/* * Copyright 2003-2021 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "JackOutputPlugin.hxx" #include "../OutputAPI.hxx" #include "../Error.hxx" #include "output/Features.h" #include "thread/Mutex.hxx" #include "util/ScopeExit.hxx" #include "util/ConstBuffer.hxx" #include "util/IterableSplitString.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <atomic> #include <cassert> #include <jack/jack.h> #include <jack/types.h> #include <jack/ringbuffer.h> #include <unistd.h> /* for usleep() */ #include <stdlib.h> static constexpr unsigned MAX_PORTS = 16; static constexpr size_t jack_sample_size = sizeof(jack_default_audio_sample_t); #ifdef DYNAMIC_JACK #include "lib/jack/Dynamic.hxx" #endif // _WIN32 class JackOutput final : public AudioOutput { /** * libjack options passed to jack_client_open(). */ jack_options_t options = JackNullOption; const char *name; const char *const server_name; /* configuration */ std::string source_ports[MAX_PORTS]; unsigned num_source_ports; std::string destination_ports[MAX_PORTS]; unsigned num_destination_ports; /* overrides num_destination_ports*/ bool auto_destination_ports; size_t ringbuffer_size; /* the current audio format */ AudioFormat audio_format; /* jack library stuff */ jack_port_t *ports[MAX_PORTS]; jack_client_t *client; jack_ringbuffer_t *ringbuffer[MAX_PORTS]; /** * While this flag is set, the "process" callback generates * silence. */ std::atomic_bool pause; /** * Was Interrupt() called? This will unblock Play(). It will * be reset by Cancel() and Pause(), as documented by the * #AudioOutput interface. * * Only initialized while the output is open. */ bool interrupted; /** * Protects #error. */ mutable Mutex mutex; /** * The error reported to the "on_info_shutdown" callback. */ std::exception_ptr error; public: explicit JackOutput(const ConfigBlock &block); private: /** * Connect the JACK client and performs some basic setup * (e.g. register callbacks). * * Throws on error. */ void Connect(); /** * Disconnect the JACK client. */ void Disconnect() noexcept; void Shutdown(const char *reason) noexcept { const std::scoped_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); error = std::make_exception_ptr(FormatRuntimeError("JACK connection shutdown: %s", reason)); } static void OnShutdown(jack_status_t, const char *reason, void *arg) noexcept { auto &j = *(JackOutput *)arg; j.Shutdown(reason); } /** * Throws on error. */ void Start(); void Stop() noexcept; /** * Determine the number of frames guaranteed to be available * on all channels. */ gcc_pure jack_nframes_t GetAvailable() const noexcept; void Process(jack_nframes_t nframes); static int Process(jack_nframes_t nframes, void *arg) noexcept { auto &j = *(JackOutput *)arg; j.Process(nframes); return 0; } /** * @return the number of frames that were written */ size_t WriteSamples(const float *src, size_t n_frames); public: /* virtual methods from class AudioOutput */ void Enable() override; void Disable() noexcept override; void Open(AudioFormat &new_audio_format) override; void Close() noexcept override { Stop(); } void Interrupt() noexcept override; std::chrono::steady_clock::duration Delay() const noexcept override { return pause && !LockWasShutdown() ? std::chrono::seconds(1) : std::chrono::steady_clock::duration::zero(); } size_t Play(const void *chunk, size_t size) override; void Cancel() noexcept override; bool Pause() override; private: bool LockWasShutdown() const noexcept { const std::scoped_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); return !!error; } }; static constexpr Domain jack_output_domain("jack_output"); /** * Throws on error. */ static unsigned parse_port_list(const char *source, std::string dest[]) { unsigned n = 0; for (auto i : IterableSplitString(source, ',')) { if (n >= MAX_PORTS) throw std::runtime_error("too many port names"); dest[n++] = std::string(i.data, i.size); } if (n == 0) throw std::runtime_error("at least one port name expected"); return