/* * Copyright 2003-2021 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "PipeWireOutputPlugin.hxx" //#include "lib/pipewire/MainLoop.hxx" #include "../OutputAPI.hxx" #include "../Error.hxx" #include "thread/Thread.hxx" #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push /* oh no, libspa likes to cast away "const"! */ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual" /* suppress more annoying warnings */ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers" #endif #include <pipewire/pipewire.h> #include <spa/param/audio/format-utils.h> #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp> #include <stdexcept> class PipeWireOutput final : AudioOutput { Thread thread{BIND_THIS_METHOD(RunThread)}; struct pw_main_loop *loop; struct pw_stream *stream; std::byte buffer[1024]; struct spa_pod_builder pod_builder; std::size_t frame_size; boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<std::byte> *ring_buffer; const uint32_t target_id; volatile bool interrupted; explicit PipeWireOutput(const ConfigBlock &block); public: static AudioOutput *Create(EventLoop &, const ConfigBlock &block) { pw_init(0, nullptr); return new PipeWireOutput(block); } static constexpr struct pw_stream_events MakeStreamEvents() noexcept { struct pw_stream_events events{}; events.version = PW_VERSION_STREAM_EVENTS; events.process = Process; return events; } private: void Process() noexcept; static void Process(void *data) noexcept { auto &o = *(PipeWireOutput *)data; o.Process(); } void RunThread() noexcept { pw_main_loop_run(loop); } /* virtual methods from class AudioOutput */ void Enable() override; void Disable() noexcept override; void Open(AudioFormat &audio_format) override; void Close() noexcept override; void Interrupt() noexcept override { interrupted = true; } size_t Play(const void *chunk, size_t size) override; // TODO: void Drain() override; // TODO: void Cancel() noexcept override; // TODO: bool Pause() noexcept override; }; static constexpr auto stream_events = PipeWireOutput::MakeStreamEvents(); inline PipeWireOutput::PipeWireOutput(const ConfigBlock &block) :AudioOutput(FLAG_ENABLE_DISABLE), target_id(block.GetBlockValue("target", unsigned(PW_ID_ANY))) { } void PipeWireOutput::Enable() { loop = pw_main_loop_new(nullptr); if (loop == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("pw_main_loop_new() failed"); try { thread.Start(); } catch (...) { pw_main_loop_destroy(loop); throw; } } void PipeWireOutput::Disable() noexcept { pw_main_loop_quit(loop); thread.Join(); pw_main_loop_destroy(loop); } static constexpr enum spa_audio_format ToPipeWireSampleFormat(SampleFormat format) noexcept { switch (format) { case SampleFormat::UNDEFINED: break; case SampleFormat::S8: return SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S8; case SampleFormat::S16: return SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S16; case SampleFormat::S24_P32: return SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S24_32; case SampleFormat::S32: return SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S32; case SampleFormat::FLOAT: return SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_F32; case SampleFormat::DSD: break; } return SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } static struct spa_audio_info_raw ToPipeWireAudioFormat(AudioFormat &audio_format) noexcept { struct spa_audio_info_raw raw{}; raw.format = ToPipeWireSampleFormat(audio_format.format); if (raw.format == SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { raw.format = SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S16; audio_format.format = SampleFormat::S16; } raw.flags = SPA_AUDIO_FLAG_NONE; raw.rate = audio_format.sample_rate; raw.channels = audio_format.channels; raw.flags |= SPA_AUDIO_FLAG_UNPOSITIONED; // TODO // TODO raw.position[] return raw; } void PipeWireOutput::Open(AudioFormat &audio_format) { auto props = pw_properties_new(PW_KEY_MEDIA_TYPE, "Audio", PW_KEY_MEDIA_CATEGORY, "Playback", PW_KEY_MEDIA_ROLE, "Music", PW_KEY_APP_NAME, "Music Player Daemon", PW_KEY_NODE_NAME, "mpd", nullptr); stream = pw_stream_new_simple(pw_main_loop_get_loop(loop), "mpd", props, &stream_events, this); if (stream == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("pw_stream_new_simple() failed"); auto raw = ToPipeWireAudioFormat(audio_format); frame_size = audio_format.GetFrameSize(); interrupted = false; /* allocate a ring buffer of 1 second */ ring_buffer = new boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<std::byte>(frame_size * audio_format.sample_rate); const struct spa_pod *params[1]; pod_builder = {}; pod_builder.data = buffer; pod_builder.size = sizeof(buffer); params[0] = spa_format_audio_raw_build(&pod_builder, SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat, &raw); pw_stream_connect(stream, PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT, target_id, (enum pw_stream_flags)(PW_STREAM_FLAG_AUTOCONNECT | PW_STREAM_FLAG_MAP_BUFFERS | PW_STREAM_FLAG_RT_PROCESS), params, 1); } void PipeWireOutput::Close() noexcept { pw_stream_destroy(stream); // TODO synchronize with Process()? delete ring_buffer; } inline void PipeWireOutput::Process() noexcept { auto *b = pw_stream_dequeue_buffer(stream); if (b == nullptr) { pw_log_warn("out of buffers: %m"); return; } auto *buf = b->buffer; std::byte *dest = (std::byte *)buf->datas[0].data; if (dest == nullptr) return; const std::size_t max_frames = buf->datas[0].maxsize / frame_size; const std::size_t max_size = max_frames * frame_size; size_t nbytes = ring_buffer->pop(dest, max_size); if (nbytes == 0) { pw_stream_flush(stream, true); return; } buf->datas[0].chunk->offset = 0; buf->datas[0].chunk->stride = frame_size; buf->datas[0].chunk->size = nbytes; pw_stream_queue_buffer(stream, b); } size_t PipeWireOutput::Play(const void *chunk, size_t size) { while (true) { std::size_t bytes_written = ring_buffer->push((const std::byte *)chunk, size); if (bytes_written > 0) return bytes_written; if (interrupted) throw AudioOutputInterrupted{}; usleep(1000); // TODO } return size; } const struct AudioOutputPlugin pipewire_output_plugin = { "pipewire", nullptr, &PipeWireOutput::Create, nullptr, };