/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "HttpdClient.hxx" #include "HttpdInternal.hxx" #include "util/ASCII.hxx" #include "util/AllocatedString.hxx" #include "Page.hxx" #include "IcyMetaDataServer.hxx" #include "net/SocketError.hxx" #include "net/UniqueSocketDescriptor.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> HttpdClient::~HttpdClient() noexcept { if (IsDefined()) BufferedSocket::Close(); } void HttpdClient::Close() noexcept { httpd.RemoveClient(*this); } void HttpdClient::LockClose() noexcept { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(httpd.mutex); Close(); } void HttpdClient::BeginResponse() noexcept { assert(state != State::RESPONSE); state = State::RESPONSE; current_page = nullptr; if (!head_method) httpd.SendHeader(*this); } /** * Handle a line of the HTTP request. */ bool HttpdClient::HandleLine(const char *line) noexcept { assert(state != State::RESPONSE); if (state == State::REQUEST) { if (strncmp(line, "HEAD /", 6) == 0) { line += 6; head_method = true; } else if (strncmp(line, "GET /", 5) == 0) { line += 5; } else { /* only GET is supported */ LogWarning(httpd_output_domain, "malformed request line from client"); return false; } /* blacklist some well-known request paths */ if ((strncmp(line, "favicon.ico", 11) == 0 && (line[11] == '\0' || line[11] == ' ')) || (strncmp(line, "robots.txt", 10) == 0 && (line[10] == '\0' || line[10] == ' ')) || (strncmp(line, "sitemap.xml", 11) == 0 && (line[11] == '\0' || line[11] == ' ')) || (strncmp(line, ".well-known/", 12) == 0)) { should_reject = true; } line = strchr(line, ' '); if (line == nullptr || strncmp(line + 1, "HTTP/", 5) != 0) { /* HTTP/0.9 without request headers */ if (head_method) return false; BeginResponse(); return true; } /* after the request line, request headers follow */ state = State::HEADERS; return true; } else { if (*line == 0) { /* empty line: request is finished */ BeginResponse(); return true; } if (StringEqualsCaseASCII(line, "Icy-MetaData: 1", 15) || StringEqualsCaseASCII(line, "Icy-MetaData:1", 14)) { /* Send icy metadata */ metadata_requested = metadata_supported; return true; } /* expect more request headers */ return true; } } /** * Sends the status line and response headers to the client. */ bool HttpdClient::SendResponse() noexcept { char buffer[1024]; AllocatedString<> allocated = nullptr; const char *response; assert(state == State::RESPONSE); if (should_reject) { response = "HTTP/1.1 404 not found\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n" "404 not found"; } else if (metadata_requested) { allocated = icy_server_metadata_header(httpd.name, httpd.genre, httpd.website, httpd.content_type, metaint); response = allocated.c_str(); } else { /* revert to a normal HTTP request */ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store\r\n" "\r\n", httpd.content_type); response = buffer; } ssize_t nbytes = GetSocket().Write(response, strlen(response)); if (gcc_unlikely(nbytes < 0)) { const SocketErrorMessage msg; FormatWarning(httpd_output_domain, "failed to write to client: %s", (const char *)msg); LockClose(); return false; } return true; } HttpdClient::HttpdClient(HttpdOutput &_httpd, UniqueSocketDescriptor _fd, EventLoop &_loop, bool _metadata_supported) :BufferedSocket(_fd.Release(), _loop), httpd(_httpd), metadata_supported(_metadata_supported) { } void HttpdClient::ClearQueue() noexcept { assert(state == State::RESPONSE); while (!pages.empty()) { #ifndef NDEBUG auto &page = pages.front(); assert(queue_size >= page->GetSize()); queue_size -= page->GetSize(); #endif pages.pop(); } assert(queue_size == 0); } void HttpdClient::CancelQueue() noexcept { if (state != State::RESPONSE) return; ClearQueue(); if (current_page == nullptr) CancelWrite(); } ssize_t HttpdClient::TryWritePage(const Page &page, size_t position) noexcept { assert(position < page.GetSize()); return GetSocket().Write(page.GetData() + position, page.GetSize() - position); } ssize_t HttpdClient::TryWritePageN(const Page &page, size_t position, ssize_t