/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "PlaylistFile.hxx" #include "PlaylistSave.hxx" #include "PlaylistError.hxx" #include "db/PlaylistInfo.hxx" #include "db/PlaylistVector.hxx" #include "song/DetachedSong.hxx" #include "SongLoader.hxx" #include "Mapper.hxx" #include "fs/io/TextFile.hxx" #include "fs/io/FileOutputStream.hxx" #include "fs/io/BufferedOutputStream.hxx" #include "config/Data.hxx" #include "config/Option.hxx" #include "config/Defaults.hxx" #include "Idle.hxx" #include "fs/Limits.hxx" #include "fs/AllocatedPath.hxx" #include "fs/Traits.hxx" #include "fs/FileSystem.hxx" #include "fs/FileInfo.hxx" #include "fs/DirectoryReader.hxx" #include "util/Macros.hxx" #include "util/StringCompare.hxx" #include "util/UriUtil.hxx" #include <memory> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> static const char PLAYLIST_COMMENT = '#'; static unsigned playlist_max_length; bool playlist_saveAbsolutePaths = DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATHS; void spl_global_init(const ConfigData &config) { playlist_max_length = config.GetPositive(ConfigOption::MAX_PLAYLIST_LENGTH, DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_MAX_LENGTH); playlist_saveAbsolutePaths = config.GetBool(ConfigOption::SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATHS, DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATHS); } bool spl_valid_name(const char *name_utf8) { if (StringIsEmpty(name_utf8)) /* empty name not allowed */ return false; /* * Not supporting '/' was done out of laziness, and we should * really strive to support it in the future. * * Not supporting '\r' and '\n' is done out of protocol * limitations (and arguably laziness), but bending over head * over heels to modify the protocol (and compatibility with * all clients) to support idiots who put '\r' and '\n' in * filenames isn't going to happen, either. */ return strchr(name_utf8, '/') == nullptr && strchr(name_utf8, '\n') == nullptr && strchr(name_utf8, '\r') == nullptr; } static const AllocatedPath & spl_map() { const AllocatedPath &path_fs = map_spl_path(); if (path_fs.IsNull()) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::DISABLED, "Stored playlists are disabled"); return path_fs; } static void spl_check_name(const char *name_utf8) { if (!spl_valid_name(name_utf8)) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::BAD_NAME, "Bad playlist name"); } AllocatedPath spl_map_to_fs(const char *name_utf8) { spl_map(); spl_check_name(name_utf8); auto path_fs = map_spl_utf8_to_fs(name_utf8); if (path_fs.IsNull()) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::BAD_NAME, "Bad playlist name"); return path_fs; } static bool LoadPlaylistFileInfo(PlaylistInfo &info, const Path parent_path_fs, const Path name_fs) { if (name_fs.HasNewline()) return false; const auto *const name_fs_str = name_fs.c_str(); const auto *const name_fs_end = FindStringSuffix(name_fs_str, PATH_LITERAL(PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)); if (name_fs_end == nullptr) return false; FileInfo fi; if (!GetFileInfo(parent_path_fs / name_fs, fi) || !fi.IsRegular()) return false; const auto name = AllocatedPath::FromFS(name_fs_str, name_fs_end); try { info.name = name.ToUTF8Throw(); } catch (...) { return false; } info.mtime = fi.GetModificationTime(); return true; } PlaylistVector ListPlaylistFiles() { PlaylistVector list; const auto &parent_path_fs = spl_map(); assert(!parent_path_fs.IsNull()); DirectoryReader reader(parent_path_fs); PlaylistInfo info; while (reader.ReadEntry()) { const auto entry = reader.GetEntry(); if (LoadPlaylistFileInfo(info, parent_path_fs, entry)) list.push_back(std::move(info)); } return list; } static void SavePlaylistFile(const PlaylistFileContents &contents, const char *utf8path) { assert(utf8path != nullptr); const auto path_fs = spl_map_to_fs(utf8path); assert(!path_fs.IsNull()); FileOutputStream fos(path_fs); BufferedOutputStream bos(fos); for (const auto &uri_utf8 : contents) playlist_print_uri(bos, uri_utf8.c_str()); bos.Flush(); fos.Commit(); } PlaylistFileContents LoadPlaylistFile(const char *utf8path) try { PlaylistFileContents