Commit bfdf13dc authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

decoder/Plugin: allow scan_{file,stream}() to throw

Bug #915 is about an I/O exception thrown where none was allowed, leading to crash via std::terminate(). However, instead of catching and logging the error inside the decoder plugin, it should be able to propagate the I/O error to the MPD core, so MPD can avoid trying other decoder plugins. Closes
parent daefc61a
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ ver 0.21.25 (not yet released)
* decoder
- opus: apply pre-skip and end trimming
- opus: fix memory leak
- opus: fix crash bug
- vorbis: fix crash bug
* output
- osx: improve sample rate selection
- osx: fix noise while stopping
......@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ Song::UpdateFile(Storage &storage) noexcept
TagBuilder tag_builder;
auto new_audio_format = AudioFormat::Undefined();
try {
const auto path_fs = storage.MapFS(relative_uri.c_str());
if (path_fs.IsNull()) {
const auto absolute_uri =
......@@ -91,6 +92,10 @@ Song::UpdateFile(Storage &storage) noexcept
return false;
} catch (...) {
// TODO: log or propagate I/O errors?
return false;
mtime = info.mtime;
audio_format = new_audio_format;
......@@ -153,8 +158,14 @@ DetachedSong::LoadFile(Path path) noexcept
return false;
TagBuilder tag_builder;
try {
if (!ScanFileTagsWithGeneric(path, tag_builder))
return false;
} catch (...) {
// TODO: log or propagate I/O errors?
return false;
mtime = fi.GetModificationTime();
......@@ -173,8 +184,14 @@ DetachedSong::Update() noexcept
return LoadFile(path_fs);
} else if (IsRemote()) {
TagBuilder tag_builder;
try {
if (!tag_stream_scan(uri.c_str(), tag_builder))
return false;
} catch (...) {
// TODO: log or propagate I/O errors?
return false;
mtime = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::min();
......@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ public:
is(nullptr) {}
bool ScanFile(const DecoderPlugin &plugin) noexcept {
bool ScanFile(const DecoderPlugin &plugin) {
return plugin.ScanFile(path_fs, handler);
bool ScanStream(const DecoderPlugin &plugin) noexcept {
bool ScanStream(const DecoderPlugin &plugin) {
if (plugin.scan_stream == nullptr)
return false;
......@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ public:
return plugin.ScanStream(*is, handler);
bool Scan(const DecoderPlugin &plugin) noexcept {
bool Scan(const DecoderPlugin &plugin) {
return plugin.SupportsSuffix(suffix) &&
(ScanFile(plugin) || ScanStream(plugin));
ScanFileTagsNoGeneric(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
ScanFileTagsNoGeneric(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler)
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ ScanFileTagsNoGeneric(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
ScanFileTagsWithGeneric(Path path, TagBuilder &builder,
AudioFormat *audio_format) noexcept
AudioFormat *audio_format)
FullTagHandler h(builder, audio_format);
......@@ -30,22 +30,26 @@ class TagBuilder;
* but does not fall back to generic scanners (APE and ID3) if no tags
* were found (but the file was recognized).
* Throws on I/O error.
* @return true if the file was recognized (even if no metadata was
* found)
ScanFileTagsNoGeneric(Path path, TagHandler &handler) noexcept;
ScanFileTagsNoGeneric(Path path, TagHandler &handler);
* Scan the tags of a song file. Invokes matching decoder plugins,
* and falls back to generic scanners (APE and ID3) if no tags were
* found (but the file was recognized).
* Throws on I/O error.
* @return true if the file was recognized (even if no metadata was
* found)
ScanFileTagsWithGeneric(Path path, TagBuilder &builder,
AudioFormat *audio_format=nullptr) noexcept;
AudioFormat *audio_format=nullptr);
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ CheckDecoderPlugin(const DecoderPlugin &plugin,
tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
......@@ -73,19 +73,17 @@ tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
tag_stream_scan(const char *uri, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
try {
tag_stream_scan(const char *uri, TagHandler &handler)
Mutex mutex;
auto is = InputStream::OpenReady(uri, mutex);
return tag_stream_scan(*is, handler);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
return false;
tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagBuilder &builder,
AudioFormat *audio_format) noexcept
AudioFormat *audio_format)
......@@ -102,12 +100,10 @@ tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagBuilder &builder,
tag_stream_scan(const char *uri, TagBuilder &builder,
AudioFormat *audio_format) noexcept
try {
AudioFormat *audio_format)
Mutex mutex;
auto is = InputStream::OpenReady(uri, mutex);
return tag_stream_scan(*is, builder, audio_format);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
return false;
......@@ -29,29 +29,39 @@ class TagBuilder;
* Scan the tags of an #InputStream. Invokes matching decoder
* plugins, but does not invoke the special "APE" and "ID3" scanners.
* Throws on I/O error.
