/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "HybridDsdDecoderPlugin.hxx" #include "../DecoderAPI.hxx" #include "input/InputStream.hxx" #include "util/ByteOrder.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "util/WritableBuffer.hxx" #include "util/StaticFifoBuffer.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <string.h> static constexpr Domain hybrid_dsd_domain("hybrid_dsd"); namespace { static bool InitHybridDsdDecoder(const ConfigBlock &block) { /* this plugin is disabled by default because for people without a DSD DAC, the PCM (=ALAC) part of the file is better */ if (block.GetBlockParam("enabled") == nullptr) { LogDebug(hybrid_dsd_domain, "The Hybrid DSD decoder is disabled because it was not explicitly enabled"); return false; } return true; } /** * This exception gets thrown by FindHybridDsdData() to indicate a * file format error. */ struct UnsupportedFile {}; struct Mp4ChunkHeader { uint32_t size; char type[4]; }; void ReadFull(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input, WritableBuffer<uint8_t> dest) { while (!dest.empty()) { size_t nbytes = client.Read(input, dest.data, dest.size); if (nbytes == 0) throw UnsupportedFile(); dest.skip_front(nbytes); } } void ReadFull(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input, WritableBuffer<void> dest) { ReadFull(client, input, WritableBuffer<uint8_t>::FromVoid(dest)); } template<typename T> T ReadFullT(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input) { T dest; ReadFull(client, input, WritableBuffer<void>(&dest, sizeof(dest))); return dest; } Mp4ChunkHeader ReadHeader(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input) { return ReadFullT<Mp4ChunkHeader>(client, input); } uint32_t ReadBE32(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input) { return FromBE32(ReadFullT<uint32_t>(client, input)); } } /* anonymous namespace */ static std::pair<AudioFormat, offset_type> FindHybridDsdData(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input) { auto audio_format = AudioFormat::Undefined(); bool found_version = false; while (true) { auto header = ReadHeader(client, input); const size_t header_size = FromBE32(header.size); if (header_size < sizeof(header)) throw UnsupportedFile(); size_t remaining = header_size - sizeof(header); if (memcmp(header.type, "bphv", 4) == 0) { /* version; this plugin knows only version 1 */ if (remaining != 4 || ReadBE32(client, input) != 1) throw UnsupportedFile(); remaining -= 4; found_version = true; } else if (memcmp(header.type, "bphc", 4) == 0) { /* channel count */ if (remaining != 4) throw UnsupportedFile(); auto channels = ReadBE32(client, input); remaining -= 4; if (!audio_valid_channel_count(channels)) throw UnsupportedFile(); audio_format.channels = channels; } else if (memcmp(header.type, "bphr", 4) == 0) { /* (bit) sample rate */ if (remaining != 4) throw UnsupportedFile(); auto sample_rate = ReadBE32(client, input) / 8; remaining -= 4; if (!audio_valid_sample_rate(sample_rate)) throw UnsupportedFile(); audio_format.sample_rate = sample_rate; } else if (memcmp(header.type, "bphf", 4) == 0) { /* format: 0 = plain DSD; 1 = DST compressed (only plain DSD is understood by this plugin) */ if (remaining != 4 || ReadBE32(client, input) != 0) throw UnsupportedFile(); remaining -= 4; audio_format.format = SampleFormat::DSD; } else if (memcmp(header.type, "bphd", 4) == 0) { /* the actual DSD data */ if (!found_version || !audio_format.IsValid()) throw UnsupportedFile(); return std::make_pair(audio_format, remaining); } /* skip this chunk payload */ input.LockSkip(remaining); } } static void HybridDsdDecode(DecoderClient &client, InputStream &input) { if (!input.CheapSeeking()) /* probe only if seeking is cheap, i.e. not for HTTP streams */ return; uint64_t total_frames; size_t frame_size; unsigned kbit_rate; try { auto result = FindHybridDsdData(client, input); auto duration = result.first.SizeToTime<SignedSongTime>(result.second); client.Ready(result.first, true, duration); frame_size = result.first.GetFrameSize(); kbit_rate = frame_size * result.first.sample_rate / (1024U / 8U); total_frames = result.second / frame_size; } catch (UnsupportedFile) { /* not a Hybrid-DSD file; let the next decoder plugin (e.g. FFmpeg) handle it */ return; } const offset_type start_offset = input.GetOffset(); offset_type remaining_bytes = total_frames * frame_size; StaticFifoBuffer<uint8_t, 16384> buffer; auto cmd = client.GetCommand(); while (remaining_bytes > 0) { uint64_t seek_frame; switch (cmd) { case DecoderCommand::NONE: case DecoderCommand::START: break; case DecoderCommand::STOP: return; case DecoderCommand::SEEK: seek_frame = client.GetSeekFrame(); if (seek_frame >= total_frames) { /* seeking past the end */ client.CommandFinished(); return; } try { input.LockSeek(start_offset + seek_frame * frame_size); remaining_bytes = (total_frames - seek_frame) * frame_size; buffer.Clear(); client.CommandFinished(); } catch (...) { LogError(std::current_exception()); client.SeekError(); } cmd = DecoderCommand::NONE; break; } /* fill the buffer */ auto w = buffer.Write(); if (!w.empty()) { if (remaining_bytes < (1<<30ULL) && w.size > size_t(remaining_bytes)) w.size = remaining_bytes; const size_t nbytes = client.Read(input, w.data, w.size); if (nbytes == 0) return; remaining_bytes -= nbytes; buffer.Append(nbytes); } /* submit the buffer to our client */ auto r = buffer.Read(); auto n_frames = r.size / frame_size; if (n_frames > 0) { cmd = client.SubmitData(input, r.data, n_frames * frame_size, kbit_rate); buffer.Consume(n_frames * frame_size); } } } static const char *const hybrid_dsd_suffixes[] = { "m4a", nullptr }; const struct DecoderPlugin hybrid_dsd_decoder_plugin = { "hybrid_dsd", InitHybridDsdDecoder, nullptr, HybridDsdDecode, nullptr, nullptr, /* no scan method here; the FFmpeg plugin will do that for us, and we only do the decoding */ nullptr, nullptr, hybrid_dsd_suffixes, nullptr, };