n; } JackOutput::JackOutput(const ConfigBlock &block) :AudioOutput(FLAG_ENABLE_DISABLE|FLAG_PAUSE), name(block.GetBlockValue("client_name", nullptr)), server_name(block.GetBlockValue("server_name", nullptr)) { if (name != nullptr) options = jack_options_t(options | JackUseExactName); else /* if there's a no configured client name, we don't care about the JackUseExactName option */ name = "Music Player Daemon"; if (server_name != nullptr) options = jack_options_t(options | JackServerName); if (!block.GetBlockValue("autostart", false)) options = jack_options_t(options | JackNoStartServer); /* configure the source ports */ const char *value = block.GetBlockValue("source_ports", "left,right"); num_source_ports = parse_port_list(value, source_ports); /* configure the destination ports */ value = block.GetBlockValue("destination_ports", nullptr); if (value == nullptr) { /* compatibility with MPD < 0.16 */ value = block.GetBlockValue("ports", nullptr); if (value != nullptr) FmtWarning(jack_output_domain, "deprecated option 'ports' in line {}", block.line); } if (value != nullptr) { num_destination_ports = parse_port_list(value, destination_ports); } else { num_destination_ports = 0; } auto_destination_ports = block.GetBlockValue("auto_destination_ports", true); if (num_destination_ports > 0 && num_destination_ports != num_source_ports) FmtWarning(jack_output_domain, "number of source ports ({}) mismatches the " "number of destination ports ({}) in line {}", num_source_ports, num_destination_ports, block.line); ringbuffer_size = block.GetPositiveValue("ringbuffer_size", 32768U); } inline jack_nframes_t JackOutput::GetAvailable() const noexcept { size_t min = jack_ringbuffer_read_space(ringbuffer[0]); for (unsigned i = 1; i < audio_format.channels; ++i) { size_t current = jack_ringbuffer_read_space(ringbuffer[i]); if (current < min) min = current; } assert(min % jack_sample_size == 0); return min / jack_sample_size; } /** * Call jack_ringbuffer_read_advance() on all buffers in the list. */ static void MultiReadAdvance(ConstBuffer<jack_ringbuffer_t *> buffers, size_t size) { for (auto *i : buffers) jack_ringbuffer_read_advance(i, size); } /** * Write a specific amount of "silence" to the given port. */ static void WriteSilence(jack_port_t &port, jack_nframes_t nframes) { auto *out = (jack_default_audio_sample_t *) jack_port_get_buffer(&port, nframes); if (out == nullptr) /* workaround for libjack1 bug: if the server connection fails, the process callback is invoked anyway, but unable to get a buffer */ return; std::fill_n(out, nframes, 0.0); } /** * Write a specific amount of "silence" to all ports in the list. */ static void MultiWriteSilence(ConstBuffer<jack_port_t *> ports, jack_nframes_t nframes) { for (auto *i : ports) WriteSilence(*i, nframes); } /** * Copy data from the buffer to the port. If the buffer underruns, * fill with silence. */ static void Copy(jack_port_t &dest, jack_nframes_t nframes, jack_ringbuffer_t &src, jack_nframes_t available) { auto *out = (jack_default_audio_sample_t *) jack_port_get_buffer(&dest, nframes); if (out == nullptr) /* workaround for libjack1 bug: if the server connection fails, the process callback is invoked anyway, but unable to get a buffer */ return; /* copy from buffer to port */ jack_ringbuffer_read(&src, (char *)out, available * jack_sample_size); /* ringbuffer underrun, fill with silence */ std::fill(out + available, out + nframes, 0.0); } inline void JackOutput::Process(jack_nframes_t nframes) { if (nframes <= 0) return; jack_nframes_t available = GetAvailable(); const unsigned n_channels = audio_format.channels; if (pause) { /* empty the ring buffers */ MultiReadAdvance({ringbuffer, n_channels}, available * jack_sample_size); /* generate silence while MPD is paused */ MultiWriteSilence({ports, n_channels}, nframes); return; } if (available > nframes) available = nframes; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_channels; ++i) Copy(*ports[i], nframes, *ringbuffer[i], available); /* generate