/* * Copyright 2003-2016 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "CurlStorage.hxx" #include "storage/StoragePlugin.hxx" #include "storage/StorageInterface.hxx" #include "storage/FileInfo.hxx" #include "storage/MemoryDirectoryReader.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Init.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Global.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Slist.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Request.hxx" #include "lib/curl/Handler.hxx" #include "lib/expat/ExpatParser.hxx" #include "fs/Traits.hxx" #include "event/Call.hxx" #include "event/DeferEvent.hxx" #include "thread/Mutex.hxx" #include "thread/Cond.hxx" #include "util/ASCII.hxx" #include "util/ChronoUtil.hxx" #include "util/IterableSplitString.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "util/StringCompare.hxx" #include "util/StringFormat.hxx" #include "util/TimeParser.hxx" #include "util/UriUtil.hxx" #include <algorithm> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <list> #include <assert.h> class CurlStorage final : public Storage { const std::string base; CurlInit curl; public: CurlStorage(EventLoop &_loop, const char *_base) :base(_base), curl(_loop) {} /* virtual methods from class Storage */ StorageFileInfo GetInfo(const char *uri_utf8, bool follow) override; std::unique_ptr<StorageDirectoryReader> OpenDirectory(const char *uri_utf8) override; std::string MapUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const noexcept override; const char *MapToRelativeUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const noexcept override; }; std::string CurlStorage::MapUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const noexcept { assert(uri_utf8 != nullptr); if (StringIsEmpty(uri_utf8)) return base; CurlEasy easy; std::string path_esc; for (auto elt: IterableSplitString(uri_utf8, '/')) { char *elt_esc = easy.Escape(elt.data, elt.size); if (!path_esc.empty()) path_esc.push_back('/'); path_esc += elt_esc; curl_free(elt_esc); } return PathTraitsUTF8::Build(base.c_str(), path_esc.c_str()); } const char * CurlStorage::MapToRelativeUTF8(const char *uri_utf8) const noexcept { // TODO: escape/unescape? return PathTraitsUTF8::Relative(base.c_str(), uri_utf8); } class BlockingHttpRequest : protected CurlResponseHandler { DeferEvent defer_start; std::exception_ptr postponed_error; bool done = false; protected: CurlRequest request; Mutex mutex; Cond cond; public: BlockingHttpRequest(CurlGlobal &curl, const char *uri) :defer_start(curl.GetEventLoop(), BIND_THIS_METHOD(OnDeferredStart)), request(curl, uri, *this) { // TODO: use CurlInputStream's configuration /* start the transfer inside the IOThread */ defer_start.Schedule(); } void Wait() { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex); while (!done) cond.wait(mutex); if (postponed_error) std::rethrow_exception(postponed_error); } protected: void SetDone() { assert(!done); request.Stop(); done = true; cond.signal(); } void LockSetDone() { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex); SetDone(); } private: /* DeferEvent callback */ void OnDeferredStart() noexcept { assert(!done); try { request.Start(); } catch (...) { OnError(std::current_exception()); } } /* virtual methods from CurlResponseHandler */ void OnError(std::exception_ptr e) noexcept final { const std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex); postponed_error = std::move(e); SetDone(); } }; /** * The (relevant) contents of a "<D:response>" element. */ struct DavResponse { std::string href; unsigned status = 0; bool collection = false; std::chrono::system_clock::time_point mtime = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::min(); uint64_t length = 0; bool Check() const { return !href.empty(); } }; static unsigned ParseStatus(const char *s) { /* skip the "HTTP/1.1" prefix */ const char *space = strchr(s, ' '); if (space == nullptr) return 0; return strtoul(space + 1, nullptr, 10); } static unsigned ParseStatus(const char *s, size_t length) { return ParseStatus(std::string(s, length).c_str()); } static std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ParseTimeStamp(const