Commit a3fd74d0 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

doc: converted doc/COMMANDS to DocBook

The goal is to have one structured document which is the authoritative protocol specification. The documentation which currently resides in the wiki will be merged.
parent 05f4629f
Music Player Daemon - Commands
This document has not been updated to reflect recent changes in
the MPD protocol. It does not contain all supported commands,
and some commands may now take additional arguments. However,
clients conforming to this specification should still be
compatible with the latest release of MPD. For more up to date
documentation, please see the protocol reference on the wiki at
This document is intended for client developers, not end users.
If arguments contain spaces, they should be surrounded by double quotation
marks, ".
command <type arg1> <type arg2> ...
explanation: w/ arg1 and arg2
All data between the client and server is encoded in UTF-8. (Note,
that in UTF-8 all standard ansi characters, 0-127, are the same as a standard
ansi encoding. Also, no ansi character appears in any multi-byte
characters. So, you can use standard C functions like strlen, and strcpy
just fine with UTF-8 encoded strings. For example: "OK\n" encoded in UTF-8 is
simply "OK\n". For more information on UTF=8: )
Command Completion:
A command returns "OK\n" on completion or "ACK some error\n" on failure.
These denote the end of command execution.
For manipulating playlists and playing, there are two sets of commands. One
set uses the song id of a song in the playlist, while another set uses the
playlist position of the song. The commands using song id's should be used
instead of the commands that manipulate and control playback based on playlist
position. Using song id's is a safer method when multiple clients are
interacting with MPD.
add <string path>
add the file _path_ to the playlist (directories add recursively)
_path_ can also be a single file
increments playlist version by for each song added
addid <string path> <int position>
_path_ is always a single file or URL
_position_ is optional, a negative number means it is relative
to the currently playing song in the playlist (if there is one)
adds a song to the playlist (non-recursive) and returns the song id;
addid "foo.mp3"
Id: 999
clears the current playlist
increments playlist version by 1
clear the current error message in status
(this is also accomplished by any command that starts playback)
close the connection with the MPD
crossfade <int seconds>
sets crossfading between songs
displays the song info of current song (same song that is identified
in status)
delete <int song>
delete _song_ from playlist
increments playlist version by 1
deleteid <int songid>
delete song with _songid_ from playlist
increments playlist version by 1
find <string type> <string what>
finds songs in the db that are exactly _what_
_type_ should be "album", "artist", or "title"
_what_ is what to find
kill MPD
list <string type> <string arg1>
list all tags of _type_
_type_ should be "album" or "artist"
_arg1_ is an optional parameter when type is album, this specifies
to list albums by a artist, where artist is specified with
listall <string path>
lists all songs and directories in _path_ (recursively)
_path_ is optional and maybe a directory or path
listallinfo <string path>
same as listall command, except it also returns metadata info
in the same format as lsinfo
load <string name>
loads the playlist _name_.m3u from the playlist directory
increments playlist version by the number of songs added
lsinfo <string directory>
list contents of _directory_, from the db. _directory_ is optional
When listing the root directory, this currently returns the
list of stored playlists. This behavior is deprecated; use
"listplaylists" instead.
move <int from> <int to>
move song at _from_ to _to_ in the playlist
increments playlist version by 1
moveid <int songid> <int to>
move song with _songid_ to _to_ in the playlist
increments playlist version by 1
if _to_ is negative, it is relative to the current song in
the playlist (if there is one).
plays next song in playlist
pause <bool pause>
toggle pause/resume playing
_pause_ is required and should be 0 or 1
NOTE: use of pause command w/o the _pause_ argument is deprecated
password <string password>
this is used for authentication with the server.
_password_ is simply the plaintext password
does nothing but return "OK"
play <int song>
begin playing playlist at song number _song_, _song_ is optional
playid <int songid>
begin playing playlist at song with _songid_, _songid_ is optional
displays the current playlist
NOTE: do not use this, instead use 'playlistinfo'
playlistinfo <int song>
displays list of songs in the playlist
_song_ is optional and specifies a single song to display info for
playlistid <int songid>
displays list of songs in the playlist
_songid_ is optional and specifies a single song to display info for
plchanges <playlist version>
displays changed songs currently in the playlist since
_playlist version_
NOTE: to detect songs that were deleted at the end of the playlist,
use playlistlength returned by status command.
plchangesposid <playlist version>
displays changed songs currently in the playlist since
_playlist version_
This function only returns the position and the id of the changed song, not the complete metadata. This is more bandwidth efficient.
