/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Main.hxx" #include "Instance.hxx" #include "CommandLine.hxx" #include "PlaylistFile.hxx" #include "MusicChunk.hxx" #include "StateFile.hxx" #include "Mapper.hxx" #include "Permission.hxx" #include "Listen.hxx" #include "client/Listener.hxx" #include "client/Client.hxx" #include "client/ClientList.hxx" #include "command/AllCommands.hxx" #include "Partition.hxx" #include "tag/Config.hxx" #include "ReplayGainGlobal.hxx" #include "Idle.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include "LogInit.hxx" #include "input/Init.hxx" #include "event/Loop.hxx" #include "fs/AllocatedPath.hxx" #include "fs/Config.hxx" #include "playlist/PlaylistRegistry.hxx" #include "zeroconf/ZeroconfGlue.hxx" #include "decoder/DecoderList.hxx" #include "AudioParser.hxx" #include "pcm/PcmConvert.hxx" #include "unix/SignalHandlers.hxx" #include "thread/Slack.hxx" #include "net/Init.hxx" #include "lib/icu/Init.hxx" #include "config/File.hxx" #include "config/Check.hxx" #include "config/Data.hxx" #include "config/Param.hxx" #include "config/Path.hxx" #include "config/Defaults.hxx" #include "config/Option.hxx" #include "config/Domain.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "util/ScopeExit.hxx" #ifdef ENABLE_DAEMON #include "unix/Daemon.hxx" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE #include "db/update/Service.hxx" #include "db/Configured.hxx" #include "db/DatabasePlugin.hxx" #include "db/plugins/simple/SimpleDatabasePlugin.hxx" #include "storage/Configured.hxx" #include "storage/CompositeStorage.hxx" #ifdef ENABLE_INOTIFY #include "db/update/InotifyUpdate.hxx" #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NEIGHBOR_PLUGINS #include "neighbor/Glue.hxx" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SQLITE #include "sticker/StickerDatabase.hxx" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ARCHIVE #include "archive/ArchiveList.hxx" #endif #ifdef ANDROID #include "java/Global.hxx" #include "java/File.hxx" #include "android/Environment.hxx" #include "android/Context.hxx" #include "android/LogListener.hxx" #include "fs/FileSystem.hxx" #include "org_musicpd_Bridge.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DBUS #include "lib/dbus/Init.hxx" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD_DAEMON #include <systemd/sd-daemon.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H #include <locale.h> #endif #include <limits.h> static constexpr size_t KILOBYTE = 1024; static constexpr size_t MEGABYTE = 1024 * KILOBYTE; static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4 * MEGABYTE; static constexpr size_t MIN_BUFFER_SIZE = std::max(CHUNK_SIZE * 32, 64 * KILOBYTE); #ifdef ANDROID Context *context; LogListener *logListener; #endif Instance *instance; struct Config { ReplayGainConfig replay_gain; }; static Config LoadConfig(const ConfigData &config) { return {LoadReplayGainConfig(config)}; } #ifdef ENABLE_DAEMON static void glue_daemonize_init(const struct options *options, const ConfigData &config) { daemonize_init(config.GetString(ConfigOption::USER), config.GetString(ConfigOption::GROUP), config.GetPath(ConfigOption::PID_FILE)); if (options->kill) daemonize_kill(); } #endif static void glue_mapper_init(const ConfigData &config) { mapper_init(config.GetPath(ConfigOption::PLAYLIST_DIR)); } #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE static void InitStorage(const ConfigData &config, EventLoop &event_loop) { auto storage = CreateConfiguredStorage(config, event_loop); if (storage == nullptr) return; CompositeStorage *composite = new CompositeStorage(); instance->storage = composite; composite->Mount("", std::move(storage)); } /** * Returns the database. If this function returns false, this has not * succeeded, and the caller should create the database after the * process has been daemonized. */ static bool glue_db_init_and_load(const ConfigData &config) { instance->database = CreateConfiguredDatabase(config, instance->event_loop, instance->io_thread.GetEventLoop(), *instance); if (instance->database == nullptr) return true; if (instance->database->GetPlugin().flags & DatabasePlugin::FLAG_REQUIRE_STORAGE) { InitStorage(config, instance->io_thread.GetEventLoop()); if (instance->storage == nullptr) { delete instance->database; instance->database = nullptr; LogDefault(config_domain, "Found database setting without " "music_directory - disabling database"); return true; } } else { if (IsStorageConfigured(config)) LogDefault(config_domain, "Ignoring the storage configuration " "because the database does not need it"); } try { instance->database->Open(); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(std::runtime_error("Failed to open database plugin")); } if (!instance->database->IsPlugin(simple_db_plugin)) return true; SimpleDatabase &db = *(SimpleDatabase *)instance->database; instance->update = new UpdateService(config, instance->event_loop, db, static_cast<CompositeStorage &>(*instance->storage), *instance); /* run database update after daemonization? */ return db.FileExists(); } static bool InitDatabaseAndStorage(const