usec == _argv[i] )
else if( show_msec == _argv[i] )
else if( verb_level == _argv[i] )
deb->verbose(uniset::uni_atoi(_argv[i + 1]));
if( !debug_file.empty() )
return dnode;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
uniset::ListOfNode::const_iterator Configuration::listNodesBegin() const noexcept
return lnodes.begin();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
uniset::ListOfNode::const_iterator Configuration::listNodesEnd() const noexcept
return lnodes.end();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const std::shared_ptr<UniXML> Configuration::getConfXML() const noexcept
return unixml;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORBA::ORB_ptr Configuration::getORB() const
return CORBA::ORB::_duplicate(orb);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CORBA::PolicyList Configuration::getPolicy() const noexcept
return policyList;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static std::string makeSecName( const std::string& sec, const std::string& name ) noexcept
ostringstream n;
n << sec << "/" << name;
return n.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::initRepSections()
// Реализация под жёсткую структуру репозитория
xmlNode* node( unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "RootSection") );
if( node == NULL )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Configuration(initRepSections): Not found section <RootSection> in " << fileConfName;
ucrit << msg.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
secRoot = unixml->getProp(node, "name");
std::tie(secSensors, xmlSensorsSec) = getRepSectionName("sensors");
secSensors = makeSecName(secRoot, secSensors);
std::tie(secObjects, xmlObjectsSec) = getRepSectionName("objects");
secObjects = makeSecName(secRoot, secObjects);
std::tie(secControlles, xmlControllersSec) = getRepSectionName("controllers");
secControlles = makeSecName(secRoot, secControlles);
std::tie(secServices, xmlServicesSec) = getRepSectionName("services");
secServices = makeSecName(secRoot, secServices);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::pair<string, xmlNode*> Configuration::getRepSectionName( const string& sec )
xmlNode* secnode = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), sec);
if( secnode == NULL )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "Configuration(initRepSections): Not found section '" << sec << "' in " << fileConfName;
ucrit << msg.str() << endl;
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
string ret(unixml->getProp(secnode, "section"));
if( ret.empty() )
ret = unixml->getProp(secnode, "name");
return std::make_pair(ret, secnode);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Configuration::setConfFileName( const string& fn )
if( !fn.empty() )
fileConfName = fn;
// Определение конфигурационного файла
// в порядке убывания приоритета
string tmp( getArgParam("--confile") );
if( !tmp.empty() )
fileConfName = tmp;
else if( getenv("UNISET_CONFILE") != NULL )
fileConfName = getenv("UNISET_CONFILE");
if( fileConfName.empty() )
ostringstream msg;
msg << "\n\n***** CRIT: Unknown configure file." << endl
<< " Use --confile filename " << endl
<< " OR define enviropment variable UNISET_CONFILE" << endl;
ucrit << msg.str();
throw uniset::SystemError(msg.str());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getPort( const string& port ) const noexcept
// Порт задан в параметрах программы
string defport(getArgParam("--uniset-port"));
if( !defport.empty() )
return defport;
// Порт задан в переменной окружения
if( getenv("UNISET_PORT") != NULL )
defport = getenv("UNISET_PORT");
return defport;
// Порт задан в параметрах
if( !port.empty() )
return port;
// Порт по умолчанию
return UniSetDefaultPort;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getSensorID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getSensorsSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getControllerID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getControllersSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getObjectID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getObjectsSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getServiceID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getIdByName(getServicesSection() + "/" + name);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
uniset::ObjectId Configuration::getNodeID( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
if( name.empty() )
return DefaultObjectId;
return oind->getNodeId( name );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ObjectId Configuration::getAnyID( const string& name ) const noexcept
ObjectId id = DefaultObjectId;
if( uniset::is_digit(name) )
return uni_atoi(name);
// ищем в <sensors>
id = getSensorID(name);
// ищем в <objects>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getObjectID(name);
// ищем в <controllers>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getObjectID(name);
// ищем в <nodes>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getNodeID(name);
// ищем в <services>
if( id == DefaultObjectId )
id = getServiceID(name);
return id;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const string Configuration::getConfFileName() const noexcept
return fileConfName;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
string Configuration::getImagesDir() const noexcept
return imagesDir; // временно
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
timeout_t Configuration::getHeartBeatTime() const noexcept
return heartbeat_msec;
timeout_t Configuration::getNCReadyTimeout() const noexcept
return ncreadytimeout_msec;
timeout_t Configuration::getStartupIgnoreTimeout() const noexcept
return startupIgnoretimeout_msec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const string Configuration::getConfDir() const noexcept
return confDir;
const string Configuration::getDataDir() const noexcept
return dataDir;
const string Configuration::getBinDir() const noexcept
return binDir;
const string Configuration::getLogDir() const noexcept
return logDir;
const string Configuration::getLockDir() const noexcept
return lockDir;
const string Configuration::getDocDir() const noexcept
return docDir;
