/* * Copyright 2003-2021 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "Mpg123DecoderPlugin.hxx" #include "../DecoderAPI.hxx" #include "pcm/CheckAudioFormat.hxx" #include "tag/Handler.hxx" #include "tag/Builder.hxx" #include "tag/ReplayGain.hxx" #include "tag/MixRamp.hxx" #include "fs/Path.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "util/ScopeExit.hxx" #include "util/StringView.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <mpg123.h> #include <stdio.h> static constexpr Domain mpg123_domain("mpg123"); static bool mpd_mpg123_init([[maybe_unused]] const ConfigBlock &block) { mpg123_init(); return true; } static void mpd_mpg123_finish() noexcept { mpg123_exit(); } /** * Opens a file with an existing #mpg123_handle. * * @param handle a handle which was created before; on error, this * function will not free it * @param audio_format this parameter is filled after successful * return * @return true on success */ static bool mpd_mpg123_open(mpg123_handle *handle, const char *path_fs, AudioFormat &audio_format) { int error = mpg123_open(handle, path_fs); if (error != MPG123_OK) { FmtWarning(mpg123_domain, "libmpg123 failed to open {}: {}", path_fs, mpg123_plain_strerror(error)); return false; } /* obtain the audio format */ long rate; int channels, encoding; error = mpg123_getformat(handle, &rate, &channels, &encoding); if (error != MPG123_OK) { FmtWarning(mpg123_domain, "mpg123_getformat() failed: {}", mpg123_plain_strerror(error)); return false; } if (encoding != MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16) { /* other formats not yet implemented */ FmtWarning(mpg123_domain, "expected MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16, got {}", encoding); return false; } audio_format = CheckAudioFormat(rate, SampleFormat::S16, channels); return true; } static void AddTagItem(TagBuilder &tag, TagType type, const mpg123_string &s) { assert(s.p != nullptr); assert(s.size >= s.fill); assert(s.fill > 0); tag.AddItem(type, {s.p, s.fill - 1}); } static void AddTagItem(TagBuilder &tag, TagType type, const mpg123_string *s) { if (s != nullptr) AddTagItem(tag, type, *s); } static void mpd_mpg123_id3v2_tag(DecoderClient &client, const mpg123_id3v2 &id3v2) { TagBuilder tag; AddTagItem(tag, TAG_TITLE, id3v2.title); AddTagItem(tag, TAG_ARTIST, id3v2.artist); AddTagItem(tag, TAG_ALBUM, id3v2.album); AddTagItem(tag, TAG_DATE, id3v2.year); AddTagItem(tag, TAG_GENRE, id3v2.genre); for (size_t i = 0, n = id3v2.comments; i < n; ++i) AddTagItem(tag, TAG_COMMENT, id3v2.comment_list[i].text); client.SubmitTag(nullptr, tag.Commit()); } static void mpd_mpg123_id3v2_extras(DecoderClient &client, const mpg123_id3v2 &id3v2) { ReplayGainInfo replay_gain; replay_gain.Clear(); MixRampInfo mix_ramp; bool found_replay_gain = false, found_mixramp = false; for (size_t i = 0, n = id3v2.extras; i < n; ++i) { if (ParseReplayGainTag(replay_gain, id3v2.extra[i].description.p, id3v2.extra[i].text.p)) found_replay_gain = true; else if (ParseMixRampTag(mix_ramp, id3v2.extra[i].description.p, id3v2.extra[i].text.p)) found_mixramp = true; } if (found_replay_gain) client.SubmitReplayGain(&replay_gain); if (found_mixramp) client.SubmitMixRamp(std::move(mix_ramp)); } static void mpd_mpg123_id3v2(DecoderClient &client, const mpg123_id3v2 &id3v2) { mpd_mpg123_id3v2_tag(client, id3v2); mpd_mpg123_id3v2_extras(client, id3v2); } static void mpd_mpg123_meta(DecoderClient &client, mpg123_handle *const handle) { if ((mpg123_meta_check(handle) & MPG123_NEW_ID3) == 0) return; mpg123_id3v1 *v1; mpg123_id3v2 *v2; if (mpg123_id3(handle, &v1, &v2) != MPG123_OK) return; if (v2 != nullptr) mpd_mpg123_id3v2(client, *v2); } static void mpd_mpg123_file_decode(DecoderClient &client, Path path_fs) { /* open the file */ int error; mpg123_handle *const handle = mpg123_new(nullptr, &error); if (handle == nullptr) { FmtError(mpg123_domain, "mpg123_new() failed: {}", mpg123_plain_strerror(error)); return; } AtScopeExit(handle) { mpg123_delete(handle); }; AudioFormat audio_format; if (!mpd_mpg123_open(handle, path_fs.c_str(), audio_format)) return; const off_t num_samples = mpg123_length(handle); /* tell MPD core we're ready */ const auto duration = SongTime::FromScale<uint64_t>(num_samples, audio_format.sample_rate); client.Ready(audio_format, true, duration); struct mpg123_frameinfo info; if (mpg123_info(handle, &info) != MPG123_OK) { info.vbr = MPG123_CBR; info.bitrate = 0; } switch (info.vbr) { case MPG123_ABR: info.bitrate = info.abr_rate; break; case MPG123_CBR: break; default: info.bitrate = 0; } /* the decoder main loop */ DecoderCommand cmd; do { /* read metadata */ mpd_mpg123_meta(client, handle); /* decode */ unsigned char buffer[8192]; size_t nbytes; error = mpg123_read(handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &nbytes); if (error != MPG123_OK) { if (error != MPG123_DONE) FmtWarning(mpg123_domain, "mpg123_read() failed: {}", mpg123_plain_strerror(error)); break; } /* update bitrate for ABR/VBR */ if (info.vbr != MPG123_CBR) { /* FIXME: maybe skip, as too expensive? */ /* FIXME: maybe, (info.vbr == MPG123_VBR) ? */ if (mpg123_info (handle, &info) != MPG123_OK) info.bitrate = 0; } /* send to MPD */ cmd = client.SubmitData(nullptr, buffer, nbytes, info.bitrate); if (cmd == DecoderCommand::SEEK) { off_t c = client.GetSeekFrame(); c = mpg123_seek(handle, c, SEEK_SET); if (c < 0) client.SeekError(); else { client.CommandFinished(); client.SubmitTimestamp(audio_format.FramesToTime<FloatDuration>(c)); } cmd = DecoderCommand::NONE; } } while (cmd == DecoderCommand::NONE); } static bool mpd_mpg123_scan_file(Path path_fs, TagHandler &handler) noexcept { int error; mpg123_handle *const handle = mpg123_new(nullptr, &error); if (handle == nullptr) { FmtError(mpg123_domain, "mpg123_new() failed: {}", mpg123_plain_strerror(error)); return false; } AtScopeExit(handle) { mpg123_delete(handle); }; AudioFormat audio_format; try { if (!mpd_mpg123_open(handle, path_fs.c_str(), audio_format)) { return false; } } catch (...) { return false; } const off_t num_samples = mpg123_length(handle); if (num_samples <= 0) { return false; } handler.OnAudioFormat(audio_format); /* ID3 tag support not yet implemented */ const auto duration = SongTime::FromScale<uint64_t>(num_samples, audio_format.sample_rate); handler.OnDuration(duration); return true; } static const char *const mpg123_suffixes[] = { "mp3", nullptr }; constexpr DecoderPlugin mpg123_decoder_plugin = DecoderPlugin("mpg123", mpd_mpg123_file_decode, mpd_mpg123_scan_file) .WithInit(mpd_mpg123_init, mpd_mpg123_finish) .WithSuffixes(mpg123_suffixes);