Commit c0c51197 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

decoder/flac: fix assertion failure in tag_free() call

Initialize flac_data.tag right after flac_data_init(). This way, the "goto fail" won't jump to the point where tag_free(NULL) can be called.
parent 64ca94c9
ver 0.15.1 (2009/??/??)
* dcecoders:
- flac: fix assertion failure in tag_free() call
* output:
- httpd: include sys/types.h (fixes Mac OS X)
* commands:
......@@ -394,6 +394,7 @@ flac_decode_internal(struct decoder * decoder,
if (!(flac_dec = flac_new()))
flac_data_init(&data, decoder, input_stream);
data.tag = tag_new();
if(!FLAC__stream_decoder_set_metadata_respond(flac_dec, FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT))
......@@ -422,8 +423,6 @@ flac_decode_internal(struct decoder * decoder,
data.tag = tag_new();
if (!flac_process_metadata(flac_dec)) {
err = "problem reading metadata";
goto fail;
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