silence for the unused source ports */ MultiWriteSilence({ports + n_channels, num_source_ports - n_channels}, nframes); } static void mpd_jack_error(const char *msg) { LogError(jack_output_domain, msg); } #ifdef HAVE_JACK_SET_INFO_FUNCTION static void mpd_jack_info(const char *msg) { LogNotice(jack_output_domain, msg); } #endif void JackOutput::Disconnect() noexcept { assert(client != nullptr); jack_deactivate(client); jack_client_close(client); client = nullptr; } void JackOutput::Connect() { error = {}; jack_status_t status; client = jack_client_open(name, options, &status, server_name); if (client == nullptr) throw FormatRuntimeError("Failed to connect to JACK server, status=%d", status); jack_set_process_callback(client, Process, this); jack_on_info_shutdown(client, OnShutdown, this); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_source_ports; ++i) { unsigned long portflags = JackPortIsOutput | JackPortIsTerminal; ports[i] = jack_port_register(client, source_ports[i].c_str(), JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, portflags, 0); if (ports[i] == nullptr) { Disconnect(); throw FormatRuntimeError("Cannot register output port \"%s\"", source_ports[i].c_str()); } } } static bool mpd_jack_test_default_device() { return true; } inline void JackOutput::Enable() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_source_ports; ++i) ringbuffer[i] = nullptr; Connect(); } inline void JackOutput::Disable() noexcept { if (client != nullptr) Disconnect(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_source_ports; ++i) { if (ringbuffer[i] != nullptr) { jack_ringbuffer_free(ringbuffer[i]); ringbuffer[i] = nullptr; } } } static AudioOutput * mpd_jack_init(EventLoop &, const ConfigBlock &block) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_JACK LoadJackLibrary(); #endif jack_set_error_function(mpd_jack_error); #ifdef HAVE_JACK_SET_INFO_FUNCTION jack_set_info_function(mpd_jack_info); #endif return new JackOutput(block); } /** * Stops the playback on the JACK connection. */ void JackOutput::Stop() noexcept { if (client == nullptr) return; if (LockWasShutdown()) /* the connection has failed; close it */ Disconnect(); else /* the connection is alive: just stop playback */ jack_deactivate(client); } inline void JackOutput::Start() { assert(client != nullptr); assert(audio_format.channels <= num_source_ports); /* allocate the ring buffers on the first open(); these persist until MPD exits. It's too unsafe to delete them because we can never know when mpd_jack_process() gets called */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_source_ports; ++i) { if (ringbuffer[i] == nullptr) ringbuffer[i] = jack_ringbuffer_create(ringbuffer_size); /* clear the ring buffer to be sure that data from previous playbacks are gone */ jack_ringbuffer_reset(ringbuffer[i]); } if ( jack_activate(client) ) { Stop(); throw std::runtime_error("cannot activate client"); } const char *dports[MAX_PORTS], **jports; unsigned num_dports; if (num_destination_ports == 0) { /* if user requests no auto connect, we are done */ if (!auto_destination_ports) { return; } /* no output ports were configured - ask libjack for defaults */ jports = jack_get_ports(client, nullptr, nullptr, JackPortIsPhysical | JackPortIsInput); if (jports == nullptr) { Stop(); throw std::runtime_error("no ports found"); } assert(*jports != nullptr); for (num_dports = 0; num_dports < MAX_PORTS && jports[num_dports] != nullptr; ++num_dports) { FmtDebug(jack_output_domain, "destination_port[{}] = '{}'\n", num_dports, jports[num_dports]); dports[num_dports] = jports[num_dports]; } } else { /* use the configured output ports */ num_dports = num_destination_ports; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_dports; ++i) dports[i] = destination_ports[i].c_str(); jports = nullptr; } AtScopeExit(jports) { if (jports != nullptr) jack_free(jports); }; assert(num_dports > 0); const