* @return true if the file was recognized (even if no metadata was
* found)
tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept;
tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler);
* Throws on I/O error.
tag_stream_scan(const char *uri, TagHandler &handler) noexcept;
tag_stream_scan(const char *uri, TagHandler &handler);
* Scan the tags of an #InputStream. Invokes matching decoder
* plugins, and falls back to generic scanners (APE and ID3) if no
* tags were found (but the file was recognized).
* Throws on I/O error.
* @return true if the file was recognized (even if no metadata was
* found)
tag_stream_scan(InputStream &is, TagBuilder &builder,
AudioFormat *audio_format=nullptr) noexcept;
AudioFormat *audio_format=nullptr);
* Throws on I/O error.
tag_stream_scan(const char *uri, TagBuilder &builder,
AudioFormat *audio_format=nullptr) noexcept;
AudioFormat *audio_format=nullptr);
......@@ -69,16 +69,20 @@ struct DecoderPlugin {
* Scan metadata of a file.
* @return false if the operation has failed
* Throws on I/O error.
* @return false if the file was not recognized
bool (*scan_file)(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept;
bool (*scan_file)(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler);
* Scan metadata of a file.
* Scan metadata of a stream.
* Throws on I/O error.
* @return false if the operation has failed
* @return false if the stream was not recognized
bool (*scan_stream)(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept;
bool (*scan_stream)(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler);
* @brief Return a "virtual" filename for subtracks in
......@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ struct DecoderPlugin {
* Read the tag of a file.
template<typename P>
bool ScanFile(P path_fs, TagHandler &handler) const noexcept {
bool ScanFile(P path_fs, TagHandler &handler) const {
return scan_file != nullptr
? scan_file(path_fs, handler)
: false;
......@@ -144,7 +148,7 @@ struct DecoderPlugin {
* Read the tag of a stream.
bool ScanStream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) const noexcept {
bool ScanStream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) const {
return scan_stream != nullptr
? scan_stream(is, handler)
: false;
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ audiofile_stream_decode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &is)
static bool
audiofile_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
audiofile_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
if (!is.IsSeekable() || !is.KnownSize())
return false;
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ dsdiff_stream_decode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &is)
static bool
dsdiff_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
dsdiff_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
DsdiffMetaData metadata;
DsdiffChunkHeader chunk_header;
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ dsf_stream_decode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &is)
static bool
dsf_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
dsf_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
/* check DSF metadata */
DsfMetaData metadata;
......@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ faad_stream_decode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &is)
static bool
faad_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
faad_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
auto result = faad_get_file_time(is);
if (!result.first)
......@@ -646,8 +646,7 @@ ffmpeg_decode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input)
static bool
FfmpegScanStream(AVFormatContext &format_context,
TagHandler &handler) noexcept
FfmpegScanStream(AVFormatContext &format_context, TagHandler &handler)
const int find_result =
avformat_find_stream_info(&format_context, nullptr);
......@@ -680,7 +679,7 @@ FfmpegScanStream(AVFormatContext &format_context,
static bool
ffmpeg_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
ffmpeg_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
AvioStream stream(nullptr, is);
if (!stream.Open())
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ flac_write_cb(const FLAC__StreamDecoder *dec, const FLAC__Frame *frame,
static bool
flac_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
flac_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler)
FlacMetadataChain chain;
if (!chain.Read(NarrowPath(path_fs))) {
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ flac_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
static bool
flac_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
flac_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
FlacMetadataChain chain;
if (!chain.Read(is)) {
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ oggflac_init(gcc_unused const ConfigBlock &block)
static bool
oggflac_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
oggflac_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler)
FlacMetadataChain chain;
if (!chain.ReadOgg(NarrowPath(path_fs))) {
......@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ oggflac_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
static bool
oggflac_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
oggflac_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
FlacMetadataChain chain;
if (!chain.ReadOgg(is)) {
......@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ MadDecoder::RunScan(TagHandler &handler) noexcept
static bool
mad_decoder_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
mad_decoder_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
MadDecoder data(nullptr, is);
return data.RunScan(handler);
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ mpcdec_get_file_duration(InputStream &is)
static bool
mpcdec_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
mpcdec_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
const auto duration = mpcdec_get_file_duration(is);
if (duration.IsNegative())
......@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ VisitOpusDuration(InputStream &is, OggSyncState &sync, OggStreamState &stream,
static bool
mpd_opus_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
mpd_opus_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
InputStreamReader reader(is);
OggSyncState oy(reader);
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ static constexpr struct {
static bool
sndfile_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
sndfile_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
SF_INFO info;
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ VisitVorbisDuration(InputStream &is,
static bool
vorbis_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
vorbis_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
/* initialize libogg */
......@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ wavpack_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
static bool
wavpack_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler) noexcept
wavpack_scan_stream(InputStream &is, TagHandler &handler)
WavpackInput isp(nullptr, is);
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