/* * Copyright 2003-2020 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "HttpdOutputPlugin.hxx" #include "HttpdInternal.hxx" #include "HttpdClient.hxx" #include "output/OutputAPI.hxx" #include "encoder/EncoderInterface.hxx" #include "encoder/Configured.hxx" #include "net/UniqueSocketDescriptor.hxx" #include "net/SocketAddress.hxx" #include "Page.hxx" #include "IcyMetaDataServer.hxx" #include "event/Call.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "util/DeleteDisposer.hxx" #include "config/Net.hxx" #include <cassert> #include <string.h> const Domain httpd_output_domain("httpd_output"); inline HttpdOutput::HttpdOutput(EventLoop &_loop, const ConfigBlock &block) :AudioOutput(FLAG_ENABLE_DISABLE|FLAG_PAUSE), ServerSocket(_loop), prepared_encoder(CreateConfiguredEncoder(block)), defer_broadcast(_loop, BIND_THIS_METHOD(OnDeferredBroadcast)) { /* read configuration */ name = block.GetBlockValue("name", "Set name in config"); genre = block.GetBlockValue("genre", "Set genre in config"); website = block.GetBlockValue("website", "Set website in config"); clients_max = block.GetBlockValue("max_clients", 0U); /* set up bind_to_address */ ServerSocketAddGeneric(*this, block.GetBlockValue("bind_to_address"), block.GetBlockValue("port", 8000U)); /* determine content type */ content_type = prepared_encoder->GetMimeType(); if (content_type == nullptr) content_type = "application/octet-stream"; } inline void HttpdOutput::Bind() { open = false; BlockingCall(GetEventLoop(), [this](){ ServerSocket::Open(); }); } inline void HttpdOutput::Unbind() noexcept { assert(!open); BlockingCall(GetEventLoop(), [this](){ ServerSocket::Close(); }); } /** * Creates a new #HttpdClient object and adds it into the * HttpdOutput.clients linked list. */ inline void HttpdOutput::AddClient(UniqueSocketDescriptor fd) noexcept { auto *client = new HttpdClient(*this, std::move(fd), GetEventLoop(), !encoder->ImplementsTag()); clients.push_front(*client); /* pass metadata to client */ if (metadata != nullptr) clients.front().PushMetaData(metadata); } void HttpdOutput::OnDeferredBroadcast() noexcept { /* this method runs in the IOThread; it broadcasts pages from our own queue to all clients */ const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); while (!pages.empty()) { PagePtr page = std::move(pages.front()); pages.pop(); for (auto &client : clients) client.PushPage(page); } /* wake up the client that may be waiting for the queue to be flushed */ cond.notify_all(); } void HttpdOutput::OnAccept(UniqueSocketDescriptor fd, SocketAddress, gcc_unused int uid) noexcept { /* the listener socket has become readable - a client has connected */ const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); /* can we allow additional client */ if (open && (clients_max == 0 || clients.size() < clients_max)) AddClient(std::move(fd)); } PagePtr HttpdOutput::ReadPage() { if (unflushed_input >= 65536) { /* we have fed a lot of input into the encoder, but it didn't give anything back yet - flush now to avoid buffer underruns */ try { encoder->Flush(); } catch (...) { /* ignore */ } unflushed_input = 0; } size_t size = 0; do { size_t nbytes = encoder->Read(buffer + size, sizeof(buffer) - size); if (nbytes == 0) break; unflushed_input = 0; size += nbytes; } while (size < sizeof(buffer)); if (size == 0) return nullptr; return std::make_shared<Page>(buffer, size); } inline void HttpdOutput::OpenEncoder(AudioFormat &audio_format) { encoder = prepared_encoder->Open(audio_format); /* we have to remember the encoder header, i.e. the first bytes of encoder output after opening it, because it has to be sent to every new client */ header = ReadPage(); unflushed_input = 0; } void HttpdOutput::Open(AudioFormat &audio_format) { assert(!open); assert(clients.empty()); const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); OpenEncoder(audio_format); /* initialize