NOTE: to detect songs that were deleted at the end of the playlist,
use playlistlength returned by status command.
plays previous song in playlist
random <int state>
set random state to _state_, _state_ should be 0 or 1
repeat <int state>
set repeat state to _state_, _state_ should be 0 or 1
prints a list of the playlist directory
After each playlist name, the server sends its last
modification time as attribute "Last-Modified" in ISO 8601
format. To avoid problems due to clock differences between
clients and the server, clients should not compare this value
with their local clock.
rm <string name>
removes the playlist <name>.m3u from the playlist directory
save <string name>
saves the current playlist to _name_.m3u in the playlist directory
search <string type> <string what>
searches for any song that contain _what_
_type_ can be "title","artist","album", or "filename"
search is not case sensitive
seek <int song> <int time>
seeks to the position _time_ (in seconds) of entry _song_ in the
seekid <int songid> <int time>
seeks to the position _time_ (in seconds) of song with _songid_
setvol <int vol>
set volume to _vol_
_vol_ the range of volume is 0-100
shuffles the current playlist
increments playlist version by 1
display stats
artists: number of artists
albums: number of albums
songs: number of songs
uptime: daemon uptime in seconds
db_playtime: sum of all song times in db
db_update: last db update in UNIX time
playtime: time length of music played
reports current status of player, and volume level.
volume: (0-100).
repeat: (0 or 1)
playlist: (31-bit unsigned integer, the playlist version number)
playlistlength: (integer, the length of the playlist)
state: ("play", "stop", or "pause")
song: (current song stopped on or playing, playlist song number)
songid: (current song stopped on or playing, playlist songid)
time: <int elapsed>:<time total> (of current playing/paused song)
bitrate: <int bitrate> (instantaneous bitrate in kbps)
xfade: <int seconds> (crossfade in seconds)
audio: <int sampleRate>:<int bits>:<int channels>
updatings_db: <int job id>
error: if there is an error, returns message here
stop playing
swap <int song1> <int song2>
swap positions of _song1_ and _song2_
increments playlist version by 1
swapid <int songid1> <int songid2>
swap positions of of songs with song id's of _songid1_ and _songid2_
increments playlist version by 1
update <string path>
searches mp3 directory for new music and removes old music from the db
_path_ is an optional argument that maybe a particular directory or
song/file to update.
updating_db: <int job id>
where job id, is the job id requested for your update, and is displayed
in status, while the requested update is happening
increments playlist version by 1
NOTE: To update a number of paths/songs at once, use command_list,
it will be much more faster/efficient. Also, if you use a
command_list for updating, only one update_db job id will be returned
per sequence of updates.
volume <int change>
change volume by amount _change_
NOTE: volume command is deprecated, use setvol instead
Waits until there is a noteworthy change in one or more of
MPD's subsystems. As soon as there is one, it lists all
changed systems in a line in the format "changed: SUBSYSTEM",
where SUBSYSTEM is one of the following:
database: the song database has been updated
stored_playlist: a stored playlist has been modified, renamed,
created or deleted
playlist: the current playlist has been modified
player: the player has been started, stopped or seeked
mixer: the volume has been changed
output: an audio output has been enabled or disabled
options: options like "repeat", "random", "crossfade"
While a client waits for "idle" results, the server disables
timeouts, allowing a client to wait for events as long as mpd
runs. The "idle" command can be canceled by sending the
command "noidle" (no other commands are allowed). MPD will
then leave "idle" mode and print results immediately; might be
empty at this time.
To facilitate faster adding of files, etc, you can pass a list of commands all
at once using a command list. The command list beings with:
And ends with:
It does not execute any commands until the list has ended. The return
value is whatever the return for a list of commands is. On success
for all commands, OK is returned. If a command fails, no more commands
are executed and the appropriate ACK error is returned. If
"command_list_ok_begin is used", "list_OK\n" is returned for each
successful command executed in the command list.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
<title>The Music Player Daemon protocol</title>
<title>General protocol syntax</title>
If arguments contain spaces, they should be surrounded by double quotation
<arg rep="Repeat"><replaceable>ARG</replaceable></arg>
All data between the client and server is encoded in
UTF-8. (Note, that in UTF-8 all standard ansi characters,
0-127, are the same as a standard ansi encoding. Also, no
ansi character appears in any multi-byte characters. So, you
can use standard C functions like strlen, and strcpy just fine
with UTF-8 encoded strings. For example: "OK\n" encoded in
UTF-8 is simply "OK\n". For more information on UTF=8:
A command returns "OK\n" on completion or "ACK some error\n" on failure.
These denote the end of command execution.
<title>Command lists</title>
To facilitate faster adding of files, etc, you can pass a list
of commands all at once using a command list. The command
list beings with <command>command_list_begin</command> or
<command>command_list_ok_begin</command> and ends with
It does not execute any commands until the list has ended. The return
value is whatever the return for a list of commands is. On success
for all commands, OK is returned. If a command fails, no more commands
are executed and the appropriate ACK error is returned. If
"command_list_ok_begin is used", "list_OK\n" is returned for each
successful command executed in the command list.