char *duplicate_port = nullptr; if (audio_format.channels >= 2 && num_dports == 1) { /* mix stereo signal on one speaker */ std::fill(dports + num_dports, dports + audio_format.channels, dports[0]); } else if (num_dports > audio_format.channels) { if (audio_format.channels == 1 && num_dports >= 2) { /* mono input file: connect the one source channel to the both destination channels */ duplicate_port = dports[1]; num_dports = 1; } else /* connect only as many ports as we need */ num_dports = audio_format.channels; } assert(num_dports <= num_source_ports); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_dports; ++i) { int ret = jack_connect(client, jack_port_name(ports[i]), dports[i]); if (ret != 0) { Stop(); throw FormatRuntimeError("Not a valid JACK port: %s", dports[i]); } } if (duplicate_port != nullptr) { /* mono input file: connect the one source channel to the both destination channels */ int ret; ret = jack_connect(client, jack_port_name(ports[0]), duplicate_port); if (ret != 0) { Stop(); throw FormatRuntimeError("Not a valid JACK port: %s", duplicate_port); } } } inline void JackOutput::Open(AudioFormat &new_audio_format) { pause = false; if (client != nullptr && LockWasShutdown()) Disconnect(); if (client == nullptr) Connect(); new_audio_format.sample_rate = jack_get_sample_rate(client); if (num_source_ports == 1) new_audio_format.channels = 1; else if (new_audio_format.channels > num_source_ports) new_audio_format.channels = 2; /* JACK uses 32 bit float in the range [-1 .. 1] - just like MPD's SampleFormat::FLOAT*/ static_assert(jack_sample_size == sizeof(float), "Expected float32"); new_audio_format.format = SampleFormat::FLOAT; audio_format = new_audio_format; interrupted = false; Start(); } void JackOutput::Interrupt() noexcept { const std::unique_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); /* the "interrupted" flag will prevent Play() from waiting, and will instead throw AudioOutputInterrupted */ interrupted = true; } inline size_t JackOutput::WriteSamples(const float *src, size_t n_frames) { assert(n_frames > 0); const unsigned n_channels = audio_format.channels; float *dest[MAX_CHANNELS]; size_t space = SIZE_MAX; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_channels; ++i) { jack_ringbuffer_data_t d[2]; jack_ringbuffer_get_write_vector(ringbuffer[i], d); /* choose the first non-empty writable area */ const jack_ringbuffer_data_t &e = d[d[0].len == 0]; if (e.len < space) /* send data symmetrically */ space = e.len; dest[i] = (float *)e.buf; } space /= jack_sample_size; if (space == 0) return 0; const size_t result = n_frames = std::min(space, n_frames); while (n_frames-- > 0) for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_channels; ++i) *dest[i]++ = *src++; const size_t per_channel_advance = result * jack_sample_size; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_channels; ++i) jack_ringbuffer_write_advance(ringbuffer[i], per_channel_advance); return result; } inline size_t JackOutput::Play(const void *chunk, size_t size) { pause = false; const size_t frame_size = audio_format.GetFrameSize(); assert(size % frame_size == 0); size /= frame_size; while (true) { { const std::scoped_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); if (error) std::rethrow_exception(error); if (interrupted) throw AudioOutputInterrupted{}; } size_t frames_written = WriteSamples((const float *)chunk, size); if (frames_written > 0) return frames_written * frame_size; /* XXX do something more intelligent to synchronize */ usleep(1000); } } void JackOutput::Cancel() noexcept { const std::unique_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); interrupted = false; } inline bool JackOutput::Pause() { { const std::scoped_lock<Mutex> lock(mutex); interrupted = false; if (error) std::rethrow_exception(error); } pause = true; return true; } const struct AudioOutputPlugin jack_output_plugin = { "jack", mpd_jack_test_default_device, mpd_jack_init, nullptr, };