Commit 326488ae authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann decouple libyajl detection from SoundCloud

Allow using libyajl in other parts of MPD.
parent cb86023b
......@@ -560,6 +560,14 @@ dnl -------------------------------- expat --------------------------------
MPD_ENABLE_AUTO_PKG(expat, EXPAT, [expat],
[expat XML parser], [expat not found])
dnl -------------------------------- yajl -------------------------------------
if test x$enable_soundcloud != xno; then
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([YAJL], [yajl >= 2.0],
dnl --------------------------------- inotify ---------------------------------
AC_CHECK_FUNCS(inotify_init inotify_init1)
......@@ -705,10 +713,8 @@ MPD_ENABLE_AUTO_PKG(nfs, NFS, [libnfs],
[NFS input plugin], [libnfs not found])
dnl --------------------------------- Soundcloud ------------------------------
MPD_AUTO([soundcloud], [ support], [libyajl not found],
[PKG_CHECK_MODULES([YAJL], [yajl >= 2.0],
MPD_DEPENDS([enable_soundcloud], [found_yajl],
[ support], [libyajl not found])
[ support])
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