/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2015 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "NfsStorage.hxx" #include "storage/StoragePlugin.hxx" #include "storage/StorageInterface.hxx" #include "storage/FileInfo.hxx" #include "storage/MemoryDirectoryReader.hxx" #include "lib/nfs/Blocking.hxx" #include "lib/nfs/Domain.hxx" #include "lib/nfs/Base.hxx" #include "lib/nfs/Lease.hxx" #include "lib/nfs/Connection.hxx" #include "lib/nfs/Glue.hxx" #include "fs/AllocatedPath.hxx" #include "util/Error.hxx" #include "thread/Mutex.hxx" #include "thread/Cond.hxx" #include "event/Loop.hxx" #include "event/Call.hxx" #include "event/DeferredMonitor.hxx" #include "event/TimeoutMonitor.hxx" extern "C" { #include <nfsc/libnfs.h> #include <nfsc/libnfs-raw-nfs.h> } #include <string> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> class NfsStorage final : public Storage, NfsLease, DeferredMonitor, TimeoutMonitor { enum class State { INITIAL, CONNECTING, READY, DELAY, }; const std::string base; const std::string server, export_name; NfsConnection *connection; Mutex mutex; Cond cond; State state; Error last_error; public: NfsStorage(EventLoop &_loop, const char *_base, std::string &&_server, std::string &&_export_name) :DeferredMonitor(_loop), TimeoutMonitor(_loop), base(_base), server(std::move(_server)), export_name(std::move(_export_name)), state(State::INITIAL) { nfs_init(); } ~NfsStorage() { BlockingCall(GetEventLoop(), [this](){ Disconnect(); }); nfs_finish(); } /* virtual methods from class Storage */ bool GetInfo(const char *uri_utf8, bool follow, StorageFileInfo &info, Error &error) override; StorageDirectoryReader *OpenDirectory(const char *uri_utf8, Error &error) override; std::string MapUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const override; const char *MapToRelativeUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const override; /* virtual methods from NfsLease */ void OnNfsConnectionReady() final { assert(state == State::CONNECTING); SetState(State::READY); } void OnNfsConnectionFailed(gcc_unused const Error &error) final { assert(state == State::CONNECTING); SetState(State::DELAY, error); TimeoutMonitor::ScheduleSeconds(60); } void OnNfsConnectionDisconnected(gcc_unused const Error &error) final { assert(state == State::READY); SetState(State::DELAY, error); TimeoutMonitor::ScheduleSeconds(5); } /* virtual methods from DeferredMonitor */ void RunDeferred() final { if (state == State::INITIAL) Connect(); } /* virtual methods from TimeoutMonitor */ void OnTimeout() final { assert(state == State::DELAY); Connect(); } private: EventLoop &GetEventLoop() { return DeferredMonitor::GetEventLoop(); } void SetState(State _state) { assert(GetEventLoop().IsInside()); const ScopeLock protect(mutex); state = _state; cond.broadcast(); } void SetState(State _state, const Error &error) { assert(GetEventLoop().IsInside()); const ScopeLock protect(mutex); state = _state; last_error.Clear(); last_error.Set(error); cond.broadcast(); } void Connect() { assert(state != State::READY); assert(GetEventLoop().IsInside()); connection = &nfs_get_connection(server.c_str(), export_name.c_str()); connection->AddLease(*this); SetState(State::CONNECTING); } void EnsureConnected() { if (state != State::READY) Connect(); } bool WaitConnected(Error &error) { const ScopeLock protect(mutex); while (true) { switch (state) { case State::INITIAL: /* schedule connect */ mutex.unlock(); DeferredMonitor::Schedule(); mutex.lock(); break; case State::CONNECTING: case State::READY: return true; case State::DELAY: assert(last_error.IsDefined()); error.Set(last_error); return false; } cond.wait(mutex); } } void Disconnect() { assert(GetEventLoop().IsInside()); switch (state) { case State::INITIAL: DeferredMonitor::Cancel(); break; case State::CONNECTING: case State::READY: connection->RemoveLease(*this); SetState(State::INITIAL); break; case State::DELAY: TimeoutMonitor::Cancel(); SetState(State::INITIAL); break; } } }; static std::string UriToNfsPath(const char *_uri_utf8, Error &error) { assert(_uri_utf8 != nullptr); /* libnfs paths must begin with a slash */ std::string uri_utf8("/"); uri_utf8.append(_uri_utf8); return AllocatedPath::FromUTF8(uri_utf8.c_str(), error).Steal(); } std::string