n) noexcept { return n >= 0 ? GetSocket().Write(page.GetData() + position, n) : TryWritePage(page, position); } ssize_t HttpdClient::GetBytesTillMetaData() const noexcept { if (metadata_requested && current_page->GetSize() - current_position > metaint - metadata_fill) return metaint - metadata_fill; return -1; } inline bool HttpdClient::TryWrite() noexcept { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(httpd.mutex); assert(state == State::RESPONSE); if (current_page == nullptr) { if (pages.empty()) { /* another thread has removed the event source while this thread was waiting for httpd.mutex */ CancelWrite(); return true; } current_page = pages.front(); pages.pop(); current_position = 0; assert(queue_size >= current_page->GetSize()); queue_size -= current_page->GetSize(); } const ssize_t bytes_to_write = GetBytesTillMetaData(); if (bytes_to_write == 0) { if (!metadata_sent) { ssize_t nbytes = TryWritePage(*metadata, metadata_current_position); if (nbytes < 0) { auto e = GetSocketError(); if (IsSocketErrorAgain(e)) return true; if (!IsSocketErrorClosed(e)) { SocketErrorMessage msg(e); FormatWarning(httpd_output_domain, "failed to write to client: %s", (const char *)msg); } Close(); return false; } metadata_current_position += nbytes; if (metadata->GetSize() - metadata_current_position == 0) { metadata_fill = 0; metadata_current_position = 0; metadata_sent = true; } } else { char empty_data = 0; ssize_t nbytes = GetSocket().Write(&empty_data, 1); if (nbytes < 0) { auto e = GetSocketError(); if (IsSocketErrorAgain(e)) return true; if (!IsSocketErrorClosed(e)) { SocketErrorMessage msg(e); FormatWarning(httpd_output_domain, "failed to write to client: %s", (const char *)msg); } Close(); return false; } metadata_fill = 0; metadata_current_position = 0; } } else { ssize_t nbytes = TryWritePageN(*current_page, current_position, bytes_to_write); if (nbytes < 0) { auto e = GetSocketError(); if (IsSocketErrorAgain(e)) return true; if (!IsSocketErrorClosed(e)) { SocketErrorMessage msg(e); FormatWarning(httpd_output_domain, "failed to write to client: %s", (const char *)msg); } Close(); return false; } current_position += nbytes; assert(current_position <= current_page->GetSize()); if (metadata_requested) metadata_fill += nbytes; if (current_position >= current_page->GetSize()) { current_page.reset(); if (pages.empty()) /* all pages are sent: remove the event source */ CancelWrite(); } } return true; } void HttpdClient::PushPage(PagePtr page) noexcept { if (state != State::RESPONSE) /* the client is still writing the HTTP request */ return; if (queue_size > 256 * 1024) { FormatDebug(httpd_output_domain, "client is too slow, flushing its queue"); ClearQueue(); } queue_size += page->GetSize(); pages.emplace(std::move(page)); ScheduleWrite(); } void HttpdClient::PushMetaData(PagePtr page) noexcept { assert(page != nullptr); metadata = std::move(page); metadata_sent = false; } bool HttpdClient::OnSocketReady(unsigned flags) noexcept { if (!BufferedSocket::OnSocketReady(flags)) return false; if (flags & WRITE) if (!TryWrite()) return false; return true; } BufferedSocket::InputResult HttpdClient::OnSocketInput(void *data, size_t length) noexcept { if (state == State::RESPONSE) { LogWarning(httpd_output_domain, "unexpected input from client"); LockClose(); return InputResult::CLOSED; } char *line = (char *)data; char *newline = (char *)memchr(line, '\n', length); if (newline == nullptr) return InputResult::MORE; ConsumeInput(newline + 1 - line); if (newline > line && newline[-1] == '\r') --newline; /* terminate the string at the end of the line */ *newline = 0; if (!HandleLine(line)) { LockClose(); return InputResult::CLOSED; } if (state == State::RESPONSE) { if (!SendResponse()) return InputResult::CLOSED; if (head_method || should_reject) { LockClose(); return InputResult::CLOSED; } } return InputResult::AGAIN; } void HttpdClient::OnSocketError(std::exception_ptr ep) noexcept { LogError(ep); LockClose(); } void HttpdClient::OnSocketClosed() noexcept { LockClose(); }