ConfigData &config) { const bool create_db = !glue_db_init_and_load(config); return create_db; } #endif /** * Configure and initialize the sticker subsystem. */ static void glue_sticker_init(const ConfigData &config) { #ifdef ENABLE_SQLITE auto sticker_file = config.GetPath(ConfigOption::STICKER_FILE); if (sticker_file.IsNull()) return; sticker_global_init(std::move(sticker_file)); #else (void)config; #endif } static void glue_state_file_init(const ConfigData &raw_config) { StateFileConfig config(raw_config); if (!config.IsEnabled()) return; instance->state_file = new StateFile(std::move(config), instance->partitions.front(), instance->event_loop); instance->state_file->Read(); } /** * Initialize the decoder and player core, including the music pipe. */ static void initialize_decoder_and_player(const ConfigData &config, const ReplayGainConfig &replay_gain_config) { const ConfigParam *param; size_t buffer_size; param = config.GetParam(ConfigOption::AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE); if (param != nullptr) { char *test; long tmp = strtol(param->value.c_str(), &test, 10); if (*test != '\0' || tmp <= 0 || tmp == LONG_MAX) throw FormatRuntimeError("buffer size \"%s\" is not a " "positive integer, line %i", param->value.c_str(), param->line); buffer_size = tmp * KILOBYTE; if (buffer_size < MIN_BUFFER_SIZE) { FormatWarning(config_domain, "buffer size %lu is too small, using %lu bytes instead", (unsigned long)buffer_size, (unsigned long)MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); buffer_size = MIN_BUFFER_SIZE; } } else buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; const unsigned buffered_chunks = buffer_size / CHUNK_SIZE; if (buffered_chunks >= 1 << 15) throw FormatRuntimeError("buffer size \"%lu\" is too big", (unsigned long)buffer_size); const unsigned max_length = config.GetPositive(ConfigOption::MAX_PLAYLIST_LENGTH, DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_MAX_LENGTH); AudioFormat configured_audio_format = AudioFormat::Undefined(); param = config.GetParam(ConfigOption::AUDIO_OUTPUT_FORMAT); if (param != nullptr) { try { configured_audio_format = ParseAudioFormat(param->value.c_str(), true); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(FormatRuntimeError("error parsing line %i", param->line)); } } instance->partitions.emplace_back(*instance, "default", max_length, buffered_chunks, configured_audio_format, replay_gain_config); auto &partition = instance->partitions.back(); try { param = config.GetParam(ConfigOption::REPLAYGAIN); if (param != nullptr) partition.replay_gain_mode = FromString(param->value.c_str()); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(FormatRuntimeError("Failed to parse line %i", param->line)); } } inline void Instance::BeginShutdownUpdate() noexcept { #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE #ifdef ENABLE_INOTIFY mpd_inotify_finish(); #endif if (update != nullptr) update->CancelAllAsync(); #endif } inline void Instance::FinishShutdownUpdate() noexcept { #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE delete update; #endif } inline void Instance::ShutdownDatabase() noexcept { #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE if (instance->database != nullptr) { instance->database->Close(); delete instance->database; } delete instance->storage; #endif } inline void Instance::BeginShutdownPartitions() noexcept { for (auto &partition : partitions) { partition.pc.Kill(); partition.listener.reset(); } } inline void Instance::FinishShutdownPartitions() noexcept { partitions.clear(); } void Instance::OnIdle(unsigned flags) { /* send "idle" notifications to all subscribed clients */ client_list->IdleAdd(flags); if (flags & (IDLE_PLAYLIST|IDLE_PLAYER|IDLE_MIXER|IDLE_OUTPUT) && state_file != nullptr) state_file->CheckModified(); } #ifndef ANDROID int main(int argc, char *argv[]) noexcept { #ifdef _WIN32 return win32_main(argc, argv); #else return mpd_main(argc, argv); #endif } #endif static int mpd_main_after_fork(const ConfigData &raw_config, const Config &config); static inline int MainOrThrow(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct options options; #ifdef ENABLE_DAEMON daemonize_close_stdin(); #endif #ifndef ANDROID #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H /* initialize locale */ setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); setlocale(LC_COLLATE, ""); #endif #endif const ScopeIcuInit icu_init; const ScopeNetInit net_init; #ifdef ENABLE_DBUS const ODBus::ScopeInit dbus_init; #endif ConfigData raw_config; #ifdef ANDROID (void)argc; (void)argv; const auto sdcard = Environment::getExternalStorageDirectory(); if (!sdcard.IsNull()) { const auto config_path = sdcard / Path::FromFS("mpd.conf"); if (FileExists(config_path)) ReadConfigFile(raw_config, config_path); } #else ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, options, raw_config); #endif InitPathParser(raw_config); const auto config = LoadConfig(raw_config); #ifdef ENABLE_DAEMON glue_daemonize_init(&options, raw_config); #endif TagLoadConfig(raw_config); log_init(raw_config, options.verbose, options.log_stderr); instance = new Instance(); AtScopeExit() { delete instance; instance = nullptr; }; #ifdef ENABLE_NEIGHBOR_PLUGINS instance->neighbors = new NeighborGlue(); instance->neighbors->Init(raw_config, instance->io_thread.GetEventLoop(), *instance); if (instance->neighbors->IsEmpty()) { delete instance->neighbors; instance->neighbors = nullptr; } #endif const unsigned max_clients = raw_config.GetPositive(ConfigOption::MAX_CONN, 10); instance->client_list = new ClientList(max_clients); initialize_decoder_and_player(raw_config, config.replay_gain); listen_global_init(raw_config, *instance->partitions.front().listener); #ifdef ENABLE_DAEMON daemonize_set_user(); daemonize_begin(options.daemon); AtScopeExit() { daemonize_finish(); }; #endif return mpd_main_after_fork(raw_config, config); } #ifdef ANDROID static inline #endif int mpd_main(int argc, char *argv[]) noexcept { AtScopeExit() { log_deinit(); }; try { return MainOrThrow(argc, argv); } catch (...) { LogError(std::current_exception()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } static int mpd_main_after_fork(const ConfigData &raw_config, const Config &config) { ConfigureFS(raw_config); glue_mapper_init(raw_config); initPermissions(raw_config); spl_global_init(raw_config); #ifdef ENABLE_ARCHIVE archive_plugin_init_all(); #endif pcm_convert_global_init(raw_config); decoder_plugin_init_all(raw_config); #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE const bool create_db = InitDatabaseAndStorage(raw_config); #endif glue_sticker_init(raw_config); command_init(); for (auto &partition : instance->partitions) { partition.outputs.Configure(instance->rtio_thread.GetEventLoop(), raw_config, config.replay_gain, partition.pc); partition.UpdateEffectiveReplayGainMode(); } client_manager_init(raw_config); input_stream_global_init(raw_config, instance->io_thread.GetEventLoop()); playlist_list_global_init(raw_config); #ifdef ENABLE_DAEMON daemonize_commit(); #endif #ifndef ANDROID setup_log_output(); SignalHandlersInit(instance->event_loop); #endif instance->io_thread.Start(); instance->rtio_thread.Start(); #ifdef ENABLE_NEIGHBOR_PLUGINS if (instance->neighbors != nullptr) instance->neighbors->Open(); #endif ZeroconfInit(raw_config, instance->event_loop); #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE if (create_db) { /* the database failed to load: recreate the database */ instance->update->Enqueue("", true); } #endif glue_state_file_init(raw_config); #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE if (raw_config.GetBool(ConfigOption::AUTO_UPDATE, false)) { #ifdef ENABLE_INOTIFY if (instance->storage != nullptr && instance->update != nullptr) mpd_inotify_init(instance->event_loop, *instance->storage, *instance->update, raw_config.GetUnsigned(ConfigOption::AUTO_UPDATE_DEPTH, INT_MAX)); #else FormatWarning(config_domain, "inotify: auto_update was disabled. enable during compilation phase"); #endif } #endif Check(raw_config); /* enable all audio outputs (if not already done by playlist_state_restore() */ for (auto &partition : instance->partitions) partition.pc.LockUpdateAudio(); #ifdef _WIN32 win32_app_started(); #endif /* the MPD frontend does not care about timer slack; set it to a huge value to allow the kernel to reduce CPU wakeups */ SetThreadTimerSlackMS(100); #ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD_DAEMON sd_notify(0, "READY=1"); #endif /* run the main loop */ instance->event_loop.Run(); #ifdef _WIN32 win32_app_stopping(); #endif /* cleanup */ instance->BeginShutdownUpdate(); if (instance->state_file != nullptr) { instance->state_file->Write(); delete instance->state_file; } ZeroconfDeinit(); instance->BeginShutdownPartitions(); delete instance->client_list; #ifdef ENABLE_NEIGHBOR_PLUGINS if (instance->neighbors != nullptr) { instance->neighbors->Close(); delete instance->neighbors; } #endif instance->FinishShutdownUpdate(); instance->ShutdownDatabase(); #ifdef ENABLE_SQLITE sticker_global_finish(); #endif playlist_list_global_finish(); input_stream_global_finish(); #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE mapper_finish(); #endif DeinitFS(); instance->FinishShutdownPartitions(); command_finish(); decoder_plugin_deinit_all(); #ifdef ENABLE_ARCHIVE archive_plugin_deinit_all(); #endif instance->rtio_thread.Stop(); instance->io_thread.Stop(); #ifndef ANDROID SignalHandlersFinish(); #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #ifdef ANDROID gcc_visibility_default JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_musicpd_Bridge_run(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jobject _context, jobject _logListener) { Java::Init(env); Java::File::Initialise(env); Environment::Initialise(env); context = new Context(env, _context); if (_logListener != nullptr) logListener = new LogListener(env, _logListener); mpd_main(0, nullptr); delete logListener; delete context; Environment::Deinitialise(env); } gcc_visibility_default JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_musicpd_Bridge_shutdown(JNIEnv *, jclass) { if (instance != nullptr) instance->Break(); } #endif