/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /** * CD-Audio handling (requires libcdio_paranoia) */ #include "config.h" #include "CdioParanoiaInputPlugin.hxx" #include "lib/cdio/Paranoia.hxx" #include "../InputStream.hxx" #include "../InputPlugin.hxx" #include "util/TruncateString.hxx" #include "util/StringCompare.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "system/ByteOrder.hxx" #include "fs/AllocatedPath.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include "config/Block.hxx" #include "config/Domain.hxx" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <cdio/cd_types.h> class CdioParanoiaInputStream final : public InputStream { cdrom_drive_t *const drv; CdIo_t *const cdio; CdromParanoia para; const lsn_t lsn_from, lsn_to; int lsn_relofs; char buffer[CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW]; int buffer_lsn; public: CdioParanoiaInputStream(const char *_uri, Mutex &_mutex, cdrom_drive_t *_drv, CdIo_t *_cdio, bool reverse_endian, lsn_t _lsn_from, lsn_t _lsn_to) :InputStream(_uri, _mutex), drv(_drv), cdio(_cdio), para(drv), lsn_from(_lsn_from), lsn_to(_lsn_to), lsn_relofs(0), buffer_lsn(-1) { /* Set reading mode for full paranoia, but allow skipping sectors. */ para.SetMode(PARANOIA_MODE_FULL^PARANOIA_MODE_NEVERSKIP); /* seek to beginning of the track */ para.Seek(lsn_from); seekable = true; size = (lsn_to - lsn_from + 1) * CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; /* hack to make MPD select the "pcm" decoder plugin */ SetMimeType(reverse_endian ? "audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm-reverse" : "audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm"); SetReady(); } ~CdioParanoiaInputStream() { para = {}; cdio_cddap_close_no_free_cdio(drv); cdio_destroy(cdio); } /* virtual methods from InputStream */ bool IsEOF() noexcept override; size_t Read(void *ptr, size_t size) override; void Seek(offset_type offset) override; }; static constexpr Domain cdio_domain("cdio"); static bool default_reverse_endian; static unsigned speed = 0; static void input_cdio_init(EventLoop &, const ConfigBlock &block) { const char *value = block.GetBlockValue("default_byte_order"); if (value != nullptr) { if (strcmp(value, "little_endian") == 0) default_reverse_endian = IsBigEndian(); else if (strcmp(value, "big_endian") == 0) default_reverse_endian = IsLittleEndian(); else throw FormatRuntimeError("Unrecognized 'default_byte_order' setting: %s", value); } speed = block.GetBlockValue("speed",0u); } struct CdioUri { char device[64]; int track; }; static CdioUri parse_cdio_uri(const char *src) { CdioUri dest; if (*src == 0) { /* play the whole CD in the default drive */ dest.device[0] = 0; dest.track = -1; return dest; } const char *slash = strrchr(src, '/'); if (slash == nullptr) { /* play the whole CD in the specified drive */ CopyTruncateString(dest.device, src, sizeof(dest.device)); dest.track = -1; return dest; } size_t device_length = slash - src; if (device_length >= sizeof(dest.device)) device_length = sizeof(dest.device) - 1; memcpy(dest.device, src, device_length); dest.device[device_length] = 0; const char *track = slash + 1; char *endptr; dest.track = strtoul(track, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Malformed track number"); if (endptr == track) /* play the whole CD */ dest.track = -1; return dest; } static AllocatedPath cdio_detect_device(void) { char **devices = cdio_get_devices_with_cap(nullptr, CDIO_FS_AUDIO, false); if (devices == nullptr) return nullptr; AllocatedPath path = AllocatedPath::FromFS(devices[0]); cdio_free_device_list(devices); return path; } static InputStreamPtr input_cdio_open(const char *uri, Mutex &mutex) { uri = StringAfterPrefixIgnoreCase(uri, "cdda://"); assert(uri != nullptr); const auto parsed_uri = parse_cdio_uri(uri); /* get list of CD's supporting CD-DA */ const AllocatedPath device = parsed_uri.device[0] != 0 ? AllocatedPath::FromFS(parsed_uri.device) : cdio_detect_device(); if (device.IsNull()) throw std::runtime_error("Unable find or access a CD-ROM drive with an audio CD in it."); /* Found such a CD-ROM with a CD-DA loaded. Use the first drive in the list. */ const auto cdio = cdio_open(device.c_str(), DRIVER_UNKNOWN); if (cdio == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open CD drive"); const auto drv = cdio_cddap_identify_cdio(cdio, 1, nullptr); if (drv == nullptr) { cdio_destroy(cdio); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to identify audio CD disc."); } cdio_cddap_verbose_set(drv, CDDA_MESSAGE_FORGETIT, CDDA_MESSAGE_FORGETIT); if (speed > 0) { FormatDebug(cdio_domain,"Attempting to set CD speed to %dx",speed); cdio_cddap_speed_set(drv,speed); } if (0 != cdio_cddap_open(drv)) { cdio_cddap_close_no_free_cdio(drv); cdio_destroy(cdio); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open disc."); } bool reverse_endian; const int be = data_bigendianp(drv); switch (be) { case -1: LogDebug(cdio_domain, "drive returns unknown audio data"); reverse_endian = default_reverse_endian; break; case 0: LogDebug(cdio_domain, "drive returns audio data Little Endian"); reverse_endian = IsBigEndian(); break; case 1: LogDebug(cdio_domain, "drive returns audio data Big Endian"); reverse_endian = IsLittleEndian(); break; default: cdio_cddap_close_no_free_cdio(drv); cdio_destroy(cdio); throw FormatRuntimeError("Drive returns unknown data type %d", be); } lsn_t lsn_from, lsn_to; if (parsed_uri.track >= 0) { lsn_from = cdio_get_track_lsn(cdio, parsed_uri.track); lsn_to = cdio_get_track_last_lsn(cdio, parsed_uri.track); } else { lsn_from = 0; lsn_to = cdio_get_disc_last_lsn(cdio); } return std::make_unique<CdioParanoiaInputStream>(uri, mutex, drv, cdio, reverse_endian, lsn_from, lsn_to); } void CdioParanoiaInputStream::Seek(offset_type new_offset) { if (new_offset > size) throw FormatRuntimeError("Invalid offset to seek %ld (%ld)", (long int)new_offset, (long int)size); /* simple case */ if (new_offset == offset) return; /* calculate current LSN */ lsn_relofs = new_offset / CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; offset = new_offset; { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); para.Seek(lsn_from + lsn_relofs); } } size_t CdioParanoiaInputStream::Read(void *ptr, size_t length) { size_t nbytes = 0; char *wptr = (char *) ptr; while (length > 0) { /* end of track ? */ if (lsn_from + lsn_relofs > lsn_to) break; //current sector was changed ? const int16_t *rbuf; if (lsn_relofs != buffer_lsn) { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); try { rbuf = para.Read().data; } catch (...) { char *s_err = cdio_cddap_errors(drv); if (s_err) { FormatError(cdio_domain, "paranoia_read: %s", s_err); #if LIBCDIO_VERSION_NUM >= 90 cdio_cddap_free_messages(s_err); #else free(s_err); #endif } throw; } //store current buffer memcpy(buffer, rbuf, CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW); buffer_lsn = lsn_relofs; } else { //use cached sector rbuf = (const int16_t *)buffer; } //correct offset const int diff = offset - lsn_relofs * CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; assert(diff >= 0 && diff < CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW); const size_t maxwrite = CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW - diff; //# of bytes pending in current buffer const size_t len = (length < maxwrite? length : maxwrite); //skip diff bytes from this lsn memcpy(wptr, ((const char *)rbuf) + diff, len); //update pointer wptr += len; nbytes += len; //update offset offset += len; lsn_relofs = offset / CDIO_CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW; //update length length -= len; } return nbytes; } bool CdioParanoiaInputStream::IsEOF() noexcept { return lsn_from + lsn_relofs > lsn_to; } static constexpr const char *cdio_paranoia_prefixes[] = { "cdda://", nullptr }; const InputPlugin input_plugin_cdio_paranoia = { "cdio_paranoia", cdio_paranoia_prefixes, input_cdio_init, nullptr, input_cdio_open, };