<title>Command reference</title>
For manipulating playlists and playing, there are two sets of commands. One
set uses the song id of a song in the playlist, while another set uses the
playlist position of the song. The commands using song id's should be used
instead of the commands that manipulate and control playback based on playlist
position. Using song id's is a safer method when multiple clients are
interacting with MPD.
<title>Querying MPD's status</title>
<varlistentry id="command_clearerror">
Clear the current error message in status (this is also
accomplished by any command that starts playback).
<varlistentry id="command_currentsong">
Displays the song info of current song (same song that
is identified in status).
<varlistentry id="command_idle">
Waits until there is a noteworthy change in one or more of
MPD's subsystems. As soon as there is one, it lists all
changed systems in a line in the format "changed: SUBSYSTEM",
where SUBSYSTEM is one of the following:
<returnvalue>database</returnvalue>: the song database
has been updated
<returnvalue>stored_playlist</returnvalue>: a stored
playlist has been modified, renamed, created or
<returnvalue>playlist</returnvalue>: the current
playlist has been modified
<returnvalue>player</returnvalue>: the player has been
started, stopped or seeked
<returnvalue>mixer</returnvalue>: the volume has been
<returnvalue>output</returnvalue>: an audio output has
been enabled or disabled
<returnvalue>options</returnvalue>: options like
"repeat", "random", "crossfade"
While a client waits for <command>idle</command>
results, the server disables timeouts, allowing a client
to wait for events as long as mpd runs. The
<command>idle</command> command can be canceled by
sending the command <command>noidle</command> (no other
commands are allowed). MPD will then leave
<command>idle</command> mode and print results
immediately; might be empty at this time.
<varlistentry id="command_status">
reports current status of player, and volume level.
<para>0 or 1</para>
31-bit unsigned integer, the playlist version
integer, the length of the playlist
"play", "stop", or "pause"
current song stopped on or playing, playlist song
current song stopped on or playing, playlist
elapsed:total (of current playing/paused song)
instantaneous bitrate in kbps
crossfade in seconds
job id
if there is an error, returns message here
<varlistentry id="command_stats">
Display statistics.
<varname>artists</varname>: number of artists
<varname>songs</varname>: number of albums
<varname>uptime</varname>: daemon uptime in seconds
<varname>db_playtime</varname>: sum of all song
times in db
<varname>db_update</varname>: last db update in UNIX
<varname>playtime</varname>: time length of music played
<title>Playback options</title>
<varlistentry id="command_crossfade">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SECONDS</replaceable></arg>
Sets crossfading between songs.
<varlistentry id="command_random">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>STATE</replaceable></arg>
Set random state to <varname>STATE</varname>, should
be 0 or 1.
<varlistentry id="command_repeat">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>STATE</replaceable></arg>
Set repeat state to <varname>STATE</varname>,
<varname>STATE</varname> should be 0 or 1.
<varlistentry id="command_setvol">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>VOL</replaceable></arg>
Set volume to <varname>VOL</varname>, the range of
volume is 0-100.
<varlistentry id="command_volume">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>CHANGE</replaceable></arg>
Change volume by amount <varname>CHANGE</varname>.
<command>volume</command> is deprecated, use
<command>setvol</command> instead.
<title>Controlling playback</title>
<varlistentry id="command_play">
Begin playing playlist at song number
<varlistentry id="command_playid">
Begin playing playlist at song
<varlistentry id="command_next">
Plays next song in playlist.
<varlistentry id="command_previous">
Plays previous song in playlist.
<varlistentry id="command_pause">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>PAUSE</replaceable></arg>
Toggle pause/resume playing. <varname>PAUSE</varname> is 0 or 1.
Use of pause command w/o the _pause_ argument is
<varlistentry id="command_seek">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONGPOS</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>TIME</replaceable></arg>
Seeks to the position <varname>TIME</varname> (in
seconds) of entry <varname>SONGPOS</varname> in the
<varlistentry id="command_seekid">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONGID</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>TIME</replaceable></arg>
Seeks to the position <varname>TIME</varname> (in
seconds) of song <varname>SONGID</varname>.
<varlistentry id="command_stop">
Stop playing.
<title>The current playlist</title>
<varlistentry id="command_add">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>URI</replaceable></arg>
Add the file <varname>URI</varname> to the playlist
(directories add recursively).
<varname>URI</varname> can also be a single file.
<varlistentry id="command_addid">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>URI</replaceable></arg>
Adds a song to the playlist (non-recursive) and returns the song id.
<varname>URI</varname> is always a single file or
URL. <varname>POSITION</varname> is optional, a
negative number means it is relative to the currently
playing song in the playlist (if there is one).
addid "foo.mp3"
Id: 999
<varlistentry id="command_clear">
Clears the current playlist.
<varlistentry id="command_delete">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONGPOS</replaceable></arg>
Deletes a song from the playlist.
