/* * Copyright 2003-2016 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "MpcdecDecoderPlugin.hxx" #include "../DecoderAPI.hxx" #include "input/InputStream.hxx" #include "CheckAudioFormat.hxx" #include "pcm/Traits.hxx" #include "tag/TagHandler.hxx" #include "util/Error.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "util/Macros.hxx" #include "util/Clamp.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <mpc/mpcdec.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <math.h> struct mpc_decoder_data { InputStream &is; Decoder *decoder; mpc_decoder_data(InputStream &_is, Decoder *_decoder) :is(_is), decoder(_decoder) {} }; static constexpr Domain mpcdec_domain("mpcdec"); static constexpr SampleFormat mpcdec_sample_format = SampleFormat::S24_P32; typedef SampleTraits<mpcdec_sample_format> MpcdecSampleTraits; static mpc_int32_t mpc_read_cb(mpc_reader *reader, void *ptr, mpc_int32_t size) { struct mpc_decoder_data *data = (struct mpc_decoder_data *)reader->data; return decoder_read(data->decoder, data->is, ptr, size); } static mpc_bool_t mpc_seek_cb(mpc_reader *reader, mpc_int32_t offset) { struct mpc_decoder_data *data = (struct mpc_decoder_data *)reader->data; try { data->is.LockSeek(offset); return true; } catch (const std::runtime_error &) { return false; } } static mpc_int32_t mpc_tell_cb(mpc_reader *reader) { struct mpc_decoder_data *data = (struct mpc_decoder_data *)reader->data; return (long)data->is.GetOffset(); } static mpc_bool_t mpc_canseek_cb(mpc_reader *reader) { struct mpc_decoder_data *data = (struct mpc_decoder_data *)reader->data; return data->is.IsSeekable(); } static mpc_int32_t mpc_getsize_cb(mpc_reader *reader) { struct mpc_decoder_data *data = (struct mpc_decoder_data *)reader->data; if (!data->is.KnownSize()) return -1; return data->is.GetSize(); } /* this _looks_ performance-critical, don't de-inline -- eric */ static inline MpcdecSampleTraits::value_type mpc_to_mpd_sample(MPC_SAMPLE_FORMAT sample) { /* only doing 16-bit audio for now */ MpcdecSampleTraits::value_type val; constexpr int bits = MpcdecSampleTraits::BITS; constexpr auto clip_min = MpcdecSampleTraits::MIN; constexpr auto clip_max = MpcdecSampleTraits::MAX; #ifdef MPC_FIXED_POINT const int shift = bits - MPC_FIXED_POINT_SCALE_SHIFT; if (shift < 0) val = sample >> -shift; else val = sample << shift; #else const int float_scale = 1 << (bits - 1); val = sample * float_scale; #endif return Clamp(val, clip_min, clip_max); } static void mpc_to_mpd_buffer(MpcdecSampleTraits::pointer_type dest, const MPC_SAMPLE_FORMAT *src, unsigned num_samples) { while (num_samples-- > 0) *dest++ = mpc_to_mpd_sample(*src++); } static void mpcdec_decode(Decoder &mpd_decoder, InputStream &is) { mpc_decoder_data data(is, &mpd_decoder); mpc_reader reader; reader.read = mpc_read_cb; reader.seek = mpc_seek_cb; reader.tell = mpc_tell_cb; reader.get_size = mpc_getsize_cb; reader.canseek = mpc_canseek_cb; reader.data = &data; mpc_demux *demux = mpc_demux_init(&reader); if (demux == nullptr) { if (decoder_get_command(mpd_decoder) != DecoderCommand::STOP) LogWarning(mpcdec_domain, "Not a valid musepack stream"); return; } mpc_streaminfo info; mpc_demux_get_info(demux, &info); Error error; AudioFormat audio_format; if (!audio_format_init_checked(audio_format, info.sample_freq, mpcdec_sample_format, info.channels, error)) { LogError(error); mpc_demux_exit(demux); return; } ReplayGainInfo rgi; rgi.Clear(); rgi.tuples[REPLAY_GAIN_ALBUM].gain = MPC_OLD_GAIN_REF - (info.gain_album / 256.); rgi.tuples[REPLAY_GAIN_ALBUM].peak = pow(10, info.peak_album / 256. / 20) / 32767; rgi.tuples[REPLAY_GAIN_TRACK].gain = MPC_OLD_GAIN_REF - (info.gain_title / 256.); rgi.tuples[REPLAY_GAIN_TRACK].peak = pow(10, info.peak_title / 256. / 20) / 32767; decoder_replay_gain(mpd_decoder, &rgi); decoder_initialized(mpd_decoder, audio_format, is.IsSeekable(), SongTime::FromS(mpc_streaminfo_get_length(&info))); DecoderCommand cmd = DecoderCommand::NONE; do { if (cmd == DecoderCommand::SEEK) { mpc_int64_t where = decoder_seek_where_frame(mpd_decoder); bool success; success = mpc_demux_seek_sample(demux, where) == MPC_STATUS_OK; if (success) decoder_command_finished(mpd_decoder); else decoder_seek_error(mpd_decoder); } MPC_SAMPLE_FORMAT sample_buffer[MPC_DECODER_BUFFER_LENGTH]; mpc_frame_info frame; frame.buffer = (MPC_SAMPLE_FORMAT *)sample_buffer; mpc_status status = mpc_demux_decode(demux, &frame); if (status != MPC_STATUS_OK) { LogWarning(mpcdec_domain, "Failed to decode sample"); break; } if (frame.bits == -1) break; mpc_uint32_t ret = frame.samples; ret *= info.channels; MpcdecSampleTraits::value_type chunk[ARRAY_SIZE(sample_buffer)]; mpc_to_mpd_buffer(chunk, sample_buffer, ret); long bit_rate = unsigned(frame.bits) * audio_format.sample_rate / (1000 * frame.samples); cmd = decoder_data(mpd_decoder, is, chunk, ret * sizeof(chunk[0]), bit_rate); } while (cmd != DecoderCommand::STOP); mpc_demux_exit(demux); } static SignedSongTime mpcdec_get_file_duration(InputStream &is) { mpc_decoder_data data(is, nullptr); mpc_reader reader; reader.read = mpc_read_cb; reader.seek = mpc_seek_cb; reader.tell = mpc_tell_cb; reader.get_size = mpc_getsize_cb; reader.canseek = mpc_canseek_cb; reader.data = &data; mpc_demux *demux = mpc_demux_init(&reader); if (demux == nullptr) return SignedSongTime::Negative(); mpc_streaminfo info; mpc_demux_get_info(demux, &info); mpc_demux_exit(demux); return SongTime::FromS(mpc_streaminfo_get_length(&info)); } static bool mpcdec_scan_stream(InputStream &is, const TagHandler &handler, void *handler_ctx) { const auto duration = mpcdec_get_file_duration(is); if (duration.IsNegative()) return false; tag_handler_invoke_duration(handler, handler_ctx, SongTime(duration)); return true; } static const char *const mpcdec_suffixes[] = { "mpc", nullptr }; const struct DecoderPlugin mpcdec_decoder_plugin = { "mpcdec", nullptr, nullptr, mpcdec_decode, nullptr, nullptr, mpcdec_scan_stream, nullptr, mpcdec_suffixes, nullptr, };