contents; const auto path_fs = spl_map_to_fs(utf8path); assert(!path_fs.IsNull()); TextFile file(path_fs); char *s; while ((s = file.ReadLine()) != nullptr) { if (*s == 0 || *s == PLAYLIST_COMMENT) continue; #ifdef _UNICODE /* on Windows, playlists always contain UTF-8, because its "narrow" charset (i.e. CP_ACP) is incapable of storing all Unicode paths */ const auto path = AllocatedPath::FromUTF8(s); if (path.IsNull()) continue; #else const Path path = Path::FromFS(s); #endif std::string uri_utf8; if (!uri_has_scheme(s)) { #ifdef ENABLE_DATABASE uri_utf8 = map_fs_to_utf8(path); if (uri_utf8.empty()) { if (path.IsAbsolute()) { uri_utf8 = path.ToUTF8(); if (uri_utf8.empty()) continue; } else continue; } #else continue; #endif } else { uri_utf8 = path.ToUTF8(); if (uri_utf8.empty()) continue; } contents.emplace_back(std::move(uri_utf8)); if (contents.size() >= playlist_max_length) break; } return contents; } catch (const std::system_error &e) { if (IsFileNotFound(e)) throw PlaylistError::NoSuchList(); throw; } void spl_move_index(const char *utf8path, unsigned src, unsigned dest) { if (src == dest) /* this doesn't check whether the playlist exists, but what the hell.. */ return; auto contents = LoadPlaylistFile(utf8path); if (src >= contents.size() || dest >= contents.size()) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::BAD_RANGE, "Bad range"); const auto src_i = std::next(contents.begin(), src); auto value = std::move(*src_i); contents.erase(src_i); const auto dest_i = std::next(contents.begin(), dest); contents.insert(dest_i, std::move(value)); SavePlaylistFile(contents, utf8path); idle_add(IDLE_STORED_PLAYLIST); } void spl_clear(const char *utf8path) { const auto path_fs = spl_map_to_fs(utf8path); assert(!path_fs.IsNull()); try { TruncateFile(path_fs); } catch (const std::system_error &e) { if (IsFileNotFound(e)) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::NO_SUCH_LIST, "No such playlist"); else throw; } idle_add(IDLE_STORED_PLAYLIST); } void spl_delete(const char *name_utf8) { const auto path_fs = spl_map_to_fs(name_utf8); assert(!path_fs.IsNull()); try { RemoveFile(path_fs); } catch (const std::system_error &e) { if (IsFileNotFound(e)) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::NO_SUCH_LIST, "No such playlist"); else throw; } idle_add(IDLE_STORED_PLAYLIST); } void spl_remove_index(const char *utf8path, unsigned pos) { auto contents = LoadPlaylistFile(utf8path); if (pos >= contents.size()) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::BAD_RANGE, "Bad range"); contents.erase(std::next(contents.begin(), pos)); SavePlaylistFile(contents, utf8path); idle_add(IDLE_STORED_PLAYLIST); } void spl_append_song(const char *utf8path, const DetachedSong &song) try { const auto path_fs = spl_map_to_fs(utf8path); assert(!path_fs.IsNull()); FileOutputStream fos(path_fs, FileOutputStream::Mode::APPEND_OR_CREATE); if (fos.Tell() / (MPD_PATH_MAX + 1) >= playlist_max_length) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::TOO_LARGE, "Stored playlist is too large"); BufferedOutputStream bos(fos); playlist_print_song(bos, song); bos.Flush(); fos.Commit(); idle_add(IDLE_STORED_PLAYLIST); } catch (const std::system_error &e) { if (IsFileNotFound(e)) throw PlaylistError::NoSuchList(); throw; } void spl_append_uri(const char *utf8file, const SongLoader &loader, const char *url) { spl_append_song(utf8file, loader.LoadSong(url)); } static void spl_rename_internal(Path from_path_fs, Path to_path_fs) { if (FileExists(to_path_fs)) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::LIST_EXISTS, "Playlist exists already"); try { RenameFile(from_path_fs, to_path_fs); } catch (const std::system_error &e) { if (IsFileNotFound(e)) throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::NO_SUCH_LIST, "No such playlist"); else throw; } idle_add(IDLE_STORED_PLAYLIST); } void spl_rename(const char *utf8from, const char *utf8to) { const auto from_path_fs = spl_map_to_fs(utf8from); assert(!from_path_fs.IsNull()); const auto to_path_fs = spl_map_to_fs(utf8to); assert(!to_path_fs.IsNull()); spl_rename_internal(from_path_fs, to_path_fs); }