/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Filter.hxx" #include "NotSongFilter.hxx" #include "UriSongFilter.hxx" #include "BaseSongFilter.hxx" #include "TagSongFilter.hxx" #include "ModifiedSinceSongFilter.hxx" #include "AudioFormatSongFilter.hxx" #include "LightSong.hxx" #include "AudioParser.hxx" #include "tag/ParseName.hxx" #include "tag/Tag.hxx" #include "time/ChronoUtil.hxx" #include "time/ISO8601.hxx" #include "util/CharUtil.hxx" #include "util/ConstBuffer.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "util/StringAPI.hxx" #include "util/StringCompare.hxx" #include "util/StringStrip.hxx" #include "util/StringView.hxx" #include "util/ASCII.hxx" #include "util/UriUtil.hxx" #include "lib/icu/CaseFold.hxx" #include <exception> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define LOCATE_TAG_FILE_KEY "file" #define LOCATE_TAG_FILE_KEY_OLD "filename" #define LOCATE_TAG_ANY_KEY "any" enum { /** * Limit the search to files within the given directory. */ LOCATE_TAG_BASE_TYPE = TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES + 1, LOCATE_TAG_MODIFIED_SINCE, LOCATE_TAG_AUDIO_FORMAT, LOCATE_TAG_FILE_TYPE, LOCATE_TAG_ANY_TYPE, }; /** * @return #TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES on error */ gcc_pure static unsigned locate_parse_type(const char *str) noexcept { if (StringEqualsCaseASCII(str, LOCATE_TAG_FILE_KEY) || StringEqualsCaseASCII(str, LOCATE_TAG_FILE_KEY_OLD)) return LOCATE_TAG_FILE_TYPE; if (StringEqualsCaseASCII(str, LOCATE_TAG_ANY_KEY)) return LOCATE_TAG_ANY_TYPE; if (strcmp(str, "base") == 0) return LOCATE_TAG_BASE_TYPE; if (strcmp(str, "modified-since") == 0) return LOCATE_TAG_MODIFIED_SINCE; if (StringEqualsCaseASCII(str, "AudioFormat")) return LOCATE_TAG_AUDIO_FORMAT; return tag_name_parse_i(str); } SongFilter::SongFilter(TagType tag, const char *value, bool fold_case) { /* for compatibility with MPD 0.20 and older, "fold_case" also switches on "substring" */ and_filter.AddItem(std::make_unique<TagSongFilter>(tag, StringFilter(value, fold_case, fold_case, false))); } SongFilter::~SongFilter() { /* this destructor exists here just so it won't get inlined */ } std::string SongFilter::ToExpression() const noexcept { return and_filter.ToExpression(); } static std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ParseTimeStamp(const char *s) { assert(s != nullptr); try { /* try ISO 8601 */ return ParseISO8601(s).first; } catch (...) { char *endptr; unsigned long long value = strtoull(s, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr == 0 && endptr > s) /* it's an integral UNIX time stamp */ return std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t((time_t)value); /* rethrow the ParseISO8601() error */ throw; } } static constexpr bool IsTagNameChar(char ch) noexcept { return IsAlphaASCII(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '-'; } static const char * FirstNonTagNameChar(const char *s) noexcept { while (IsTagNameChar(*s)) ++s; return s; } static auto ExpectWord(const char *&s) { const char *begin = s; const char *end = FirstNonTagNameChar(s); if (end == s) throw std::runtime_error("Word expected"); s = StripLeft(end); return std::string(begin, end); } static auto ExpectFilterType(const char *&s) { const auto name = ExpectWord(s); const auto type = locate_parse_type(name.c_str()); if (type == TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) throw FormatRuntimeError("Unknown filter type: %s", name.c_str()); return type; } static constexpr bool IsQuote(char ch) noexcept { return ch == '"' || ch == '\''; } static std::string ExpectQuoted(const char *&s) { const char quote = *s++; if (!IsQuote(quote)) throw std::runtime_error("Quoted string expected"); char buffer[4096]; size_t length = 0; while (*s != quote) { if (*s == '\\') /* backslash escapes the following character */ ++s; if (*s == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Closing quote not found"); buffer[length++] = *s++; if (length >= sizeof(buffer)) throw std::runtime_error("Quoted value is too long"); } s = StripLeft(s + 1); return {buffer, length}; } /** * Parse a string operator and its second operand and convert it to a * #StringFilter. * * Throws on error. */ static StringFilter ParseStringFilter(const char *&s, bool fold_case) { if (auto after_contains = StringAfterPrefixIgnoreCase(s, "contains ")) { s = StripLeft(after_contains); auto value = ExpectQuoted(s); return StringFilter(std::move(value), fold_case, true, false); } if (auto after_not_contains = StringAfterPrefixIgnoreCase(s, "!contains ")) { s = StripLeft(after_not_contains); auto value = ExpectQuoted(s); return StringFilter(std::move(value), fold_case, true, true); } bool negated = false; #ifdef HAVE_PCRE if ((s[0] == '!' || s[0] == '=') && s[1] == '~') { negated = s[0] == '!'; s = StripLeft(s + 2); auto value = ExpectQuoted(s); StringFilter f(std::move(value), fold_case, false, negated); f.SetRegex(std::make_shared<UniqueRegex>(f.GetValue().c_str(), false, false, fold_case)); return f; } #endif if (s[0] == '!' && s[1] == '=') negated = true; else if (s[0] != '=' || s[1] != '=') throw std::runtime_error("'==' or '!