other attributes */ timer = new Timer(audio_format); open = true; pause = false; } void HttpdOutput::Close() noexcept { assert(open); delete timer; BlockingCall(GetEventLoop(), [this](){ defer_broadcast.Cancel(); const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); open = false; clients.clear_and_dispose(DeleteDisposer()); }); header.reset(); delete encoder; } void HttpdOutput::RemoveClient(HttpdClient &client) noexcept { assert(!clients.empty()); clients.erase_and_dispose(clients.iterator_to(client), DeleteDisposer()); } void HttpdOutput::SendHeader(HttpdClient &client) const noexcept { if (header != nullptr) client.PushPage(header); } std::chrono::steady_clock::duration HttpdOutput::Delay() const noexcept { if (!LockHasClients() && pause) { /* if there's no client and this output is paused, then httpd_output_pause() will not do anything, it will not fill the buffer and it will not update the timer; therefore, we reset the timer here */ timer->Reset(); /* some arbitrary delay that is long enough to avoid consuming too much CPU, and short enough to notice new clients quickly enough */ return std::chrono::seconds(1); } return timer->IsStarted() ? timer->GetDelay() : std::chrono::steady_clock::duration::zero(); } void HttpdOutput::BroadcastPage(PagePtr page) noexcept { assert(page != nullptr); { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex); pages.emplace(std::move(page)); } defer_broadcast.Schedule(); } void HttpdOutput::BroadcastFromEncoder() { /* synchronize with the IOThread */ { std::unique_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); cond.wait(lock, [this]{ return pages.empty(); }); } bool empty = true; PagePtr page; while ((page = ReadPage()) != nullptr) { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex); pages.emplace(std::move(page)); empty = false; } if (!empty) defer_broadcast.Schedule(); } inline void HttpdOutput::EncodeAndPlay(const void *chunk, size_t size) { encoder->Write(chunk, size); unflushed_input += size; BroadcastFromEncoder(); } size_t HttpdOutput::Play(const void *chunk, size_t size) { pause = false; if (LockHasClients()) EncodeAndPlay(chunk, size); if (!timer->IsStarted()) timer->Start(); timer->Add(size); return size; } bool HttpdOutput::Pause() { pause = true; if (LockHasClients()) { static const char silence[1020] = { 0 }; Play(silence, sizeof(silence)); } return true; } void HttpdOutput::SendTag(const Tag &tag) { if (encoder->ImplementsTag()) { /* embed encoder tags */ /* flush the current stream, and end it */ try { encoder->PreTag(); } catch (...) { /* ignore */ } BroadcastFromEncoder(); /* send the tag to the encoder - which starts a new stream now */ try { encoder->SendTag(tag); encoder->Flush(); } catch (...) { /* ignore */ } /* the first page generated by the encoder will now be used as the new "header" page, which is sent to all new clients */ auto page = ReadPage(); if (page != nullptr) { header = page; BroadcastPage(page); } } else { /* use Icy-Metadata */ static constexpr TagType types[] = { TAG_ALBUM, TAG_ARTIST, TAG_TITLE, TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES }; metadata = icy_server_metadata_page(tag, &types[0]); if (metadata != nullptr) { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); for (auto &client : clients) client.PushMetaData(metadata); } } } inline void HttpdOutput::CancelAllClients() noexcept { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> protect(mutex); while (!pages.empty()) { PagePtr page = std::move(pages.front()); pages.pop(); } for (auto &client : clients) client.CancelQueue(); cond.notify_all(); } void HttpdOutput::Cancel() noexcept { BlockingCall(GetEventLoop(), [this](){ CancelAllClients(); }); } const struct AudioOutputPlugin httpd_output_plugin = { "httpd", nullptr, &HttpdOutput::Create, nullptr, };