Commit 285a741b authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

playlist: don't store getBoolConfigParam() in a bool

getBoolConfigParam() returns an int. It is not possible to check for CONF_BOOL_UNSET after it has been assigned to a bool; use a temporary int value for that.
parent 2a7d9970
......@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ void initPlaylist(void)
char *test;
ConfigParam *param;
int value;
g_rand = g_rand_new();
......@@ -140,9 +141,10 @@ void initPlaylist(void)
"line %i", param->value, param->line);
playlist_saveAbsolutePaths = getBoolConfigParam(
if (playlist_saveAbsolutePaths == CONF_BOOL_UNSET)
value = getBoolConfigParam(CONF_SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATHS, 1);
if (value != CONF_BOOL_UNSET)
playlist_saveAbsolutePaths = value;
playlist_saveAbsolutePaths =
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