=' expected"); s = StripLeft(s + 2); auto value = ExpectQuoted(s); return StringFilter(std::move(value), fold_case, false, negated); } ISongFilterPtr SongFilter::ParseExpression(const char *&s, bool fold_case) { assert(*s == '('); s = StripLeft(s + 1); if (*s == '(') { auto first = ParseExpression(s, fold_case); if (*s == ')') { ++s; return first; } if (ExpectWord(s) != "AND") throw std::runtime_error("'AND' expected"); auto and_filter = std::make_unique<AndSongFilter>(); and_filter->AddItem(std::move(first)); while (true) { and_filter->AddItem(ParseExpression(s, fold_case)); if (*s == ')') { ++s; return and_filter; } if (ExpectWord(s) != "AND") throw std::runtime_error("'AND' expected"); } } if (*s == '!') { s = StripLeft(s + 1); if (*s != '(') throw std::runtime_error("'(' expected"); auto inner = ParseExpression(s, fold_case); if (*s != ')') throw std::runtime_error("')' expected"); s = StripLeft(s + 1); return std::make_unique<NotSongFilter>(std::move(inner)); } auto type = ExpectFilterType(s); if (type == LOCATE_TAG_MODIFIED_SINCE) { const auto value_s = ExpectQuoted(s); if (*s != ')') throw std::runtime_error("')' expected"); s = StripLeft(s + 1); return std::make_unique<ModifiedSinceSongFilter>(ParseTimeStamp(value_s.c_str())); } else if (type == LOCATE_TAG_BASE_TYPE) { auto value = ExpectQuoted(s); if (*s != ')') throw std::runtime_error("')' expected"); s = StripLeft(s + 1); return std::make_unique<BaseSongFilter>(std::move(value)); } else if (type == LOCATE_TAG_AUDIO_FORMAT) { bool mask; if (s[0] == '=' && s[1] == '=') mask = false; else if (s[0] == '=' && s[1] == '~') mask = true; else throw std::runtime_error("'==' or '=~' expected"); s = StripLeft(s + 2); const auto value = ParseAudioFormat(ExpectQuoted(s).c_str(), mask); if (*s != ')') throw std::runtime_error("')' expected"); s = StripLeft(s + 1); return std::make_unique<AudioFormatSongFilter>(value); } else { auto string_filter = ParseStringFilter(s, fold_case); if (*s != ')') throw std::runtime_error("')' expected"); s = StripLeft(s + 1); if (type == LOCATE_TAG_ANY_TYPE) type = TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; if (type == LOCATE_TAG_FILE_TYPE) return std::make_unique<UriSongFilter>(std::move(string_filter)); return std::make_unique<TagSongFilter>(TagType(type), std::move(string_filter)); } } void SongFilter::Parse(const char *tag_string, const char *value, bool fold_case) { unsigned tag = locate_parse_type(tag_string); switch (tag) { case TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown filter type"); case LOCATE_TAG_BASE_TYPE: if (!uri_safe_local(value)) throw std::runtime_error("Bad URI"); and_filter.AddItem(std::make_unique<BaseSongFilter>(value)); break; case LOCATE_TAG_MODIFIED_SINCE: and_filter.AddItem(std::make_unique<ModifiedSinceSongFilter>(ParseTimeStamp(value))); break; case LOCATE_TAG_FILE_TYPE: /* for compatibility with MPD 0.20 and older, "fold_case" also switches on "substring" */ and_filter.AddItem(std::make_unique<UriSongFilter>(StringFilter(value, fold_case, fold_case, false))); break; default: if (tag == LOCATE_TAG_ANY_TYPE) tag = TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; /* for compatibility with MPD 0.20 and older, "fold_case" also switches on "substring" */ and_filter.AddItem(std::make_unique<TagSongFilter>(TagType(tag), StringFilter(value, fold_case, fold_case, false))); break; } } void SongFilter::Parse(ConstBuffer<const char *> args, bool fold_case) { if (args.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Incorrect number of filter arguments"); do { if (*args.front() == '(') { const char *s = args.shift(); const char *end = s; auto f = ParseExpression(end, fold_case); if (*end != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Unparsed garbage after expression"); and_filter.AddItem(std::move(f)); continue; } if (args.size < 2) throw std::runtime_error("Incorrect number of filter arguments"); const char *tag = args.shift(); const char *value = args.shift(); Parse(tag, value, fold_case); } while (!args.empty()); } void SongFilter::Optimize() noexcept { OptimizeSongFilter(and_filter); } bool SongFilter::Match(const LightSong &song) const noexcept { return and_filter.Match(song); } bool SongFilter::HasFoldCase() const noexcept { for (const auto &i : and_filter.GetItems()) { if (auto t = dynamic_cast<const TagSongFilter *>(i.get())) { if (t->GetFoldCase()) return true; } else if (auto u = dynamic_cast<const UriSongFilter *>(i.get())) { if (u->GetFoldCase()) return true; } } return false; } bool SongFilter::HasOtherThanBase() const noexcept { for (const auto &i : and_filter.GetItems()) { const auto *f = dynamic_cast<const BaseSongFilter *>(i.get()); if (f == nullptr) return true; } return false; } const char * SongFilter::GetBase() const noexcept { for (const auto &i : and_filter.GetItems()) { const auto *f = dynamic_cast<const BaseSongFilter *>(i.get()); if (f != nullptr) return f->GetValue(); } return nullptr; } SongFilter SongFilter::WithoutBasePrefix(const char *_prefix) const noexcept { const StringView prefix(_prefix); SongFilter result; for (const auto &i : and_filter.GetItems()) { const auto *f = dynamic_cast<const BaseSongFilter *>(i.get()); if (f != nullptr) { const char *s = StringAfterPrefix(f->GetValue(), prefix); if (s != nullptr) { if (*s == 0) continue; if (*s == '/') { ++s; if (*s != 0) result.and_filter.AddItem(std::make_unique<BaseSongFilter>(s)); continue; } } } result.and_filter.AddItem(i->Clone()); } return result; }