bool Configuration::isLocalIOR() const noexcept
return localIOR;
bool Configuration::isTransientIOR() const noexcept
return transientIOR;
size_t Configuration::getHttpResovlerPort() const noexcept
return httpResolverPort;
std::string Configuration::getNodeIp( uniset::ObjectId node )
UniXML::iterator nIt = getXMLObjectNode(node);
if( !nIt )
return "";
return nIt.getProp("ip");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLSensorsSection() noexcept
if( xmlSensorsSec )
return xmlSensorsSec;
xmlSensorsSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "sensors");
return xmlSensorsSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLObjectsSection() noexcept
if( xmlObjectsSec )
return xmlObjectsSec;
xmlObjectsSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "objects");
return xmlObjectsSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLControllersSection() noexcept
if( xmlControllersSec )
return xmlControllersSec;
xmlControllersSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "controllers");
return xmlControllersSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLServicesSection() noexcept
if( xmlServicesSec )
return xmlServicesSec;
xmlServicesSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "services");
return xmlServicesSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLNodesSection() noexcept
if( xmlNodesSec )
return xmlNodesSec;
xmlNodesSec = unixml->findNode(unixml->getFirstNode(), "nodes");
return xmlNodesSec;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmlNode* Configuration::getXMLObjectNode( uniset::ObjectId id ) const noexcept
const ObjectInfo* i = oind->getObjectInfo(id);
if( i )
return i->xmlnode;
return 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
UniversalIO::IOType Configuration::getIOType( uniset::ObjectId id ) const noexcept
const ObjectInfo* i = oind->getObjectInfo(id);
if( i && i->xmlnode )
UniXML::iterator it(i->xmlnode);
return uniset::getIOType( it.getProp("iotype") );
return UniversalIO::UnknownIOType;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
UniversalIO::IOType Configuration::getIOType( const std::string& name ) const noexcept
// Если указано "короткое" имя
// то просто сперва ищём ID, а потом по нему
// iotype
ObjectId id = getSensorID(name);
if( id != DefaultObjectId )
return getIOType(id);
// Пробуем искать, считая, что задано mapname
// ("RootSection/Sensors/name")
const ObjectInfo* i = oind->getObjectInfo(name);
if( i && i->xmlnode )
UniXML::iterator it(i->xmlnode);
return uniset::getIOType( it.getProp("iotype") );
return UniversalIO::UnknownIOType;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t Configuration::getCountOfNet() const noexcept
return countOfNet;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
timeout_t Configuration::getRepeatTimeout() const noexcept
return repeatTimeout;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t Configuration::getRepeatCount() const noexcept
return repeatCount;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uniset_init( int argc, const char* const* argv, const std::string& xmlfile )
if( uniset::uconf )
cerr << "Reusable call uniset_init... ignore.." << endl;
return uniset::uconf;
// atexit( UniSetActivator::normalexit );
// set_terminate( UniSetActivator::normalterminate ); // ловушка для неизвестных исключений
string confile = uniset::getArgParam( "--confile", argc, argv, xmlfile );
uniset::uconf = make_shared<Configuration>(argc, argv, confile);
return uniset::uconf;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> uniset_init( int argc, const char* const* argv, std::shared_ptr<UniXML> xml )
if( uniset::uconf )
cerr << "Reusable call uniset_init... ignore.." << endl;
return uniset::uconf;
// atexit( UniSetActivator::normalexit );
// set_terminate( UniSetActivator::normalterminate ); // ловушка для неизвестных исключений
uniset::uconf = make_shared<Configuration>(argc, argv, xml);
return uniset::uconf;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // end of UniSetTypes namespace
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ UniXML::UniXML(const string& fname):
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ string UniXML::getFileName() const noexcept
return filename;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UniXML::newDoc(const string& root_node, const string& xml_ver)
void UniXML::newDoc( const string& root_node, const string& xml_ver )
assert(doc == nullptr); // предыдущий doc не удален из памяти
......@@ -107,6 +107,33 @@ UniXML::iterator UniXML::end() noexcept
return iterator(NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void suppress(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UniXML::createFromText( const std::string& text )
assert(doc == nullptr); // предыдущий doc не удален из памяти
// hide console errors
// xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL,suppress);
// Can read files in any encoding, recode to UTF-8 internally
xmlDoc* d = xmlParseDoc((const xmlChar*)text.c_str());
if( d == NULL )
throw SystemError("UniXML(createFromText): parse error");
doc = std::unique_ptr<xmlDoc, UniXMLDocDeleter>(d);
// Support for XInclude (see eterbug #6304)
// main tag must to have follow property: xmlns:xi=""
//For include: <xi:include href="test2.xml"/>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UniXML::open( const string& _filename )
assert( doc == nullptr ); // предыдущий doc не удален из памяти
......@@ -210,3 +210,30 @@ TEST_CASE("UniXML::iterator::getPropList", "[unixml][iterator-proplist][basic]"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEST_CASE("UniXML createFromText", "[unixml][createFromText]" )
UniXML uxml;
CHECK_FALSE( uxml.isOpen() );
const string text = \
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> \
<TestConf xmlns:xi=\"\"> \
<UserData/> \
<UniSet> \
</UniSet> \
CHECK( uxml.isOpen() );
xmlNode* cnode = uxml.findNode(uxml.getFirstNode(), "UniSet");
CHECK( cnode != NULL );
CHECK_FALSE( uxml.isOpen() );
const string badtext = "<?xml version=";
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(uxml.createFromText(badtext), uniset::SystemError& );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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