/* * Copyright 2003-2021 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "Directory.hxx" #include "ExportedSong.hxx" #include "SongSort.hxx" #include "Song.hxx" #include "Mount.hxx" #include "db/LightDirectory.hxx" #include "db/Uri.hxx" #include "db/DatabaseLock.hxx" #include "db/Interface.hxx" #include "db/Selection.hxx" #include "song/Filter.hxx" #include "lib/icu/Collate.hxx" #include "fs/Traits.hxx" #include "util/DeleteDisposer.hxx" #include "util/StringCompare.hxx" #include "util/StringView.hxx" #include <cassert> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> Directory::Directory(std::string &&_path_utf8, Directory *_parent) noexcept :parent(_parent), path(std::move(_path_utf8)) { } Directory::~Directory() noexcept { if (mounted_database != nullptr) { mounted_database->Close(); mounted_database.reset(); } songs.clear_and_dispose(DeleteDisposer()); children.clear_and_dispose(DeleteDisposer()); } void Directory::Delete() noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); assert(parent != nullptr); parent->children.erase_and_dispose(parent->children.iterator_to(*this), DeleteDisposer()); } const char * Directory::GetName() const noexcept { assert(!IsRoot()); if (parent->IsRoot()) return path.c_str(); assert(StringAfterPrefix(path.c_str(), parent->path.c_str()) != nullptr); assert(*StringAfterPrefix(path.c_str(), parent->path.c_str()) == PathTraitsUTF8::SEPARATOR); /* strip the parent directory path and the slash separator from this directory's path, and the base name remains */ return path.c_str() + parent->path.length() + 1; } Directory * Directory::CreateChild(std::string_view name_utf8) noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); assert(!name_utf8.empty()); std::string path_utf8 = IsRoot() ? std::string(name_utf8) : PathTraitsUTF8::Build(GetPath(), name_utf8); auto *child = new Directory(std::move(path_utf8), this); children.push_back(*child); return child; } const Directory * Directory::FindChild(std::string_view name) const noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); for (const auto &child : children) if (name.compare(child.GetName()) == 0) return &child; return nullptr; } Song * Directory::LookupTargetSong(std::string_view _target) noexcept { StringView target{_target}; if (target.SkipPrefix("../")) { if (parent == nullptr) return nullptr; return parent->LookupTargetSong(target); } /* sorry for the const_cast ... */ const auto lr = LookupDirectory(target); return lr.directory->FindSong(lr.rest); } void Directory::PruneEmpty() noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); for (auto child = children.begin(), end = children.end(); child != end;) { child->PruneEmpty(); if (child->IsEmpty() && !child->IsMount()) child = children.erase_and_dispose(child, DeleteDisposer()); else ++child; } } Directory::LookupResult Directory::LookupDirectory(std::string_view _uri) noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); if (isRootDirectory(_uri)) return { this, _uri, {} }; StringView uri(_uri); Directory *d = this; do { auto [name, rest] = uri.Split(PathTraitsUTF8::SEPARATOR); if (name.empty()) break; Directory *tmp = d->FindChild(name); if (tmp == nullptr) /* not found */ break; d = tmp; uri = rest; } while (uri != nullptr); return { d, _uri.substr(0, uri.data - _uri.data()), uri }; } void Directory::AddSong(SongPtr song) noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); assert(song != nullptr); assert(&song->parent == this); songs.push_back(*song.release()); } SongPtr Directory::RemoveSong(Song *song) noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); assert(song != nullptr); assert(&song->parent == this); songs.erase(songs.iterator_to(*song)); return SongPtr(song); } const Song * Directory::FindSong(std::string_view name_utf8) const noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); for (auto &song : songs) { assert(&song.parent == this); if (song.filename == name_utf8) return &song; } return nullptr; } gcc_pure static bool directory_cmp(const Directory &a, const Directory &b) noexcept { return IcuCollate(a.path, b.path) < 0; } void Directory::Sort() noexcept { assert(holding_db_lock()); children.sort(directory_cmp); song_list_sort(songs); for (auto &child : children) child.Sort(); } void Directory::Walk(bool recursive, const SongFilter *filter, bool hide_playlist_targets, const VisitDirectory& visit_directory, const VisitSong& visit_song, const VisitPlaylist& visit_playlist) const { if (IsMount()) { assert(IsEmpty()); /* TODO: eliminate this unlock/lock; it is necessary because the child's SimpleDatabasePlugin::Visit() call will lock it again */ const ScopeDatabaseUnlock unlock; WalkMount(GetPath(), *mounted_database, "", DatabaseSelection("", recursive, filter), visit_directory, visit_song, visit_playlist); return; } if (visit_song) { for (auto &song : songs) { if (hide_playlist_targets && song.in_playlist) continue; const auto song2 = song.Export(); if (filter == nullptr || filter->Match(song2)) visit_song(song2); } } if (visit_playlist) { for (const PlaylistInfo &p : playlists) visit_playlist(p, Export()); } for (auto &child : children) { if (visit_directory) visit_directory(child.Export()); if (recursive) child.Walk(recursive, filter, hide_playlist_targets, visit_directory, visit_song, visit_playlist); } } LightDirectory Directory::Export() const noexcept { return {GetPath(), mtime}; }