NfsStorage::MapUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const { assert(uri_utf8 != nullptr); if (*uri_utf8 == 0) return base; return PathTraitsUTF8::Build(base.c_str(), uri_utf8); } const char * NfsStorage::MapToRelativeUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const { return PathTraitsUTF8::Relative(base.c_str(), uri_utf8); } static void Copy(StorageFileInfo &info, const struct stat &st) { if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) info.type = StorageFileInfo::Type::REGULAR; else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) info.type = StorageFileInfo::Type::DIRECTORY; else info.type = StorageFileInfo::Type::OTHER; info.size = st.st_size; info.mtime = st.st_mtime; info.device = st.st_dev; info.inode = st.st_ino; } class NfsGetInfoOperation final : public BlockingNfsOperation { const char *const path; StorageFileInfo &info; public: NfsGetInfoOperation(NfsConnection &_connection, const char *_path, StorageFileInfo &_info) :BlockingNfsOperation(_connection), path(_path), info(_info) {} protected: bool Start(Error &_error) override { return connection.Stat(path, *this, _error); } void HandleResult(gcc_unused unsigned status, void *data) override { Copy(info, *(const struct stat *)data); } }; bool NfsStorage::GetInfo(const char *uri_utf8, gcc_unused bool follow, StorageFileInfo &info, Error &error) { const std::string path = UriToNfsPath(uri_utf8, error); if (path.empty()) return false; if (!WaitConnected(error)) return false; NfsGetInfoOperation operation(*connection, path.c_str(), info); return operation.Run(error); } gcc_pure static bool SkipNameFS(const char *name) { return name[0] == '.' && (name[1] == 0 || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == 0)); } static void Copy(StorageFileInfo &info, const struct nfsdirent &ent) { switch (ent.type) { case NF3REG: info.type = StorageFileInfo::Type::REGULAR; break; case NF3DIR: info.type = StorageFileInfo::Type::DIRECTORY; break; default: info.type = StorageFileInfo::Type::OTHER; break; } info.size = ent.size; info.mtime = ent.mtime.tv_sec; info.device = 0; info.inode = ent.inode; } class NfsListDirectoryOperation final : public BlockingNfsOperation { const char *const path; MemoryStorageDirectoryReader::List entries; public: NfsListDirectoryOperation(NfsConnection &_connection, const char *_path) :BlockingNfsOperation(_connection), path(_path) {} StorageDirectoryReader *ToReader() { return new MemoryStorageDirectoryReader(std::move(entries)); } protected: bool Start(Error &_error) override { return connection.OpenDirectory(path, *this, _error); } void HandleResult(gcc_unused unsigned status, void *data) override { struct nfsdir *const dir = (struct nfsdir *)data; CollectEntries(dir); connection.CloseDirectory(dir); } private: void CollectEntries(struct nfsdir *dir); }; inline void NfsListDirectoryOperation::CollectEntries(struct nfsdir *dir) { assert(entries.empty()); const struct nfsdirent *ent; while ((ent = connection.ReadDirectory(dir)) != nullptr) { const Path name_fs = Path::FromFS(ent->name); if (SkipNameFS(name_fs.c_str())) continue; std::string name_utf8 = name_fs.ToUTF8(); if (name_utf8.empty()) /* ignore files whose name cannot be converted to UTF-8 */ continue; entries.emplace_front(std::move(name_utf8)); Copy(entries.front().info, *ent); } } StorageDirectoryReader * NfsStorage::OpenDirectory(const char *uri_utf8, Error &error) { const std::string path = UriToNfsPath(uri_utf8, error); if (path.empty()) return nullptr; if (!WaitConnected(error)) return nullptr; NfsListDirectoryOperation operation(*connection, path.c_str()); if (!operation.Run(error)) return nullptr; return operation.ToReader(); } static Storage * CreateNfsStorageURI(EventLoop &event_loop, const char *base, Error &error) { if (memcmp(base, "nfs://", 6) != 0) return nullptr; const char *p = base + 6; const char *mount = strchr(p, '/'); if (mount == nullptr) { error.Set(nfs_domain, "Malformed nfs:// URI"); return nullptr; } const std::string server(p, mount); nfs_set_base(server.c_str(), mount); return new NfsStorage(event_loop, base, server.c_str(), mount); } const StoragePlugin nfs_storage_plugin = { "nfs", CreateNfsStorageURI, };