char *s) { try { // TODO: make this more robust return ParseTimePoint(s, "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z"); } catch (...) { return std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::min(); } } static std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ParseTimeStamp(const char *s, size_t length) { return ParseTimeStamp(std::string(s, length).c_str()); } static uint64_t ParseU64(const char *s) { return strtoull(s, nullptr, 10); } static uint64_t ParseU64(const char *s, size_t length) { return ParseU64(std::string(s, length).c_str()); } gcc_pure static bool IsXmlContentType(const char *content_type) noexcept { return StringStartsWith(content_type, "text/xml") || StringStartsWith(content_type, "application/xml"); } gcc_pure static bool IsXmlContentType(const std::multimap<std::string, std::string> &headers) noexcept { auto i = headers.find("content-type"); return i != headers.end() && IsXmlContentType(i->second.c_str()); } /** * A WebDAV PROPFIND request. Each "response" element will be passed * to OnDavResponse() (to be implemented by a derived class). */ class PropfindOperation : BlockingHttpRequest, CommonExpatParser { CurlSlist request_headers; enum class State { ROOT, RESPONSE, HREF, STATUS, TYPE, MTIME, LENGTH, } state = State::ROOT; DavResponse response; public: PropfindOperation(CurlGlobal &_curl, const char *_uri, unsigned depth) :BlockingHttpRequest(_curl, _uri), CommonExpatParser(ExpatNamespaceSeparator{'|'}) { request.SetOption(CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PROPFIND"); request_headers.Append(StringFormat<40>("depth: %u", depth)); request.SetOption(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, request_headers.Get()); request.SetOption(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" "<a:propfind xmlns:a=\"DAV:\">" "<a:prop><a:getcontenttype/></a:prop>" "<a:prop><a:getcontentlength/></a:prop>" "</a:propfind>"); // TODO: send request body } using BlockingHttpRequest::Wait; protected: virtual void OnDavResponse(DavResponse &&r) = 0; private: void FinishResponse() { if (response.Check()) OnDavResponse(std::move(response)); response = DavResponse(); } /* virtual methods from CurlResponseHandler */ void OnHeaders(unsigned status, std::multimap<std::string, std::string> &&headers) final { if (status != 207) throw FormatRuntimeError("Status %d from WebDAV server; expected \"207 Multi-Status\"", status); if (!IsXmlContentType(headers)) throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected Content-Type from WebDAV server"); } void OnData(ConstBuffer<void> _data) final { const auto data = ConstBuffer<char>::FromVoid(_data); Parse(data.data, data.size); } void OnEnd() final { CompleteParse(); LockSetDone(); } /* virtual methods from CommonExpatParser */ void StartElement(const XML_Char *name, gcc_unused const XML_Char **attrs) final { switch (state) { case State::ROOT: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|response") == 0) state = State::RESPONSE; break; case State::RESPONSE: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|href") == 0) state = State::HREF; else if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|status") == 0) state = State::STATUS; else if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|resourcetype") == 0) state = State::TYPE; else if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|getlastmodified") == 0) state = State::MTIME; else if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|getcontentlength") == 0) state = State::LENGTH; break; case State::TYPE: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|collection") == 0) response.collection = true; break; case State::HREF: case State::STATUS: case State::LENGTH: case State::MTIME: break; } } void EndElement(const XML_Char *name) final { switch (state) { case State::ROOT: break; case State::RESPONSE: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|response") == 0) { FinishResponse(); state = State::ROOT; } break; case State::HREF: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|href") == 0) state = State::RESPONSE; break; case State::STATUS: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|status") == 