Commit c0bfa359 authored by Pavel Vainerman's avatar Pavel Vainerman

[uwebsocket]: refactoring "commmand processing"

parent b37fc34b
......@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ UWebSocketGate::UWebSocketGate( uniset::ObjectId id, xmlNode* cnode, const strin
sigINT.set<UWebSocketGate, &UWebSocketGate::onTerminate>(this);
iocheck.set<UWebSocketGate, &UWebSocketGate::checkMessages>(this);
maxMessagesProcessing = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "max-messages-processing", conf->getField("maxMessagesProcessing"), maxMessagesProcessing);
if( maxMessagesProcessing < 0 )
......@@ -82,6 +81,7 @@ UWebSocketGate::UWebSocketGate( uniset::ObjectId id, xmlNode* cnode, const strin
wsHeartbeatTime_sec = (float)conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "ws-heartbeat-time", it.getProp("wsHeartbeatTimeTime"), int(wsHeartbeatTime_sec * 1000)) / 1000.0;
wsSendTime_sec = (float)conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "ws-send-time", it.getProp("wsSendTime"), int(wsSendTime_sec * 1000.0)) / 1000.0;
wsMaxSend = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "ws-max-send", it.getProp("wsMaxSend"), wsMaxSend);
wsMaxCmd = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "ws-max-cmd", it.getProp("wsMaxCmd"), wsMaxCmd);
httpHost = conf->getArgParam("--" + prefix + "httpserver-host", "localhost");
httpPort = conf->getArgPInt("--" + prefix + "httpserver-port", 8081);
......@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ void UWebSocketGate::help_print()
cout << "--prefix-ws-heartbeat-time msec - Период сердцебиения в соединении. По умолчанию: 3000 мсек" << endl;
cout << "--prefix-ws-send-time msec - Период посылки сообщений. По умолчанию: 500 мсек" << endl;
cout << "--prefix-ws-max num - Максимальное число сообщений посылаемых за один раз. По умолчанию: 200" << endl;
cout << "--prefix-ws-cmd num - Максимальное число команд обрабатываемых за один раз. По умолчанию: 100" << endl;
cout << "http: " << endl;
cout << "--prefix-httpserver-host ip - IP на котором слушает http сервер. По умолчанию: localhost" << endl;
......@@ -558,15 +559,13 @@ std::shared_ptr<UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket> UWebSocketGate::newWebSocket( Poco::
ws->mylog = mylog;
for( const auto& i : idlist.getList() )
mylog3 << myname << ": ask add " << i << endl;
UWebSocket::sinfo si; = i;
si.cmd = "ask";
mylog3 << myname << ": ask sid=" << i << endl;
......@@ -778,35 +777,29 @@ void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::read( ev::io& io, int revents )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::add( const sinfo& si )
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::ask( uniset::ObjectId id )
smap[] = si;
sinfo s; = id;
s.cmd = "ask";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::del( uniset::ObjectId id )
auto s = smap.find(id);
if( s != smap.end() )
s->second.cmd = "del";
sinfo s; = id;
s.cmd = "del";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::set( uniset::ObjectId id, long value )
auto s = smap.find(id);
if( s != smap.end() )
s->second.value = value;
s->second.cmd = "set";
sinfo si; = id;
si.value = value;
si.cmd = "set";
smap.emplace(id, si);
sinfo s; = id;
s.value = value;
s.cmd = "set";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::sensorInfo( const uniset::SensorMessage* sm )
......@@ -833,9 +826,10 @@ void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::sensorInfo( const uniset::SensorMessage* sm )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::doCommand( const std::shared_ptr<UInterface>& ui )
for( auto&& io : smap )
for( size_t i = 0; i < maxcmd && !qcmd.empty(); i++ )
auto& s = io.second;
auto s = qcmd.front();
......@@ -848,9 +842,18 @@ void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::doCommand( const std::shared_ptr<UInterface>& u
<< endl;
if( s.cmd == "ask" )
ui->askSensor(, UniversalIO::UIONotify);
smap[] = s;
else if( s.cmd == "del" )
ui->askSensor(, UniversalIO::UIODontNotify);
auto it = smap.find(;
if( it != smap.end() )
else if( s.cmd == "set" )
ui->setValue(, s.value);
......@@ -868,9 +871,18 @@ void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::doCommand( const std::shared_ptr<UInterface>& u
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::sendError( sinfo& si, const std::string& err )
uniset::SensorMessage sm(, 0);
// sm.undefined = true;
si.err = err;
if( jbuf.size() > maxsize )
mywarn << req->clientAddress().toString() << " lost messages..." << endl;
jbuf.emplace(UWebSocketGate::to_json(&sm, err));
if( ioping.is_active() )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::onCommand( const string& cmdtxt )
......@@ -902,12 +914,7 @@ void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::onCommand( const string& cmdtxt )
auto idlist = uniset::explode(params);
for( const auto& id : idlist.getList() )
sinfo s; = id;
s.cmd = "ask";
// уведомление о новой команде
......@@ -1070,6 +1077,12 @@ void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::setMaxSendCount( size_t val )
maxsend = val;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::UWebSocket::setMaxCmdCount( size_t val )
if( val > 0 )
maxcmd = val;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UWebSocketGate::httpWebSocketPage( std::ostream& ostr, Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest& req, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse& resp )
using Poco::Net::HTTPResponse;
......@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ namespace uniset
double wsHeartbeatTime_sec = { 3.0 };
double wsSendTime_sec = { 0.5 };
size_t wsMaxSend = { 200 };
size_t wsMaxCmd = { 100 };
static Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr to_json( const uniset::SensorMessage* sm, const std::string& err );
......@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ namespace uniset
long value = { 0 }; // set value
void add( const sinfo& si );
void ask( uniset::ObjectId id );
void del( uniset::ObjectId id );
void set( uniset::ObjectId id, long value );
void sensorInfo( const uniset::SensorMessage* sm );
......@@ -275,6 +276,7 @@ namespace uniset
void setHearbeatTime( const double& sec );
void setSendPeriod( const double& sec );
void setMaxSendCount( size_t val );
void setMaxCmdCount( size_t val );
std::shared_ptr<DebugStream> mylog;
......@@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ namespace uniset
ev::timer iosend;
double send_sec = { 0.5 };
size_t maxsend = { 200 };
size_t maxcmd = { 100 };
ev::timer ioping;
double ping_sec = { 3.0 };
......@@ -303,6 +306,7 @@ namespace uniset
std::atomic_bool cancelled = { false };
std::unordered_map<uniset::ObjectId, sinfo> smap;
std::queue<sinfo> qcmd; // очередь команд
Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest* req;
Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse* resp;
......@@ -57,11 +57,14 @@ TEST_CASE("[UWebSocketGate]: set", "[uwebsocketgate]")
REQUIRE( ui->getValue(2) == 20 );
REQUIRE( ui->getValue(3) == 30 );
// char buffer[1024] = {};
// int flags;
// ws.receiveFrame(buffer, sizeof(buffer), flags);
// REQUIRE(flags == WebSocket::FRAME_TEXT);
cmd = "set:1=11,2=21,3=31";
ws.sendFrame(, (int)cmd.size());
REQUIRE( ui->getValue(1) == 11 );
REQUIRE( ui->getValue(2) == 21 );
REQUIRE( ui->getValue(3) == 31 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEST_CASE("[UWebSocketGate]: ask", "[uwebsocketgate]")
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