Commit 61cffd0e authored by Warren Dukes's avatar Warren Dukes

a journaled db?

git-svn-id: 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
parent 4537b1e9
......@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
c) fork on update
d) have a special case where if a update is in a command list, it only forks at the beginning of the list, and writes at the end of the command list
e) add an element to status stating the "update state"
f) only pass back changed info to parent
g) only pass mtimes and paths to child
f) before a fork, the parent gets the position at the end of the db file
g) update child will dump changes to end of db file, this can effectively be a journal
h) parent reads changes at end of db file when update child is done
i) when mpd exits, dump the current db to the file, this will erase an journal entries
j) if there are journal entries on mpd start up, read the changes, then dump the entired db back to disk, and elimanate journal entries
2) rewrite interface stuff, specifically command list handling etc so its less of a hack and deals with the above update stuff better
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