0) state = State::RESPONSE; break; case State::TYPE: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|resourcetype") == 0) state = State::RESPONSE; break; case State::MTIME: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|getlastmodified") == 0) state = State::RESPONSE; break; case State::LENGTH: if (strcmp(name, "DAV:|getcontentlength") == 0) state = State::RESPONSE; break; } } void CharacterData(const XML_Char *s, int len) final { switch (state) { case State::ROOT: case State::RESPONSE: case State::TYPE: break; case State::HREF: response.href.assign(s, len); break; case State::STATUS: response.status = ParseStatus(s, len); break; case State::MTIME: response.mtime = ParseTimeStamp(s, len); break; case State::LENGTH: response.length = ParseU64(s, len); break; } } }; /** * Obtain information about a single file using WebDAV PROPFIND. */ class HttpGetInfoOperation final : public PropfindOperation { StorageFileInfo info; public: HttpGetInfoOperation(CurlGlobal &curl, const char *uri) :PropfindOperation(curl, uri, 0), info(StorageFileInfo::Type::OTHER) { } const StorageFileInfo &Perform() { Wait(); return info; } protected: /* virtual methods from PropfindOperation */ void OnDavResponse(DavResponse &&r) override { if (r.status != 200) return; info.type = r.collection ? StorageFileInfo::Type::DIRECTORY : StorageFileInfo::Type::REGULAR; info.size = r.length; info.mtime = r.mtime; } }; StorageFileInfo CurlStorage::GetInfo(const char *uri_utf8, gcc_unused bool follow) { // TODO: escape the given URI std::string uri = base; uri += uri_utf8; return HttpGetInfoOperation(*curl, uri.c_str()).Perform(); } gcc_pure static const char * UriPathOrSlash(const char *uri) noexcept { const char *path = uri_get_path(uri); if (path == nullptr) path = "/"; return path; } /** * Obtain a directory listing using WebDAV PROPFIND. */ class HttpListDirectoryOperation final : public PropfindOperation { const std::string base_path; MemoryStorageDirectoryReader::List entries; public: HttpListDirectoryOperation(CurlGlobal &curl, const char *uri) :PropfindOperation(curl, uri, 1), base_path(UriPathOrSlash(uri)) {} std::unique_ptr<StorageDirectoryReader> Perform() { Wait(); return ToReader(); } private: std::unique_ptr<StorageDirectoryReader> ToReader() { return std::make_unique<MemoryStorageDirectoryReader>(std::move(entries)); } /** * Convert a "href" attribute (which may be an absolute URI) * to the base file name. */ gcc_pure StringView HrefToEscapedName(const char *href) const noexcept { const char *path = uri_get_path(href); if (path == nullptr) return nullptr; path = StringAfterPrefix(path, base_path.c_str()); if (path == nullptr || *path == 0) return nullptr; const char *slash = strchr(path, '/'); if (slash == nullptr) /* regular file */ return path; else if (slash[1] == 0) /* trailing slash: collection; strip the slash */ return {path, slash}; else /* strange, better ignore it */ return nullptr; } protected: /* virtual methods from PropfindOperation */ void OnDavResponse(DavResponse &&r) override { if (r.status != 200) return; const auto escaped_name = HrefToEscapedName(r.href.c_str()); if (escaped_name.IsNull()) return; // TODO: unescape const auto name = escaped_name; entries.emplace_front(std::string(name.data, name.size)); auto &info = entries.front().info; info = StorageFileInfo(r.collection ? StorageFileInfo::Type::DIRECTORY : StorageFileInfo::Type::REGULAR); info.size = r.length; info.mtime = r.mtime; } }; std::unique_ptr<StorageDirectoryReader> CurlStorage::OpenDirectory(const char *uri_utf8) { // TODO: escape the given URI std::string uri = base; uri += uri_utf8; /* collection URIs must end with a slash */ if (uri.back() != '/') uri.push_back('/'); return HttpListDirectoryOperation(*curl, uri.c_str()).Perform(); } static std::unique_ptr<Storage> CreateCurlStorageURI(EventLoop &event_loop, const char *uri) { if (!StringStartsWithCaseASCII(uri, "http://") && !StringStartsWithCaseASCII(uri, "https://")) return nullptr; return std::make_unique<CurlStorage>(event_loop, uri); } const StoragePlugin curl_storage_plugin = { "curl", CreateCurlStorageURI, };