/* * Copyright 2003-2018 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "lib/alsa/NonBlock.hxx" #include "mixer/MixerInternal.hxx" #include "mixer/Listener.hxx" #include "output/OutputAPI.hxx" #include "event/MultiSocketMonitor.hxx" #include "event/DeferEvent.hxx" #include "event/Call.hxx" #include "util/ASCII.hxx" #include "util/ReusableArray.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" extern "C" { #include "volume_mapping.h" } #include <alsa/asoundlib.h> #include <math.h> #define VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_DEFAULT "default" #define VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_CONTROL_DEFAULT "PCM" static constexpr unsigned VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_INDEX_DEFAULT = 0; class AlsaMixerMonitor final : MultiSocketMonitor { DeferEvent defer_invalidate_sockets; snd_mixer_t *mixer; ReusableArray<pollfd> pfd_buffer; public: AlsaMixerMonitor(EventLoop &_loop, snd_mixer_t *_mixer) :MultiSocketMonitor(_loop), defer_invalidate_sockets(_loop, BIND_THIS_METHOD(InvalidateSockets)), mixer(_mixer) { defer_invalidate_sockets.Schedule(); } ~AlsaMixerMonitor() { BlockingCall(MultiSocketMonitor::GetEventLoop(), [this](){ MultiSocketMonitor::Reset(); defer_invalidate_sockets.Cancel(); }); } private: std::chrono::steady_clock::duration PrepareSockets() noexcept override; void DispatchSockets() noexcept override; }; class AlsaMixer final : public Mixer { EventLoop &event_loop; const char *device; const char *control; unsigned int index; snd_mixer_t *handle; snd_mixer_elem_t *elem; AlsaMixerMonitor *monitor; public: AlsaMixer(EventLoop &_event_loop, MixerListener &_listener) :Mixer(alsa_mixer_plugin, _listener), event_loop(_event_loop) {} virtual ~AlsaMixer(); void Configure(const ConfigBlock &block); void Setup(); /* virtual methods from class Mixer */ void Open() override; void Close() noexcept override; int GetVolume() override; void SetVolume(unsigned volume) override; }; static constexpr Domain alsa_mixer_domain("alsa_mixer"); std::chrono::steady_clock::duration AlsaMixerMonitor::PrepareSockets() noexcept { if (mixer == nullptr) { ClearSocketList(); return std::chrono::steady_clock::duration(-1); } return PrepareAlsaMixerSockets(*this, mixer, pfd_buffer); } void AlsaMixerMonitor::DispatchSockets() noexcept { assert(mixer != nullptr); int err = snd_mixer_handle_events(mixer); if (err < 0) { FormatError(alsa_mixer_domain, "snd_mixer_handle_events() failed: %s", snd_strerror(err)); if (err == -ENODEV) { /* the sound device was unplugged; disable this GSource */ mixer = nullptr; InvalidateSockets(); return; } } } /* * libasound callbacks * */ static int alsa_mixer_elem_callback(snd_mixer_elem_t *elem, unsigned mask) { AlsaMixer &mixer = *(AlsaMixer *) snd_mixer_elem_get_callback_private(elem); if (mask & SND_CTL_EVENT_MASK_VALUE) { try { int volume = mixer.GetVolume(); mixer.listener.OnMixerVolumeChanged(mixer, volume); } catch (...) { } } return 0; } /* * mixer_plugin methods * */ inline void AlsaMixer::Configure(const ConfigBlock &block) { device = block.GetBlockValue("mixer_device", VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_DEFAULT); control = block.GetBlockValue("mixer_control", VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_CONTROL_DEFAULT); index = block.GetBlockValue("mixer_index", VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_INDEX_DEFAULT); } static Mixer * alsa_mixer_init(EventLoop &event_loop, gcc_unused AudioOutput &ao, MixerListener &listener, const ConfigBlock &block) { AlsaMixer *am = new AlsaMixer(event_loop, listener); am->Configure(block); return am; } AlsaMixer::~AlsaMixer() { /* free libasound's config cache */ snd_config_update_free_global(); } gcc_pure static snd_mixer_elem_t * alsa_mixer_lookup_elem(snd_mixer_t *handle, const char *name, unsigned idx) noexcept { for (snd_mixer_elem_t *elem = snd_mixer_first_elem(handle); elem != nullptr; elem = snd_mixer_elem_next(elem)) { if (snd_mixer_elem_get_type(elem) == SND_MIXER_ELEM_SIMPLE && StringEqualsCaseASCII(snd_mixer_selem_get_name(elem), name) && snd_mixer_selem_get_index(elem) == idx) return elem; } return nullptr; } inline void AlsaMixer::Setup() { int err; if ((err = snd_mixer_attach(handle, device)) < 0) throw FormatRuntimeError("failed to attach to %s: %s", device, snd_strerror(err)); if ((err = snd_mixer_selem_register(handle, nullptr, nullptr)) < 0) throw FormatRuntimeError("snd_mixer_selem_register() failed: %s", snd_strerror(err)); if ((err = snd_mixer_load(handle)) < 0) throw FormatRuntimeError("snd_mixer_load() failed: %s\n", snd_strerror(err)); elem = alsa_mixer_lookup_elem(handle, control, index); if (elem == nullptr) throw FormatRuntimeError("no such mixer control: %s", control); snd_mixer_elem_set_callback_private(elem, this); snd_mixer_elem_set_callback(elem, alsa_mixer_elem_callback); monitor = new AlsaMixerMonitor(event_loop, handle); } void AlsaMixer::Open() { int err; err = snd_mixer_open(&handle, 0); if (err < 0) throw FormatRuntimeError("snd_mixer_open() failed: %s", snd_strerror(err)); try { Setup(); } catch (...) { snd_mixer_close(handle); throw; } } void AlsaMixer::Close() noexcept { assert(handle != nullptr); delete monitor; snd_mixer_elem_set_callback(elem, nullptr); snd_mixer_close(handle); } int AlsaMixer::GetVolume() { int err; assert(handle != nullptr); err = snd_mixer_handle_events(handle); if (err < 0) throw FormatRuntimeError("snd_mixer_handle_events() failed: %s", snd_strerror(err)); return lrint(100 * get_normalized_playback_volume(elem, SND_MIXER_SCHN_FRONT_LEFT)); } void AlsaMixer::SetVolume(unsigned volume) { assert(handle != nullptr); double cur = get_normalized_playback_volume(elem, SND_MIXER_SCHN_FRONT_LEFT); int delta = volume - lrint(100.*cur); int err = set_normalized_playback_volume(elem, cur + 0.01*delta, delta); if (err < 0) throw FormatRuntimeError("failed to set ALSA volume: %s", snd_strerror(err)); } const MixerPlugin alsa_mixer_plugin = { alsa_mixer_init, true, };