<varlistentry id="command_deleteid">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONGID</replaceable></arg>
Delete song <varname>SONGID</varname> from playlist
<varlistentry id="command_move">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>FROM</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>TO</replaceable></arg>
Move song at <varname>FROM</varname> to
<varname>TO</varname> in the playlist.
<varlistentry id="command_moveid">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>FROM</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>TO</replaceable></arg>
Move song with <varname>FROM</varname> to
<varname>TO</varname> (both song ids) in the
playlist. If <varname>TO</varname> is negative, it
is relative to the current song in the playlist (if
there is one).
<varlistentry id="command_playlist">
Displays the current playlist.
Do not use this, instead use <command>playlistinfo</command>.
<varlistentry id="command_playlistid">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONGID</replaceable></arg>
Displays list of songs in the playlist.
<varname>SONGID</varname> is optional and specifies a
single song to display info for.
<varlistentry id="command_playlistinfo">
Displays list of songs in the playlist.
<varname>SONGPOS</varname> is optional and specifies
a single song to display info for.
<varlistentry id="command_plchanges">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>VERSION</replaceable></arg>
Displays changed songs currently in the playlist since
To detect songs that were deleted at the end of the
playlist, use playlistlength returned by status command.
<varlistentry id="command_plchangesposid">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>VERSION</replaceable></arg>
Displays changed songs currently in the playlist since
<varname>VERSION</varname>. This function only
returns the position and the id of the changed song, not
the complete metadata. This is more bandwidth efficient.
To detect songs that were deleted at the end of the
playlist, use playlistlength returned by status command.
<varlistentry id="command_shuffle">
Shuffles the current playlist.
<varlistentry id="command_swap">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONG1</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONG2</replaceable></arg>
Swap positions of <varname>SONG1</varname> and
<varlistentry id="command_swapid">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONG1</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>SONG2</replaceable></arg>
Swap positions of of songs of
<varname>SONG1</varname> and
<varname>SONG2</varname> (both song ids).
<title>Stored playlists</title>
<varlistentry id="command_load">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>NAME</replaceable></arg>
Loads the playlist <filename>NAME.m3u</filename> from
the playlist directory.
<varlistentry id="command_listplaylists">
Prints a list of the playlist directory.
After each playlist name, the server sends its last
modification time as attribute "Last-Modified" in ISO
8601 format. To avoid problems due to clock differences
between clients and the server, clients should not
compare this value with their local clock.
<varlistentry id="command_rm">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>NAME</replaceable></arg>
Removes the playlist <filename>NAME.m3u</filename> from
the playlist directory.
<varlistentry id="command_save">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>NAME</replaceable></arg>
Saves the current playlist to
<filename>NAME.m3u</filename> in the playlist directory.
<title>The music database</title>
<varlistentry id="command_find">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>TYPE</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>WHAT</replaceable></arg>
finds songs in the db that are exactly
<varname>WHAT</varname>. <varname>TYPE</varname> should
be <parameter>album</parameter>,
<parameter>artist</parameter>, or
<parameter>title</parameter>. <varname>WHAT</varname>
is what to find.
<varlistentry id="command_list">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>TYPE</replaceable></arg>
List all tags of the specified type.
<varname>TYPE</varname> should be "album" or "artist".
<varname>ARTIST</varname> is an optional parameter
when type is album, this specifies to list albums by a
<varlistentry id="command_listall">
Lists all songs and directories in
<varlistentry id="command_listallinfo">
Same as <command>listall</command>, except it also
returns metadata info in the same format as
<varlistentry id="command_lsinfo">
List contents of directory <varname>URI</varname>.
When listing the root directory, this currently returns
the list of stored playlists. This behavior is
deprecated; use "listplaylists" instead.
<varlistentry id="command_search">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>TYPE</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>WHAT</replaceable></arg>
Searches for any song that contain
<varname>WHAT</varname>. <varname>TYPE</varname> can be
<parameter>album</parameter> or
<parameter>filename</parameter>. Search is not case
<varlistentry id="command_update">
Updates the music database.
<varname>URI</varname> is a particular directory or
song/file to update.
Prints "updating_db: JOBID" where
<varname>JOBID</varname> is the job id requested for
your update, and is displayed in status, while the
requested update is happening.
To update a number of paths/songs at once, use
command_list, it will be much more faster/efficient.
Also, if you use a command_list for updating, only one
<command>update</command> job id will be returned per
sequence of updates.
<title>Connection settings</title>
<varlistentry id="command_close">
Closes the connection to MPD.
<varlistentry id="command_kill">
Kill MPD.
<varlistentry id="command_password">
<arg choice="req"><replaceable>PASSWORD</replaceable></arg>
This is used for authentication with the server.
<varname>PASSWORD</varname> is simply the plaintext
<varlistentry id="command_ping">
Does nothing but return "OK".
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